The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 42


I can't understand Qi Sheng's mind, so I can only respond to changes with the same thing.

Qi Sheng took me a few steps forward, took me from Lu Li's hand, supported my arm with one hand, and supported my waist with the other, leading me to the side of the bed, explaining lightly, "I have been sitting and walking for the past few months. Be safe, wait until your body is strong."

I was a little flattered by his grooming, and subconsciously straightened my waist forward, but my lower abdomen was still flat. It was too early to think that it was too early to wear a pregnant woman's style, so I simply avoided Qi Sheng and put it on my waist. Holding her hands, she said with a dry smile, "It's just pregnant with a child, how can you be so squeamish."

Qi Sheng was silent for a while, then slowly withdrew his hand.

The announcement of the palace maid suddenly came from outside the hall: "Your Majesty, Empress, Concubine Chen Shu, Concubine Huang Xian, Li Zhaoyi and others came to congratulate Empress and they are waiting outside the hall."

I was stunned for a while, and glanced at Qi Sheng, seeing that he was slightly downcast, as if he had no intention of answering, so I could only clear my throat and commanded, "Call them in."

After a while, I heard the sound of ringing bells, and many beautiful beauties came in from outside the hall with graceful gestures, and Yingying Yanyan suddenly filled the inner hall. I saw that Huan Feiyan was thin, each had its own merits, one was beautiful, the other was beautiful, and the other was beautiful. Although they all said congratulations to me, their little eyes were glued to Qi Sheng.

I couldn't help feeling sour and astringent, so many beautiful beauties like flowers had to be hanged on this crooked tree like Qi Sheng, what is the law of heaven! Since you don't know how to pity beauties, it's better to build the palace wall a little lower, so that everyone can climb on it more conveniently.

Qi Sheng was a little impatient, and sent me all the beauties in the hall with a few words, and finally explained to the servants: "The queen has just become pregnant, don't ask them to come to disturb the queen, so I will save their daily greetings first. Bar."

I was stunned for a moment, and my heart suddenly wailed, Nima, I only have this little fun left in every day, and you have to give me a break! "Wait!" I hurriedly called the chamberlain who was about to retire, and said with a stern face to Qi Sheng, "Your Majesty, the ceremony must not be abandoned, since I am the lord of the six palaces, I have to take the lead in guarding the ceremony, concubines and concubines. The daily greetings cannot be avoided, and I have to take them to greet the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager!"

Qi Sheng said nothing, and looked at me with dark eyes.

I thought that since I had already opened my mouth, I might as well explain it all, so I dismissed the palace maids and the servants, took a deep breath, and said, "Your Majesty, I told you before that instead of The two of them guessed each other's thoughts to live, so it's better to open up and discuss things. The Zhang family is currently strong, if I have another child, I am afraid that the power of the foreign relatives will expand. It is not what I want to be pregnant, this child you It's all up to you to decide."

Qi Sheng's face was expressionless, but when he got to the back, his eyes were lowered, and he didn't move as if he had entered the old monk's meditation. I was very anxious, I could see some emotions from the swollen eyes, but now it's good, I can't see anything, I can only rely on myself to be blinded!

An expert once said that the best way to deal with a smart person is to open the skylight and speak up. If you fight with him, you will only make him look down on you. And against SB, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise it will only make him misunderstand you.

I pondered that even if Qi Sheng was not a smart person, he could still be considered an SB to some extent, and there was always no problem with him being straightforward. I thought for a while, and then said: "To tell you the truth, I already know about the pregnancy in the Orchid Palace. You also know that I have no intention of competing for favor, so I am not jealous of Jiang's, but There is a lot of sympathy and pity. However, although Princess Zhao is considered dead, there are many people who have seen her inside and outside the palace. Why do you have to wait for a few years? She changed her identity and entered the palace with an upright identity. But the child can't wait, and can't let him grow up in this palace without a name and no part. So... If you can trust me, you might as well fall in my name first and occupy it. The title of heir, even if you want to pass on the throne to him in the future, it will be easier."

After a long talk, my mouth was dry and my tongue became dry. I reached out to take a cup of herbal tea on the table, but before I could drink it, Qi Sheng grabbed the tea cup, and only coldly ordered: "Call them. Change it to a hot drink."

