The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess

Chapter 70


Guess Qi Sheng didn't expect me to take the initiative to jump up, and was a little stunned for a while. When I pushed him down, he reacted, and with a frown, he turned me down.

I think Qi Sheng is very hypocritical, is it really that important? To put it bluntly, don't you mind my gender in the past ten years? If you mind, don't touch me, why are you still attached to this body

What a contradictory man.

While sighing, I wrapped my legs around his thin, sturdy waist.

A man like Qi Sheng clearly likes women who are passionate and bold in bed, but he takes everything to heart and refuses to say it.

He is simply a model of a boring man. To clean up such a person, it is very simple, you just need to show him clearly!

I don't have any other skills, just thick-skinned, proactive enough in bed, and brave enough to express my needs with actions, so it suits his appetite.

But thanks to him, no matter how much he hated my psychological gender before, he was satisfied with my body, even longing for it.

I think as long as there is this, it is enough.

It doesn't take too long, just a few years, let me give birth to a prince, and have something to rely on.

Let the courtiers know that I am a queen with children and pets, let the Zhang family dare not abandon me easily, and let the latrine gentleman return to my boat.

As soon as I draw the blueprint for life in the future, I am a little less focused in spirit, and my movements are inevitably a little less standardized. Qi Sheng stopped abruptly, looked at my face carefully, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Did you get distracted?"

I woke up suddenly, afraid that my eyes would betray me, so I hurriedly wrapped my arms around Qi Sheng's neck, raised my body and pressed it closely, deliberately paused for a moment, and then whispered in his ear, "I think Have another son."

Qi Sheng's body froze obviously, and after a long while he asked in a hoarse voice, "Really?"

I despised him very much in my heart, why should I ask this question? Who doesn't want to have a son in the harem

However, thinking is one thing, speaking is another.

I was silent, tried my best to relax my body, and said softly, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day you will get tired of this body. At that time, there is a son by your side, who can save my life for a long time."

Qi Sheng asked me, "That's why you want to go to Fuyuan Temple?"

I thought about it and nodded, "Well, they said that asking for a child there is effective."

Qi Sheng didn't speak any more, he just hugged me tightly, hitting me one by one, slowly, but every blow seemed to rush into the deepest part of my body.

Sensing that he was obviously emotional, I hurriedly hugged Qi Sheng tightly, sighing secretly that it was better to lie to a man when he was in bed.

Since Qi Sheng has allowed me to leave the palace, there is no need to hide this matter. I instructed Freehand to prepare for me to leave the palace openly.

When I went to the Empress Dowager to report to the Empress Dowager, I happened to meet Empress Dowager Song, so I asked them to save the trouble: "My concubine is going to Fuyuan Temple. Do the grandmother and the empress have anything to bring?"

Empress Dowager Song was always polite to me, and she habitually shook her head when she heard the words.

It was the Empress Dowager who said to me, "A while ago, I suddenly dreamed of an old friend who had been with me for many years. Recently, I always remembered that since the Empress went to Fuyuan Temple, please offer him an ever-bright lamp in front of the Buddha for me."

I nodded.

"Cuishan is a good place. My mother's family used to have a village in the back mountain. It was very big. It specially drew the water from the Qingshui River into the landscape. I used to go there when I was a child, and I lived there for a long time when I grew up. For a while..." The old lady slowly turned the rosary in her hand, her brows and eyes were dazed for a moment, but she quickly returned to normal, looked up and smiled: "Now I always like to think about things when I was young, it's really old. "

I secretly sighed that the old lady has a long life, almost all the people of her generation have been exhausted, and I don't know who the friends she misses will be, is she still alive

For some reason, my heart is also a little sad. Even if I live a lifetime, what can I do if I endure this step of the old lady? At the end of the calculation, in the end, it was all empty.

Thinking about it like this, I suddenly felt that going to Fuyuan Temple or not going to Fuyuan Temple didn't make much sense.

Maybe I was too depressed. When Qi Sheng came to see Wei'er in my palace, he asked, "What's wrong?"

I thought about it for a while, and replied, "As a queen, even if you wear casual clothes, it would be quite troublesome to go to Fuyuan Temple. If I had known this, it would be better to ask Xiyi to run for the concubine once, why pay it back? Go yourself."

Qi Sheng heard nothing.

But I didn't expect to take me out of the bed in the early morning of the second day, and while I was still staring, I was alone in a dress that was very different from my usual style, and then pressed me down. Dress up at the dresser.

My eyelids were still glued on, I nodded and dozed off and asked Freehand: "It's not the time for them to come to say goodbye, why are you so early today? Also, people? Why are you the only one? people to serve?"

With a faint excitement in his freehand voice, he leaned into my ear and said in a low voice, "The emperor just called someone to send a letter in, saying that the empress should dress like this."

I was stunned for a moment, my mind was still confused, a hood was already buckled on my head, and then she was pulled, and she tiptoed out of the palace, and went around and out of Xingsheng Palace.

An inconspicuous carriage was parked behind Xingsheng Palace, and as soon as Xingyi pulled me to the front of the carriage, the groom who was waiting beside the carriage put down his footstool and said to me, "Empress Empress, the emperor is waiting in the carriage. "

Qi Sheng? Is he waiting for me in the car

While I was in shock, Freehand was already behind me and helped me get on the carriage, and said in a low voice, "The maid is following, and the mother-in-law should call someone to summon the maid again."

Then he opened the carriage door curtain for me.

Inside the car, Qi Sheng, dressed as an ordinary scholar, sat leaning against the wall, raised his eyes and looked at me indifferently.

I was taken aback for a while, and I honestly climbed into the car. The carriages are not big, but they are exquisitely and comfortably furnished, with a few cushions and other items complete. Although they are only half-new, you can see the subtle differences if you look closely.

In a word, it has the meaning of low-key luxury.

Qi Sheng's eyes only shifted on me and then moved away, then he half-laid on the soft cushion and closed his eyes, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Someone outside responded respectfully with a "yes", and then the carriage started slowly.

From start to finish, Qi Sheng didn't say a word to me, nor did he say where he was taking me.

This carriage is far smaller than the Prince's car that I rode with before. He spreads his hands and feet, so I can only sit on my knees, otherwise I will bump into him.

Even so, the two almost smelled each other.

I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, except on the bed, I rarely get so close to Qi Sheng, especially when the clothes are neat. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm more comfortable when I'm honestly facing him on the bed.

