The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 43


Hua Zhao didn't know, she just showed her back, and Shen Yuxiu noticed the difference in her.

She put all her energy into the crew, she "undercover" for three days, and quickly figured out the filming process of the film, and also wrote down the names of several actors who worked with Cheng Xingfei the most. Now, even if she goes out as Cheng Xingfei, she can guarantee that she won't reveal her secrets.

It's the weekend in a blink of an eye.

During the recent period, the entire crew has been preparing for this weekend's "media visit". The media in the entertainment circle has always been the sharpest. Several of the media that came to visit this time are famous for their poisonous words. If they find any omissions, even if the money is paid, the reporters will criticize them mercilessly.

The assistant director is very busy, he is called "Assistant Director", but he is actually "doing chores", except for shooting, he takes care of everything else. His hair is visible to the naked eye. He was a handsome young man a few days ago, but looking at him today, he has become a hard-working middle-aged man, and the bags under his eyes are almost down to his chin.

Today is the media visit day, the assistant director and two assistants rushed to the sign-in desk at the entrance of the studio early, behind him was a gift bag stacked as high as a hill, the gift bag contained the peripherals of the movie, and the intimate support provided by the star support team small gift. Every media reporter who arrives has to register with him with an invitation letter, receive a small gift, wear a bracelet, and then go in for an interview.

This kind of media visits are mostly people who want to fish in troubled waters. Some people dare to rush into the set with a second-hand DSLR and a business card they don’t know where to pick up, cheating on food, drink, and transportation. The assistant director must have clear eyes and ears to catch these mice out in time.

At nine o'clock in the morning, almost all the media reporters arrived. The assistant director looked down at the autograph book to see if there was anyone who hadn't come to sign in.

At this moment, there was a figure in front of him.

The man said: "Little comrade, I don't have an invitation letter, but I want to find you Director Shen."

The assistant director said impatiently: "I'm sorry, we only accept invitation letters here. If you are Director Shen's friend, please give him a call." Shameless, he dared to pull out Director Shen's tiger skin. As a result, when he saw the figure in front of him clearly, he jumped up from his chair in fright—"Director Lin, why are you here, Mr. Lin? We don't have any preparations here."

That's right, the person who unexpectedly appeared at the scene of the class visit was none other than the gloomy Bole, well-known director Lin Guodong in the circle.

The assistant director is a fine person, how could he not know Lin Guodong? He stood there stiffly, anxious to shake hands with director Lin, thinking of his rude words just now, he became nervous.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just happen to be working nearby, and I want to come over to see Xiao Shen's play." Lin Guodong has no airs of being a big director, "I didn't expect to catch up with your media visit, so I didn't bother you."

"No, no, no," the assistant director said hastily, "Director Lin is here to guide our crew. Director Shen must be very happy to know. Just wait a moment, I will call Director Shen right now."

"Don't bother him." Lin Guodong shook his head, "I just stopped by to see. He is both the director and the leading actor. He should be being interviewed right now. I'll go in and wander around. You don't need to say anything."

Lin Guodong traveled lightly and didn't even bring an entourage with him. It seemed that he was just here for a casual stroll. The assistant director hurriedly called an assistant to take him in for a tour. The assistant director told the assistant thousands of times that he must take good care of Director Lin, the great god, and absolutely nothing would go wrong.

Lin Guodong followed the assistant into the set. The assistant was very attentive and introduced him to various situations of the crew along the way, but Lin Guodong listened a little absent-mindedly.

The assistant was very clever, rolled his eyes, and asked, "Director Shen and Teacher Cheng are currently being interviewed by the media, do you want to go and have a look?"

Lin Guodong listened, his expression relaxed, and he nodded: "Then go and take a look. Don't disturb them, just take a look in the back row."

The assistant brought the great god to the media interview area. Most of the interview areas set up on the set are simple and simple, and they are adapted to local conditions. They are said to be interview areas, but they are actually just a tent with a large space, open on all sides, and only supported by metal poles. In the middle of the tent is a large publicity board, with three tables in front, and several leading actors and screenwriters sit behind the table, accepting interviews from the audience.

The assistant led Lin Guodong quietly to the back row of the media area without attracting anyone's attention.

Some media raised their hands to ask: "Excuse me, Director Shen, what kind of pressure did you encounter during the creation process when I found you as the first work you directed and acted in? , can you comment on the actors who work with you?"

Shen Yuxiu took the microphone, with a generous attitude, and talked eloquently: "I know that many people have been paying attention to me and this work. I once thought that the most important thing about whether this movie can make money is the people behind the movie. The investors and producers of the show later found out that I was wrong—the people who are most worried about the box office are actually my fans.”