Before I finished speaking, I didn't intend to call someone in to interrupt, so I could only reluctantly put down the teacup, licked my chapped lips, and then persuaded Qi Sheng, "I'm still clichéd, so don't think I'm chatting. Nah, it's not a way for you to always guard Jiang's family like this. Although Jiang's family is pitiful, the other women in the harem are not pitiful? You saw it just now, what did everyone look at you like? This woman is the most afraid of It's unfair. You sleep with the Jiang family on the first day of the new year, and you should change your place on the fifteenth day. Concubine Chen Shu, Concubine Huang Xian and Li Zhaoyi, you are the emperor. You should have three palaces and six courtyards. What about one person in one lifetime? It’s enough for her to care. The other concubines and concubines in the palace should take care of them to some extent.

Before I could finish speaking, I heard a "click", and Qi Sheng actually crushed the teacup he had been holding in his hands.

Oops! It's still too much of a chatter!

I hurriedly added: "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, you go alone with Jiang's, I'll take care of it in the palace, I'll take care of it!"

Qi Sheng stood up from the table without saying a word, looked at me with a gloomy face for a while, then turned and left.

I sat in a daze for a long time, and I felt very ashamed of Qi Sheng's behavior, which made him slam the door and leave!

Lu Li came in from the outside, saw the broken porcelain pieces on the table, and rushed over with a scream, took my hands and looked carefully, and said anxiously, "Where is the maiden hurt? Why is there so much blood? "

I was stunned and went to look closely at the tiles on the table, only to realize that there was blood on the tiles, and even the ground was stained with blood.

I was so remorseful that I just wanted to hit the wall, oh my, this is ruined, it can be regarded as offending Qi Sheng!

Hedge also looked at my hand to and fro, trying to find one or two cracks.

I withdrew my hand and instructed her: "Hurry up, and do everything I just explained as quickly as possible."

To say that Lvli's brain is a bit peculiar, but her working ability is still very good. Only the next day, the second girl of the Zhang family came to the palace under the banner of missing her sister.

Zhang's grandfather, the great general of protecting the country, Zhang Sheng, is a lame man, but he is very good-looking. In addition, Mrs. Zhang was also a beauty when she was young, so the two sisters of the Zhang family are very good-looking. . If Mrs. Zhang is a magnificent peony, then Miss Zhang Er is an elegant and beautiful white lotus.

Looking at Zhang Er girl who bowed her head shyly in front of me, I was deeply moved. She was such a beauty, but she had to be pushed into someone else's arms. Oops, isn't this cutting my flesh alive!

After sending back all the maids in the palace, and letting Lvli stand guard outside the palace, I waved at Miss Zhang Er, "Sit down beside me."

Miss Zhang Er got up and sat down, still with her head down slightly, her blushing lips parted slightly, and she called out, "Niangniang."

A big pot of cold water was poured over my head, which immediately washed away the slightest thoughts in my heart.

I cleared my throat and asked in a low voice, "Do you know General He Bingzehe?"

Zhang Er girl's face turned red, and a flash of panic flashed quickly.

I nodded secretly, so it seemed that there was a play.

Last summer, when the old emperor went to Fuping Palace to escape the summer, he wanted to call several candidates for the latrine king to Fuping for an inspection, and Zhang Er was among the invited list. Qi Sheng, who was still the prince at the time, was afraid that the Zhang family would have a relationship with the toilet king, so he deliberately made a move, and the young and handsome Zuo Yiwei general He Bingze served as the escort, in order to ask He Bingze to give the toilet king a visit on the way. Recruit the bottom of the salaries.

Unexpectedly, before the people were sent to the palace, the old emperor suddenly died from the wind. He Bingze also turned back to Shengdu halfway, and led Qi Sheng to become the emperor. It's only been more than half a year, and many things are still vivid in my mind, but things have long since changed. On the Dragon Boat Festival last year, the second girl of the Zhang family was still shy at the toilet, but now, her face is blushing just because she heard He Bingze's name.

It seems that this uncooked rice has already been made into uncooked rice.

Hey, women, women, really are the most fickle.

I sighed inwardly and said, "Don't ask me how I know about the private relationship between the two of you. Although you hide it well, there are no impervious walls in this world, and your family will know about it sooner or later. , you two are talented and beautiful, and you are in each other's hearts, so it is a good marriage. But our Zhang family is a family of foreign relatives, and we hold military power, which has already attracted the emperor's jealousy, and the He family is also the mainstay of the army, the mother of General He. And the niece of the Empress Dowager..."