I took off the veil on my head and threw it aside, and looked at the inside of the carriage carefully, and finally my eyes had to fall on him. Although he closed his eyes, his eyelashes were occasionally shaking slightly. Apparently not asleep.

I thought about it and asked, "Has the emperor had breakfast?"

Qi Sheng opened his eyes and looked at me.

I quickly explained subconsciously: "I'm not hungry, I'm really not hungry, I'm just asking."

There was a smile on the corner of Qi Sheng's mouth, he got up slightly and took out a snack box from a few shorts, and handed it to me, "Eat it."

I opened it up, hey, there are quite a variety of varieties in it, so I honestly took out a snack from the box and ate it.

Qi Sheng was still leaning lazily on the cushion, and asked me casually, "Don't ask where is this going?"

What is there to ask, just this car, this idea, where can you go? Is it possible that you can take me to Yunxi to watch the battle? I'm not really stupid, I can't even guess this.

I stopped and swallowed all the dim sum in my mouth before asking, "Didn't you go to Cuishan Fuyuan Temple?"

I saw Qi Sheng's eyebrows twitch.

I pretended not to see and continued to bow my head to eat snacks. While I was eating, Qi Sheng suddenly leaned over, reached out and took the half of the dim sum in my hand, and asked softly, "Is it really so delicious?"

Saying that, he shoved the snack into his mouth.

I stared blankly at Qi Sheng, and he looked at me with burning eyes, as if he was expecting something.

I really wanted to blush to show my shyness, but with this level of teasing, I can't really blush!

I didn't use this method of picking up girls many years ago. If it were me, I should have grabbed my hand and grabbed the half of the snack directly, and then licked the fingertips with the tip of my tongue.

This is called ambiguous, this is called flirting, okay

Mixing with Jiang's firewood stick, it really doesn't make much of a difference.

I looked at Qi Sheng with some pity, took out another piece of dessert from the box and handed it over, and asked solemnly, "Is half a piece enough? One more piece?"

Qi Sheng's expression turned cold, he took a deep breath, and leaned back on the cushion to close his eyes and rest. This recuperation lasted most of the way, but he didn't say a word.

I think it's not easy to pretend to sleep with your eyes closed even though you don't want to sleep, especially after pretending to be for such a long time.

If I call him so "not easy", he will inevitably get revenge on me in the future.

I thought about it for a while, then leaned over to Qi Sheng's side with my hand on the short table, and asked softly, "A few words?"

Qi Sheng still didn't open his eyes.

I secretly made a gesture of "I despise you" to him, but I asked him seriously: "How is the war in Yunxi?"

Only then did Qi Sheng open his eyes, his dark eyes were calm and calm, he looked at me for a moment before answering: "It's very smooth, if there are no accidents, the war will end early next year."

After speaking, he looked at me quietly, as if waiting for my next question.

I nodded solemnly, then stared at him nervously again, and asked, "Where do we have lunch?"

Qi Sheng's expression froze for a moment, and then he took a deep breath.

I hurriedly smiled and stretched out my hand to pat his chest to give him some relief, and said with a smile: "Just kidding, it's so easy to come out once, don't always put on a sullen face, you're sorry for the beautiful scenery outside the car."

As he spoke, he leaned over and reached out his hand to lift the curtain on his side for Qi Sheng.

Outside the car, there is an early summer scene, the trees are green, the flowers are delicate and beautiful, and even the wind blowing on the front has a warm feeling, and it is comfortable to breathe into the chest.

I turned to look at Qi Sheng, only to see that he was not looking at the mountain scenery outside, but was aiming at my chest. I bowed my head and saw that the place where my eyes fell was also the rolling hills and the spring was just right.

I sighed, stood up, stepped over the short table, straddled Qi Sheng's lap, undressed in his astonishment, and slowly leaned over to him.

Qi Sheng's body stiffened, the muscles all over his body tightened, his breathing became much thicker, and he subconsciously reached out to support my waist.

I brushed lightly on his lips, and finally landed on the side of his neck, and said in a low voice, "After staying at Daming Palace that day and night, Jiang Shi once stopped on the road to ridicule me for serving the Lord, but she didn't know about me. How grateful I am for this 'color'. After you cut off all my wings, let me have this body to please you, and let me be a phoenix in a golden wire cage even if I can't be a phoenix soaring for nine days Birds, it is very fortunate that they are not exposed to the hardships of wind and rain, and are not forced by wind and frost.”

After he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and covered his earlobe lightly.

Qi Sheng's palm on my waist gradually tightened, and finally slowly but firmly pushed me away from him. With his eyes down, he silently sorted out my messy clothes until the last belt was pulled. After tying it up, he said lightly: "You are not a bird, you are my queen, and the wife who will watch the world side by side with me Qi Sheng in the future."

I was a little startled and looked at him suspiciously.

He raised his eyes to look at me and said, "You don't have to talk to me, the reason why I respond is because I can hear what I want to know from your words. For example, you mention Jiang's family, although it is intentional for her Putting on eye drops also shows that you already have the jealousy of women."

He smiled lightly, stared into my eyes, and said slowly: "Jealous, fickle, even vain and arrogant, I will slowly find what you lost in the past ten years, and I will Allow you, indulge you, pet you, love you, until you are willing to hold my hand and stand side by side with me."

I was too shocked to speak, I took a step back subconsciously and looked at him in amazement.

I wipe, is this still Qi Sheng? Wouldn't it be a romantic male protagonist possessed

Qi Sheng looked at me like this, sneered softly, and asked me, "What's wrong? I'm scared? Could it be that you are the only one who can act?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I sincerely praised: "The emperor is indeed an extraordinary person, admires, admires, admires his concubines."

Qi Sheng sneered at the corner of his mouth and looked away.

I couldn't help but sigh, this man's IQ really improved a lot when he got out of bed. Of course, I also have to self-examine myself. My acting skills are still too jerky and need to be honed in the future. When I look back, I should learn crying from Ledge and Freehand. When appropriate, I can ask the actor comrade for tips.

Qi Sheng, who was beside him, didn't speak any more, he just opened the curtain on one side, and stared blankly outside the car.

Fuyuan Temple was built halfway up the Cuishan Mountain. It has a history of more than 400 years, and the incense has always been very prosperous. The carriage was inconvenient to go up the mountain, so it stopped at the foot of the mountain. Qi Sheng got out of the car first, turned around and gave me a hand, and then took me up the mountain with the incense crowd.

