The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 37


After the first seed of doubt was planted in Shen Yuxiu's heart, the doubt intensified and gradually expanded.

Not only are the handwriting and personality different, but there are many things that make Shen Yuxiu feel that something is wrong.

Cheng Xingfei has very little strength, and even a bottle of water has to be taken by the bodyguard beside him.

Cheng Xingfei spoke softly, and smiled a little when he saw everyone.

Cheng Xingfei's motor nerves are not well-developed, and he sprained his foot when he was not careful. He is completely different from the girl who wears high heels and dares to dance with a sword

The accumulation of these nuances points to a mind-boggling answer.

Shen Yuxiu suppressed all these confusions in her heart, and never mentioned it to anyone.

He thought that his "observation" was done quietly, but all the crew members found that their director Shen seemed to be watching the heroine of the movie all the time, anytime, anywhere.

That line of sight followed like a shadow, so blatant that no one could ignore it.

In the temporary rest shed, Chang Ji put his elbow on the waist of the light boy and asked in a low voice, "What's going on with Director Shen and Mr. Cheng?"

"It's not obvious that a man often looks at a woman, what else could be the reason?" Brother Lighting clenched his fists, put his thumbs together, made an ambiguous gesture, and said in a low voice, "Obviously, Director Shen Pursue Teacher Cheng."

Chang Ji widened his eyes in shock: "This is impossible."

"Isn't it impossible that there are still fewer actors who make love because of the drama?" Brother Lighting said, "Besides, there are handsome men and beautiful women together, and we are just paid employees, so why talk about the boss's affairs."

They were getting together to gossip, when suddenly there was a strange noise behind them.

The two of them were taken aback, thinking that they had been caught talking about gossip behind their backs. They looked back in fear——behind them, a tall and strong figure stood at the door of the rest shed, and Lie Yang dragged out a long trail under him. The shadow is like a dormant giant beast.

The man is expressionless. Because he is too tall, he has a "condescending" feeling when looking at people, as if the people in front of him are all ants.

"You are..." Chang Ji swallowed, "is the assistant next to Mr. Cheng?"

"Hmm." Zhuo Yi said lightly, "Where should I put it?"

The recorder was confused: "Where to put what"

"These." Zhuo Yi raised both hands, only then did he realize that the man was carrying two large boxes of beverages in his left and right hands. Although each box was very heavy, it was as light as a feather in his hands. Zhuo Yi said in a deep voice: "Everyone worked hard on filming, Mr. Cheng invited everyone to drink."

The scene recorder was still there in a daze, but the light brother reacted first, and quickly brushed away the debris piled up on the table, saying: "Here, just put it here."

Zhuo Yi came in with several boxes of drinks, and the boxes were stacked together, making a heavy sound.

Changji and the lighting brother exchanged a look. It seems that they are lucky. The assistant didn't hear what they were talking about just now.

After putting away the drinks, Zhuo Yi nodded slightly, then turned and left in silence. But when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and looked back.

At that moment, Chang Ji's whole body was stiff, as if being stared at by some ferocious beast, goosebumps stood up in an instant.

Chang Ji's eyes trembled, and he moved on Zhuo Yi's shoulders, arms, and fists. This great god is not a star assistant, but it is obviously a humanoid self-propelled weapon. They can't resist his blow.

"Brother assistant, what advice do you have?" Chang Ji was about to cry, the two were fighting, why did he talk so cheaply and gossip just now, now he can't wait to kneel down directly, just wanting to leave a whole body.

"I can't talk about advice." Zhuo Yi's tone was light, "I just want to remind you, don't gossip about my boss behind your back—remember, we Miss Cheng are beautiful alone, and we don't speculate on CP."


The little gossip in the crew disappeared without a sound before the two parties involved didn't notice it.

The filming is still going on, Shen Yuxiu is now focusing all his energy on finding your filming, he can only temporarily suppress Cheng Xingfei's strangeness in his heart.

A few days later, Shi Ge flew from Huacheng to Hengshi, and brought the proposal of the Vossoe jewelry design competition, and came to Shen Yuxiu in a hurry.