There was good-natured laughter from the media seats.

Shen Yuxiu: "Every time I go to Weibo, there will be a lot of private messages. Brother, you have to pay attention to your health. I will definitely support your movies. Brother, I have liked you since elementary school. I am really excited about your comeback. Ah, these expectations are a kind of blessing, but also a kind of pressure. For me now, the pressure comes from three aspects, the first is to express what I want to express, the second is not to live up to the trust of fans, and the third is Well, just try to keep the production company from losing money."

Scattered laughter resounded from the media seats again. It seemed that even the film king had to worry about money.

The film king's crown is the glory of Shen Yuxiu, but also his shackles. He carries forward with heavy burdens and must make some achievements in order to live up to everyone's expectations.

Shen Yuxiu continued: "As for the second question, I think I'll let them answer the question of my evaluation of the co-stars themselves." While speaking, he handed the microphone to Cheng Xingfei who was sitting beside him , "Come on, Mr. Cheng, come and evaluate your performance in this film"

This is because Shen Yuxiu deliberately threw the topic to the actors, not wanting to focus all the questions on himself, but also taking this opportunity to let everyone show their faces.

Cheng Xingfei smiled, took the microphone, looked at the eyes of the audience, she organized her thoughts, and said generously: "The movie I found you is a story about time and space travel, but its theme is not just Time travel. In this film, the heroine I play is more like a dream, and the hero is shuttling through one dream after another. For me, the biggest challenge is how to balance the stories in these multiple dreams, I want to play these roles completely differently, but also keep my own characteristics.”

She speaks eloquently, her eyes are full of light, and she looks confident in her performance.

This is the "confidence" that Lin Guodong has never seen in her in her first twenty years of life.

When she spoke, everyone's eyes were subconsciously chasing her, like chasing a beam of light, a flower, or a dancing butterfly.

Even the assistant who showed Lin Guodong around the set was distracted by her and listened carefully to what she had to say.

After Cheng Xingfei finished speaking, she passed the microphone to the next actor beside her, and the assistant looked away intently, looking at Lin Guodong next to her: "Director Lin, you"

The assistant suddenly shut up.

He found that Director Lin's expression was very strange. Lin Guodong frowned and looked at Cheng Xingfei with a complicated expression, as if a little dissatisfied

I really don't understand why Director Lin is dissatisfied with such an excellent actor as Teacher Cheng.

After the interview, several actors and the main creator stood together to take a photo, and then the media moved to the set, waiting for the next shooting. The actors hurried back to the waiting room, putting on make-up and changing clothes, racing against time one by one.

Cheng Xingfei returned to his exclusive lounge, where Hua Zhao had been waiting for a long time, no makeup was applied on his face, and he was dressed exactly like Cheng Xingfei from head to toe. Standing together, the two were completely carved out of the same mold. As long as Hua Zhao doesn't speak, no one can tell the two of them apart.

Cheng Xingfei told Hua Zhao: "This is your first time making a film, don't be nervous, you are familiar with the process, just relax. But this time the media visits the set, there will be reporters around the set, so don't be affected."

Hua Zhao slapped his chest: "Don't worry, when will I be afraid of the fastest publication of my vinegar literature?"

Cheng Xingfei was still a little worried. When she woke up this morning, her left eyelid kept twitching; when she was being interviewed by the media just now, the uncomfortable feeling reached its peak, as if someone was hiding in the dark and watching her from behind.

Cheng Xingfei gave a few more words of advice, and then, under the escort of Zhuo Yi, he walked away step by step.

As soon as she left, the makeup artist and costume artist came to Hua Zhao with a load of equipment.

"Teacher Cheng, are you ready? We are going to put on your makeup and change your clothes."

"Ready." Hua Zhao sat up in front of the makeup mirror and said expectantly, "Hurry up and put on my makeup."

The "play within a play" this time is an ancient drama, and the heroine is a cold and glamorous female assassin. In order to highlight this character, the overall makeup is darker, and the makeup artist specially designed a smoky makeup.

The makeup artist was very fast, within half an hour, a completely different Hua Zhao appeared in the mirror.

A head of long hair stood up high, and the jade hairpin was pulled horizontally, neat and clean; the girl in the mirror had cold makeup, high sword eyebrows, and tightly pursed red lips.

With such a cool face, Hua Zhao was too embarrassed to take out his phone to take a selfie

After putting on makeup, the costume artist took off the costumes from the rack and changed Hua Zhao's clothes.

