The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 42


Just because she met that bastard Shen Yuxiu on the road, Hua Zhao's good mood was completely ruined.

Originally, she ordered twenty skewers for herself as supper tonight, but now she was so angry that she couldn't eat any more, so she had to throw all of them to Zhuo Yi for him to deal with.

After returning to the room, she stared at the mirror bitterly, and pinched her soft face—this is fat, this is fat, it is obviously cute baby fat, does Shen Yuxiu have any aesthetics

She forgot, however, that Shen Yuxiu is the director, and he deals with the camera every day, his eyes are harsher than the lens, and he can spot every slight change in "Cheng Xingfei"'s appearance immediately.

When Cheng Xingfei came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she was taken aback by Her Royal Highness—Hua Zhao was standing upside down in the center of the room with her head down and her feet up, like a misplaced sea-fixing needle, waiting for Sun Dasheng Come and take her away.

Cheng Xingfei asked confusedly: "Hua Zhao, what are you doing at night?"

Hua Zhao replied: "Shen Ke, didn't you say that I have gained weight and my face is a bit round, so I do some exercise before going to bed to stretch my muscles and bones."

Inversion looks simple, but it is very difficult to persist in inversion for a long time. This movement tests the strength of abdominal core muscles and arms too much. Hua Zhao only stood on his head for ten minutes, and then he was sweating all over, and the clothes on his back were also wet. Her arms were trembling and she was sweating profusely, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

There is an old saying that goes well, if you sharpen your guns before the battle, you will be happy if you are unhappy. For the sake of her hard work tonight, it's best if she loses ten catties of meat when she wakes up tomorrow, blinding her gloomy dog eyes

After hearing her explanation, Cheng Xingfei squatted down, stretched out his hand hesitantly, and poked Hua Zhao's flushed face: "But according to the gravity of the earth, when you stand on your head, the flesh of your whole body will run towards your face, isn't it? The more you stand upside down, the bigger your face will be?"

Hua Zhao: ""

Hua Zhao: ""

Hua Zhao: ""

Hua Zhao's hand softened, and fell to the ground with a thud.

by miscalculation

At five o'clock the next morning, Cheng Xingfei dragged Hua Zhao out of bed.

When Hua Zhao stayed at home alone, she was used to going to bed late and waking up late. She either stayed up late to play games, or stayed up late to draw design drafts, and sometimes she would even stay up all night. Who would have thought that she would be deprived of the right to sleep late when she was on the set? , I have to get up before dawn in the morning, and go out with Cheng Xingfei.

Regarding this "stand-in battle", they have already discussed a countermeasure: Compared with variety shows, the production crew has a more complicated environment. If Hua Zhao is directly replaced by Cheng Xingfei, she will definitely reveal her secrets. Therefore, they must proceed step by step and never advance aggressively.

The specific method is that when Cheng Xingfei goes out to film normally every day, Hua Zhao will dress up as her assistant to watch the whole shooting process, familiarize herself with the specific process of shooting and the actors who play with her, and at the same time remember the faces and faces of the crew members. name.

When the time is right, Hua Zhao will try to chat with the crew in the name of Cheng Xingfei to see if the truth will be revealed.

In a word, for wretched development, safety is the top priority.

In order to prevent Hua Zhao from revealing her true identity, Cheng Xingfei personally put on makeup for her—using a foundation two shades darker than her skin, paired with exaggerated European and American eye makeup and a highlighter wig, and then putting on a mask, Hua Zhao transformed herself , became Cheng Xingfei's new "little assistant".

When Cheng Xingfei was filming, Hua Zhao and Zhuo Yi stood on the sidelines and watched together.

For Her Royal Highness, everything on the set makes her feel novel and interesting: the make-up artist who is always waiting by the side to prepare makeup, the scene recorder who can't stop for a moment, the young-looking but vicissitudes-filled fill light Brother, a photographer who values the camera more than his life

And most importantly, the soul of the entire crew - Shen Yuxiu.

Shen Yuxiu is both the director and the leading actor. He is the well-deserved core of this movie. When he's sitting behind a monitor, he's an uncompromising tyrant; when he's in front of a camera, he's a shimmering warrior.

Hua Zhao met Shen Yuxiu three times before, but these three times, Shen Yuxiu always acted like a gentleman and considerate, with the corners of his mouth raised, and polite; but on the set, Shen Yuxiu was strict and restrained, with restrained eyes and a condescending scrutiny .

He is examining his works, he is examining every screw in the crew, and at the same time examining himself.

Seeing that look in his eyes, Hua Zhao couldn't help but tremble in his heart—it's too similar, the gloomy Xiu at this moment is really too similar to Hu Yanlu who once came to the city a thousand years ago.

Hua Zhao couldn't tell the difference between the two.

She didn't know that when she was carefully observing Shen Yuxiu, the people in the crew were also secretly observing her.

During the lunch break, several staff members got together and shared gossip quietly.

Someone asked: "Did you notice that the new assistant next to Teacher Cheng didn't suddenly appear, and I haven't seen it before."