I think the matter of worshiping Buddha, sincerity and insincere should be put aside first, this ritual is absolutely obtained. So when I entered the temple, regardless of the three-seven-twenty-one, I worshipped the Buddha statue, for fear that another Bodhisattva would be missed and missed.

Qi Sheng saw me praying for piety in front of the Buddha, and occasionally followed me to worship.

When I bowed in front of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Qi Sheng was also muttering something in a low voice. I couldn't help it, so I turned my head and asked him, "What are you asking for?"

Qi Sheng lowered his eyes slightly, looked very pious, and replied, "I beg the person beside me to be the same as what I want."

This sentence was a bit confusing, I only understood what he meant after smacking it, and suddenly felt a little guilty. I hurriedly turned around and bowed to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. My peers study more and pay attention to a lady first.

When I saw the Bodhisattva in this way, I bowed, and kowtowed to the back. I was already a little dizzy. When the Bodhisattva Puxian came out, if Qi Sheng hadn’t pulled it from the side, I would have almost hit the temple. door.

Qi Sheng frowned slightly at me and asked, "What's going on?"

I thought about it and replied, "Maybe I was insincere just now, let's go back and say goodbye."

After speaking, he turned around and knelt down on the futon, and kowtowed three times seriously.

Qi Sheng finally became impatient, he pulled me up and dragged me out of the Buddhist temple without saying a word.

I pondered, which muscle cramps this kid probably had, so I didn’t ask, just followed him with his mouth shut, and after a while, he went out of the temple and into the back mountain.

Only then did Qi Sheng slow down his steps, but he didn't let go of my hand, he just dragged me along the stone path in the mountains and walked slowly. But even if they walked so slowly, Freehand and the little maid dressed as a servant were still left behind. Not to mention the guards who are protecting them in the dark, and basically they can't even see their shadows.

I vaguely understood that Qi Sheng was here to date me.

I used to do dating a lot in the past. When to hold hands and when to hug my waist, I have long been familiar with it. Although my gender has changed, it is just a matter of changing from offense to defense. It's not that difficult. It's just that Qi Sheng's mind is too deep, and he never does useless work. His sudden abnormality today made me feel a little uneasy.

Don't there be a pit waiting for me in front of me

Thinking about it like this, I became even more nervous. I didn't even bother to look at the scenery. I only glanced at Qi Sheng from the corner of my eyes, paying attention to his every move.

Qi Sheng walked all the way, casually telling me who planted a certain tree, who used a certain stone chessboard, who left a certain stone carving...

I dealt with it carefully, and felt that there was no deep meaning in Qi Sheng's words.

After walking for a while, Qi Sheng suddenly stopped, turned to look at me quietly for a moment, sighed lowly, and said, "Go back."

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, nodded quickly and said, "Okay, okay."

Just as he was about to turn his head to go back, he suddenly heard a clear laughter from a woman in front of him. He looked up and saw a few young women dressed in extravagant manners coming down from the mountain surrounded by people.

When the bright little face of Chaoyang County Lord appeared from the crowd, I suddenly realized that the digger had finally arrived.

Although this little beauty has little contact with me, I am deeply impressed by her.

The first time was at the family banquet of the Lantern Festival in the New Year's Eve. She euphemistically invited me to see the lanterns, but she led me to the grove by the lake to catch the traitor. After that night, I was banned by Qi Sheng for three In the month of the month, everyone in the palace said that the princess in red was hit by evil spirits.

The second time was on the way to the Summer Palace the year before last. She tricked me out of the carriage to look at the spring, but she brought me to the toilet gentleman. After some testing, the toilet gentleman finally decided that I was a fake. , Qi Sheng fought with the toilet king, and I was almost cooked dumplings in the Wanjiang River.

This time, the little beauty first flashed surprise and surprise on her face, and then she smiled brightly.

Her smile didn't matter, I just felt a small wind blowing all over my body, and even the sun above my head lost its heat.

I asked Qi Sheng in a low voice, "Did you make an appointment?"

Qi Sheng shook his head slightly and let go of my hand.

The Chaoyang County Master left the few girls who were traveling with him and ran towards me and Qi Sheng happily.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw several figures suddenly appear around me, walking towards Qi Sheng without showing any trace.

Qi Sheng raised his hand slightly, those figures paused, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I was amazed at the skill of these gang of secret guards. Chaoyang County Master had already run up to him, scribbled a salute to Qi Sheng and me, and asked with a smile, "Third brother, third sister-in-law, you too Are you coming to play?"

Qi Sheng is the third oldest among the brothers. When he was a prince in his early years, the toilet king would occasionally call him the third brother, but since Qi Sheng ascended the throne, he has jumped out of the ranking of brothers, so no one dared to call him any more. Third brother.

The name of the Chaoyang County Master at this moment shows two problems: First, this girl is very active. When I look at Qi Sheng and I's dress, I know that the two of us came out in private, and naturally I don't want to let people see through their identities. Second, this girl is thick-skinned, no matter what the relationship between the two parties is, she must be affectionate verbally.

Qi Sheng put his hands down and nodded slightly.

The princess of Chaoyang looked at me again with a smile, and said coquettishly, "I haven't seen the third sister-in-law for many days, and the third sister-in-law has not invited me to play. When the little niece is full moon, the third sister-in-law has seen it. But I like it." Then, before I could speak, he came up and hugged my arm again, and said with a smile, "I ran into my sister-in-law outside so easily, and I couldn't let it go easily. The vegetarian food in Fuyuan Temple is famous. Some friends are going to try it, good sister-in-law, come with us!"

Saying this, my hand quietly squeezed my arm in the dark.

I was very speechless, secretly digging a hole, just dig a hole, why dig it in front of Qi Sheng? Such a coincidental encounter, such an ill-mannered invitation... You have dug a hole so hard that you don't have a cover, so you almost put a sign "There is a hole here" around the hole. How can you tell me to jump into this hole

I have the heart to jump into the pit and the guts to jump into the pit!

I quickly broke free of Chaoyang County Master's hand, and took a step closer to Qi Sheng to show my firm position at the moment, and then looked up at Qi Sheng, waiting for his reaction.

Qi Sheng smiled indifferently and refused for me: "There is something at home, your sister-in-law has to go back with me."