"Teacher Cheng, raise your hand"

"Teacher Cheng, lift your foot"

"Teacher Cheng, this saber"

There are several layers of ancient clothes, but Hua Zhao is used to being served by others, with her arms open, she let the dresser help her dress.

But halfway through, the problem started.

"It's strange," the costumer muttered to himself, "This girdle is obviously made according to the size, why did it suddenly become tight?"

Hua Zhao: ""

She took a deep breath in embarrassment, retracted her little belly, and finally managed to put herself into the xs size girdle that was customized according to Cheng Xingfei's size.

The only problem was that the girdle was too tight, and she didn't even dare to breathe too hard now. Her throat was smoky, but she couldn't take a sip of water, because she was afraid that if she took a sip of water, her girdle would burst

It seems that she gained five catties of fat, two catties on her face, and three catties on her waist

On the other side, Shen Yuxiu, who had changed into her costume, was standing in the shooting location, holding the script in her hand, and was discussing with the executive director and screenwriter the scenes to be filmed later.

The content of this shooting is more complicated. There is a long martial arts scene - the heroine breaks into the enemy camp alone, picks out eighteen guards with swords, and finally gets a mysterious treasure map. The male protagonist is dressed in modern clothes, falls into the enemy camp, and is mistaken for the enemy by the female protagonist. In a hurry, the male protagonist can only pull out the gun he carries with him, but is thrown away by the female protagonist with a sword.

For this fight scene, the martial arts director designed several versions, and finally finalized a version that is the most enjoyable, but in this way, the moves are extremely complicated, which is a test of the actor's level of sword use.

The martial arts instructor was a little worried, and whispered: "Director Shen, this sword technique is very difficult. Although you said that you don't need to find a martial artist, I still call a female apprentice to stand by. If Teacher Cheng can't finish it, then"

In the middle of his speech, he suddenly stopped, as if someone had pressed the mute button, silencing all his voices. His eyes stared straight behind Shen Yuxiu, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

Not only was the martial arts instructor showing such an expression, even the executive director and screenwriter Xu Kaiwen next to him showed the same surprise on his face.

Shen Yuxiu seemed to have sensed something, and looked back - only to see a meandering figure approaching from a distance amidst the stars and the moon, her clothes were fluttering, her sword tassels were fluttering, the girl's eyes were bright, and there was something hidden in her gaze. Thousands of stars bloom in her eyes.

When she appeared, the media reporters who had been resting next to her sat up straight almost at the same time. They immediately raised their cameras and chased after that beautiful figure.

"Teacher Cheng, look here"

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, look this way"

Hua Zhao showed no signs of timidity, waved to the reporters, and said generously, "Take better photos for me, take a few more, and remember to pass them on to my agent after you're done, and only post the best ones." It's easy to stuff yourself into this tight costume, and with such a rustic makeup, of course it has to be smug.

A reporter said: "Either one is good-looking, and once it is released, it will definitely be airborne and popular."

"Airborne Hot Search is of course great," Hua Zhao said with a smile, "If it really makes it to Hot Search, I'll ask Director Shen to pack another big red envelope for everyone."

Shen Yuxiu: ""

When did he promise such a thing

Hua Zhao waved the saber in his hand, and strolled to Shen Yuxiu.

The martial arts instructor, executive director, and screenwriter all focused their gazes on her, and couldn't hide the amazement in their eyes. They all thought at the same time——Cheng Xingfei's costumes in the play before were all gentle and pleasant. Putting on a neat outfit for the first time, it has changed so much, it even feels like a different person

Everyone is looking at Hua Zhao, but Hua Zhao is looking at Shen Yuxiu.

Well, it seems that she looks pretty good in this outfit, she didn't miss the amazement in Shen Yuxiu's eyes

Her Royal Highness was honored as "The Jewel of Flowers" and "Pearl of the Country" by foreigners who came to see her. Which man would not be attracted to a jewel like her

Hua Zhao suddenly felt a sense of mischief.

"Man—" Hua Zhao flipped his wrist, and neatly pulled out a dazzling sword flower. Immediately afterwards, she pressed the hilt of her sword against Shen Yuxiu's chest, and at the same time forced out a charming smile, and asked in a hoarse voice, "——Are you still satisfied with what you saw?"

Executive director, martial arts instructor, screenwriter: ""

Onlookers reporter: ""

Shen Yuxiu: ""

Shen Yuxiu found out—that "Cheng Xingfei" who was so familiar to him had finally returned.

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