The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]

Chapter 48


Twenty-five hours have passed since the program crew was trapped.

The wave of public opinion set off by this incident in all walks of life fermented rapidly, and became more and more powerful as time went by. From social networking sites to mainstream media, related reports poured in overwhelmingly, from popular science articles and scientific conjectures related to this incident. , to the analysis and compilation of search and rescue strategies and routes, to the risk estimation of program crew members in distress, a huge flow of information is rushing on the Internet, pushing the popularity of this matter higher again and again.

All the trapped celebrities have received great attention, and countless prayers and blessings have filled their Weibo comments. Even the insulting and connotative remarks on Meng Mingxuan's Weibo, which was blacklisted by the entire Internet, were criticized by rational passers-by. The program team's Weibo was not so lucky. Fans of the trapped stars flocked to it and fiercely criticized them for their major lapses in risk assessment and terrible loopholes in security. The huge public pressure forced the program team to issue several apology letters and statements, promising to mobilize all manpower and material resources to search for all program participants and thoroughly investigate the negligence of relevant personnel.

This media-mouthed carnival put tremendous pressure on the search and rescue teams.

However, the huge chasm that lies in front of them cannot be overcome overnight. The inefficiency of pure human search is extremely difficult to overcome. Although Han Li's full support in manpower and material resources has enabled them to complete the task within the same estimated time. The search area has more than doubled, but the unsearched part still occupies 80% of the map.

The danger of being trapped in a primeval forest shrouded in mist increases exponentially as time goes by. Every second of delay in rescuing people pushes the trapped people further towards death. All workers are working hard for this. Race against death.

In the luxury box on the top floor of the hotel.

Han Li sat alone at the table. The cigarette held between his fingertips seemed to have been untouched for a long time. A wisp of light blue smoke rose from the end of the cigarette, swirling precariously upward. The crumbling ashes of the cigarette stopped in the air, and a little scarlet spark slowly The ground burned upward.

Several company documents were stacked on the table, and a folder was spread out in front of him. The obscure words and complex data were mixed into a blur of shadows in the dim light. A huge map was folded and placed in the corner. , countless marks and annotations are densely covered on the edge of the blank, and the slightly wrinkled corners are raised. It has obviously been flipped through more times than imagined.

Han Li lowered his eyes and casually glanced at the folders spread out in front of him, flipping through them without interest.

The problem in e-city is not that serious.

It was just that the senior executives of several branches made some wrong decisions one after another, which disrupted his initial follow-up development plan. When they saw that Han Li actually flew in from the headquarters to deal with it in person, everyone felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. , worked hard to deal with it, and got the company back on track in just half a day.

Han Li dusted off the cigarette ashes, and the embers burned into light gray fell from his fingertips and fell into the ashtray.

He doesn't smoke often.

But I often light one and hold it between my fingers, just to watch it burn quietly.

—The cigarette reminded him of that person.

I don’t know my name, I don’t know my face, I don’t know my past, I don’t know my future.

Han Li didn't know how to call him, so he had to refer to him as "that person" - he couldn't deny that the reason why he came to e-city in person and stayed for a long time after the company's affairs were processed was because he always held the There was a glimmer of hope, hoping that Meng Mingxuan would be the person he expected, but all the informants and investigations he sent clearly showed that Meng Mingxuan's personality had never changed much, and everyone around him also said that since then, I didn't find anything strange or beyond common sense in Meng Mingxuan.

But... that strange sense of familiarity kept pushing him from one extreme to the other.

This small glimmer of hope ignited in the dark abyss of complete hopelessness was the most tortured, as if he was tormented between doubt and expectation every moment.

Han Li frowned irritably and put out the cigarette that was about to burn to his fingertips.

The crumpled cigarette butt was thrown to the bottom of the ashtray covered with ashes, and stayed with a few others.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

Han Li answered the phone. The voice on the other end of the phone was blurry and intermittent due to the influence of the signal, but the news contained in the words made Han Li's eyes light up - the search and rescue team had found some of the crew members.

He suppressed the ups and downs of his heart and asked in his usual cold tone:

"Which ones were rescued?"

Captain Liu's tired voice could not hide his joy: "If Mr. Han needs it, I will send you the list later. Thank you very much for your support and help this time, otherwise we would not be able to get rid of the victims so quickly." The trapped person was rescued..."

Han Li didn't hear any of the passionate words he said next.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Captain Liu sent the list.

Han Li hurriedly pulled the list from top to bottom, was stunned for a few seconds, and then read it carefully again.

… No.

Meng Mingxuan was not among them.

