The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 4


Of course she is not a ghost. She debuted as a child star at the age of 10 and set a ratings record at the age of 20. She is the darling of all major luxury brands, and she is the hottest female star today. Her name is Cheng Xingfei.

Of course she is not a ghost. She was born in the palace and grew up on the emperor's knee. She is the most controversial royal noble in the history books, and she is the last princess of the Hua Dynasty. Her name is Hua Zhao.

They were originally born in two eras, but the magic of time allowed them to meet here across thousands of years.

After all, Cheng Xingfei is a modern person, and she is also a female star who has seen a lot of troubles. Although the whole thing is full of weirdness, she must not let herself be confused.

Compared with her, Hua Zhao couldn't be so calm.

In this short day and night, Hua Zhao experienced too many bizarre things.

She was surrounded by a group of things she had never seen before, and what made her most desperate and shocked was that if the place called "museum" was true, her father, her dynasty, the country she wanted to defend, and The people disappeared in the long river of history as early as a thousand years ago

how will she accept how will she accept

Last night, she didn't have time to think, tears rolled down her cheeks, and a group of men appeared out of nowhere, insisting that she was a thief and trying to turn her away to some "police station". Martial arts, just barely escaped from those people.

Her hair was messed up, her pearl hairpin fell out, her clothes were torn, and her face was dusty. She fled to this garden in a hurry, and hid in an inconspicuous corner. She wanted to wait for the sun to go down before finding another way out, but a person appeared out of nowhere who looked exactly like her

Hua Zhao's eyes widened, and he almost blurted out "Ghost".

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, Cheng Xingfei turned his back on the guest and covered her mouth with both hands.

The two of you look into my eyes.

Each other's hands are still covering each other's mouth.

No one can speak.

Cheng Xingfei: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Hua Zhao: "Hey Hey Hey"

Simultaneously mute.

Say one, two, three silently, and let go at the same time.

As soon as he let go, Hua Zhao jumped eight feet away with a jerk, and his whole body was about to stick to the rockery. Like a frightened cat.

But the gap between the rockery is only so narrow, no matter how she hides, the distance between the two is still very close, so close that they can clearly see each other's clothes.

Cheng Xingfei was the first to calm down.

She preempted: "what's your name"

Hua Zhao was extremely vigilant: "You deserve to know the name of Bold Bengong"

Cheng Xingfei: ""

A particularly absurd guess emerged from the bottom of Cheng Xingfei's heart. Although this guess is too ridiculous and unbelievable, after eliminating all impossible options, the final remaining option is the correct answer.

Cheng Xingfei collected himself and asked her, "Odds change and even don't change"

Naturally, Hua Zhao has never heard of it: "The chicken does not change when it changes into a dog, so does the duck change into a cat?"

Cheng Xingfei: "You are my little apple"

Hua Zhao: "I don't like apples."

Cheng Xingfei: "Riding a monkey on a tree, and one monkey under a tree, how many monkeys in total?"

Hua Zhao immediately looked up at the tree: "Where are there monkeys?"

Cheng Xingfei: ""


Cheng Xingfei is basically sure that there is a 99.9% possibility that this girl who doesn't seem to have a good brain is the Princess Huazhao who came from time travel.

How ridiculous, how true.

Cheng Xingfei raised a smile, and said in the tone of a queen coaxing Snow White: "Your Highness, are you hungry? I'll feed you."

The History Museum opens at 9:00 every day, and at 8:50, there is already a long queue of tourists waiting to enter.

In the reception room, Miss P finished talking with the director of the museum, and then left the museum under the escort of Captain Zhuo.

Cheng Xingfei's nanny car was parked in the parking lot, and Zhuo Yi was still on duty, so he had to send Miss P to the gate.

Because he was rude to Cheng Xingfei just now, Miss P found him very unpleasant, and she didn't have a good look at him.