The princess of Chaoyang was a little disappointed when he heard this, and pulled the corners of his mouth down, but he was very happy and reconciled, and said with a clever smile: "I will go to my ancestors in a few days to say hello, and then I will go to see my sister-in-law, the third brother will not Stop me?"

This time Qi Sheng only bent the corners of his mouth and didn't even answer.

The Chaoyang County Master himself felt a little boring, but he still laughed a few gossips and said a few words of coquettishness, and then he resigned from us and left. The girls who came with her have been waiting in the distance. Although they are all looking at the scenery, they glance at this side from time to time. When Chaoyang went back, he didn't know what to say to those little girls, but they all looked at us, and some people covered their mouths with a handkerchief and laughed.

Qi Sheng turned a blind eye, took my hand calmly, and dragged me down another mountain road.

After walking tens of meters and rounding two corners, the Chaoyang County Master's group could not be seen for a long time, so I dragged Qi Sheng and asked, "How can it be so coincidental?"

Qi Sheng turned to look at me and said, "Lao Jiu wants to see you. If nothing else, he is in this mountain right now."

A simple sentence, but I was shocked that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born.

Qi Sheng and I traveled to Cuishan in private server, this is at best a story about the deep love between the emperor and the empress, but if I were caught here, it would not be a date, but a rendezvous.

Seeing me surprised, Qi Sheng smiled instead and asked, "Do you want to see him?"

To be honest, I really want to meet the toilet man in private. After all, there are some words that cannot be told, and can only be said when the two of us meet.

But I haven't lived enough yet. In front of Qi Sheng, I wouldn't say that I've met the toilet master.

I shook my head calmly and said firmly, "I don't want to see you."

Qi Sheng smiled, turned and walked away.

I stood in the back for a while, before chasing up again and shouting, "Huh?"

Qi Sheng stopped.

I had the heart to ask him if he had expected that the latrine gentleman wanted to see me, so he brought me to this Cuishan to create a chance for the two of us, but these words were already on my lips, but I suddenly changed my words, I can only ask him: "Where do we have lunch?"

Qi Sheng's face froze for a few seconds, and then he asked me, "Do you want to eat vegetarian food in this temple?"

The little beauty in Chaoyang said that she wanted to eat vegetarian food from the temple. If I go again, I will inevitably not meet again. Right now is a sensitive period, one thing is worse than one thing less, I pondered for a while, and shook my head hurriedly: "I don't like vegetarianism."

Qi Sheng said: "Okay, let's go back to Shengdu first. I know a place where the food is very good. Let's take you to try it."

After that, he took me down the mountain.

Cuishan was still about twenty miles away from Shengdu, and it would be noon before heading back down the mountain at this time. I patted my empty stomach, but I regretted that I couldn't eat a few more snacks to pad my stomach in the morning.

Qi Sheng walked smartly in front, and I deliberately slowed down at my feet, thinking that Freehand could catch up behind, but I never thought that I was walking slowly here, and Freehand who followed behind also slowed down, always so far away from me. Twenty or thirty steps, hanging from the back not far or near.

I had no choice but to turn around and wave at her.

Freehand was slightly startled, then hurried forward and asked me in a low voice, "What is your order, Madam?"

I was so hungry that my forehead was sweating. I grabbed her skirt and asked in a trembling voice, "Is there anything to eat?"

I was frightened by the freehand brushwork, and it took a long time before shaking my hand and taking out half a rose cake wrapped in a handkerchief from my arms, "This slave is greedy for a while, and that's all that's left."

Half a piece is just half a piece, anyway, it can satisfy hunger.

I just stuffed this half of the rose cake into my mouth, when Qi Sheng, who was walking in front of me, turned around again at some point, looked at me and asked, "Hungry?"

hungry? I was lifted out of bed by him early in the morning, and after a long time in the carriage, I had a snack, and he took half of it. This morning, I was climbing and kowtowing. The sun is already overhead. Can I not be hungry

I really wanted to hug his thigh and cry, "Master, I'm really hungry!"

Maybe my eyes betrayed my heart. Although I didn't answer, Qi Sheng laughed lowly and said, "Look at how good you are, you haven't eaten a few meals. When I was in the army, I once I haven't had a grain of rice in three days, and I'm not like you."

Although I was talking, my hand pulled me up, and I was walking a little faster than before.

Just walked out of the back mountain, but the accompanying guards came to look for it, with a faint look of fear on his face, and whispered beside Qi Sheng: "Master, the carriage at the foot of the mountain has been manipulated, and it is already useless. ."

I was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Qi Sheng, and heard him ask in a cold voice, "What's going on?"

The guard hurriedly reported that, in short, "this was an accident".

Because the incense of Fuyuan Temple is at its peak, many people come, and there are a lot of vehicles and horses, so there is a special place at the foot of the mountain for people to store vehicles, cattle and horses. At first, it was a thoughtful and active hawker who carried the burden and sold some food and stuff to the servants and coachmen who guarded the carriage. Slowly, they gathered into a large market, and even the juggling team was attracted.

Qi Sheng and I got out of the car and went straight up the mountain. The secret guards all followed us. Only the driver and two guards in casual clothes stayed at the foot of the mountain. Those few people didn't dare to wander around for fear of accidents, and just waited for us to go down the mountain by the car. Who knows that if you don't cause trouble, it doesn't mean that things won't provoke you. Somehow, a carriage parked on the side was suddenly startled, and this time it became a mess.

There was chaos in the arena. Everyone was hiding from the frightened carriage. The juggler team was waving the fire plate. Seeing this, they didn't want to perform. They threw the fire plate out of their hands. hit our carriage.

The fire plate was burning vigorously, and there were flammable things in it, and the carriage was set on fire in the blink of an eye.

The driver and the guards only focused on controlling the frightened horse in front of the car, but ignored the fire prevention. When they reacted later, although the horse was rescued, the car was so burned that even the fine steel plates hidden in the car were exposed. .

It really was an "accident"!

Although Qi Sheng's face was calm, his eyes were a little gloomy.

Fuyuan Temple is about 20 miles away from Shengdu City, and there is no public transportation in this season, so there are only three ways for everyone to travel to Shangxiang:

Either ride a horse or ride a donkey, it all depends on your personal preference. Most of the smart people ride horses, and those who pay attention to safety basically ride donkeys. Of course, some people with great personality also ride bulls.