However, the names of the two wilderness survival instructors were listed at the top. This could only mean that the program team members were scattered, and there were no professionals in the trapped team where Meng Mingxuan was.

Han Li's face slowly turned cold, and a vague evil spirit flashed in his dark eyes.

He put his phone in his pocket, took his suit jacket from behind, and stood up.

The sudden sharp pain on his knee made Han Li stumble involuntarily.

Han Li frowned without trace, reached for the cane leaning on the table, and slowly straightened up.

E City is close to a mountainous area, and coupled with the strange heavy fog on the Yunwu Mountains, the entire city is shrouded in a heavy dampness, which also makes his legs uncontrollably painful - this old injury has been injured in the past ten years. It continued to torture him, and now it was even worse.

He took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Yun and asked him to bring the car over.

"Okay, Mr. Han, where are you going?"

"The rescue tent at the foot of the mountain." Han Li paused and added: "... to express condolences."

The rapids in the mountains wash between the rocks, making an endless gurgling sound, which is particularly clear and loud in the silent mist.

After listening to this sound for nearly two days, no matter how pleasant it was, it always bored everyone.

The group of people struggled to move forward in the fog with almost zero visibility, walking on the shallows along the flow of the river. The passage of time has become very blurry. They can only use the changes in the color of the fog to determine where they are. When should you rest and when should you hit the road.

Shen Kong, who was walking at the front, spoke very little. Unless necessary, he rarely communicated with his teammates. Even if he did, it would be some concise and concise command sentences.

Such as "go" or "stop".

The expression on his face was equally pitiful, his face was cold and indifferent, as if only the milky white mist surrounding him could be seen in his eyes.

In the eyes of others, the deterrent effect brought by this strange Meng Mingxuan is far greater than being trapped in the mountain.

There seemed to be a sense of distant distance on his body, and his voice and eyes had the cold and hard texture of metal. The bloody and murderous aura emanating from his bones made everyone tremble, and the sense of danger brought by those wild beasts in the mountains was all gone. Unable to compete with him, even the most arrogant Zhuang Xiangyang did not dare to take the initiative to talk to him.

Their attitude toward Meng Mingxuan quickly developed from wonder and confusion at the beginning to awe and fear.

No one dared to ask him any questions, and even when he glanced at him, they could not help but hold their breath. Only when Shen Kong left to watch or hunt before going to bed at night, everyone would take a big breath and finally relax. Down, and his image in everyone's mouth is becoming more and more mysterious. Some people think that he may be a government agent on a mission, some speculate that he may be an anonymous underworld boss, and of course Zhuang Xiangyang's unreasonable time travel theory - but Everyone laughed at his speculation.

Zhuang Xiangyang expressed his grievance.

Of course, no matter what the conclusion is, everyone tacitly agrees on one thing:

—Meng Mingxuan definitely had a reason for pretending, and none of them wanted to be silenced for talking too much.

Therefore, absolutely nothing can be said!

Before Shen Kong knew it, and before he had time to use any "special means," his witnesses had all silenced themselves and were about to swear to God in front of him.

As their steps increased, the flow of the river around them gradually slowed down. The huge rocks lying across the river gradually disappeared and were replaced by small stones and gentle river beaches. The road under their feet became smoother and smoother. , the number of tripping over complex terrain became less and less, and the noisy and huge impact of the water slowly became quiet, flowing slowly and quietly in the mist.

Shen Kong suddenly stopped and made a silent gesture.

The people behind him also felt a chill in their hearts. They stopped obediently and gathered together as quietly as chickens, for fear of disturbing the judgment of the boss in front.

Shen Kong narrowed his eyes slightly and listened carefully to the movement in the mist.

Not long after, everyone also heard the noise not far away.

-It seems like... footsteps...

They were stunned for a long time, and a vague outline slowly appeared in the thick fog in front of them. As the footsteps got closer, it became clearer, until everyone finally recognized the uniforms on their bodies and a few big words on their chests:

Search and rescue team.

The feeling of surviving a catastrophe suddenly came over, and everyone couldn't help but feel relieved, their faces showed joy, and they walked forward faster.

The next second—

I saw that Meng Mingxuan's expression was so thin that it was almost indifferent. His face suddenly changed, his delicate facial features wrinkled instantly, and mist accumulated in his amber cat eyes, as if he had suffered despair and torture, and finally collapsed emotionally after being rescued. Let out all your grievances:

"You, why did you come here! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Ran Wan: "..."

Zhuang Xiangyang: "..."

Photographers: "..."

-Damn, that’s too cool.

The author has something to say: I just said yesterday that the update time is not fixed

Will be updated today

What kind of invincible flag skill is this