Zhang Er's originally ruddy face became paler and paler, her hands tightly squeezed the corners of her clothes, and she lowered her head and said nothing.

I couldn't bear to scare the little girl any more, so I put it away and asked softly, "I just ask you, what are your plans?"

Miss Zhang Er was about to cry, suddenly got up and knelt in front of me, crying, "Eldest sister, I really like him, I really like him!"

I put up with pity for Xiangxiyu and deliberately stopped for a while before asking again, "What about him? What did he say?"

Miss Zhang hesitated for a while, her face was blushing, and her voice was as low as a mosquito, "He said he would never let me down."

Well, a good "will not lose you"! Qi Sheng had said this before, but he turned around and pushed Lao Tzu down Wan Jiang. Now, his little brother also said the same to Laozi's sister.

I fixed my eyes on the second girl Zhang, and asked in a deep voice, "Can you give up this status?"

Miss Zhang pondered for a moment, then nodded firmly.

"It's easy to say, go to He Bingze and tell him that you can give up your identity as the second lady of the Zhang family for him, and only want to follow him, either as a maid or a concubine!"

Miss Zhang's eyes widened in astonishment.

I laughed, leaned closer to her and whispered: "Silly girl, think about it, you will only move him and pity you even more. But does the He family dare to call the queen's direct sister a maid or a concubine? Just the two of you. Do it first, and the two adults can only suppress this matter for the sake of face. Not to mention, I will help you secretly!"

Miss Zhang Er is a smart girl, she lowered her head and pondered, she already understood what I meant. But he blushed and asked in a low voice, "He... what if he doesn't...?"

I was happy, winked at her, and said with a smile, "The decision on this matter has never been in the hands of men."

Miss Zhang Er was stunned for a moment, then suddenly twisted, stretched out her hand and beat me gently, and said in a coquettish voice, "Eldest sister, you are so mean!"

Yes, I also think I'm really bad, but what can I do

Lvli sent off the second girl Zhang, and when she came back, she was very puzzled and asked me, "Why did the lady encourage the second girl to elope? If this is revealed, the second girl will be ruined for the rest of her life."

I feel that since there is only a hedge around me, it is impossible to hide some things from her. Instead of telling her to misunderstand my affairs, it is better to just open up and tell her.

"Now the army is three-legged, our Zhang family is the largest, and the rest are the He family and Jiangbei Yang family. The Yang family and the king of Chu have always been unclear, so the emperor dare not use it, to attack our Zhang family, the army The only thing that can be used is the He family. As long as the second girl is posted on He Bingze, no matter what the result is, there is a gap between the emperor and the He family. When the emperor uses the He family again, he will think about it. "

Lvli was stunned when he heard it, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses and praise me: "This servant understands, the lady is really brilliant!"

This flattery was neither painful nor itchy, I ignored it, and just asked Lu Li: "Lu Li, do you know why I don't hide anything from you?"

Lu Li was slightly stunned, looked at me with some doubts, thought about it and said, "Because the slaves are loyal to the goddess."

I smiled and shook my head: "Loyalty is the most unclear thing, I believe you, just because the lives of you and me have been tied together, I live, you live, I Die, you die. In this world, nothing is more important than your own life and death."

Lvli lowered his head and was silent for a long time, looked up at me, and asked, "Since Niang Niang sees it so clearly, why did she not change her mind to win the emperor's heart? Everyone says that Jiang is smart and clear, but this servant thinks that she is not even half as good. Madam."

"This is another sentence I want to tell you. The most untrustworthy thing in this world is the human heart, and the most unreliable is the man's heart."

Lu Li stared at me blankly, as if he didn't know me, and murmured, "Niangniang, what's wrong with you?"

I stretched out my hand to stroke Lu Li's hair and smiled, "Lu Li, your mother-in-law just wants to tell you that although men like smart women, most of them choose to marry a stupid daughter-in-law. Why? Don't worry! Stupid, he will be more at ease, and the less he will be on guard against you. Just like you are in front of me, no matter how clever you are in secret, as long as you show less stubbornness on the surface, the more confident I will use you. "

Lvli's body trembled faintly, and asked in a trembling voice, "What the lady is saying, this servant can't understand."

I didn't want to investigate too deeply, I just raised my eyebrows and said with a smile, "It's fine if you don't understand, now hurry up and think of a way to invite the King of Chu to come to see me in the palace."