The Princess and the Film Empress

Chapter 9


The road was not long, but the alleys were winding and winding. It was Hua Zhao's first time here, and it took him a lot of effort to catch up to the three of them.

The street lamps were dim, casting a small patch of light on the dirty road. And under that light, the two men actually pushed the girl to the ground, reaching for her shorts with greasy hands

"Stop..." Hua Zhao was so angry that her hairs stood on end. She couldn't believe that there was such a shameless person who took advantage of the danger and wanted to tarnish the girl's innocence. At the same time, she was glad that if she hadn't arrived in time

The two were taken aback for a moment, never expecting that their "good deed" would be broken by someone.

These two people have a bad stomach, and they are completely a pair of friends. Today they came to the night market to hang out, but they were lucky enough to meet a drunk girl, and they wanted to "pick up the corpse" and take it away.

Anyway, this kind of girl who comes to drink alone is a born pickpocket. Dress like this, isn't it just to seduce men? A woman like this, who doesn't take advantage of things, doesn't care about herself, who is to blame

Unexpectedly, they were interrupted before they even had time to take off their pants.

Feeling guilty, the two were startled, and quickly got up from the girl.

Who would have thought that the person who ran out to "fight for justice" when he looked back was actually a well-groomed and beautiful girl

Although she couldn't see her face clearly with a baseball cap on, just looking at her figure was enough to make the two sex embryos feel beastly.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the same lust in each other's eyes.

One prey is not enough, the two prey

Thinking of this, the two surrounded Hua Zhao, one on the left and the other on the right.

I thought that the girl would be frightened by their sudden siege, but she didn't expect that the girl not only didn't show a trace of fear, but eagerly rolled up her sleeves.

"It seems that you are planning to make a move." Hua Zhao raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth curled up, his eyes filled with indescribable contempt, "It just so happens that I haven't exercised for a long time, so come on."

Her warning did not attract the attention of those two bastard men.

Even they thought she was bluffing

"Little girl, come on, raise your head up, let the brothers see how you look." A gangster approached with a sinister smile, and stretched out his hand to provoke the girl's chin.

But before his dirty hands touched the prey in front of him, the girl turned her head to avoid his dirty hands, then suddenly raised her foot and kicked the gangster in the stomach

Hearing a loud bang, that cheap bastard was kicked two meters away

The alley after the scuffle was in a mess.

The two gangsters never thought that this little girl who popped out of nowhere could be so powerful

They are two big men, but they are not as good as a seemingly weak girl.

No, she's not a girl at all, she's clearly a witch

She didn't use any weapons, just relying on empty hands, she beat them all over the ground; moreover, she was able to fly over the walls, climb up the wall with ease, and then jumped down suddenly, smashing them so that they screamed.

With one punch, one kick, one kick, Hua Zhao was able to escape from the siege of the museum guards, let alone deal with the two trash men whose bodies had been hollowed out by sex.

"I'm dead, I'll fight you!" The pudgy gangster held his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood, with a broken tooth in it. Under his feet, the tall and thin man had been beaten into a waste, limp on the ground, unable to move.

He knows that he can't be good today, if he can't break through, I'm afraid he will have to confess here

Without doing anything else, he suddenly took out a small knife from his pocket, brandished it and rushed towards Hua Zhao.

But Hua Zhao has seen even thousands of troops, how could he be frightened by mere knives

She didn't hide or evade, and went straight to meet him.

The chunky man was at the end of his strength, he was waving the knife chaotically, roaring wildly. Hua Zhao is like a cat teasing a mouse, walking in front of the blade with ease, with contempt in his eyes.

She underestimated the enemy for a moment, and the knife slipped dangerously before her eyes, and she quickly stepped back. Although she escaped unharmed, the brim of her hat was caught by the knife, and it was lifted off like this

The hat fell to the ground, and there was no cover.

Hua Zhao's face appeared clearly under the street lamp, and the gangster with the knife was taken aback, obviously recognizing her appearance.

"You are Cheng Xing"

"I am your ancestor"

Taking advantage of the moment when he was in a daze, Hua Zhao immediately jumped up and snatched the knife from him.

In the next second, the knife spun rapidly in Hua Zhao's palm. She turned the blade, raised her arm, and stabbed the gangster head-on.

The tip of the knife was only a few millimeters away from the little gangster's eyes, and he didn't even have time to dodge it, not even blinking. In his ear, flying out

A few strands of hair fell down his cheeks, the little gangster begged for mercy from his throat, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground. At the same time, a fishy smell spread from him.

Hua Zhao took two steps back in disgust, patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and blew on his fingertips.

