The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 114: Section 114


A few days ago, they finally got the long princess they were looking forward to.

Shady Veronica.

The eldest princess of the previous dynasty, the saintess of the god of knowledge, was pinned on by the remnants of the seventeen kingdoms and prophesied that she would overthrow the tyranny of Qingteng and end this eternal night.

This is a quiet girl with black hair and blue eyes, beautiful as a work of art.

The slender hand who should be reading the scroll is now in charge of life and death, shouldering the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the family and the dynasty.

At this moment, Shady ends the magical communication with Princess Tasika.

She turned to look at the nearly 1,000 members of the Tianming Army behind her who were wearing hoods, old and young, and their faces were hidden in the shadows.

Her eyes gradually became firm, as if a fire was burning: "Our actions today will announce the existence of the Tianming Army to the world. This may be the beginning of the road to recovery, or it may be the end of our lives, everyone, prepare Facing the violent storms of the Qingteng Empire, are you calling for the dawn?"

A group of people folded their hands on their chests and responded in unison:

"Always be ready, Tutor!"

They are the backbone of the Tianming Army, the elite of the Church of the Seven Gods, the last strength of the Veronica Dynasty, and the dead men that Shady has been training.

It is also the gravedigger who should have stabbed the most deadly sword against the Qingteng Empire in the long river of fate.

But in the river channel that has turned into a tributary, and debuting two years earlier, can they still set off huge waves in the future

Shady doesn't know.

But she will still move forward with determination until she dies.

Only the will that is inextinguishable under all odds can be worthy of the "teacher" of everyone.

Chapter 78

In the middle of the Khenpo Sak desert, the continuous orc camps snorted loudly.

200,000 elite orcs are really hard.

I ran all night and searched hard, but I didn't even find the shadow of the enemy.

Only caught some Ivy scout cavalry.

Ordinarily, it is not a problem to grasp the tentacles of the enemy and push back the position of the enemy, right

There is also Tasika riding a silver dragon in the sky to provide vision.

Maybe the enemy general deserves the nickname of "Fox of the Empire", and he can hide no flaws even in the endless desert without cover.

The orc elite coalition took a sigh of relief and ran until dawn, but did not find a happy target.

No matter how high the morale is, it has never been able to match the enemy, and it is almost consumed.

By the morning, some infantrymen had fallen behind, and Princess Tasika ordered to camp and rest.

She assures everyone that she will continue to search for the cunning ivy fox on the dragon, and everyone must rest well and wait for the decisive battle with the enemy.

In fact, it was Tasika and her confidants who were the first to discover the enemy scout, and then eliminated and tortured them.

Rommel's marching route and camping site, Tasika is clear.

After knowing this, she avoided the enemy's tracks with great precision, and at the same time, Rommel did not discover the main force of the orcs.

The generals of the Qingteng Empire were all brought crooked by their queen, and the persimmons were picked up and pinched hard, and found that they would definitely stick to it.

You Qi has just experienced a big victory, and the Qingteng Empire has high fighting spirit and is eager to make achievements.

But when Tasika came out with an elite army, she didn't want to fight, she just went shopping, she just went shopping hard.

So there was a strange scene in the desert that was quite rare in this era, and both sides wanted to fight but couldn't fight:

The Rommel Legion could not find an enemy, and the resistance they encountered was very weak.

The orc elite coalition also couldn't find an enemy, and their enthusiasm for defending their homeland and the country had nowhere to vent, and they moved away from Sreena City step by step.

As for Sreena City, the information was blocked by the ruling monks of the Church of the Goddess of War, and they were completely unaware of the movements of the Rommel Legion.

The upper echelons of the city continued their lives of singing and dancing, and were still waiting for the triumph of the first-hand Tequila princess.

This wave of old Joestar is directly in the atmosphere.

Taking advantage of Tashica's accumulated fame in the past, he also sold more than 30 beautiful bodies as futures, and integrated the main force of the orcs.

After that, he arranged for the main force to leave, exposing the weak rear. The strategy for this round was to devour the tiger.

First, the Qingteng Empire will wash the upper layers of the orc tribe with blood, full of hatred, and then she will bring justice to the sky and become the savior of the orc tribe.

With this halo, and holding the elite army in hand, the remaining orc tribes have to unite tightly around her just to not be swept away by the Qingteng Empire.

Of course, how to successfully deliver justice from the sky is also a question.

