The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 41


The green hedge on the side was already smiling happily, and she said with great surprise, "My Lady is pregnant! Amitabha! Buddha bless you!" The emperor is!"

I'm not in the mood to ignore her, I just raised my hand to stop her noise, and asked Imperial Physician Song, "Did you make a diagnosis? My menstrual period is always inaccurate."

Song Taiyi shook his hands and stroked his beard, then said with a trembling voice: "Yin beats Yang, the inch pulse is sinking, the chi pulse is floating, agitated and smooth, the yin sees the yang, and there is an image of harmony, it is indeed pregnant. Pulse. It’s just that the spleen, kidney, qi and blood are slightly weak for the mother, to ensure safety, the old minister will prescribe some anti-abortion medicine for the mother.”

I didn't understand the pulse he said, but the meaning was understood, that is, I did have it, but it seemed that the fetal image was a little unstable, so I had to protect the tire first.

Protect his grandfather's mouth! I haven't enjoyed any benefits yet, so I have it? I wipe! What a fool! !

I remained silent.

Imperial Physician Song carefully glanced at my face, and quickly retreated on the pretext that he wanted to go down to prescribe the prescription.

Lu Li sent him out of the hall, and then turned back. First, he happily sent the little palace maid to deliver the letter to Qi Sheng, and then hurriedly urged everyone to take me to the inner hall to rest, and then he was afraid that I would be too noisy, so he hurriedly sent him back. After the crowd, he was left alone to accompany him.

I was struck hard by the thunder just now, so I was stunned for a while, and then I suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the hedge, and couldn't help but squinted to look at her.

The smile on Lvli's face just now disappeared, and he silently walked up to me and knelt down, gently supported my knee with his hand, raised his head and cried out in a mournful voice, "Miss."

After living with Lvli for more than a year, I also got a bit of her temperament. Usually, when she calls me miss, it's basically when I'm "rejected" by Qi Sheng.

I looked at the hedgerow lightly and just asked, "What's wrong?"

Lvli's eyes were red, but after several hesitations, he begged first: "There is something you must endure when you hear it, the body is yours, and the lady must not do stupid things again!"

When I heard her foreshadowing, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. What's going on here? Is it that serious

Seeing Lu Li taking a deep breath again, he said, "Miss is not pregnant, so Imperial Doctor Song said that because the family has already bought it."

I was stunned, and a burst of ecstasy surged in my heart, which made me sit up straight and stared straight at the hedge.

Lvli gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Youlan Palace called the imperial doctor two days ago, but it was the imperial doctor Song, and the family felt strange, so they secretly asked the imperial doctor Song to ask, only then did I know that Jiang's slut was actually was diagnosed to be pregnant."

I was overwhelmed with joy and joy came again, one couldn't control it, and everyone stood up from the bed!

"Miss—" Ledge screamed, jumped over and hugged my legs, crying in a low voice: "Miss, madam, you have to endure, even if your teeth are knocked out, you will still swallow blood in your stomach. what!"

I just felt the blood all over my body rushing to my head, I lowered my head and tightly held Lu Li's shoulders, and asked nervously, "What are you saying is true? It's not me who is pregnant, but Jiang's. ?"

Hedge just choked, sobbing.

I was anxious, shook her vigorously, and asked, "Speak! Who the hell is pregnant?"

Lu Li wiped the tears on her face, suppressed her crying, and said ruthlessly, "It's that bitch of the Jiang family, but it's only been two months, and she's also taking care of her child. The family has already employed people, so try her best to get rid of the evil in her belly. But I'm afraid there is an emergency, if the evil seed is really born, it will be the eldest son of the emperor, and the emperor is bewitched by that bitch again. If the evil seed is to fall into the name of the empress, then it will become The eldest son! It is justifiable to be established as the prince again! So the family forced the imperial doctor Song, and asked him to diagnose the happy pulse for the empress. In this way, if the piece of flesh of the Jiang family can be removed in advance, the empress is here. No matter what, if we can't get rid of it, we have to give birth to the prince before her, so that the emperor can't find any excuse!"

I rub it, is this another version of "civet cat for prince"

I just stood there in a daze for a while, a little incapable of accepting it. Originally, Jiang Shi was able to get pregnant, which is a good thing. Jiang's current identity is not visible. As long as the prince is born, Qi Sheng will first put him in my name in order not to aggrieve the child, and then in a few years, ask Jiang to make a change and enter the palace...