Another person said: "What the hell is she here for? The assistants of other actors are busy around the artist, serving tea and water and playing with umbrellas and fans. Look at what that little girl has done. Not only did she not do anything, that The male assistant has to take care of her in turn.”

"And she has a good figure, tall, long and slender legs, and sounds very young, but the makeup is too heavy. I think she is not Teacher Cheng's assistant, maybe her junior sister."

"Junior Sister"

"That's right, many brokerage companies now operate like this. After the new recruits are trained, they are first sent to the seniors as assistants for a few months. In fact, it is for them to learn from the experience and adapt to the entertainment industry in advance." Gossip The man lowered his voice, "That girl is not easy. Teacher Cheng can personally take her into the industry. I think, in a short while, their Fengyin Entertainment will have another little girl."

This gossip is purely without wind and waves, but it happens to be spread with nose and eyes. The production crew has always been a hub for gossip, and soon, all the staff heard the news, and they all regarded Hua Zhao as Cheng Xingfei's junior sister who was about to debut.

Of course, it is impossible for this kind of gossip to reach the ears of the person concerned. Hua Zhao was so stupid, she didn't notice those strange eyes from the crew, she was just a little strange-why did everyone in the crew treat her so politely

No matter who saw her, they would call her "assistant teacher" with a smile.

Hey, can an assistant also be a "teacher"

Screenwriter Xu Kaiwen has always gone deep into the masses and rushed to the front line of eating melons. He was well-informed and soon heard about this mysterious little assistant.

During dinner at night, Xu Kaiwen shared this gossip with Shen Yuxiu.

"Old Shen, have you heard that Mr. Cheng has brought a new assistant, who is said to be the new junior sister signed by their company?" Xu Kaiwen winked at Shen Yuxiu, "You said that their company sent the junior sister under your nose on purpose, no Maybe I want to get some chance to show my face from you."

"Not interested." Shen Yuxiu said indifferently, "Eat your box lunch quietly, tonight is going to be filming the big night, you have time to chat about gossip, why don't you talk to the artist about the props you will use tonight."

"Big night" is a jargon in the circle, which means staying up all night to shoot a night scene. Whether it is for the actors or the entire crew, this is a big and tortured project. The weather forecast said that the temperature would cool down next week, so Xio Shen could only hurry up and finish filming all the night scenes in the next few days.

Every time a big night is filmed, the whole crew relies on coffee to survive. Shen Yuxiu had already ordered a hundred cups of coffee, double espresso without toffee, and the bitterness in his throat after a sip.

Tonight's night play is a group play, and Shen Yuxiu needs to appear on camera to play against Cheng Xingfei. After finishing his meal in a hurry, he called the director of Group B over to give detailed instructions. In order to save time, the makeup artist was standing by to ensure that he could talk about tonight's work while applying makeup.

After he finished the preparatory work, the director of the field also delivered the coffee in good time.

Shen Yuxiu took the coffee and took a sip. After studying abroad for so many years, in fact, he has not gotten used to the taste of coffee until now. The double espresso exploded on the palate, and even he was bitter enough to smack his tongue.

He asked, "Did Teacher Cheng send it over there?"

"It's been delivered, Director Shen, don't worry, I've delivered all the coffee from the artist teachers"

Before the recording finished, there was an earth-shattering coughing sound from the rest area on the other side of the film crew. Shen Yuxiu subconsciously followed the sound, and saw a young girl squatting in the tree pit outside the filming set. Retching, there was a spilled cup of coffee at her feet, it looked like she had choked on the bitter cup of coffee.

Standing beside the girl was another figure, slim and slim, it was Cheng Xingfei. Seeing that she was choking, Cheng Xingfei hurriedly patted her on the back to comfort her, he seemed to care about her very much.

In the distance, Cheng Xingfei's voice could not be heard clearly, it sounded like complaining, but also felt distressed: "It's been said that coffee is super bitter, but you still want to taste it. Were you a cat in your previous life? Curiosity is so great, I won't let you You do what you want to do"

When the girl finally stopped coughing, Cheng Xingfei hurriedly helped her to the lounge.

"Hey," Xu Kaiwen teased, "Let me just say, that girl is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary assistant, she must be Cheng Xingfei's junior sister. Otherwise, a little assistant who choked on water can make Teacher Cheng take care of her so busy."

"She's Cheng Xingfei's new assistant," Shen Yuxiu said suddenly, her gaze fell on that figure's back, and she didn't move away for a long time.

"That's right." Xu Kaiwen said curiously, "Hey Old Shen, you just said you weren't interested in her, why are you staring at her now without blinking?"

Shen Yuxiu murmured: "She looks familiar."

"Familiar please, you haven't even seen the person's face. From such a distance, you feel familiar just by looking at the back."

Shen Yuxiu didn't answer.

When a person is extremely familiar with another person, even just looking at the back is enough to tell the difference.

Cheng Xingfei supported her "assistant" and walked towards the lounge. The two girls were about the same size, even the height was exactly the same. At first glance, they seemed to be two people copied and pasted. But in Shen Yuxiu's eyes, there were differences everywhere.

——The back view of the "new assistant" is more like the "Cheng Xingfei" in his memory