The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 112: Section 112


Pain, shame, and fear.

The truth that I tried to hide was also spoken: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I know that I am wrong. I really thought about making the blue-haired Virgin feel uncomfortable. I can accept it if you don't kill him, as long as the trash brother is dismissed from office at the speed of light. …”

The Queen of Eternal Night snorted, removed the Mage's hand, and added a feather fall technique, allowing Margaret to fall to the ground at a speed that would not hurt her.

Thank you for your cooperation, I am happy now~

Margaret rubbed her little butt and stood up. She peeked at the Queen of Eternal Night and was not angry.

"Next time you go into slander, remember to use your brain."

Margaret: ? ?

I want to say that I will never dare, but what do you mean, Your Majesty

I can't help but keep trying to figure out how to fuck that blue-haired Virgin!

Chapter 77 I Want To Be A Bad Woman

Looking at Margaret's surprised and surprised expression, the Queen of Eternal Night revealed an unpredictable smile.

Human nature is an interesting thing.

Just a little guidance, she thought crooked.

The Queen of Eternal Night is very sure that Margaret must now think that she is supporting her to engage Angelina.

It just needs her to come up with a smarter and better plan to do it.

The Queen of Eternal Night waved her hand and let the little half-blooded devil retreat.

Although she walked with a limp, Margaret did not lose her will, but entered into a high fighting spirit!

Indeed, Margaret also thought in her heart that His Majesty's last sentence was to imply that she "must be next time"!

Brave Mary, not afraid of difficulties!

Next time, next time, little auntie, I will definitely come up with a more exciting way to make the Mother of Blue Hair feel the pain I suffer today!

Looking at the back of her leaving, the Queen of Eternal Night sighed softly: "Is this forcing me to be a bad woman?"

Just then, a few traces of anticipation appeared on that beautiful face.

If Margaret really could command Angelina, how would Roger react

Do you pretend that you can't see and continue to lie down, or help your sister to fight back

The Queen of Eternal Night wanted to see if that guy would move.

Of course, she didn't do it for fun, but as an attempt.

In the past, she believed that the charm of the king and the clear rewards and punishments were enough to control these subordinates.

But as the empire grows, there is insufficient external pressure, and more and more entanglements of interests are involved, making it difficult to lead the team.

The most loyal subordinates in the past also have their own ideas.

The nobles have given countless rewards, and they have cut taxes again and again. They have not exchanged loyalty, but have only seen doubled greed.

No matter how harsh punishment is, as long as it is profitable, someone will be looking for loopholes.

This is not the era of the past, when everyone was united and everyone worked together, just for the ivy to survive.

Roger, the little ancestor, even made the Queen of Eternal Night understand that the reward for chaos is not good, and the iron-fisted overseer may also have the opposite effect.

Instead, she beat Margaret herself, she didn't remember hating herself, and she would work harder to overwhelm Angelina.

Such an outrageous reality made the Queen of Eternal Night realize that it is difficult and simple to control people's hearts.

Carrots and sticks.

As long as you find the carrot and hang it in front of your eyes, you can ensure that the donkey will run fast with its hooves thrown away.

When she was reading history books before, she read that an emperor of the Veronica Dynasty came to the throne at the age of eight, the regent was a lot of powerful officials, and the little emperor was shivering.

But the mother is very brave. The queen mother used various bad women's manipulations and extreme pulls to make the important ministers fight and balance each other, delaying the outbreak of internal and external troubles, and forcibly supported the little emperor to grow up and take power.

The Evernight Queen once felt that only the weak would play tricks.

But after being hit hard by reality, she abandoned many shackles and tried to let go of herself once...


This effect is so good that it makes my back feel cold!

What's up with being a little addicted

Tonight, I got it!

Only by falling into darkness and becoming a bad woman can this empire have a bright future!

The Queen of Eternal Night got up from the Star Throne and stepped down from the Star Throne, turned to look at it, and frowned slightly.

The appearance of this throne is mighty and domineering. It was co-designed by the alchemists and her during the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was only after more than ten revisions that she was satisfied.

But now, she is not satisfied.

Changes in mentality have brought about changes in aesthetics.

Especially this throne forced her to sit up straight, not suitable for lying flat.

Anyway, let the Queen of Eternal Night dislike it a little bit, thinking that it is not worthy of the current self.

The Queen of Eternal Night recited the incantation, and pointed to the throne of stars with her slender fingers.

The magic power forms a furnace, and the throne of stars melts under the high temperature, but it does not completely melt.

The corpses of powerful monsters fell from the void, turned into bones and merged into the throne of stars, and began to rebuild according to the queen's wishes.

Magic energy comes like a tide and goes back like a tide.

On the nine-layered stairs at the end of the political hall, the new version of the star throne of the ship revealed its true appearance.

The base is spirally stacked with white bones and stars meteorites. White and black add radiance to each other, filled with a fierce blood mist that cannot be dispersed. It seems to be accompanied by countless unwilling roars, imprisoning the souls of countless beasts.

The throne is taller and wider overall, and the seat back has a certain reclining angle.

Originally, the top of the throne was decorated with elegant ivy branches, but at this time, it was dyed with blood, with fangs-like barbs, sinister and majestic.

The Queen of Eternal Night sat on the new Star Throne and leaned back.

Although it is made of hard materials, because the curve of the throne fits the body ingeniously, it is actually indescribably comfortable.

The contact area is large, the pressure is small, and the comfort is not directly related to the hardness of the material.

It's just ordinary people, there is no need or spare money to accurately customize an ergonomic iron sofa based on their own body data.

The Eternal Night Queen spent countless materials and magic in order to set off the image of a bad woman in her heart, and she was very satisfied with the result.

It's just that in the past, she always sat upright and leaned forward slightly, feeling full of oppression.

Now that the new constellation throne has become wider, and the back of the chair is reclined, she is not sitting on it, but lying on her side.

The two long legs overlapped, the eyes narrowed comfortably, and the expression made people feel a little careless.

Lazy, mysterious, and powerful, people can't see through her mind at all.

In the majesty, there is an indescribable charm.

If the Church of the Seven Gods sees her current state, it will definitely vigorously publicize that the Queen of Eternal Night has fallen into the evil and chaotic camp again.

But the Eternal Night Queen likes her new throne very much, her new sitting position.

Her lazy appearance shows some lack of respect for courtiers, and it is very different from the teachings of all the court etiquette teachers in the past. She is afraid that she will be scolded by rigid nobles as "indecent".

But it's over if you're happy, no matter what those people think!

She is the queen of this empire. Does anyone have to teach her how to go to court

I, I will find my own way in the future!

She seems to have opened some shackles, and the bottomless magic power faintly echoes and resonates with the blood mist of the Throne of Stars.

It actually replenished the consumption faster than before, and then broke through the previous upper limit all the way!

The rippling magic energy overflowed from her body and condensed into many dynamic magic spirits, giving birth to a very weak and very instinctive consciousness.

These magic elves participate in magic and can magnify their power tenfold.

The Queen of Eternal Night did not ignite the divine fire, but took the road of absorbing faith and life essence to strengthen herself.

That way is to destroy all beings and make up for the self.

And the demand for faith will become more and more greedy.

The Queen believes that the path of the gods is powerful, but it is a bit more evil than the demons of hell.

So she's just looking for the end of magic.

In terms of magical reserves, purity, and control, she is now standing at the top of all beings in the eternal night world.

Magic move.

Twelve magical eyes emerged in mid-air, and from different angles, they used the photo-taking technique to capture the peerless elegance of the Queen of the Eternal Night.

Then she picked out the most satisfying "selfie" and sent it directly into Roger's mind through the magic beacon.