The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 22


I called the hedge to see the guest, but I was still sitting on my chair.

Lvli sent Yang Yan out, and by the way, he brought in the maid next to the queen.

I always wanted to scold my mother, this crown princess is really not a personal business, as long as you don't become a queen for a day, even if you have two long tails stuck in the back of your butt, you are still worse than a pheasant! Pheasants can have fun in the wild, can I? Dare I

I took a deep breath, straightened my waist again, and then socialized...

In this way, until the top of the head in the sun, the people with all their minds walked clean.

Lu Li closed the door of the palace and came in. I was still holding my waist and called her quickly: "Come here quickly, quickly pull out these needles for me, they will stab me to death!"

Lu Li hurriedly came over, carefully removed the few fine needles hidden on the back of my collar one by one, and said with red eye circles: "The madam too, why should I suffer this crime, all the blood is pierced, and I directly say that I am sick and avoid customers. Okay!"

While moving my stiff neck and small waist, I said, "This is realistic, otherwise how could I fool these people!"

If I stay in bed directly to avoid seeing guests, those people might have to suspect that I am cheating, so it is better to ask them to come over and take a look at it.

Qi Sheng didn't come back from outside the palace until evening, and Lvli persuaded me to take advantage of today's events to invite him over to discuss it.

I express my solemn contempt for Ledge's scruples. What is negotiable without negotiation? Do I deserve to use my "sick body" to please my boss

Besides, Ledge's workplace experience is still too little. It's true that the boss likes diligent and active employees, but he doesn't like to be so active that they jump up and down. My profession is a prince concubine, not a prince strategist. Having several positions does not mean that the boss attaches great importance to you. It is just that the boss wants to squeeze oil out of your bones.

It's a pity that Lu Li always doesn't understand this truth, so when I told him not to invite Qi Sheng, his little face was stretched a little long, and he was about to write the big characters "Hate iron is not steel" on his face.

I persuaded Ledge: "Ledge, this man doesn't like women who point fingers at him. Let's save it. It's better to do something else if you have spare time!"

To say that Lvli is still a brainy child, he tilted his head and thought for a while, and immediately whispered to me excitedly: "My servant understands, I heard that Jiang's slut fell hard, Zhao The king invited Imperial Physician Qiu, who was on leave, to receive her bones for half a day. I just woke up this evening, let's think of a way to do something in her medicine and call that bitch..."

I was amazed at the jumping nature of this woman's thinking, and quickly waved my hand: "You girl, save it!"

Lu Li blinked at me with a pair of clear eyes, half astonished and half puzzled.

I also wondered, how could this girl say such despicable things in such an innocent tone? Should I say she's kind, or should I say she's vicious

Women are really strange creatures.

Lvli thought I was annoyed, so scared that she quickly pulled away and knelt beside the bed, accusing her repeatedly: "Niangniang, don't be angry, this slave is not going to mess with that bitch."

I was quite relieved and nodded hurriedly: "That's right, Jiang Shi is so far away from us, so I can mess with her! It's better to..."

Lvli's eyes lit up, and he immediately replied: "The niangniang understands that Chen Liangdi should be the first to clean up now. Last night, she pretended to go to the prince with a bowl of lotus seed soup, obviously to hook up with the niangniang's health. Your Royal Highness!"

I was speechless for a long time with my mouth half open.

Lu Li only told me that I was very angry, but he was angry and gritted his teeth and said, "The maiden has ignored them these days, and these foxes can't sit still, and they will seduce His Royal Highness the Prince in a different way!"

I finally recovered from my surprise and slowly closed my mouth, but I couldn't hold back and asked, "Hey? How did you know that Chen Liangdi gave lotus seed soup instead of eight-treasure porridge?"

Ledge stared at a pair of big almond eyes, and finally fell silent.

Qi Sheng didn't show up for a few days, until May 19, when the emperor took the empress dowager, wife, mistress, and Xiaomi to Fuping Palace to escape the summer heat, so Qi Sheng had to take me on a trip to escape the summer heat.

The latrine gentleman, Shangshu gentleman, and the little beauty who had lied to me at the Lantern Festival dinner party to catch the rape, all came, except for Zhao Wang and his wife. I heard that Princess Zhao, Princess Jiang, is still bedridden. Therefore, Wang Zhao, who loves his wife so much, has been taking care of his daughter-in-law in the palace day and night, and the couple has not been able to walk together.

Without Jiang's figure, Prince Qi Sheng's face was a little gloomy.

Everyone looked at me with sympathy in their eyes.

I was also complaining on the face, but my heart was almost cheering, I really wanted to hold the hand of the green hedge and shout: I finally got out of the aggrieved courtyard of the East Palace!

He Bingze was in charge of the escort work on this trip. From time to time, he brought some young and handsome knights by my car. The sound of hooves seemed to be stepping on people's hearts. of.

I sounded a little irritable, and I felt even more resentful in my heart. It would be great if Lao Tzu also had that body, uniform and bright armor, lashing out with the whip, and attracting the attention of all the little girls!

Once this thought arises in my heart, I feel more and more aggrieved in the car. In fact, the style of this southern summer is quite open, and it does not restrict women from riding. It is not only that I have no confidence in my riding skills, and I really don't have the courage to show my face.

When I was struggling, there was a brisk sound of horses' hooves outside the car, but it slowed down when I passed by the car, and then I heard a crisp and delicate voice calling from outside: "Prince's sister-in-law, Prince's sister-in-law!"

This title made me speechless, and I felt like I was going to be constipated.

The hedgerow glanced at me and hurriedly opened the curtains on the side of the car for me.

The charming little face of Chaoyang County Lord appeared outside, and said to me with a smile: "Prince and sister-in-law, the scenery outside is just right, stop driving, come out and ride with me!"

I subconsciously raised my eyes and looked at the sky outside, it was really blue sky and daytime. I don't know where this chick is going to take me to catch the traitor this time, Jiang Shi didn't come, could it be that Qi Sheng hooked up with another sister-in-law in front of her

The little beauty still smiled at me: "Good sister-in-law, come out quickly, it's so easy to come out, it's so boring to be stuck in the car all day!"

I have no resistance to beautiful women. I know in my heart that this girl is not a good person, but when I hear her begging in such soft words, my bones feel brittle for a while, and I hurriedly respond: "Wait for me for a while, I will change Get dressed and go out!"

The little beauty shouted outside: "Okay, I'll let them prepare horses for the prince's sister-in-law."

While changing clothes in the car, I shouted, "What other horses are there? I will ride one with you."

Lu Li neatly arranged the riding clothes on my body, but said in a low voice: "The maiden is on guard against her."

I nodded secretly, put my riding boots on my feet, lifted the curtain and walked out of the car.

Before the car stopped, the little beauty rode a high-headed horse and stretched out her hand to me with a smile: "Prince and sister-in-law, don't let them stop any more, I'll pull you up directly."

I replied, "Okay." After saying that, I grabbed the little beauty's hand and jumped from the car directly behind her.

The little beauty has soft hands and softer waist, which is very useful to hold.

The little beauty giggled: "The prince's sister-in-law is still so agile."

I smiled and didn't answer.

The little beauty whipped her whip and galloped forward. It wasn't long before the figures of the latrine lord and Shangshu-jun were already in sight. The doubts in my heart were immediately resolved, and the little beauty really belonged to the latrine lord's camp.

And the latrine gentleman, I am afraid that he also has doubts about the authenticity of my "Zhang family".

The little beauty waved at the toilet king and shouted happily, "Ninth brother!"

The latrine gentleman reined in his horse and looked back, with a gentle smile on his face, but he said to me first, "Sister-in-law Three."