The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 17: Section 17


In the main line of the game, the phantom treasure box is the key prop for the protagonist to mix into the Fengling Moon Shadow Palace, and it can indeed hide the Queen of Eternal Night in a short period of time.

It just so happened that the clue to this item was in the city of mystery. Roger arranged for the housekeeper to try his luck, and he really bought this key item.

However, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, many things will be different.

Roger is also not confident that the phantom treasure chest in the real game world can continue to work on the blood mother.

It must be admitted that he has gambling elements in this wave.

But he had no choice.

Although it is not yet possible to sum up the system's specific standards for lying flat, Roger basically believes that the blood mother brings her own treasure chest disappearance technique.

As long as you meet that broom star, it's definitely not a good thing!

Human beings are social animals, and naturally they will have the desire to talk.

The empire is now in troubled times, internal and external troubles are rushing together, and the Queen of Evernight needs to make decisions on both major and minor matters. I can see how much pressure she is under.

The queen is also human, and she needs to talk too.

But she is also a spiritual symbol of the imperial people, and naturally it is impossible to show weakness.

Many words are the most trusted courtiers and girlfriends around you, and you can't say them casually.

So Roger looks special at this time.

Born in the Charles family, will not defect.

Mediocre ability, no ambition, superficial obedience.

Another idler in the field, who does not participate in the imperial administrative system.

He will not talk nonsense about what he hears, and no one will believe it.

What does this mean for the Queen

Means a safe and reliable tree hole!

The above is Roger's analysis, why the Queen finds him alone among so many people in the Great Library!

Waste also has uses for waste.

It is undeniable that the Queen of Evernight Fried Chicken is good, but if you can chat once, there are several less treasure chests, who can stand it

And in Roger's cognition, women love to chat.

There was a main offline party in the same city before, and he met a female up.

Later, a new restaurant opened, and the female up invited him to join him.

Roger happened to want to eat too, so he agreed without much thought.

It turned out that the new store was delicious, the only regret was that the female up was too talkative.

He just said, "Well, this thing." The woman didn't stop talking the whole time, which greatly affected the dining environment.

Afterwards, I sent him a message, saying that we had a good chat and had the opportunity to eat again.

Roger was dumbfounded.

The two of us said less than 200 words together. Is this called a pleasant chat

For the sake of future dining experience, Roger blocked the female up.

Since then, he has understood what it means to be "a good girl, but unfortunately she has a long mouth".

When Roger chose to disguise, he had to beware that the Queen of Eternal Night became addicted to his tree hole.

If he could choose, he would never want to come to the big library again in his life.

But had to come.

Angelina was staring at him.

If he stayed in the house every day, my sister would definitely ask him about the achievements of learning to strengthen the country, and then arrange for him to become an official...

This is the suffocating life of the queen before and the sister after.

"Laying flat is tortuous, the future is bright, hold on, I can still lie down..."

Roger looked at the history book in my hand and quickly replaced it with a new one.

Hiss, these nobles are messier and more exciting!

Needle does not poke...

For several days, Mr. Dio Brando was reading history books in the great library, criticizing the shameless life of the nobles.

This morning, the waiter passed by pushing a cart, distributing the just-released "Long Live the Queen" to the guests in need.

In the first year of the Eternal Night Calendar, the Queen ordered her own private magician advisory group to research related technologies and publish the world's first newspaper.

The series of information that Roger shocked the imperial capital before was expanded by this breaking news headline...

This is the fastest way to obtain information at present.

Relying on advanced magical messengers to deliver news, what happened at the border yesterday can appear in the newspapers this morning.

The Great Library distributes the latest edition of the Long Live the Queen for free every day.

The cost is not high, but it can make the masters feel the wisdom and generosity of the queen, why not do it

Roger reached out for one too.

Today's headline is still the turmoil in the Seventeen Nations.

"This scale is bigger than expected. The Restoration Army established by the bereaved family was able to attack the provincial capital?"

"No, there is something wrong with the leader of the Restoration Army!"

Roger frowned suddenly as he browsed the news on the front page.

He stared at the announced leaders of the Restoration Army, making their faces older and more vicissitudes of life, and then replacing them with imperial uniforms...

There are ten generals of the Fuguo Army, and nine of them are imperial generals who appear in the plots of later generations!

The last one is the marshal ten years later!

So, the Fuguo Army, which has been making a lot of noise, is actually the empire sending people to pretend to be

Rewatching the news with such conjectures, Roger confirmed this from many details.

These "Recovery Army" raided the Seventeen Nations, gathered the bereaved from all over the country, and begged for benefits from the Church of the Seven Gods.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the frogs are boiled in oil, forcing the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms to jump into the embrace of the empire!

Is this a four birds with one stone plan

"As expected of the Queen of Eternal Night, this is the solution she thought of when she was chatting with me before? It's amazing, it's similar to mine, but it's more subtle and sinister than I thought!"

Roger couldn't help but admire the blood mother.

No matter how strong the blood mother is, the amount of information he contacts is definitely not as good as that of an ordinary person born in the Internet age.

It was when Roger stood on the shoulders of giants that he thought of "pretending to be the Nationalist Army".

But there was no similar tactics in this world before. The Queen of Eternal Night started from nothing, relying on her own ingenuity to design the plus version of pretending to be the Fuguo Army

This is probably the difference between solving mathematical problems such as chickens and rabbits in the same cage, using equations to solve them and pure mathematical methods.

The result is the same, but the difficulty is several levels different!

The Queen of Eternal Night is worthy of the world's number one king through the ages!

Roger couldn't deny that this feeling of being on the same level as the boss was not bad.

Give him the illusion that "if I have that kind of combat power, I can sweep the Seventeen Kingdoms too".

And this wave, the turmoil in the Seventeen Nations should be resolved smoothly.

But the other magicians who saw the newspaper were not as optimistic as he was, and they all looked worried.

They were frightened by the mighty offensive of the Restoration Army.

Roger pouted.


Ten years later, the Seventeen Kingdoms have not turned upside down. What are you worrying about now

Lie down, this wave of blood mothers can C!

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed:

"See Your Majesty!"

Someone shouted, and then all the magicians in the hall stood up and looked excitedly at the beautiful figure walking not far away.

Queen of Eternal Night!

She actually came to the library in person

"See Your Majesty!"