The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 24


Qi Sheng closed his eyes slightly, with a posture of "confession and leniency, resistance and strictness".

But who am I, I have been mixed in a harmonious society! Who doesn't know that confessing to sit in a broad prison and resisting strictness to go home for the New Year!

I coughed lightly, cleared my throat, and decided to make my fairy tales as reliable as possible.

"I was originally a little fairy in the heaven, because..."

Qi Sheng suddenly interjected: "What fairy?"

I was startled: "Eh?... Sanxian."

Qi Sheng raised his eyebrows: "Sanxian?"

I insisted not to let go: "Yes! It's a loose immortal! The kind of immortal who wanders around all day and has nothing to do, belongs to the idle people in heaven."

Qi Sheng nodded at the end: "Oh."

I continue to edit: "I was originally a loose immortal in the heavens, because I committed something, so I was punished to re-enter reincarnation..."

Qi Sheng interrupted again: "What happened?"

I was so pissed off by his interception that I could only suppress it and replied, "It's a small matter."

Qi Sheng asked again, "What's the little thing?"

Hey? Have you ever heard a story like this? Why is this man so disgusting

I want to scratch my head a bit, so I can only edit it now: "The sesame and mung beans are bigger, that's it, one day, the Jade Emperor asked everyone to go to a dinner party, let's go to the dinner party, I drank two more glasses, and accidentally She smashed the glazed cup in her hand, and then the Queen Mother got angry and was going to send me off."

Qi Sheng sneered: "This matter is small enough. If you break a cup, you will be punished. You immortals are so useless."

I laughed in embarrassment: "The Queen Mother is stingy!"

Qi Sheng didn't smile anymore, just looked at me quietly.

I bite the bullet and write it down: "I was punished to re-enter Samsara, and as a result, because I had a bit of a fight with Si Ming Xingjun before, that guy avenged his private revenge, deliberately detained my soul for a while, and called One of his distant relatives occupied my body for more than ten years. Later, when the account was checked in the heavenly court, the servant Si Ming was afraid that my matter would be found out, so he was so frightened that he hurriedly returned the body to me. The two of them changed their bodies back. When I came, I just caught up with Zhang's falling into the water, and then opened my eyes again, and I was like this."

I finished speaking with a snap, then looked at Qi Sheng.

Qi Sheng was silent for a while.

I guess he didn't understand, or didn't believe it at all

But I heard Qi Sheng suddenly ask: "Aren't all gods wanting nothing? Are they also intriguing and avenging private revenge?"

I suddenly remembered the many immortal novels that I loved to death, and couldn't help sighing: "Heaven and this world are so different, what is this, you don't see a bunch of immortals and gods wrangling all day, for the sake of Love, love is going to die or live, and they are all lining up to dance to Zhuxiantai to die for love!"

Qi Sheng frowned and asked, "Have you ever been married in your last life?"

I was stunned for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, I understood what Qi Sheng wanted to ask, didn't she just want to ask if I was a virgin or not! I immediately looked at Qi Sheng with incomparably sincere eyes, pointed to the Heavenly Alliance and swore: "His Royal Highness, I don't dare to say anything else, but I can guarantee this one, I have never been married or liked in my last life. any man!"

Perhaps my expression was too sincere. Qi Sheng felt that the hat on his head had never been stained with green, and finally nodded in satisfaction.

The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground with a bang.

The corners of Qi Sheng's mouth twitched slightly, but it was quickly leveled again. He leaned back on the pillow and closed his eyes.

I didn't expect him to believe my words, but he was more than satisfied he stopped asking me.

I sat stiffly for a moment, I couldn't help but moved my numb ass secretly.

Qi Sheng suddenly said softly, "Come here."

My scalp tightened a little, and I took a small step forward hesitantly.

Qi Sheng grabbed my waist with his hand, pulled me down on top of him, looked me in the eyes and said, "I don't care who you were before, you just remember that you are Qi Sheng's crown princess now, and you will be in the future. It's my queen, that's enough."

I resisted and didn't push Qi Sheng away, I just thought: I will still be the queen mother in the future, the queen mother, the queen mother...

Qi Sheng looked at me quietly, but the hand on my waist slowly slid down.

All the hairs on my body stand up, and I can't stand it even if I fucking call me the queen dowager!

