The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 8


Hua Zhao ran away from home and her whereabouts were unknown. Cheng Xingfei and Sister P almost searched the land.

This matter must not be reported to the police, otherwise how to explain to the police what a joke the well-known actress "Cheng Xingfei" lost

They can only rely on themselves.

They went to the History Museum first, wondering if Hua Zhao had returned there.

Cheng Xingfei bought a lot of presents, brought them to the museum together with his agent, and found the night shift guards, calling it "consolation" and expressing "thank you".

Although what happened last time proved to be an oolong in the end, it did have something to do with Cheng Xingfei, and she came to condolences, which can be regarded as a teacher.

She stood there gracefully, like a magnolia blooming leisurely in the middle of the night, with an indescribable charm in her gestures.

The guards on the night shift had never seen a female star at such a close distance, and the young men blushed immediately. Cheng Xingfei smiled at them, and they were dazed and didn't know what was going on.

Cheng Xingfei said it beautifully: "Your work is great. You defended the country before retiring, and protected the country's history and culture after retiring. I came in a hurry last time, and I couldn't thank you face to face. This time, I'm bothering you late at night. I hope you don't take offense."

"No no no no no wonder."

Cheng Xingfei looked left and right, but didn't see the evil spirit with the scar on his face, so he pretended to be casual and asked, "You Captain Zhuo, why don't you see anyone else?"

The guard replied: "Today Captain Zhuo takes a rotation break, you have something to do with him"

Cheng Xingfei shook his head, thinking what could I do with that evil god, to see if he was fired

Cheng Xingfei and the guards exchanged a few more words, and after making sure that Hua Zhao did not break into the museum again, Cheng Xingfei left.

She and Sister P returned to the nanny's car, both preoccupied.

If there is no Hua Zhao in the museum, where else can Her Royal Highness go

Cheng Xingfei's complexion was not good because of the fever, even though he took medicine, it couldn't be relieved. She leaned on the back of the chair and analyzed while enduring a severe headache: "I have a feeling that Hua Zhao shouldn't have gone far, and she should still be near home."

Sister P said: "What is this, telepathy?"

Cheng Xingfei replied: "Let's think of it as telepathy. We look so much alike that even time travel has happened, and telepathy is nothing unusual."

Ms. P could only ask the driver to turn around and go back to her residence.

Cheng Xingfei lives very close to the city center, quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, on the top floor of a high-end community. During the day, the neighborhood is very lively, there are several office buildings, and walking outside is an ordinary residential area.

Cheng Xingfei let go of her sixth sense and speculated: "Hua Zhao was originally a free-spirited person. After traveling for so long, she can only be trapped at home every day. In addition, she must be very depressed when she learned the truth about Hua Chao's demise, so this The first time she goes out, her main purpose should be to relax."

"Let's relax," Miss P said suspiciously, "It's so late, where should I go to relax?"

Cheng Xingfei: "This is modern times, not ancient times. The more lively the night is, the night market, square dance, bar street, any of these things are strange enough for Hua Zhao. I searched all the lively places, I don’t believe I can’t find them.”

Cheng Xingfei really guessed right, Hua Zhao is indeed at the night market now.

Hua Zhao rummaged through her pockets, but she did find ten yuan in the pockets. Although ten yuan is not much, it is enough to fill her hungry stomach.

The most important thing is that she can walk into Shaxian snacks in a fair manner, sit down and watch Princess Huazhao

The turnover rate of snacks in Sha County is high, diners come and go in a hurry, and she dresses low-key and deliberately avoids people. No one noticed that in this small shop that can only accommodate six tables, there is actually a "popular woman" hidden in the shop. female star".

She lowered the brim of her hat and stared curiously at the TV.

The more she watched, the more surprised she was. This drama is actually a drama about the history of Huachao, and the clothes, accessories, and tone of voice of the people in it are actually similar to the actual situation of Huachao.

Even the women's makeup is Huachao's most popular "Huadian makeup", with a little red between the eyebrows, which makes those concubines even more charming.

Hua Zhao couldn't help thinking: Besides her, could there be other time-travelers from Hua Dynasty

But when she looked closely, she found that there were many absurdities in this drama. She doesn't understand the things in the court, but she knows better than anyone else the things in the palace: she has never heard of concubine Jing Xianfei and concubine Shu; Rabbit is a complete nonsense.