Old Joestar needs to drive this little fox out of the Khmsak desert after Rommel's army bloodbathed the city of Sreena.

If she can't do this, her plan to drive wolves out and swallow wolves immediately turns into cerebral palsy behavior of bringing wolves into the room.

A fortified city that has been in operation for many years was given to Rommel for free, so that he could hold it for a long time and operate it slowly.

As long as the Qingteng Empire is determined, it can devour the entire Khenpo Sak Desert.

After using the tiger, how to get rid of the tiger, old Joestar thought of a lot of ways.

At this time, the military strength of the two sides is as follows:

Rommel had five armies with a total of 150,000 men.

The first and second armies are his direct descendants. They have participated in the Qingteng National Founding War. They are brave and skilled in combat and have rich experience. They are ranked first in the entire Qingteng Empire battle sequence.

The third to fifth armies were those who were expelled by the hostility of the local people after pretending to be the Fuguo Army.

They left their hometowns by suspended animation and were reorganized into a new army, but they were essentially armed peasants.

The training is still sufficient, but I have only bullied unarmed peasants. My experience with the regular army is:

"The Imperial Army is here, the brothers are retreating separately!"

So after pretending to be the Nationalist Army, their physical fitness was good.

But it's just fine.

Before playing the Wolf Tribe with the wind, the output can be thrown into chaos.

If they encounter the elite orcs head on, the three armies will most likely collapse at the touch of a button.

However, the formal establishment of the empire has an advantage. The number and quality of magicians surpass the mainland.

Even the three new armies have independent mage groups, and most of the officers at all levels are also magicians.

The Magician Corps can be seen as a multi-functional artillery regiment, and it can turn things around when you play it well.

In the hands of old Joestar, there are 200,000 real elites from various tribes.

The orc tribes fought endlessly with each other and robbed foreign countries all the year round.

Those strong fighting races are natural horse archers, and there are many characteristic legions.

At the same time, fighting at home, defending the family and the country under the call of Princess Tequila, the combat power and morale are guaranteed.

Even Rommel is as cunning as a fox and has a reputation, and his old Joestar also considers himself to be a refined old Yinbi.

But the true treasure of the Qingteng Empire's invincibility is their majesty the Queen of Eternal Night...

In the previous battle against the Wolf tribe, the Queen of Eternal Night personally took action, transformed into a humanoid bomber, and directly smashed the frontal formation of the Wolf army.

Then Rommel's heavy cavalry divided the battlefield, gradually nibbling away, reaping the results of the battle, and even recruiting new recruits to see blood last time, which can be described as a crushing bureau.

This time the battlefield is in the city of Sreena. With the queen's belligerent character, can she hold back her actions

In conventional combat, old Joestar is confident!

But the enemy has super weapons, and they abuse them, and they don't talk about martial arts at all!

After taking into account the legendary powerhouse of the Queen of Eternal Night, old Joestar's winning rate plummeted.

The elites in his hand are to suppress other orc tribes to complete the integration movement, but he does not want to become the background board of the Queen of Eternal Night recasting the glory.

Moreover, the Queen of Eternal Night also got rid of the projection of the goddess of war not long ago, and made the little bitch so angry that this was the chance for old Joestar to be released from prison.

Old Joestar had every reason to suspect that the woman had taken another step beyond the legend.

In the end, old Joestar decided that it was impossible to drive away the Queen of Eternal Night by himself.

In this battle, he can only save his combat power to the greatest extent and achieve his strategic goals only by driving away the wolves and swallowing the wolves.

So he went to the gap between the worlds, and inspired Princess Shady Veronica to come out ahead of schedule and create Tianming Army.

The Veronica Dynasty has ruled for hundreds of years, and there are far fewer survivors of the former dynasty, so the Queen of Eternal Night has always spared no effort to hunt down the blood of the Veronica family.

Princess Shady is the number one on the hunt list.

At the same time, Shady has always hoped to overthrow the Qingteng Empire and recast the glory of the family.

There is another important reason for Old Joestar to look for her. In the past few years, Shady’s personal strength has grown to his level:

As a believer of the God of Knowledge, a saint of the Church of Wisdom, Shady turned out to be a powerful legendary magician.

Old Joestar speculated that the eldest princess, in order to take revenge, abandoned the gods and obeyed the devil, and was imitating the growth path that the Queen of Eternal Night took.

I hate you and I become you.