The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 38


Putting on a mask, pressing down a baseball cap, and wearing ugly black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose—Hua Zhao wrapped himself up tightly from head to toe, holding a pen in one hand and a book in the other, not dressed like a visitor to a museum , It looks like an outlaw who came here to step on the spot.

When she walked into the museum, the guards in charge of security looked at her several times in doubt. Hua Zhao puffed up his chest, pretending to be calm, watching his eyes, nose, nose and heart, and said to himself: "I am a good citizen, I am a good citizen, I am a good citizen" , just pass between those guards.

She could see several familiar faces from the crowd——she trespassed in the museum that night, was arrested by Zhuo Yi, jumped like a dog, and seemed to have injured several little guards

I hope that her heart punch, whirlwind palm, and grandson kick will not leave too much psychological shadow on them.

She specially found a weekday, where there were not many people, so she could slow down and visit carefully. She stopped in front of the sign on the first floor of the museum, turned around and walked towards the exhibition hall on the right.

A minute later, she stopped in front of the a3 exhibition hall. At the entrance of the exhibition hall stood a screen wall as high as the dome, on which a few large characters were carved with a pen and a dragon - "Special Exhibition of the Flower Dynasty: The Rise and Demise of a Dynasty".

Hua Zhao stared blankly at those words, the blood in his whole body boiled like hot oil, and then froze like ice in an instant.

Hua Chao Hua Chao is not only the country where she fought with her life, but also the home where she grew up.

She thought she was fully prepared, but when she really stood here, she lost the courage to step in. There was a loud knock in the chest, Hua Zhao gritted her teeth, and wanted to step in several times, but her legs seemed to be nailed in place, and she couldn't move no matter what.

never mind

She thought, let's go home, to the home with air conditioning, game consoles, and friends.

Just when she was timidly about to escape, suddenly a strong force hit her from behind, she staggered, and looked back subconsciously.

The person who bumped into her was a little boy with a red scarf around his neck. He had a weird face, and his light green school uniform made him look like a rash onion.

"I'm sorry, Auntie," said Xiao Cong.

When Hua Zhao heard it, she didn't care about anything else, and immediately corrected: "Hey, look clearly, I'm not an auntie."

Xiao Cong tilted her head in confusion, obviously not believing it.

Hua Zhao squatted down, looked directly into his eyes, and then secretly pulled down a corner of the mask, revealing a delicate face.

"Look at it, look at it," Hua Zhao emphasized, "Have you ever seen such a young, beautiful, and temperamental aunt? Call me sister?"

"—Princess" Xiao Cong's eyes widened. He is now at the age of changing his teeth. One of his front teeth fell out, and there was a slight leak when he spoke, "You are the princess on TV."

Hua Zhao was taken aback, who would have thought that this face was so "famous" that even six or seven-year-old friends would recognize it. She quickly put on the mask, lowered the brim of the hat, and hid most of her face, only revealing a pair of dark eyes. She was very guilty: "You are wrong."

At this moment, there was a burst of eager footsteps, and a middle-aged woman in her forties ran over. She was sweating profusely and her face was full of tension. The moment her eyes locked on Xiaocong, she immediately jumped He came up and quickly grabbed Xiaocong's collar.

Xiao Cong gave a strange cry of "Aww", and the red scarf was almost deformed by being dragged.

"Teacher teacher teacher teacher" he begged for mercy repeatedly.

The female teacher was so angry that she frowned and said, "Do you want to scare the teacher to death? Did the teacher tell you how many times before he came here? When visiting the museum, don't chase and fight, don't make loud noises, and don't leave the team to play. You're fine. , came here alone, if you are really lost, how can the teacher explain to your parents."

Xiao Cong is a naughty boy, when he heard the teacher moved his parents out, he immediately stood up and apologized: "Report to the teacher, I know I'm wrong, please don't invite the parents qaq"

Female teacher: "Do you know how dangerous it is for you to leave the team alone? What will you do if you encounter bad people?"

"I haven't met any bad guys." Xiao Cong rolled her eyes and said loudly, "I have met Your Highness the Princess."

"What princess?"

"It's Her Royal Highness." Xiao Cong danced and danced, wanting to introduce Her Royal Highness to the teacher, but he turned his head and looked around, but he couldn't see any princess. There was nothing around him, and he couldn't even see a person.

Xiao Cong scratched his hair in doubt, and swore to the teacher: "I really saw the princess, the princess of Huachao." As he spoke, he pointed to the Huachao exhibition hall next to him, "The princess is standing here, she wants to go in."

He is still young, and occasionally he can't distinguish between TV and reality. The teacher shook her head helplessly, thinking it was just a child's whimsy and nonsense, she held his arm tightly with one hand, and forbade him to run around again.

The teacher didn't know that just behind the screen wall a few meters away from them, the real princess was hiding there like a dog, poking her head out carefully, and quickly retracting it.