Or take a car, a horse-drawn ox-cart depends on your family’s conditions. Most of the wealthy homes are ornately decorated horse-drawn carriages, while ordinary families are just ox-drawn carriages.

The remaining ones who really have no money can only walk on two legs.

Our current situation is that although the car is gone, the horse is still there, which is not the worst.

The problem is, I'm wearing an orthodox women's dress today, but it would be very indecent to ride a horse. The plan now is to get people to rush back to the city and get a new car to pick us up. Only in this case, I have to wait until dark to eat this meal.

Just thinking about it, I subconsciously rubbed my stomach.

Qi Sheng stood silently for a moment, but suddenly smiled, turned his head and said to me, "Let's go, let's go to the temple to eat vegetarian food too."

I've been with him for a long time, and I've gotten to know his temper somewhat, and I secretly sighed that the latrine gentleman really annoyed him this time. I don't think it's a bit strange, if you just want to see me secretly, you don't need to do this. He is a prince, and his own mother is the queen mother in the palace. Even if there are many eyes and ears in the palace, if you want to see me, there is no chance for you to take advantage of it. Why do you have to be so powerful

I followed Qi Sheng to the temple again, and after eating a vegetarian meal from the back room, as expected, when I came out, I "coincidentally met" the Chaoyang County Master again.

The princess of Chaoyang had a smile on her face like a flower. This time, the noble ladies were no longer with her, but there was a young man, who was the good brother of the toilet king, Yang Yan.

I couldn't help but look behind Yang Yan, but I didn't see the toilet gentleman.

Qi Sheng is using Yang Yu to pacify the chaos in Yunxi. For Lao Tzu's sake, it is not good to treat his son too lightly. In addition, Yang Yan just went to Yunxi a while ago. After a few days back, Qi Sheng stopped. Ask about Yang Yan Yunxi's situation.

After a few words, the little beauty Chaoyang showed an impatient look on her face, pulled my sleeve, and begged in a moderate voice: "Good sister-in-law, let's not listen to them saying these things are boring, I heard A new garden has been built in the west, and the scenery inside is very good, let's go and take a look?"

I was stunned, well, what should come will always come!

I turned my head to look at Qi Sheng who was a few steps away, and he happened to be looking up at me. I hurriedly widened my eyes, wishing to assure him with my eyes that my heart is definitely red and focused right now, without the slightest thought.

Qi Sheng raised the corner of his lips and smiled, and then confessed to Chaoyang: "Go, bring a few more people, the sun is shining, don't ask your sister-in-law to bask in the sun."

Chaoyang nodded hastily, took my arm and left.

Freehand doesn't need to give orders this time, and comes right after him.

As expected, there is a large garden in the west, with a lot of flowers and trees planted in it, and it is in full bloom right now. The corner of the garden has brought in the living water to create the scenery. The bridge with flowing water is very elegant.

The little beauty Chaoyang had just led me up the bridge when I heard a burst of exclamations behind me. I looked back, okay, it really is a freehand fell into the water. I knew that they had to find a way to adjust the freehand brushwork, but I didn't expect that the method would be so simple and violent that it directly squeezed people into the water.

Sure enough, you can't point at women to pity Xiangxiyu!

The water in the pool was not deep, and it seemed that it had just arrived at the waist of Xieyi. Several maids hurriedly pulled Xieyi up from the water, but they were not injured, but their clothes were soaked. In summer, the clothes are thin and thin, and the single clothes are wetly attached to the body, which suddenly shows the body.

I looked up and down the freehand brushwork, this girl really needs to strengthen her nutrition, this small body is obviously fifteen or sixteen, and it looks really thin.

Chaoyang's eyes glittered with gloating light, but he was busy telling the maids to go down to find clean clothes to change into.

Freehand twisted the water on the skirt while peeping at me aggrieved.

Girl, girl, you shouldn't have come with me, you're a thorn in their eyes! I sighed lowly, nodded at her, patted her hand soothingly, and commanded, "Go."

Freehand was carried away reluctantly, Chaoyang immediately put away a smile on his face, pulled me into the depths of the garden with a serious face, and said in a low voice, "Come on, Brother Jiu and the others have been waiting for a long time. Anxious."

I was dragged away quickly by her, I just wanted to ask her a few words: girl, do you know what you are doing now? Do you know the consequences of doing this? You are obviously bullying Qi Sheng, could he let you go? There is a broken pot in the toilet, how about you? You're still in the boudoir, Qi Sheng doesn't have to bother if he wants to fix you, just one marriage can make you want to give birth to a second child.

Hey, it really is the fearless of the ignorant.

Chaoyang took me to a secluded wing room. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the latrine gentleman waiting inside. There was a man in his fifties sitting beside him. past this person.

The latrine gentleman and the man both stood up, and then the latrine gentleman nodded at Chaoyang, and Chaoyang took the door and went out.

I walked to the table and sat down, and poured myself a cup of tea. The tea was only warm in the mouth, so it was obvious that the two of them had been waiting for a long time.

The latrine gentleman sitting opposite smiled, pointed to the man beside him and introduced me: "This is General Yang Yuyang."

I was stunned when I heard it, and then I realized it after reacting. This man turned out to be Yang Yan's father? No wonder he looked familiar, he had seen him from a distance when he was outside Taixing City.

However, shouldn't this dude suppress the rebellion in Yunxi? Qi Sheng received his battle report a few days ago, why did he suddenly return to Beijing privately

Xu Shi saw through my mind, Yang Yu smiled lightly, and said, "The Empress don't need to worry, the ministers in Yunxi have already arranged it properly, and nothing will happen."

I pressed the astonishment in my heart, looked at him and asked, "Is General Yang wanting to see me?"

If it wasn't for him wanting to see me, I wouldn't have to go through such troubles.

Yang Yu glanced at the toilet king, nodded slowly, and replied: "Yes, it is the minister who wants to see the queen's concubine. The matter is very important, and we must meet with your highness and the empress before we can talk."

I saw that he was speaking so solemnly, so I sat up straight and asked, "What is General Yang going to say?"

Yang Yu sank a little and asked, "Do you know why the emperor ordered his ministers to go to Yunxi to quell the rebellion?"

I thought for a while, and replied calmly: "He first transferred General Yang, and then grounded me, the queen, in order to induce His Highness to unite with my Zhang family, and then kill two birds with one stone, while reducing His Highness, It also severely damaged the Zhang family, and all the generals, government and power are in their own hands."

