The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 21


Qi Sheng's expression didn't change, only the blue veins on his forehead twitched vigorously.

I didn't speak, I looked at him with as pure a look as possible, just like my girlfriend in college. That winter, in order to chase after her, I made excuses every night to ask her out to talk about things, but that girl was an elm-wood lump who didn't understand, and she was indifferent to all my suggestions. Finally, on a cold windy night, I When I sent her back to the dormitory without success again, she looked at me embarrassedly and asked in a low voice: Can we not come out at night? It's too cold, what's the matter on the phone... OK

At that time, I looked at her pure eyes without a trace of impurities for a long time, and finally smiled and nodded.

So she was very excited. I have the urge to strangle her...

I think Qi Sheng may be in a similar mood now.

His hand stopped silently on my back, about eight inches from my neck and slightly closer to my waist. I looked at him quietly, still a little nervous, not knowing whether his hand was going up or down...

Qi Sheng's eyes finally became clear again, his hand also left my back, the corner of his mouth sneered, and he got up and left without saying a word.

I finally let out a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed.

Lu Li hurried in from outside the hall, and when he saw the broken porcelain bottle on the ground, his face became even more flustered, and he rushed towards me in a few steps. He didn't even look at whether I was injured or not. What's the matter with you? Imperial doctor, I'll call the imperial doctor!"

I quickly reached out and grabbed the hedge: "Come back!"

Ledge looked at me with tears, wanting to cry but not daring to cry.

I was completely speechless to this girl, so I had to bluff my face and say, "Can the imperial doctor be called casually? How can you be so impatient, girl? Don't look at my wound first!"

Lu Li pursed his lips and held his breath, shaking his hands and gently lifted the quilt on my body. He didn't move for a long time, his face was stunned, he stared at big almond core eyes, slightly opened his mouth, and looked shocked. look like.

Well, the small appearance is very attractive...

The shock on Lu Li's face turned into joy, and he whispered: "His Royal Highness, he, he, he..."

I put my hand over Lu Li's mouth and told Lu Li seriously, "His Royal Highness beat me with a whip, and the imperial doctor naturally didn't dare to scream. The frayed part of my leg is bleeding again. Bring some water and give me a scrub, then carry the water basin in and out of the ground a few more times to pretend, and then smear the leftover ointment we used yesterday all over the hall to make it more flavorful, and finally put it on I sneaked out this dress today to find a secluded place and burned it."

Ledge's eyes were fascinated, but he still nodded.

I explained again: "These few days, there is no one else to serve in the temple, only you."

The hedgerow nodded vigorously, and then hurriedly got up and walked out.

I quickly grabbed her again: "Don't be busy with this, come over and rub my back first."

Although Qi Sheng's hand was no longer on my back, the temperature seemed to be still there, which made me feel very uncomfortable. I had to find a way to make this feeling go away.

Hedge's little hands rubbed gently on my back.

I wondered to myself who will come to see the doctor first tomorrow? Is it King Zhao? Or Shangshu-kun

Will the Queen send someone? Although these old ladies are Qi Sheng's stepmothers, they are the real mothers of the toilet king. The words she asked today were obviously trying to find fault. Fortunately, the old lady stopped her, otherwise the fire would have to burn on me.

After burning me, can't I still be troubled by Qi Sheng

I was in a trance, but Lu Li suddenly stopped beside me, I turned my head to look at her, and saw that she was biting her lips lightly, her face was very tangled and contradictory, so she said softly, "Niangniang, change it. Let the family send some Bazhen Yimu pills?"

I was stunned for a moment, then reacted, I flashed the thin face of Imperial Physician Song before my eyes, and then I understood the meaning of Lu Li, and I suddenly wanted to die.

Lvli still persuaded her hard-heartedly on the side: "Niangniang, His Royal Highness is very different from the past. Niangniang has to seize the opportunity and give birth to the emperor as soon as possible!"

I raised my body, pointed at the red lacquered gold pillar in the temple and threatened the green hedge: "If you bring this up again, I will immediately hit the pillar to show you."

Lvli was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth with his hands and muttered vaguely, "This slave does not dare, dare not!"

I squinted my eyes with satisfaction, then I fell down again, and asked Ledge casually, "Hey? You know who will come to us first?"

Lvli thought about it seriously: "The slave does not know, what does the mother say?"

"Actually I don't know," I replied.

Hedge and I looked at each other with contempt.