Hua Zhao pressed his whole body against the wall, patted his chest, and was so nervous that his entire back was almost soaked.

She was really careless, it was no big deal to be called auntie by a brat, she almost exposed her identity in order to gain popularity.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly lowered the brim of her hat again, for fear of being noticed again.

She raised her head and looked left and right——it was only then that she realized that she had stepped into Hua Chao's exhibition hall in such a daze

Hua Zhao: ""

She was shocked at first, then at a loss, and then she felt a sense of fate.

Forget it, since she came, she will be at peace, since she walked in, then she can watch an exhibition to her heart's content.

Just take it as a farewell to the memories of a thousand years ago.

There are not many people in the exhibition hall on weekdays. Inside the thick glass, there are various exhibits excavated by archaeologists. Whether it is porcelain ornaments or jewelry and clothing, they all have very distinctive Huachao characteristics - colorful, The colors are bold and luxurious.

Huachao died in the third generation. Although it was only a short hundred years, a large number of romantic figures emerged in this century, and countless artistic treasures were left behind.

The caravan crossed the vast desert, traversed the dangers of the Tianshan Mountains, and penetrated east and west. Everyone knows that when the camel bell rang, the porcelain and silk of Huachao flowed to the west, and the spices and beasts of the West also poured into Huachao.

It is inevitable that not every piece exhibited in the museum is a palace masterpiece: in the last years of the Hua Dynasty, wars were raging, and many palace treasures disappeared in the smoke, leaving only a few. But even if there are only a few of these works, exquisite ideas and superb metallurgical porcelain-making techniques can be glimpsed from them.

Hua Zhao stopped in front of the exhibition window, her figure was projected on the thick glass window, false and real, fake and real.

She focused her eyes on those familiar or unfamiliar artifacts, as if she was looking at the dusty memory in history.

This standard bowl and chopsticks are only for concubines.

That set of exquisitely carved jade paperweights was once seen in the imperial study. There are also hairpins, ear hooks, purses, and bracelets that are not only loved by women in Huachao, but also worn by men.

Hua Zhao watched, recalled, and studied. She took out her mobile phone and took photos of these precious cultural relics, intending to incorporate these familiar elements into her current design. She was deeply inspired, and now she has more confidence to win the vossoe design competition.

Just as she was immersed in the torrent of time, a refreshing female voice suddenly sounded behind her: "Everyone, please come closer, let's take a look at this artifact."

Hey, why is this voice so familiar

Hua Zhao looked back, and at some point, this exhibition area was taken over by a group of "Scallions". The first-grade Xiaodou Ding huddled together, lying on the glass window, looking curiously at the exhibits inside the glass window .

The person surrounded by them is a girl who looks about the same age as Hua Zhao. She has neat short hair, is wearing a loudspeaker device, and wears a work card on her chest, with a few big words on it——Museum Internship Narrator: Li An

Li An

Isn't this the tutor that Cheng Xingfei hired for Hua Zhao

If I remember correctly, Li An is studying history, and it is normal for her to be a museum guide {just go to x.}.

Hua Zhao never expected to see someone she knew here. Although the class was taught online before, Li An had never seen Hua Zhao's appearance, but Hua Zhao shrank her neck guiltily, and buried most of her face under the mask.

Li An didn't know that just a few steps away from her in front of the window, her former "student" was listening to her explanation.

Li An walked and watched with the children, telling them about the glory and decline of Huachao.

Hua Zhao followed them not too far away, and she also wanted to know what Hua Chao looked like among those who studied history.

Unknowingly, the exhibition hall has basically been visited, and Li An led the children to the last exhibit.

This exhibit is a bit special: it is a portrait of human height, the woman in the portrait is charming and bright, wearing a complicated and gorgeous gown, wearing a crown, accumulating gold hairpins, her eyes are full of autumn water, and her smile is as clear as ever Positive.

Hua Zhao recognized this portrait - it was painted by a court painter at her eighteenth birthday banquet.

Because after thousands of years, this painting already bears the traces of time, and the silk is yellowed, but it still cannot hide the beauty of the person in the painting.

However, limited by the painting style at that time, this painting is only 70% similar to Hua Zhao himself.

Hua Zhao was very surprised. After the painting was completed, it had been hanging in her bedroom. She thought it had been destroyed in the flames of war long ago.

Next to this painting, there is actually a movable LED display screen, which is playing Princess Hua Zhao's film and television drama, but there is a line of big characters underneath: "Video and film materials, for reference only"

On the screen, Princess Hua Zhao, played by Cheng Xingfei, stands on the tower, weeping blood and dancing, tears like beads.

Off the screen, the real Princess Huazhao is looking at the portrait in ecstasy, and those memories are like surging waves, endless.