The toilet king and Yang Yu did not show the slightest surprise.

The latrine gentleman smiled lightly and said to me: "I am engaged to Miss Zhang San, but for the sake of the emperor's heart, I wanted to explain to you, but after seeing that you have been so calm, I guessed that you have I figured it out."

However, Yang Yu looked at me with admiration and praised: "Your Highness is really smart, Your Highness did not see the wrong person."

I wanted to humble myself, but then I thought about it and shut up again. People who say this may not praise me for being smart, but just praise the vision of the latrine gentleman.

He heard Yang Yu continue to say: "But Niangniang only knows one of them, but I don't know the other."

I looked up at him.

"The emperor sent his ministers to Yunxi. It seems to be to remove His Highness's backing, but in fact it has a deeper meaning." Yang Yu paused, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tense, and then he said: "The emperor thinks more about I want to transfer my ministers from Jiangbei, trapped in Yunxi, and take back the military power in the hands of the ministers without leaving any traces. The ministers did not think much about it, and only gradually realized it after arriving in Yunxi. Because the rebellion in Yunxi is far less serious than what the court said before. , the He family has been guarding Yunxi for many years, and the troops are abundant, and He Liangchen is a veteran, how can he be helpless against such a rebellion, and have to transfer officials from Jiangbei to quell the rebellion?"

I have also wondered about this question he said. It stands to reason that the He family is Qi Sheng's confidant and one of the three giants in the army. Even Yunxi can't be pacified. .

Yang Yu continued: "Later, the emperor ordered He Bing to divide the troops of Jingyang and Zhang Ling to guard the Xihu border, but sent Xue and Mo to increase troops in Jingyang and Xinye. It seems that it was to suppress the Zhang family. The defense mobilization that was carried out, if you think about it carefully, is hidden and mysterious. If the ministers expected it well, after the chaos in Yunxi, the emperor would not ask the ministers to return to Jiangbei, but to keep the ministers stationed in Yunxi and transfer the main force of the He family to the north. "

When Yang Yu said this, he stopped and looked at me quietly.

This series of troop movements made my brain a little nervous. I dipped my hands in tea and randomly marked the locations that Yang Yu mentioned and the direction of troop movements on the table.

If Matou Jun marries the Zhang family, Qi Sheng will find an excuse to get rid of him, and he will break an arm of the Zhang family, and then Yang Yu will be deeply trapped in Yunxi, and his military power will be emptied. All of this is branded as an internal struggle for power. Qi Sheng competes with his brothers, with his foreign relatives Zhang Jia, and with Yang Yu...

But the result is that the important cities in Jiangbei have been replaced by Qi Sheng's confidant generals, and the northern front line has been slowly gathering heavy troops without showing any trace.

Suddenly, my mind lit up, and I asked in a voiceless voice, "He's going to attack Bei Mo?"

Bei Mo and Nan Xia have been at odds for a long time, and more than 50 years ago, they fought a vicious battle that lasted for six years. Chengzu made his fortune from the war and succeeded in resetting as the posthumous son of a former prince, becoming a generation of holy masters. Yang Yu's father, Mai Shuai, is also a legend in Jiangbei. From an infantry pawn, he became a marshal leading the Jiangbei Army in a short period of time. He has gone through several tough battles in six years, but he has never been defeated.

There were also Zhang Sheng, Zhang's grandfather, He Yanzhao, He Bingze's grandfather, Mo Hai from the Mo family, Xue Wu from the Xue family, and others.

That war ended with the victory of Nanxia. Chengzu originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and destroy Beimo, but Mai Sui, the commander of the Jiangbei Army at that time, suddenly gave up his pick and ignored the fate of Chengzu’s ruler, and brought his relatives with him. Wei returned to Shengdu.

Chengzu was also furious at that time and put Mai Shuai into the Heavenly Prison. However, this pair of monarchs and ministers started in Jiangbei together. There were too many things between the two that others could not see through. Mai Shuai was not convicted, and he was released.

That Mai Shuai is also a personality. After he came out, he left the glory and wealth of Shengdu and the sweet wife and young son of Mai Shuai's mansion, and left alone. It is said that Mai Shuai also came back later, but there are new people around him and other children. People say that although Mai Shuai is a hero, he is ruthless towards his original wife Xu. Then the Xu family saved Mai Shuai from the crisis, finally got a son, and was adopted by Mai Shuai to someone else.

Xu is because of this reason, Chengzu took good care of Xu's mother and son, and even more indulgent to Yang Yu.

These are the old yellow calendars from half a century ago, and I also mentioned them when I heard gossip about the maids.

After the war, although Nanxia and Beimo have been opposed to each other, and there have been some frictions from time to time on the frontier, the two countries only verbally condemned or expressed regret through diplomatic channels, but they did not initiate it again. a large-scale war.

Unexpectedly, Qi Sheng had only been on the throne for two years, but he was going to prepare to attack Bei Mo, and, for this time, he planned to start a rebellion in Yunxi.

The Zhang family, Yang family, Matou Jun and I are nothing but chess pieces. Qi Sheng played a big game of chess!

It is said that his grandfather Chengzu also used the Yunxi Rebellion during his restoration. Now it seems that the two grandfathers and grandsons are really similar, even the methods are similar, and they really live up to the evaluation of the "cool Xiao Chengzu".

At this moment, Yang Yu's eyes were full of admiration. He sat upright and cupped hands with me: "My lady has a sharp mind, she is really a hero among women."

The latrine gentleman looked at me with a wry smile on his lips, and said, "When the emperor was still a prince, he worked hard for Jiangbei and often stayed in Jiangbei camp for several months. Mo has started. Not to mention that the soldier pointing to Bei Mo is still the legacy of Chengzu.”

I'm a little confused in my head, I don't care whose will these are, I just know that I have to get to know Qi Sheng again.

Such a person who can slowly plan a huge chess game a few years ago, let's not talk about it, only the tenacity of his mind is terrifying.

After being silent for a long time, I suddenly remembered something, and I couldn't help asking Yang Yu: "I once heard Yang Yan say that your Yang family has a family motto, and foreign enemies must protect the country and the people first, since he uses you to calm Yunxi. Mind, why don't you lead the troops to fight Beimo?"

After all, Yang Yu was the descendant of Mai Shuai, and his reputation in the army was there, which was a shock to Bei Mo.

