The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]

Chapter 34


Shen Kong suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw two men walking in one after the other.

The leader has handsome and delicate features, a gentle and restrained temperament, and even his voice is gentle and gentle:

"Isn't it because Ms. Jiang is in charge? I don't think I even need to come."

Ms. Jiang rolled her eyes regardless of the image: "Come on, you are just a poor talker. You are not satisfied with the person I selected every time. In the end, you have to re-elect. Really, I don't know which one you choose." Where does obsessive-compulsive disorder come from

Shen Kong looked over Pei Xiuran's shoulder and towards the person standing behind him.

Han Li.

His eyes were lowered, and he was carelessly playing with the dark and shiny cane in his hand. The cold metal body of the cane shone with an icy sheen under the light.

The sharp and deep eyebrows contain an unspeakable coldness. Even if he doesn't say a word or moves even half a step, he just stands there, still exuding a strong and fascinating presence, which makes people hold their breath uncontrollably. In a low voice, with fear in his heart.

As if aware of Shen Kong's gaze, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked in his direction.

The moment the two people's eyes met, Shen Kong felt a sudden explosion of pain in his mind. The astonishing pain rushed along his limbs and bones towards his brain. He seemed to be able to hear the thumping sound of his heart accelerating. The sound of blood hitting his temples and the rumbling earthquake made his ears hurt. Even though Shen Kong was prepared, he couldn't help but be forced to sway.

The sound of the system rang in my ears:

"Dip, the target person has been successfully detected: Han Li, the world trajectory is being transmitted—"

An astonishing amount of information rushed into his mind instantly, flowing quickly before his eyes like a raging river.

In the original plot, Han Li gradually accumulated connections and developed strength abroad, secretly keeping a low profile, and was even appreciated by the godfather of underground forces and became a quasi-heir. However, he was unwilling to involve gray areas and thus refused to take over the other party's business. After ten years of career, Han Li finally returned to the country and returned to the Han family with absolute iron fist and strength. The head of the Han family was also frightened by the hidden power behind his eldest son, and was forced to re-accept him into the family.

Han Li regained his status as the heir to the Han family and began to use his power to carry out drastic annexations and integrations.

Then, through a certain opportunity, Han Li learned the truth of that year.

His mother was killed.

The murderous intention that sprouted from the rivalry and jealousy among the outsiders gave birth to a murder full of loopholes and a pre-planned kidnapping.

The head of the Han family knew about it before taking action, but he did not stop it. Instead, he acquiesced and condoned it.

Not only because of her doting on her step-brother and her disregard for Han Li's mother, but also because the Zhao family behind her always suppressed the Han family. In a large project worth hundreds of billions, it was difficult for the Han family to compete with her out of interests. , the Han family united with several other families who were also dissatisfied with the Zhao family. When Han Li's grandfather learned that his daughter died of illness and his grandson was kidnapped and his life or death was unknown, and he was hospitalized in grief, he shorted the Zhao family's stocks and divided up the attack. The Zhao family's properties defeated the Zhao family in one fell swoop, and became the leader of all the big families in City A.

At this moment, the second young master of the Han family, who had lost his position as heir, was blinded by anger and determined to follow in his mother's footsteps and hire a murderer to kill his half-brother. The fallen head of the Han family also did the same this time. He supported this assassination and even secretly provided him with financial and personal support. However, Han Li also had spies in the dark, so they were caught before they succeeded.

Han Li, whose body and mind had been infiltrated by darkness, finally cut off the last trace of family affection.

He personally killed his father, stepmother, and stepbrother. The blood stained on his hands could never be cleansed again. He no longer resisted the godfather's invitation, and took over all the dark forces openly and honestly. Suspicious, cruel, and violent—until leading to ultimate destruction.

After accepting the plot, the system's mechanical voice sounded again: "You have been delivered to Han Li's second turning point in his life. Your temporary identity this time is: Spy D."

Shen Kong's temporary identity this time is even more nameless in the plot.

Meng Mingxuan is an unknown little star. Because he is somewhat similar to Han Li's White Moonlight Ye Jinghuan, when Han Li just returned to China, he was chosen by the second young master of the Han family to stay with Han Li, trying to spy on Han Li through Meng Mingxuan. With every move, before Han Li became completely ruthless, he had already discovered Meng Mingxuan's true identity. He just kept him lukewarm, and occasionally provided half-truths to distract Han Er. Less attention.

Until he finally gave up the last trace of kindness in his heart, he became tired of the chess piece placed next to him, and sent someone to deal with Meng Mingxuan cleanly.