The narrator Li An cleared his throat and explained to the children: "The portrait we are seeing now was unearthed in the tomb of Princess Hua Zhao. The children must know her story, so I won't repeat it here. Hua Zhao After the princess was martyred, her body was never found, and the people erected a tomb for her in memory of her; General Hu Yanlu of the Huns took this portrait out of the palace and buried her with national ceremonies.”

"——How could Huyanlu bury Princess Huazhao?"

Suddenly, a questioning female voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd, interrupting Li An's explanation.

Li An had no choice but to stop explaining and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a slender girl questioning behind the group of visiting children.

Li An had actually noticed that girl for a long time. It was so hot in the museum, but that girl was wearing a baseball cap and a mask, listening to the explanation all the way, which looked strange.

And the question just now was uttered by this girl.

Li An nodded: "Yes, it was Hu Yanlu. General Huyanlu admired Princess Huazhao's righteousness, so after capturing the Huachao Palace, he ordered someone to take out the portrait of the princess and send it to the tomb for a dignified burial."

"He wouldn't have such a kind heart." Hua Zhao gritted her teeth, but no one noticed. Her fingers were tightly clenched into fists, and her nails were sunk in her palm. The beast is the one who led the army to attack the Hua Dynasty, it was he who caused the death of the Hua Dynasty emperor, it was him"

How could that blue-eyed beast bury her

"Miss, please calm down." Seeing her getting more and more agitated, Li An hurriedly said, "Historical issues need to be treated dialectically. Let's not mention the matter of national integration, just talk about Hu Yanlu. ——According to historical records, Hu Yanlu was a heroic general with a benevolent heart.”

"Benevolent Heart" Hua Zhao almost laughed out loud, this is really ridiculous

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Li An could only explain in detail: "Huyanlu is the son of the King of the Huns and a Persian dancer, and he has not been favored since childhood. The reason why the King of the Huns ordered him to lead the army to fight is because his life is not as good as other sons. It's worth money, but Hu Yanlu is a natural general, he conquered the twelve states of the Central Plains in one fell swoop, and finally reached the capital of Huachao."

"I already knew what you said"

"Then do you know that after the death of Princess Hua Zhao, there were still many civilians who hadn't had time to evacuate the capital, and the King of the Huns ordered the massacre of the city—but Hu Yanlv resisted the pressure and let everyone go at night."


Hearing this, Hua Zhao was startled.

However, Li An's words were not exhausted.

"Because Hu Yanlu refused to obey orders, the Hun King, who didn't like this son, suspected that he had the intention of treason, so he killed him with his own hands."


"After his death, Huyanlu's eyes were gouged out, thrown into the mire, and trampled by thousands of people; while his body was exposed to the wilderness, eaten by wild animals."

Hua Zhao could no longer hear Li An's words after that.

In just a few minutes, her cognition was subverted like this.

She hated Huyanlu for so long, so she sacrificed herself to protect the common people just like her.

The blue eyes she had hated for so long were stained with blood, and she couldn't even take another look at the world.

After she "died", the people mourned for her, and incense was wafted in front of the grave, and she will see the light of day after a thousand years.

and after his death

However, after his death

And he, after death.


On the big bed in the hotel bedroom, Sullen suddenly woke up from his sleep, his forehead was covered with sweat; deep in his eyes, there was a faint pain.

I had that strange dream again.

It was still dark outside the window, but Su Yuxiu had no sleepiness at all.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and got up from the bed. He was only wearing a pair of pajama pants, his muscular upper body was bathed in the moonlight, and his back was covered with dripping sweat.

Since he returned to China, he has always had a strange dream intermittently.

In the dream, there are military horses neighing, and there are broken arms and limbs. In the dream, he turned into an ancient general, fighting at the forefront of the battlefield.

Those dreams have no color, no sound, like black and white silent films.

He had seen a psychiatrist several times for this, but the doctor told him that he was just under too much pressure to prepare for the film, so in his dream he imagined himself as a general who charged into battle, trying to break through the obstacles in reality.

Shen Yuxiu accepted this statement for a while—until one night, an extra figure appeared in his dream.

In his dream, he came to the city and looked up at the tall tower. On the tower, a young girl danced gracefully.

In this overlapping black and white dreamland, only the red dance dress on the girl's body became the only light adorning the world, which amazed his sight.

But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't see the girl's appearance clearly.

what is this dream

who is that

There is no solution.

Shen Yuxiu didn't have many dreams, but this time, the strange dream turned into a nightmare.

He dreamed that his eyes were cut off by someone, and he was in great pain, very painful, but he couldn't make a sound.

Shen Yuxiu rubbed her eyes, stumbled towards the bathroom, and turned on the overhead light.

The dazzling light made him close his eyes subconsciously, and opened them after a few seconds to look into the mirror.

——In the mirror, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, making him look particularly terrifying.

Shen Yuxiu stared at herself in the mirror, and slowly raised her hand to touch the reflection in the mirror.

The mirror is cold.

What are these strange dreams

Who is the person in his dream