In the past few years, this is exactly what I want to use. As long as the management is done properly, the Zhang family and the latrine master will attack together, and Qi Sheng will never be able to recover from the fight. At that time, he can only follow the Jiang family to Yanjun's place for a lifetime. people go!

Unfortunately, all of this was broken by my "pregnancy". After experiencing being drunk, I was sadly pregnant again... I have words of suffering, I really want to scold people!

Seeing that I hadn't responded, Lu Li suddenly became frightened, shook my leg, and hurriedly called out, "Niangniang, Niangniang!"

I just came back to my senses and said angrily, "Why didn't you say this earlier?!"

Lvli was startled, and subconsciously leaned back, then rushed forward again, crying and explaining, "My family knows that the lady has a strong temperament, and I'm afraid that if I tell you beforehand, it will only make you miss the point, maybe you can't bear it. I can't stop going to the Orchid Palace, but at that time, it will be right in the heart of Jiang's slut, and I will make the emperor hate it."

Looking at the hedge that was crying like pear blossoms and raining, I was speechless and could only sit down on the bed slumped. The news that the queen is pregnant will soon spread throughout the harem, and then up and down the court... The Golden Triangle, which was originally good, suddenly has an extra corner. In this matter, I have to give an account to the latrine gentleman.

I looked up at the green hedge, thinking about how to make her understand that I was her real boss, but when I saw the little girl crying like this, I couldn't take it anymore and said harsh words, and finally I could only be serious He said: "Lvli, in the future, you must greet me first. You are now the maid of the queen, not the maid of the Zhang family. I will provide you with food and clothing. I will also find your husband's family in the future. Your parents are me. If you do private work for others in the future, don't blame me for breaking your job!"

Ledge was so frightened that he kept blinking his big almond eyes, not knowing whether he understood or not.

I was helpless, so I could only wave my hand, which was considered to have uncovered this chapter, and explained to her: "You think of a way to send a letter to King Chu and ask him to come to me as soon as possible."

Lvli was stunned for a while, then rushed over again, and lowered his voice to persuade eagerly: "Niangniang! You must not do anything stupid! Imperial Doctor Song will have a way to keep you from coming to the letter, and you can find a suitable baby at home. Besides, you are looking for help from His Royal Highness the King of Chu. First, there are many people in the palace. Once the word is leaked, it will be a word of 'death'. Second, your body has not been recuperated, and it is difficult to guarantee that you will be pregnant once. Even if you are pregnant, the days will not match!"

I didn't understand it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, I understood the meaning of the hedge. Looking at her eager little face, I raised my hand and forcibly held it back. Woman, I don't hit women...

I took a deep breath and said, "Lu Li, you get up first."

Perhaps my face was very ugly, and the hedgerow was frightened, so I hurriedly got up from the ground and stood timidly aside.

I solemnly explained to her: "First, the child in Jiang's belly must be kept! You send a letter to the family and tell them not to have any other thoughts! Second, Qi Sheng is not a fool, you have a child outside the palace. Come on, he couldn't possibly not know, so he also told the family to die, and quickly thought of getting rid of this fake in my stomach! Third, tell the family that I miss the second girl very much, called She went to the palace to accompany me for a few days. Fourth, we must arrange for me to meet the King of Chu as soon as possible!"

Hedge nodded.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and my face softened a bit. Seeing Lu Li’s expression of horror, I felt a little soft-hearted. Just as I was about to comfort her a few words, I heard a servant from outside the hall shouting: “The emperor is here! "

I hurriedly scolded Ledge in a low voice: "Wipe away your tears! Hurry up and laugh at me!"

Lu Li hurriedly lowered his head and rubbed his face, and when he raised his face again, he was already smiling.

I was a little dumbfounded, I wiped, this is a real woman, changing face is faster than turning over a book, when will I be able to appreciate the true meaning of this!

In a blink of an eye, Qi Sheng's figure appeared at the door of the inner hall, and he didn't speak, just stood there and looked at me with a vague expression. After the Lantern Festival night, Qi Sheng never came to my place again, and it has been more than a month now. Because he walked off the bed that time, and seeing each other under the bed this time, I didn't realize it was a bit contradictory.

To say that Lu Li was quick to respond, he hurriedly came over to help my arm to meet him, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty's arrival is just right, hurry up and coax Niangniang, Imperial Doctor Song diagnosed Niangniang with a happy pulse, and Niangniang turned out to be like a child. Weeping and laughing."

I was agitated, pondered for a moment, and quickly supported my waist with my other hand.

This scene fell into Qi Sheng's eyes, and his face that had been sinking like water suddenly became vivid, and even a smile appeared in his eyes.