How did Hua Zhao know that at the beginning of filming this drama, the producer hired a professor of history as a consultant, so Fu Huadao can be restored in this way; but in terms of plot, it can’t really be filmed according to dry history books, naturally It is necessary to "boldly imagine" and "reasonable fiction" to create some waves and conflicts.

This is Hua Zhao's first time watching a TV series, and he couldn't help but look down while looking down eagerly.

Princess Hua Zhao had forty episodes, and the shopkeeper didn't start playing it from the beginning. Hua Zhao happened to watch the seventh and eighth episodes.

At this time, Princess Huazhao in the play is still a twelve-year-old girl, charming and sweet, although she is a bit willful, she is still very cute.

Hua Zhao thought critically: When Ben Gong was twelve years old, she was much prettier than this little girl.

At the end of the eighth episode, the originally childlike Princess Hua Zhao grew up and became a sixteen-year-old girl.

The director used a unique shooting technique to connect time and space: 12-year-old Xiao Huazhao played hide-and-seek with the court ladies in the imperial garden. She ran through the long corridor with crisp footsteps and loud laughter. There is an apricot blossom tree planted at the end of the corridor. The spring breeze blows, and the apricot blossoms are blown away from the branches, like snowflakes, floating towards the young princess.

The camera moves away from the back of the little princess, and circles around the flying apricot tree, and when it returns to the tree, the figure has turned into a graceful girl

Make willow leaves for eyebrows, cut autumn water for pupils, pick hibiscus for face, and choose Qiongzhi for bones. There is a touch of gold leaf flowers between the eyebrows, and two pink smiles on the lips.

The girl smiled at the camera, which was enough to overwhelm the colorful flowers in the entire garden.

The maid beside her knelt down and called her respectfully, "Your Highness the Princess."

Outside the TV, Her Royal Highness Hua Zhao blinked in shock, and the scallion oil noodles in her hand became stale in an instant.

What's going on, why did I appear on TV

No, no, no, the person on TV is not me at all but Cheng Xingfei

Hua Zhao was dumbfounded, not knowing whether to feel that Cheng Xingfei is actually an actor, or whether he should feel that Cheng Xingfei actually played himself

In the snack bar, many diners stopped their chopsticks and looked up at the TV hanging on the wall.

The drama Princess Hua Zhao is really hot. Although the first round has been broadcasted, the enthusiasm about it has not dissipated.

Sitting in the corner, Hua Zhao listened to the audience's praise for the show and Cheng Xingfei, and for some reason, she also felt elated.

Hua Zhao couldn't help touching his face, thinking, such a face should be liked by the whole world

She still remembered that when she was sixteen years old, an oriental country came from afar, and Hua Zhao performed a dance at the palace banquet, which amazed everyone.

Orientals praised her: "Princess Huazhao is really the treasure of Hua Dynasty."

It would be great if there was a camera back then, so that we could record her graceful dance

Hua Zhao is completely childlike. A few hours ago, she was heartbroken because of the demise of Hua Dynasty and the death of her father; now that she sees something delicious and fun, her attention is immediately diverted.

Her ass seemed to have taken root, and she was sitting in the snack bar, fascinated by watching the TV series on TV. For an ancient person who has never experienced the information explosion, although there are many inexplicable and absurd plots in this drama, it is still attractive enough

Hua Zhao watched and watched, until the scallion noodles in front of her were completely cold and the diners in the shop were all gone, she still didn't leave.

She didn't want to leave, but the shop was always closed.

The shop owner came over to urge Hua Zhao several times, but Hua Zhao had a thin skin, so he could only leave the half-eaten noodles and the unfinished TV series, and walked away.

After she left, the shopkeeper stood at the door and kept looking in the direction she left.

The proprietress asked: "What are you looking at, why don't you come over and help wash the dishes?"

The boss replied hesitantly: "Honey, that female guest just now looks like Princess Hua Zhao." While talking, the boss turned his head to look at the TV screen behind him.

On the screen, Princess Huazhao's eyes were sparkling, bright and charming.

