The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 26


Lu Li wrapped me in a mosquito net, and said something in his mouth: "The maiden's figure is much more graceful than those two state ladies, and your Highness must take a good look at it!"

Why! Hedge, can we not open the pot without opening it

I was so embarrassed that I almost spat out a mouthful of blood. I never thought that as soon as I opened my mouth, a piece of rouge paper was filled between my lips, and Lu Li urged in a low voice, "Miss, sip hard, sip."

Sip your sister ah me! I pushed away the hand of the hedge, very angry.

Suddenly I heard the voice of the palace maid outside, "Your Highness." I turned my head and saw that Qi Shengren had entered the palace gate.

Lvli took a group of uterine girls and saluted Qi Sheng, and withdrew with lightning speed. In other words, I haven't had time to find another robe to wrap it up here, so there are only two people left in the hall, Qi Sheng and I.

I raised my eyes and glanced at Qi Sheng, feeling a little embarrassed.

Qi Sheng's eyes stopped on me for a moment, and then he was a little stunned, and then it was a little dark.

Oops! The hedge is killing me! The alarm bell in my heart is a big alarm. As a senior man, I naturally know what such a look means, and I know that no matter what a woman does at this time, there will be a different interpretation in the eyes of a man.

Wrap your robe tighter, you are shy, you want to welcome it and refuse it;

Just untie the robe, that is your wild and passionate passion;

Even if you shout "don't come here, don't come here", he can understand that you want to play some exciting | exciting...

You said that you were dangling in front of him with only a veil wrapped around you, and then shouted: "I'm not seducing you, I'm not seducing you!"

Who believes? Ah? Who believes? Why don't you seduce him and wrap yourself in a mosquito net

In short, at this time, it basically doesn't depend on your performance, but on whether he wants it or not.

However, the blood volume of a person is certain, so it is generally difficult for men with big heads and small heads to work at the same time.

At the same time, in view of my current physiological advantages, my brain blood supply is obviously better than Qi Sheng, so my reaction is a little faster than Qi Sheng.

"His Royal Highness, Yang Yan has come." I said calmly.

Qi Sheng was stunned for a moment, then with a soft snort, he turned and sat down on the bamboo couch by the pool.

My heart suddenly relaxed, as long as the blood can flow back! So he quickly made persistent efforts: "He invited me to visit Taixing."

Qi Sheng's hanging eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "What do you think?"

"Nothing to be diligent about, either a traitor or a thief!"

Qi Sheng lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Today, the emperor suddenly asked about Lao Jiu's marriage."

I was startled and asked, "What's going on?"

Qi Sheng sneered softly and said, "The Empress has already seen several young ladies before Beijing, and she is just waiting to ask Lao Jiu to choose a random one."

My heart moved: "Is there a second girl from the Zhang family in there?"

Qi Sheng glanced at me sideways, with a little surprise in his eyes, and replied, "Yes, there is the second girl from the Zhang family."

The latrine gentleman tried me many times, and Yang Yan wanted to invite me to Taixing again. The emperor suddenly mentioned that he would marry the latrine gentleman, and the second daughter of the Zhang family was included in the candidates for the daughter-in-law... I quickly passed these things in my mind. Once again, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the Zhang family to marry two daughters into two hostile camps, unless he has to give up one.

And the one to give up is me

I couldn't help but ask Qi Sheng, "Is the Zhang family trying to abandon me?"

Qi Sheng didn't speak, just looked at me quietly.

No, when I went back to the Zhang family last time, the old lady of the Zhang family forced Qi Sheng to dote on the Zhang family quickly, so that she could give birth to an imperial heir! Change of direction so soon? For Mao? Just because I can't conceive yet

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shivered and glanced at Qi Sheng involuntarily.

Qi Sheng suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, and said: "The son is only one aspect, on the other hand, Lao Jiu has already hinted to the Zhang family that you, the Crown Princess, is a fake. The real Zhang family died last time after falling into the water. It's just a substitute I secretly cultivated."

I frowned: "That's what the Zhang family believed?"

Qi Sheng shook his head: "Naturally, I wouldn't believe it easily, so the Queen Mother gave a decree to announce that several young ladies who were candidates came to visit the Summer Palace, saying that she wanted to take the opportunity to check the behavior and appearance of the girls, but in fact it was to be able to call Zhang Zhang. The family members came rightfully."

When Qi Sheng said this, my heart suddenly lit up.

No wonder Yang Yan wanted to fool me out of the palace. If it was in this palace, the Zhang family would be here. Because of their status, they didn't dare to come forward to test the authenticity of my crown princess. . But if you leave the palace...

I asked Qi Sheng, "Who is coming from the Zhang family?"

Qi Sheng raised his brows slightly, and replied with a half-smile, "Your mother, Mrs. Fan."

I whispered "It's over!"

If others can still think of ways to fool the past, but when Zhang's mother comes, the immortals can't fool it!

I anxiously walked around the pool twice, turned around and asked Qi Sheng, "What do you say?"

Qi Sheng was at ease for a while, lifted his legs to the bamboo couch, and asked me while lying there, "Are you the substitute I cultivated?"

I was taken aback: "No!"

Qi Sheng smiled: "Then why are you panicking?"

I wipe, this is not a matter of just taking off | naked and turning twice in front of Fan's! My body really has a fart!