After the day's filming ended, Shen Yuxiu managed to find some time to read the proposal.

He turned two pages and laughed, "I'm not a special judge for the jewelry competition."

"It's the rookie group, it's the rookie group." Shi Ge said hastily, "The rookie group is open to ordinary contestants. There will be three rounds of auditions, and finally the top 20 will be awarded one gold medal, three silver awards, and five bronze awards. The rest are all Excellence Awards. The main judging work is done by professionals, and the awards are presented around the New Year, when your movie should be finished, so it won’t take much of your time.”

Shen Yuxiu understood, he is a mascot.

He is the brand spokesperson and is responsible for cooperating with various matters of the jewelry competition. Soon Shi Ge finalized a supplementary agreement with Vossoe.

A week later, the publicity of the jewelry contest was vigorously spread online and offline.

The promotional webpage is very beautiful. After the page is opened, the high-definition photos of vossoe's jewelry over the years are unfolded one by one. Against the background of velvet, those gemstones reflect the dazzling light, highlighting the designer's outstanding aesthetics.

In the middle of the picture, a designer is at his desk to create, with a pointed pen soaked in ink, and with a series of tools such as rulers, compasses, and gouache, he outlines dreamlike lines on the paper. The sketched design is gradually refined and crafted by craftsmen, and finally transformed into a delicate sapphire brooch

The brooch was held up by a pair of bony hands and presented to the audience. The camera gradually climbed up along those hands, and the gloomy face of Xiu appeared in the camera. His eyes were deep and blue like the sea, echoing the sapphire brooch in his palm.

At the same time, the slogan of "Vossoe Jewelry Design Contest" gracefully appeared on the screen, and the registration channel was opened at the same time. Just one day after it went online, it was overwhelmed by the swarm of registrants.


"At first, my eyes were glued to the sapphire brooch, but when my husband came out, I could only stare at his face."

"The brooch in Shen Yuxiu's hand is a masterpiece from the late 19th century. It was once worn by a royal princess and is worth millions."

"Damn it, the valuation is tens of millions. That's a flat in the capital, my god. If I hold a flat in my hand, I'm afraid I'll drop it with a shake of my hand."

"I signed up for an account on impulse. I have always liked jewelry design and read a few books, but at my current level, participating in the competition is a bit over my head, hey."

"Upstairs, this competition has a cutting-edge award for newcomers. The submission time is as long as one month. Jewelry design creativity is king. Anyone who has a dream is great."

In front of the computer screen, Hua Zhao stared at the call for papers with bright eyes, humming a ditty involuntarily.

Otherwise, Her Royal Highness is lucky enough. She just made up her mind to try jewelry design a few days ago, but she is worried that there is no place to show her talents. Now there is a competition in front of her.

As for the gloomy harm in the advertisement, just ignore it, even if it's that annoying person, it can't affect Her Royal Highness's reputation

Hua Zhao read the detailed rules of the competition at a glance, and didn't pay attention to the sentence "Mr. Shen Yuxiu will be the special judge and award presenter of the New Talent Group", but only noticed one sentence - "The gold award works of the New Talent Group, in addition to the bonus, It is also handcrafted by professional artisans into precious jewelry.”

This sentence means that as long as they win the first prize, the winners can not only get a generous bonus, but also can see their design drawings turned into real jewelry

Which architectural designer doesn't want to see the buildings he designed rise from the ground? Which fashion designer doesn't want to see the clothes he designed appear on the show

The same goes for jewelry designers.

Hua Zhao's heart is moved, not only is she moved, she can't wait to put it into action now

She has only one goal in her eyes - the gold medal. She must win the gold medal and wait until her work is made into a shining jewelry. She will give it to Cheng Xingfei herself as a testimony of their friendship.

It's just that she doesn't plan to tell anyone about her signing up for the competition. Isn’t it written like this in novels and TV dramas, the heroine always has a hand, and when she finally wins the award, she will amaze everyone, and she will say in surprise and humility: “Oh, how did I know that I would win the award, I just casually Signing up for the competition didn't put much effort into it."