As for the girl who was sitting in the corner just now, although the baseball cap covered most of her face, when she got up she got a glimpse, she looked like the princess who only appeared on TV

"Are you drinking in the back kitchen again?" The proprietress came over suspiciously and sniffed him, "You're talking nonsense. Princess Hua Zhao was on TV. Do you think a female celebrity would come to a small shop like ours? Eat noodles with scallion oil”

"That's right." The boss nodded and pulled down the anti-theft iron door. "She only paid ten yuan after spending a long time, and she couldn't even add a fried egg. How could she be a female star?"

At two o'clock in the morning, the people in the night market gradually dispersed, and the clerk of the food stall on the street yawned lazily, bending over to clean the peanut shells, skewers, and wine bottle caps all over the floor. Occasionally, wild cats and dogs sprang out from the corner to pick up the litter that fell on the ground.

Hua Zhao walked alone on the road, avoiding the dirt under her feet, and began to think about where to go now.

At this time, Cheng Xingfei and Mama Pi should have already arrived home, right? Seeing that she was not at home, they must be very angry.

Ever since she was a child, Hua Zhao has always done things regardless of the consequences. Many things are done out of excitement. As for who will clean up the mess for her after she is done, she is a princess, so naturally someone will worry about her.

Hua Zhao has been domineering for twenty years with the confidence of "there is definitely someone who can clean up the mess for me", but now, this way is no longer feasible.

She wanted to run away from home, so she ran away from Cheng Xingfei's house without even leaving a note.

but then what

She has no money, she has nowhere to go, only has the same face as Cheng Xingfei, and a confusing life experience.

what is she going to do next

She created a big problem, but she didn't have the ability to solve it.

Hua Zhao anxiously walked around in circles, as if, as if, as if, turning around and going back to find Cheng Xingfei was the only choice right now.

But Hua Zhao is such a proud person, if she had to bow her head and admit that she shouldn't have run away from home, she wouldn't be able to save face.

Just when she was vacillating, she suddenly heard two greasy voices from a food stall not far away.

"Fangfang, why did Fangfang drink so much by herself? Brother will pick you up."

"Fangfang, I'm here, come with brother"

Those two male voices were extremely greasy, as if there was sticky phlegm stuck in their throats, and they had a hippie smile when they spoke, and they sounded slick.

Hua Zhao frowned, subconsciously looked over.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and the customers of the food stalls on the street had almost left, except for a small table in the corner, where there were still customers.

It was a young girl, wearing a cool off-shoulder top and denim shorts, lying dazedly on the table. There were several plates of leftover edamame, peanuts, and skewers on the table in front of her, and several wine bottles were lying on the ground.

After Hua Zhao traveled through time, what surprised her the most was that women can wear so little clothes and drink without any female moral rules. The world after a thousand years can be so free.

Judging by the number of wine bottles on the ground, the girl seemed to be using wine to drown her sorrows. But she was a poor drinker and passed out after a few bottles.

And the two men standing beside her were "brothers" who came to pick her up in a hurry.

One of the two brothers was short and fat, the other was tall and thin. One held hands and the other hugged her waist, and dragged the drunken girl up from the small table.

The girl was drunk into a pool of ooze, eyes closed, frowning, swaying limbs feebly, muttering: "Don't go, don't go."

The two men saw that she was playing with temper, so they could only coax her: "Okay, okay, how old are you, and you will drink like this when you encounter some setbacks. Go, brother will take you back."

It seems that this girl has two brothers who love her very much.

Seeing this, the clerk who was sweeping the garbage immediately said: "You are her brother, so you come and pay the bill, she came here alone to eat and drink, don't try to renege on the bill"

The faces of the two men froze, the short fat one and the tall thin one looked at each other and muttered, "I haven't paid the bill yet."

The tall and thin one winked.

The chunky man curled his lips, took out his wallet and walked towards the clerk: "How much?"

When the short and fat man checked out, the tall and thin man hugged the girl's waist tightly. The girl was so drunk that she couldn't stand, but for some reason, she didn't want to get close to the man's arms. She kept pushing her hands Touching the tall and thin man's chest, he was in a daze trying to say something.

After the short and fat man finished paying the bill, he hurried back, hugged the girl from left to right, and dragged her to the side alley.

"Okay Fangfang, don't lose your temper." "Fangfang, brother will take you home."

Faintly, the wind brought a girl's drunken words "I don't know you, my name is not Fangfang"

Hua Zhao, who was in a daze at first, heard these words. She reacted for a long time, and suddenly realized something

She stomped her feet and rushed over immediately, chasing the three of them into the alley.