Zhuo Yi doesn't care about this: Cheng Xingfei is a female star, and he is the captain of the museum's guard. Their identities are very different, and the intersection in this life is probably over.

It doesn't matter whether the impression of a person who has only "meeted once" is good or bad.

Miss P quickly found Cheng Xingfei's nanny car in the parking lot. She opened the door and got in the car. The air conditioner in the car was fully turned on, blowing away the heat from her body.

Cheng Xingfei had already returned to the car ahead of time, she was sitting there upright with a cute face.

The nanny car is very spacious, and the front driver's seat and the rear row are separated by soundproof walls, which can ensure sufficient privacy. Whatever they were talking about in the back, the driver in the front couldn't hear.

Sister P took out the powder cake from her bag to touch up her makeup, and at the same time outlined the situation with Cheng Xingfei.

"Xing Fei, I have already negotiated with the museum. The leakage of the museum's surveillance cameras was caused by their poor supervision. They will be responsible for clarifying and hold accountable the guard who leaked the video."

Cheng Xingfei blinked and said, "Miss P, I want to tell you something."

"Also, the source of the video that came out of the taxi has not been found yet. I have asked someone to talk to the taxi company, and there will be an answer by tonight at the latest."

"Sister, listen to me"

"By the way, do you know what a strange thing the director told me? In the video, didn't the girl in red fall down, and the pearl hairpin on her head fell to the ground. The people in the museum took the hairpin The pearl hairpin was picked up, and after identification, the pearl hairpin was actually made of real natural pearls and gilt gold. Judging from the craftsmanship of the pearl hairpin, it should be a cultural relic of the Hua Dynasty, but the real cultural relic is no matter how well preserved it is. There will be traces of time, but the pearl hairpin is brand new, even if it is stolen from the tomb, it is impossible to be so clean. Do you think it is strange?"

"Sister" Cheng Xingfei raised the volume again, interrupting the manager's words, "Can you listen to what I have to say?"

Sister P finally stopped touching up her makeup, and her eyes shifted from the mirror in the powder box to Cheng Xingfei.

Miss P raised her eyebrows and asked nonchalantly, "Well, what do you want to say?"

Cheng Xingfei's expression was a bit weird, she smiled obediently, but her eyes blinked restlessly, this kind of look is not common, like a cat who has done something bad and acted coquettishly and begged the excrement officer to forgive her.

She slowly stretched out a finger and pointed to the back of the nanny car.

Miss P turned her head to look in the direction of her finger. The next second, the powder in the manager's hand fell to the ground and shattered into powder.

"You don't need to salute me," the girl in red on the back seat raised her chin, her tone was haughty, "I'm tired, why don't you take me to take a bath and have dinner quickly?"

Ms. p: ""

Ms. p: ""

Ms. p: ""

Cheng Xingfei pushed her and asked in a low voice, "Sister, are you okay?"

Sister P let out a bear roar from her throat: "I'm such a fart, Cheng Xingfei, you're getting bolder, aren't you?"

Hua Zhao took a hot bath, changed into a bathrobe, and sat on the soft and wide sofa a little cautiously. Her eyes rolled around, looking at the room curiously.

she is reserved

Wrong, she pretended

The pink silk suspender pajamas were wrapped around the girl's body. She lifted the skirt and stroked the layers of white lace with her fingertips. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

She feels that the world after a thousand years is like something written in a strange book and a strange story, but here is more beautiful than the world in the book

The buildings here are so tall, as if you can reach out and touch the stars; the windows here are all made of transparent glass, even if she was born in the palace, she has never seen such a luxurious usage; as for bathing and changing clothes, it is even more peculiar. Open the valve, and there will be a steady stream of hot water flowing out. You don't use soap locust to wash your hair, but a kind of fragrant balm. Rub it, and there will be many, many bubbles

Hua Zhao has always been bold, and she even leaned in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows to look at the endless stream of people and cars downstairs.