"Get up, what are you kneeling for? My aunt doesn't have such a good grandson as you."

Two gangsters sat slumped on the ground, one was kicked in the stomach, clutching his stomach and retching; Looking at the girl's exquisite face, his mind is like a paste scalded by boiling water, and he has no thinking ability at all.

But the girl who beat the two of them didn't even disturb her breathing, she acted lightly, as if she just plucked a delicate flower from a branch.

The girl's eyes were drooping, and her pale pink lips were lightly pressed together. No one knew that her heart was actually beating drums.

What to do, what to do, she saw injustice and drew her sword to help, but she accidentally exposed her appearance Cheng Xingfei seems to be a famous actor, the gangster mistook her for Cheng Xingfei just now, will this cause trouble for Cheng Xingfei

Just as Hua Zhao was hesitating, a dazzling flashlight suddenly came from the alley behind him.

Along with that ray of light, there were some messy footsteps and noisy conversations.

The voice of the speaker was very familiar, Hua Zhao immediately remembered his identity, he was the waiter at the food stall just now

I only heard the waiter say: "Comrade policeman, a female customer at our stall was drinking too much just now. Two strange men said they knew her, so they took her to this alley. But the more I thought about it, the more wrong I was, I'll call the police immediately."

The police answered: "You are doing the right thing, let's look for it quickly, and don't let that female customer suffer."

It turned out that after a few people walked into the alley, the waiter noticed something was wrong and called the police to find the drunk female customer.

Hua Zhao knows what a policeman is.

Hua Zhao also knew that if she stayed, her face would cause Cheng Xingfei some trouble

Thinking of this, Hua Zhao immediately turned around and ran towards the other exit of the alley.

But she still took a step too late, the light of the flashlight had already shone into the alley. In the alley, two punks were paralyzed on the ground, and the drunken female customer was lying aside, only Hua Zhao was left standing, which was really conspicuous.

The policeman immediately ran into the alley, with the flashlight flickering, he raised his voice and asked the only standing Hua Zhao: "Ma'am, please show your ID card."

Hua Zhao didn't dare to answer, so he ran away immediately.

As soon as she ran away, she looked extremely suspicious. The police couldn't figure out her identity.

The more Hua Zhao ran, the more the police chased; the more the police chased, the more Hua Zhao ran.

Don't look at the winding alleys, extending in all directions, but the policeman is familiar with every small road here. Hua Zhao tried hard to run for a long time, but he couldn't get rid of the policeman.

She had just started beating someone, so she had exhausted a lot of physical strength. After chasing and running with the police, she soon lost her strength.

Seeing the distance between her and the police getting shorter and shorter, Hua Zhao was in a hurry. At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from somewhere in the shadows, grabbed Hua Zhao's wrist, and dragged her to the side of the road.

Hua Zhao was startled, and an exclamation almost escaped from her throat.

In the next second, the owner of that hand covered Hua Zhao's mouth, suppressing the scream she was about to utter.

"Quiet." The man's low voice fell in her ears.

This is a tall man. The place where he is standing is an unobtrusive pile of debris by the side of the alley. Discarded furniture is stacked together, casting a large shadow. But now, he and Hua Zhao are hiding in the shadows.

Hua Zhao's back bumped into his chest, and he pressed her shoulder with one hand and covered her mouth with the other to prevent her from making a sound.

Just a few seconds after they had just hid, the policeman who had come after Hua Zhao hurried past the pile of debris, not even noticing that the person he was chasing was hiding in the shadows a few meters away.

Hua Zhao held her breath until the sound of the police's footsteps faded away, and she finally let out the stale breath she was holding in her chest.

Fortunately, fortunately, the police did not find

If it weren't for the man behind her to help her avoid the police, she would be in big trouble tonight

She collected herself, covered her beating heart, turned around and looked at the man behind her who helped her: "Thank you"

Before the second word was uttered, her voice disappeared invisible

Her eyes widened, and she looked at the man in shock. A hideous scar ran from the man's forehead, brushed the brow bone, ran through the temple, and finally disappeared in the black hair.

she recognizes him

He was the captain of the guard of the history museum when she broke into the museum at night and escaped from him by chance

Hua Zhao felt guilty, and subconsciously wanted to lower the brim of her hat, but she raised her hand to find nothing, and then remembered that the hat had already fallen off during the fight just now.

Her face was exposed in Zhuo Yi's line of sight without any concealment.

Zhuo Yi naturally remembered her too.

"Cheng Xingfei, no, that's not right." Zhuo Yi's brows were first slightly furrowed, and then quickly relaxed. He found a new answer, "You are not Cheng Xingfei, you are the one who broke into the museum that night."