Shen Kong frowned tightly, a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

No wonder Han Li's cane contains a hidden mechanism, which must have a lot to do with the dark forces he encountered abroad.

But... the difference between the current progress and the original plot is that Han Li returned to the country two years early, and according to current news and current affairs, he does not seem to directly return to the Han family as in the plot, although there are many gossips in the legend arrangement However, no mainstream media is willing to report on the relationship between him and the Han family, as if both the Han family and Han Li are unwilling to admit it.

At this moment, the system's mechanical and emotionless voice sounded in Shen Kong's ears again:

"Beep beep beep, the emergence of key world trajectories has been detected, the main mission is being released..."

main mission

Shen Kong was stunned for a second. The previous system only told him to correct the three views of the target person, but it did not mention any specific tasks.

As if aware of Shen Kong's doubts, the system's voice explained in his mind:

"The main mission is a major critical event that has an absolutely fatal impact on the life trajectory of the mission target. If the main mission is not completed, the corrector's mission will be declared a failure, the points will be cleared, and the corrector's will will be recovered.

The main tasks are now released:

1. Prevent Han Li from shooting Han Zhuang, Han Zizhuo and Bian Wenjing.

2. Prevent Han Li from inheriting the underground power of Feminster II. "

While Shen Kong was deep in thought, a voice that seemed to come from far away suddenly came to his ears:

"...Mr. Meng? Mr. Meng?"

Shen Kong was pulled out of his thoughts by the voice. He couldn't help but look in the direction of the voice with some irritation. His eyes were cold and sharp as electricity - but when he met Pei Xiuran sitting behind the table, he seemed to be waking up from a dream. , instantly realized that he was still auditioning, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

Pei Xiuran asked, "Are you feeling unwell? I see that your face is a little pale."

Shen Kong shook his head. At this moment, he had completely entered Meng Mingxuan's state, with a ashamed and embarrassed expression on his face: "No, I'm sorry, I'm your fan, and it's my first time to see you in person. A little too excited."

Ms. Jiang said softly:

"Then continue with this paragraph."

Shen Kong nodded, took a deep breath, and reentered the role.

Ten minutes later, he finished his performance.

Ms. Jiang and several others exchanged a few opinions in whispers, nodding frequently, then raised her head and said to Shen Kong in a pleasant tone:

"Okay, thank you for your performance today, we will notify you later."

Shen Kong bowed, turned around and prepared to walk out, but when he just took a step, he was stopped by a soft voice:


Shen Kong turned to look at Pei Xiuran, only to see that he was frowning tightly. The gentle and gentle aura before seemed to have disappeared from his body. His eyes looked at Shen Kong from top to bottom, and then suddenly stood up from his seat. He stood up and walked to his side.

Pei Xiuran's brows furrowed deeper:

"Your show has no soul."

The air in the room stagnated for a while. After a while, Ms. Jiang stood up and smoothed things over:

"Mr. Meng, don't worry about it. We all think you did a very good job. It's just that Xiu Ran has some quirks in casting and speaks too directly..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Pei Xiuran in a more decisive voice:

"That's not it."

He crossed his arms and walked around Shen Kong twice irritably, as if there was something he couldn't figure out. His eyes were always glued to Shen Kong's body. No matter how big Shen Kong's heart was, he was still looking at him. uneasy.

Suddenly, Pei Xiuran seemed to have a sudden realization. He turned around and ran back to his seat. He rummaged around in his bag for a while before finally pulling out a folded and crumpled script, and then ran back quickly and stuffed it in. When he got into Shen Kong's hands, his eyes were astonishingly bright:

"You try acting this."

Shen Kong had an ominous premonition in his heart. He had always believed in his own intuition, and this time was no exception.

He held the script in his hands, with an embarrassed and timid expression on his face, and declined: "Well... But I haven't read this, and I have never prepared it. Isn't it a bit hasty to just act on the spot..."

Pei Xiuran still looked nonchalant and said in a matter-of-fact tone:

"If you haven't watched it, just watch it now. It's okay. You can take as long as you want. We'll wait for you."

Shen Kong turned to look at the other interviewers, and saw that they all looked familiar, while Han Li lowered his eyes as if it had nothing to do with him, as if he didn't care about what was happening on the court, nor did he care about Pei Xiuran's decision. Isn't it a waste of time.

No one stopped.

Shen Kong had no choice but to bite the bullet and start flipping through the wrinkled script in his hand.

Just after reading a few lines, he was suddenly shocked.

—The name of this play is "Guiyuan Tower".

The script Pei Xiuran gave him belonged to a character named Shen Guiyuan.

He is the soul character in the play.


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