It's sunny outside, but it's cool inside. It is said that there is something called a "central air conditioner" that can cool down. She walked around the house barefoot, flipping through this and playing with that, as if she regarded this place as her own home.

It simply engraved lawlessness in his bones.

The living room and dining room are separated by a transparent glass partition wall. In the restaurant, Ms. P crossed her arms and kept her gaze away from Hua Zhao for a moment. Her gaze was full of scrutiny and consideration, as if that charming girl like a rose would transform into a fluffy bomb at any time.

Cheng Xingfei came out of the kitchen and handed her a glass of water and a painkiller.

Miss P was finally willing to turn her gaze to her.

Sister P: "Why did you get me a painkiller?"

Cheng Xingfei smiled: "I'm afraid you will have a headache."

"" Sister P said angrily, "So you still know that you have caused such a big trouble, even if I have nine lives, you will kill eight of them."

However, although she complained, she was not really angry. She has worked with Cheng Xingfei for more than a year, and she knows that Cheng Xingfei is not as soft and talkative as he appears on the surface.

Cheng Xingfei seems to be as gentle as water, as if anyone can easily break her; but in fact, she has a firm mind, as long as she decides on something, there is no possibility of turning back. Overcoming all opinions, he insisted on taking over the drama of Princess Hua Zhao.

Thinking of Princess Huazhao, Miss P's head hurts even more.

After all, there is a lively real princess right in front of them

Sister P took the painkiller, rubbed her forehead, and asked, "Xing Fei, did we not wake up? We're not twins. How could there be people who look exactly the same? Could it be that they got plastic surgery after you?"

Cheng Xingfei replied: "She doesn't even know how to use facial cleanser. Just now I helped her remove the makeup with my own hands. I touched that face from top to bottom. It's the original one, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Sister P has been in the industry for many years, and I don't know how many artists have seen plastic surgery or not. Some makeup artists are really good at drawing two completely different people exactly the same, but the appearance after removing the makeup can't fool people, that face is exactly the same as Cheng Xingfei.

Even the little mole right now is exactly the same.

Ms. P still doesn't believe it, she firmly holds her own materialism concept: "Even if you bump into each other, it's something like time travel"

Before she could finish her sentence, Hua Zhao bumped into something in the living room. The TV originally hidden in the background wall flipped out, the screen lit up, and the laughter of the guests and the audience came from the automatically playing variety show. Applause.

The "villain" who suddenly appeared on TV scared Hua Zhao who was completely unprepared.

She screamed and subconsciously jumped onto the coffee table next to her.

The tea table was wobbly and almost fell apart; Hua Zhao was taken aback, and hurriedly jumped from the coffee table to the armrest of the sofa. This was great, the sofa lost its balance and turned over on its side

Before the sofa fell over, Hua Zhao hurriedly supported the glass cabinet next to him. The closet was densely packed with all the trophies Cheng Xingfei had won in the past few years. When the closet was shaken, the trophies fell down one after another like bowling pins hit by a ball.

Hua Zhao was afraid that he would be hit, so he hung his whole body on the floor-to-ceiling curtain beside him, only to hear a "hiss", and the curtain was pulled off inch by inch.

Thunderbolts, bangs, bangs, bangs, and in a blink of an eye, the originally magnificently decorated living room turned into a broken battlefield.

The TV was hit by a glass and the screen was half black.

The tea table fell over and the tea stained the carpet.

Sofas overturned, cabinets toppled, trophies fell all over the floor, even the curtains were torn from the top

Everything happened so fast that neither Cheng Xingfei nor Sister P could react.

Cheng Xingfei: ""

Ms. p: ""

Sister P was stunned: "Even the TV can scare her like this. I now believe that she is a princess who came from time travel."

Cheng Xingfei looked at the mess on the ground, the smile on his face could no longer hold, his expression gradually collapsed: "No, she is not a princess who came through time, she is my ancestor who came through time."