I grabbed Qi Sheng's hand.

Qi Sheng's originally squinted eyes trembled slightly, and I saw the dark pupils shrink very quickly.

I suddenly realized that something was wrong. His hand just slid down, but he didn't knead it hard, which is unreasonable!

To say that we have been a man for more than 20 years, I still don't understand the man's thoughts and methods, if Qi Sheng is really stunned, this is definitely not the reaction!

I was shocked and suddenly understood, and then I was full of thinking about how if I was a woman, how should I react in this situation

I quickly went through all the scenes I used to flirt with my girlfriend.

When I molested Xiaoli for the first time, she slapped me twice and scolded me, "Stinky rascal!"

I quickly glanced at Qi Sheng, I really didn't have the guts to hit him.

PASS now!

The second time I flirted with Xiao Li, Xiao Li blushed, but looked at me shyly and timidly.

I look at Qi Sheng's square and masculine face again, not to mention that "red face" is really a technical job, but only to tell me to show affection towards a big man, I even have the heart to die.

Or PASS it!

The third time I flirted with Xiao Li, uh... Actually, it was a misunderstanding. I didn't intend to flirt with her. I just passed behind her and accidentally rubbed her ass, and she turned her head and said to me tenderly: "Hate! Why are you touching people's butts?"

After a long time, I still shuddered when I remembered the tone.

Qi Sheng took the other hand and asked me in a low voice, "What? Cold?"

I decided it was better to be more reserved.

I pushed him away and said sternly, "Please respect me!"

Qi Sheng was startled, looked at me, and glanced down again.

I followed his line of sight, and one of my hands was still honestly pressing on the root of his thigh.

I immediately raised my hand, sat up straight, and said solemnly: "Although my body was once your crown princess, after all, I still have some memories of my past life, you know it, and immortals always pay attention to discipline. Those who are lustful and have few desires, so…”

I didn't finish my sentence, just pointed at Qi Sheng.

Qi Sheng bent his lips and smiled, half propped up his body, pulled a lock of my hair with his hands and twisted it around his fingers, and said in a low, ambiguous voice, "But I see your performance last time. But it doesn’t look like someone who quits sex and sex with a pure heart and few desires…”

I really really want to strangle this man!

I took a deep breath and kept smiling.

Qi Sheng pressed his lips to my ear again, and whispered, "Besides, we can't do the ceremony of husband and wife, how can we make you pregnant with the emperor's heir?"

The gift of husband and wife? Go your way! I just felt that the veins on my forehead were jumping violently, and I just wanted to kill this person first, but when my fists were raised, and then I saw Qi Sheng's smiling face, I calmed down all of a sudden. You are deliberately provoking me!

I am not fooled, I am not fooled!

I meditated silently in my heart, then I tugged at the front of my chest with my hand, and fell on the blanket with my eyes closed as if I was righteous, and said resolutely, "Come on!"

Qi Sheng didn't move for a while, and I opened a slit to look at him.

Okay! The black face has caught up with the bottom of the pot!

I hurriedly added another fire: "Your Highness won't give me the gift of husband and wife?"

Yes, the bottom of the pot burned even darker.

Qi Sheng didn't speak. After a moment of silence, he suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

The car stopped smoothly, and Qi Sheng got out of the car without saying a word.

I sat up, very proud, let's take a sample, you are too tender compared to me.

Lu Li opened the curtain of the car and came in from the outside, and when he could see me clearly, he suddenly rushed up with a low voice, and whispered, "Niangniang, what's wrong with you?"

I was arranging my clothes while educating Ledge: "Ledge, I can tell you, don't take off too naked in front of men in the future, half-covered, wanting to welcome and rejecting, just right!"

The hedgerow kept his head down, and silently helped me sort out the placket.

I was a little surprised. I turned my head to look at her, and saw that this girl had red eyes again.

I was very helpless: "Ledge, what's the matter?"

Lvli bit her lip, and it took a long time to answer: "The lady is so gentle and docile, but she still can't please His Royal Highness, and the slave maid is wronged on behalf of the lady."

Gentle and smooth? I? Or the former Zhang family? This is not reliable!

I looked carefully at Ledge's face, and it was natural, not like a flattery and a lie.

Ah, what kind of view does this girl have!