Yang Yu seemed a little surprised when I asked about this, he hesitated for a while, and said calmly: "Because the minister is half of Bei Mo blood, the emperor does not trust the minister in this matter, and this is why the emperor has to transfer the minister to The reason for Yunxi's overhead is not to deal with His Highness as seen on the bright side."

I opened my mouth slightly, already shocked by this news.

Mai Shuai and Xu's are both from Southern Xia with roots and roots, and Yang Yu, the eldest son, is half of Northern Desert blood. How do you say this? Did Mai Shuai steal someone or did Xu climb the wall? Thinking of Mai Shuai's attitude towards Xu's mother and son again, could it be that this Yang Yu is really not Mai Shuai's blood

The toilet gentleman coughed softly and took the message, "Since we have seen through the emperor's plan, what should we do?"

He said and looked at me.

I think his question is very mysterious, this "we", but also "me" in the circle? I looked up at the latrine gentleman for a moment, and said, "Since I have guessed the emperor's intention, His Highness may not marry the three girls."

Hearing the words, the latrine gentleman shook his head and said, "He has a desire to get rid of me, so some things are unavoidable. If I marry Miss Zhang San according to his wishes, it will hinder Zhang Shangshu. relationship, the emperor may raise his hand to me at that time, otherwise..."

He didn't say anything, with a faint smile on his face, he just looked at me quietly.

I don't think it's possible to raise sheep in a fox's den. Even if he's wearing sheep's clothing from beginning to end, he still eats meat. Therefore, I don't believe that Matou Jun insisted on alliance with me because of his trustworthiness. If it wasn't for me as a queen, he could have left me and went directly to the Zhang family to talk.

Since they are looking for me, it means that I am indispensable in their plan.

I admit that I always think about things half a beat behind them, and the best thing to do right now is to stay the same.

I glanced at Yang Yu, who was sitting beside me, and asked the latrine gentleman, "I'm stupid, and I can't understand people's hearts. What's your Highness's plan?"

The latrine gentleman smiled and replied, "I have discussed with General Yang, and I still think your method is the safest."

my way? My method is to pretend to be a turtle, which is simple and easy to learn, including teaching and learning.

I got angry and said, "If that's the case, then everyone should squat in their own urns, and be careful. It's fine to have someone raise a child, just don't be raised to death!"

After he got up, he walked out.

Yang Yu was in a hurry, and hurriedly called me, "Empress Empress..."

I turned around, looked at the two of them, and said with a sneer, "Since you all think I'm good at it, why are you taking such pains to see me?"

Yang Yu frowned slightly, but he didn't know what to say. He looked at me, and then turned to look at the toilet man.

The latrine gentleman sat there silently watching me for a moment, then suddenly said, "General Yang, please avoid it for a while, I have a few words to say to the Empress."

Yang Yu nodded, glanced at me again, stood up from the table, and strode out.

There were only me and the latrine gentleman left in the house. He lowered his head and filled his teacup with tea, and asked me softly, "Do you remember what I said to you on the Wanjiang River?"

I was stunned for a while, but he had said a lot on Wanjiang, and he had promised me "safe and healthy, good food and clothing", but I suddenly asked this question, but I was not sure what he was asking. That sentence.

The latrine gentleman looked up at me and said slowly, "If I promise, I will re-promise."

My heart trembled slightly, and I suddenly remembered the scene when I fell into the water. He pulled me with his hand, stared into my eyes and said these eight words word by word, then released the one that was clinging to the side of the boat. Hands, protecting me from falling into the river.

Wanjiang Jiuqu Gorge, the river bends and bends, the beach is full of rapid water, there are hidden reefs everywhere, and it is always dangerous.

That night, I hugged him tightly, using each other's body to shield each other from the rocks that hit us, ups and downs in the middle of the night finally exchanged for escape.

I nodded and replied, "I remember."

The latrine gentleman looked at me and continued to ask: "Then I will ask you now, are the words you said in Xingsheng Palace still worthwhile?"

I fell silent, and after a long while, I replied, "It counts."

"That's good," the toilet gentleman seemed relieved, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "He has treated you so well these days, I'm really afraid you'll lose your head."

I wiped the tip of my nose subconsciously, and said a little embarrassingly, "Yes, people say that Wenrou Township is a hero's grave, but in fact, Wenrou Township is not only useful for heroes."

The toilet gentleman's eyes were relaxed and he only smiled.

I turned back and sat down at the table again, intending to have a straight-to-the-point talk with him, so I asked directly, "What is your plan? What do you need me to do?"

Matou Jun looked calm, looked at him silently, and said, "I don't have enough strength in my hands, and I have the name of a monarch and minister with him, so I can't compete directly with him, only military tactics. He will fight Beimo sooner or later. I am afraid that the temper will be recruited in person, I will arrange the dead man in advance, so that he will stay in Jiangbei forever, and then you will hold the will and help the young emperor to ascend the throne."

His speed of speech was a little slow, but his tone was extremely relaxed. He was clearly talking about the great conspiracy of murdering the king and treason, but he seemed to be saying that everyone is tired from climbing the mountain today. Let's add two more dishes at night, or maybe tomorrow I'm afraid it's going to rain, so don't forget to add more clothes.

I listened carefully, smacking every word and every sentence, and then in the spirit of "doubt" I asked him four questions, which are simply four "wheres":

First, where were you when Qi Sheng went to North Desert? Can you still live? Will you still have power? Second, where is the dead man you speak of? Can you guarantee one kill? Third, where is the will that I will hold at that time? Is the form legal? Fourth, and the most crucial point in this plan, where is the young emperor

The latrine master answered one by one: "As long as I am willing to compromise and follow his wishes everywhere, he will not want my life. And as long as I am alive, there will always be some people in my hands that can be used. The dead do not need You worry, since I said this, I have already made arrangements. As for the will, whether he will stay or not, I will always ask you to have an imperial decree in your hand that no one can pick out. This last point , Whether there is a young emperor who can ascend to the throne depends on you, the queen."

After thousands of laps and countless turns, he finally came to the question of whether Qi Sheng could have a son. I wipe! I'm so stressed!

I thought about it and smiled tentatively: "It is still unknown whether there will be a young emperor. Since you can kill Qi Sheng, why don't you become the emperor yourself?"