Only such an understatement to win is enough to reflect the "genius" of the heroine.

This jewelry design competition is open to all designers in Huaguo, and the submitted works can be hand-drawn drafts or computer-modeled drafts.

Where does Hua Zhao know how to model with a computer, of course he chooses hand-painting.

She grew up in the deep palace, and like other princesses, she began to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child. Of course, she only learned a little bit of superficial knowledge before running to dance with guns and sticks, but her skills are still very good

Although she can't compare with those calligraphy and paintings, her level is far beyond the average person of this era.

She has a good foundation, and she signed up for an online jewelry design class online, and quickly found the way to get started.

After listening to courses such as "jewelry types", "design elements" and "structural balance", Hua Zhao tried to make designs by herself.

Although the class is taught online, the teacher is very responsible and will leave homework for each class. Hua Zhao brought out the strength of martial arts training when she was a child, studying hard and practicing hard. When the teacher asked her to draw one design, she asked herself to draw three pictures, vowing to do her best.

With her perseverance, her hard work finally paid off.

The teacher praised her for being spiritual and thoughtful, and every time she was in class, she had to take out her works individually for comment. The teacher said that from her design, you can see the shadow of many traditional cultural elements of Huaguo. Although it is still a little immature, but with more polishing, it will definitely make good progress.

But Hua Zhao felt that her progress was far from enough.

She told the teacher that her goal was the gold medal in the cutting-edge group of the Vossoe Jewelry Design Competition, and the teacher was surprised by her rhetoric.

The teacher's voice came from the earphones: "Student, you are indeed very spiritual, but you have just started learning after all, and the goal of the gold medal is a bit too high. But don't worry, with your current level, you will be shortlisted The award is definitely no problem."

Hua Zhao shook his head disdainfully at the computer screen.

Hua Zhao said: "Everyone knows that on a big tree, the fruit that is always hanging on the branch and receiving more sunshine and rain is the sweetest. The fruit that can be picked with a little tiptoe is never as good as the fruit that hangs. The one in the top of the tree."

Her Royal Highness will never hide her manifest ambitions. If the target is not high, how to match the target

There was silence in the headset for a while, and after a few seconds, the teacher's sigh came.

"As your teacher, I can't dampen your confidence." The teacher has been persuaded by her, "I heard some inside information about this vossoe design competition. Their brand of jewelry designed by European designers is not sold in the Huaguo market. They are not popular, so they hope that through this competition, they can discover young domestic designers and design jewelry that is more in line with Huaguo's aesthetics."

This news made Hua Zhao extremely pleasantly surprised - all her inspirations were born out of court jewelry thousands of years ago, this kind of design with classical aesthetics is her advantage

The teacher also said: "Jewelry design pays the most attention to inspiration, but inspiration definitely does not come from the sky and be done behind closed doors. When we design, we have to refer to the design experience of our predecessors. Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we see farther."

Hua Zhao accepted the teaching with an open mind: "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"You said before that you live in the capital, right?" The teacher pointed out a way for her, "The Huaguo History Museum is jealous. The fastest. Contains a lot of court jewellery, I suggest you check it out and get inspired."

Huaguo History Museum

Huachao Special Exhibition

Hua Zhao looked at the line of words on the screen, blinked her eyelashes, and felt mixed emotions in her heart.

This exhibition is where it all started——on the first night she traveled to this world, she accidentally broke into the exhibition hall, which triggered a series of follow-ups.

Until now, she can still recall the unbearable grief when she learned of the "destruction of the Hua Dynasty". She knelt down in front of the portrait of her father and cried bitterly. Her soul seemed to be torn apart at that moment.

She was broken and remade, and from that day forward, her life entered a completely different phase.

She got to know Xing Fei, got to know Zhuo Yi, and also got to know the blue-eyed enemy who ruined her country and family in her previous life.

Now, for a new life in the future, she wants to go back to the original starting point again—does she have the courage