I walked up to Qi Sheng and squatted down, pointed at my nose, and asked Qi Sheng, "I ask you, what was Mrs. Zhang's favorite food when she was at her parents' house? What was her favorite thing to wear? What color did she like? What fragrance? Fans? Are you afraid of the cold or the heat? How old are you, what illnesses have you had, how many quarrels have you had with a few people, and when have you been trained? Do you know all this?"

Qi Sheng didn't answer me, but his eyes were a little erratic.

I'm on fire all of a sudden.

Why! I'm pointing at my nose, what are you looking down at!

I forced the fire, stretched out my hand to block Qi Sheng's eyes, and said to him sincerely, "Brother, can we solve the problem of life and death before us first, and then consider the extravagant and extravagant things, okay?"

Qi Sheng didn't move for a while, and I was about to scold, "Your mother's!"

Qi Sheng suddenly grabbed my wrist, pulled my hand down, and said without thinking, "I'll take you to Yuzhou."

I was stunned for a moment, and then Qi Sheng continued: "I will take you to the Jiangbei camp in Yuzhou before the Fan arrives, leaving only the hedge to deal with the Fan. The hedge is real inside and out, and it can always be eliminated. Fan Shi is a little suspicious!"

I quickly calculated in my mind that it was a good idea to keep the real hedgehog girl here. But this is a palliative solution.

"What about the second girl? In this case, will the Zhang family marry her to Lao Jiu?"

Qi Sheng raised the corners of his lips and smiled: "They can't decide whether you are true or not, and they dare not rashly switch their bets to Lao Jiu."

Does that mean it's going to be delayed? But when will this be a stop? I glanced at Qi Sheng suspiciously.

Qi Sheng's gaze is still nostalgic on my chest.

I was angry but helpless, and while covering it with my hands, I cursed to myself: Look! Look! Let's see these two pieces of meat grow on you! Let you watch it all day long!

With a sarcastic smile on Qi Sheng's lips, he stood up from the bamboo couch and said, "The emperor ordered He Bing to return to the capital, so as to escort these ladies from aristocratic families to the palace."

He Bingze? The handsome face with sharp edges and corners suddenly flashed in my mind, and Mrs. He, who Yang Yan called a tigress. Ah! You actually called that kid to pick him up

Qi Sheng leaned down and approached me, and asked softly, "What kind of man do you like? A gentleman who is gentle and gentle like a jade, or a young Ying who is quite free and easy?"

Ah! Qi Sheng, Qi Sheng, you asked the wrong question, I don't like any kind of man!

His face was very close to me, and his breathing was almost audible. Although his long, narrow, bright eyes were slightly narrowed, there was no tenderness at the tip of his raised eyes, only the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, revealing a faint hint of sympathy. smile.

I looked directly at Qi Sheng and replied, "I only like His Highness."

"Oh?" Qi Sheng raised his eyebrows.

I became more and more calm: "What's more, it doesn't matter what kind of man I like, what matters is what kind of man the second girl of the Zhang family will like, she and Lao Jiu are old acquaintances, I am afraid that they have already secretly promised, It's just a short trip from Fuping, Shengdu Road, can it be easily called He Bingze to pry over? Besides, there are many people along the way, and it is not so easy to guard and steal!"

Qi Sheng looked at me and asked softly, "What's your plan?"

For the sake of your own life, you have to give up, and let your moral conscience cool down for a while!

I smashed my palm with my fist and said in a deep voice, "But a few little girls, there must be many people escorting them on the road, and they will inevitably encounter robbers, thieves, etc. who can't help them, and then He Bing will take advantage of the chaos. After saving the second girl, they will have a chance to be alone."

Qi Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, listening intently.

"Then, tell He Bingze you must remember, and take this opportunity to take down the second girl of the Zhang family!"

Qi Sheng straightened up, took a few steps slowly, and nodded slightly: "Settle down privately first? That's a good idea."

I shouted, "Aiya! It's already time, so what's the matter? It's the right way to cook the raw rice first!"

As soon as I said it, I regretted it, and I just wanted to slap myself in the face.

Sure enough, Qi Sheng turned around and looked at me strangely.

I reluctantly twitched the corners of my mouth and said with a dry smile, "Do extraordinary things at all times!"

Qi Sheng smiled lightly, turned around and walked out of the hall without saying anything.

It was only at this moment that I breathed a sigh of relief, fell to the ground, patted my chest with my hands and sighed dangerously. Patting and patting, I suddenly felt something was wrong, eh? How can I pat my chest? Why use such a "mother" action

Could it be because the aunt came here? Is my gender consciousness also assimilated by this body

I was sitting in a daze when the hedgerow came quickly from outside the hall, knelt in front of me and called me in a low voice and hastily.

I looked up at her for a moment, and asked, "Lvli, come over and give me a hug."

Hearing this, Lvli's eyes immediately turned red, he knelt down in front of me, took me into his arms gently, endured crying and said in a low voice, "Miss, if you feel uncomfortable in your heart, just cry out, don't put it in your heart. "

I wrapped my arms around the slender waist of the hedge, and buried my whole face in the softness of her chest, but I couldn't cry.

No, really nothing! The beauty was hugging, and I didn't even feel it at all.

Really want to cry without tears!