The latrine gentleman shook his head slowly, his eyes clear, "If the name is not right, the world will be in chaos. Moreover, Yang Yu will be trapped in Yunxi at that time, I still need your Zhang family to stabilize the situation in Jiangbei, even if I marry Miss Zhang San. , a queen can't satisfy the appetite of the Zhang family, so she can only help you ascend to the position of queen mother."

Well, that's all true.

I nodded, looked down in silence for a moment, put my palm on the table, stood up, and said, "Okay, that's it!"

Perhaps it was because my promise was too simple, and the toilet man couldn't help showing some surprise. He looked at me and asked, "He treats you like this, I thought you would have to hesitate for a long time before giving me an answer."

I laughed: "You are also a man, don't you know what a man is? How reliable is your own son!"

After saying that, he got up and went out.

The little beauty Chaoyang was still waiting outside, and when she saw me coming out, she took me into the garden without saying a word, and when the two of them had just walked into a water pavilion and sat down, Chaoyang’s maid was already far away with freehand brushwork. here.

The maid walked in front of Chaoyang and reported: "We didn't carry any changeable dresses with us, so we had to buy a new one for this sister from the bottom of the mountain, so it took a lot of work, don't blame the county master."

Chaoyang nodded casually.

I raised my eyes and scrutinized her writing, and saw that she was wearing a new dress. Although the style of the dress was not the best, it was still neat.

Freehand eyes are still a little red, looking at me eagerly, as if there are countless grievances.

I blinked at her, turned around and chatted with Chaoyang for a while, and then went to Qi Sheng with a freehand brush.

On the way back, Freehand leaned beside me and said in a low voice, "Niangniang, someone squeezed the slave on purpose, and the slave fell into the water. Later, when I brought the slave to change clothes, the slave originally wanted to just randomly search for a coat. Just put it on, but they took away all the wet clothes on the slave, and told the slave to wait in the house for a long time before they brought this dress to the slave."

I slowed down a bit, turned my head to glance at her, and said with a smile: "Of course it has to be like this, otherwise how can you make time to drag me to meet people. Hey? Do we want to talk to the emperor about this? ?"

After thinking about it for a while, he answered me: "This servant thinks it's better to say."

I nodded, "I also feel that this matter needs to be said. Anyway, it can't be concealed. Rather than being tried, it is better to take the initiative to explain."

Freehand held my hand visibly stiff.

To her apparent guilty conscience, I just smiled, reached out and patted her arm lightly. It doesn't matter, girl, let's continue to intrigue and see who can accept who in the end.

Over there, Qi Sheng had already sent Yang Yan away, and was sitting under a big tree talking to the host of Fuyuan Temple. When he saw me passing by, he just glanced at it lightly, and then turned his head to continue chatting with the old monk.

Although it was only a casual glance, even though Qi Sheng's face was still indifferent and soft, but my mother's heart was inexplicably empty, and I always felt that sometimes, his seemingly casual eyes were more than It used to be cold and sharp.

I wipe! Why? It was clearly a rendezvous just now!

On the road from Cuishan back to Shengdu, I sat in a brand-new luxury carriage and briefly recounted to Qi Sheng the content of the tripartite meeting I had with Matou Jun and Yang Yu. Absent, there will inevitably be some shortcomings in the content, only that Yang Yu has seen through Qi Sheng's sinister intention to trap him in Yunxi, and the toilet gentleman pointed out to me that the harmony between the emperor and the queen is just an illusion. It was Qi Sheng's intention to compete with him for the Zhang family. He suggested that I should not be deceived by Qi Sheng's sweet words. If Qi Sheng was sincere to me, he would not keep the Jiang family in Daming Palace, nor would he call me this The queen is still childless.

Qi Sheng has been casually playing with the newly obtained string of Buddha beads with his eyelids down, until I have finished speaking and there is no response.

I guessed that he was embarrassed to interrupt me, and after thinking about it, I was about to add a sentence to myself, "The answer is over." Qi Sheng raised his eyelids and glanced at me, and asked calmly, "How could Yang Yu be too? exist?"

I thought about it for a while, and decided to keep my words more conservative, and replied, "That's how Lao Jiu introduced it, but I only saw Yang Yu from a distance when I was in Taixing. As for whether this is true or not. , I'm really not sure."

Hearing this, Qi Sheng curled his lips with a half-smile, and said, "If Old Nine just wants to say that, then Yang Yu won't show up today."

I was secretly startled, Qi Sheng seemed to be distracted just now, but he didn't expect the exit to be so sharp. Indeed, if the latrine gentleman sees me just to provoke the relationship between me and Qi Sheng, there is no reason to tell Yang Yu to run all the way back from Yunxi.

I can't help but regret that I shouldn't have told about Yang Yu's return to Shengdu in order to win the trust of Qi Sheng, but if I don't say it now, if Qi Sheng finds out about this later, then what I said before will be true. Fake, he is afraid that he will not believe it.

I looked up at Qi Sheng and said, "I guess he is trying to show me his sincerity, and he also told me to believe that he does have Yang Yu's full support behind him. As long as he unites with the Zhang family, we can turn things around."

Qi Sheng leaned against the wall of the carriage, raised his chin slightly and looked at me quietly.

I took a deep breath and continued courageously: "He also said that what he wants is not only the world, but also... me, he can also give me the position of the queen, and he can give more than anything you can give. I."

Qi Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and murderous intent flashed past.

I secretly thought of Amitabha Buddha, Lord of the latrine, I'm sorry, the water urn you are going to squat in will probably be smaller now, and remember to keep your neck well, and don't give Qi Sheng a chance to swing the knife.

Qi Sheng asked me, "How did you answer?"

I blinked and replied, "I said this matter is too important, I can't make the decision by myself, I have to come back and discuss it with you."

Qi Sheng was slightly startled, and then burst out laughing.

I still knelt down beside him and looked at him with pursed lips.

Qi Sheng laughed for a long time, then suddenly stretched his arms around my waist, pulled me down on his body, put the string of Buddha beads in his hand around my wrist, and then gently rubbed his chin. Holding the top of my head, he murmured, "I know what you're saying is all lies, but I just like to listen... I just like to listen."

I didn't hold back, my body froze subconsciously.

I was about to stand up and explain a few words to him, but he used force on his hand, just pressed me against his chest, paused for a moment, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Pengpeng, let's have another child. "

Still in a daze, he raised my chin with his hand, bowed his head and kissed it down.

My head was dizzy, I couldn't help but sigh, Qi Sheng is indeed a resolute master...