The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 39: (add half more)


Hua Zhao couldn't remember how she got home, she was in a daze, all she could think about was the words she heard in the museum.

For a long time, she has poured hatred for the subjugation of the country and the killing of her father on Huyan Lv, but she didn't know until today that Hu Yan Lv is not as cold and ruthless as she thought.

When seeing Shen Yuxiu who looks exactly like Hu Yanlu, this complex hatred was transferred to Shen Yuxiu. Every time we met, she would take the initiative to speak provocatively

Thinking of all the unhappiness of the previous meeting, Hua Zhao fell headfirst on the bed, kicked his feet on the quilt, screamed wildly, trying to suffocate himself with the pillow.

This is all black history, black history

Hua Zhao slumped under the quilt in despondency, her eyes were bright red in the darkness.

She was decadent at home for several days, and she didn't even have time to write the design draft she was supposed to draw. Remember to "meditate" when designing, otherwise the drawing is just a mess of rubbish. If she takes such rubbish works to the competition, let alone winning, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to be in the top 20 finalists.

After giving up on herself, the little princess became obsessed with the game world again.

There are only a few of her game friends left, and all the concubines have abandoned her. Recently, Wang Yike has been busy recording a new album, but he never appears every time he goes online, so Hua Zhao can only fight alone.

Fortunately, eating chicken can be done in a single row, and she went to the front line alone, shooting every shot to relieve the irritability in her heart.

It's a pity that she was too confused and lost her sense of proportion. She played several games in a row, and her record was a mess. Not to mention winning the final victory, she was shot by someone else within a few minutes of the start.

Why are games against her

Hua Zhao was extremely frustrated, and was about to quit the game when suddenly the system notified that her friend s. was online.

Hua Zhao glanced at the time - it is four o'clock in the morning.

Playboy: I haven't seen you for eight hundred years, so I thought you deleted the game and stopped playing.

s.: I've been busy with work recently, so I haven't been online.

s.: You are not Cheng Xingfei, are you

Playboy: Didn't Bai Yan say it last time, this number is played by two people.

Playboy: She only plays as a medic when she goes online, and is responsible for being a flamboyant; I only play as an attacker when I go online, and am responsible for being a hunk.

s.: I thought you were a girl.

Playboy: Who stipulated that girls can't be aggressive

Playboy: hand slippery, I mean, who stipulates that girls can't be a hunk

There is really no regulation.

The two teamed up in double rows, and when they were waiting for the skydive on the plane, the two chatted one after another.

Playboy: It's so late, why didn't you sleep

s.: Didn't you sleep too

s.: Girls should go to bed early and get up early, as staying up late is prone to hair loss.

Playful hunk: hunk with white eyes.jpg

Playboy: Boys should go to bed early and get up early, as staying up late is prone to impotence.

s. As if frightened by her words, he slipped his hand, chose a very bad place to parachute, and landed directly into the center of the war zone. If he didn't operate well enough and dodge quickly, he would definitely be beaten No sieve.

s.: It's not that I can't sleep, I just woke up.

Playboy: It's only half past four

s.: I've been having nightmares recently.

s.: I can't fall asleep after the nightmare is over.

Playboy: I am the exact opposite of you. I have something on my mind, and I want to sleep but can't.

Playful hunk: hunk grievance.jpg

One woke up early, the other slept late, and they met on the battlefield at four o'clock in the morning. You take the ak47 to chug, and I take the pan to relieve my suffocation. The strong alliance, the tacit cooperation on the battlefield, is invincible.

s.: Can you tell me something

Playboy: Hey, I just found out that I wronged someone.

Playboy: I misunderstood him before, and he was not pleasing to the eye anyway, but I only found out the truth a few days ago, and I felt very uncomfortable.

s.: If you have anything to say, just talk about it. If you apologize sincerely, he will definitely accept it.

Hua Zhao looked at the words on the screen and sighed deeply.

Of course she knows that a personal apology is the best way to solve the problem-but this matter can't be solved so easily

Shen Yuxiu didn't know Hua Zhao's existence at all, and every time Hua Zhao appeared in front of him, he pretended to be Cheng Xingfei.

If Hua Zhao directly jumped out to apologize to him now, Shen Yuxiu would probably be scared to death before she opened her mouth.

Besides, how is she going to explain all this to Shen Yuxiu? Shen Yuxiu's appearance is exactly the same as that of Hu Yanlv. He is suspected to be his reincarnation, but he doesn't seem to have inherited the memory of his previous life.

Hey, thinking of this makes Hua Zhao feel dizzy.

Her Royal Highness sighed deeply, raised the weapon in her hand, and shot the head of the person behind the bunker in the distance.

Flower clwx.〇m Flower Man: If only apologizing was as easy as beheading.

s.: Decapitation is very simple in the game.

Hey, Her Royal Highness is not talking about the game.