The next day, someone came to visit, but the first to arrive was He Bingze's mother, the wife of Zhongshu Shilang, the granddaughter of Lin Xian, the famous prime minister, and the queen mother's niece... The mother who can beat her husband to sleep in a stable at night. Tiger-Lin.

What a pity for such a weak surname!

I have always been afraid of such a sturdy woman. When I heard her coming, I was so frightened that I got up from the bed and sat in the hall to meet her.

In terms of relatives, I have to call her "cousin" all her life, but in terms of status, she has to obey me as "empress".

I had heard the name of this person for a long time, so naturally I didn't dare to sit and wait for her to kowtow to me. When I saw that she meant to salute me, I hurriedly greeted Lu Li to help the tigress up, let him sit on the seat, and serve tea.

I took the time to look at this tigress. Although she was no longer young, she looked really good. I couldn't help but sigh that she really doesn't look good. It is estimated that He Liangchen was also fooled by her appearance when he married her. I will regret it later. It's too late, who would dare to take away the girl from the Lin family? Should the officer still do it

Mrs. Lin apologized for the fact that her son knocked me down, and I pretended to appease a few words to show generosity.

The two were coping with false affection, and there was another servant outside reporting to Yang Yan to see him.

I'm not surprised, the latrine gentleman cannot come in person because of his own identity, so he must send this confidant brother over to see it.

I asked Yang Yan to come in. After a while, Yang Yan was blown in like a gust of wind from the outside. When he saw Lin Shi who was sitting in the seat, he was stunned. , and then found a place farthest from Lin's to sit down.

Lin took the opportunity to leave, and I asked Lu Li to send her out.

When Lin's figure came out of the palace gate, Yang Yan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand and shouted, "Hey! Why is this tigress here? It scared me to death!"

I wondered, "Why are you so afraid of her?"

Yang Yan was taken aback: "Oh, you have never seen this tigress so powerful, but she really beat He Liangchen to death, and she even chased them to our house once. Liang Chen hugged my father and shouted 'mother', but it scared me to death, and I swore from then on that even if I became a monk in the future, I would not marry such a woman."

When I heard this, I was deeply moved. Immediately, my impression of Yang Yan changed a lot. To be so enlightened, I thought he was not too stupid.

Just as I turned this thought in my mind, I suddenly heard Yang Yan ask in a low voice, "Hey? Are you really... getting a whip?"

I was speechless for a while, and sighed inwardly for such a straightforward boy, who was so forthright that he became two.

There were other palace maids in the hall, so I had to send everyone out. Before I could talk to Yang Yan, I saw him stretch his neck and asked, "Is this true? He is not a man anymore, you It's really stupid, I told you to go to the queen mother's place to hide, but you still don't listen."

I remained silent.

Yang Yan stretched his hand into his arms and took it out, and handed over a small white porcelain bottle: "Then, Brother Jiu asked me to give it to you, saying that it will not leave scars after use."

I took the porcelain bottle and put it on the table.

Yang Yan said again: "Use more, get better soon, and you can catch up to the palace to escape the summer heat."

I've heard of the summer resort in the palace, but I didn't plan to go there. Following the emperor, empress dowager, and empress to join in the fun, there is usually nothing good to do. It's better to close the palace gate alone and play in the water with a group of little girls!

I was thinking to myself, but I saw Yang Yan's eyes swirl around my face, and from time to time he was still walking down my neck. I wanted to take a look at my collar.

scare! Thinking back then, I didn't dare to be lewd by him. Could it be that this kid left his head at home when he went out, and only came out with courage

Yang Yan suddenly approached me stealthily, hehe said with a dry smile: "Hey? Qi Sheng's whip technique is really good, you actually didn't get a little bit of it! If it weren't for the medicinal smell of this hall, I really wouldn't dare. I believe you got whipped!"

I was so annoyed that I immediately wanted to change my face. Before, I only knew that Qi Sheng was the SB, but I didn't expect Yang Yan to be the fighter in the SB!

Yang Yanxu saw the annoyance in my eyes, hurriedly shrank back, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Jiang's is a thousand times worse than you, and I'm afraid I haven't woken up yet. Come here, Qi Sheng was able to hold back and not slap you in the face, it shows that he has really grown a lot!"

I wanted to beat him, but I suddenly remembered that I was "smuggled" last night, how could I be so agile, so I forcibly endured it again, just sat honestly on the seat, and didn't change my posture for a long time.

Yang Yan looked away from my face, and his expression was a little disappointed, but this expression passed by in a flash, and then he changed into a condescending smile, arched his hands at me, and said with a smile: "Let's go first, have a few days. See you in the palace!"