The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 91: Section 91


He must be super surprised and super moved, right

Chapter 65 Your Majesty has arrived at the Bingbing Village

In the Khenpusak Desert, west of the Qingteng Empire, there are dozens of orc tribes, large and small, of which the largest and strongest tribe is called the Orc King's Tent.

The orcs in the Eternal Night World are not rough men with green skin and fangs like the traditional Western Fantasy World, and even women may have beards. They are more like human beings with animal ears, tails, feathers and other characteristics.

The body shape is not necessarily majestic and thick, on the contrary, many of them are still slender and feminine, and the proportion of handsome boys and beauties is quite high.

The rich hair color and eye color are even more attractive to players than the Ivy Empire, which is dominated by humans.

When the trailer of "Eternal Night Is Difficult" was released, some netizens said that the production team used XP to make the game, and the game's artists were quite understanding, especially in line with the aesthetics of Da Chongguo.

Players were also attracted by beautiful characters and rich races at first, and slowly made the game popular.

The production team also uses the ultra-high degree of freedom and sandbox world as a selling point, claiming that even fenzi can be pinched, and that all NPCs can freely navigate, unlock unique plots, etc...

But the more you play, the more you will feel that this is a semi-finished product.

It is true that the plot is rich and connotative, and the branch lines are terrifying, but the degree of freedom is far from what the production team first claimed.

Many cities are only half-developed. The ladies and sisters have beautiful appearances, great personalities, and a favorability system, but the "Overnight Growth" module seems to have not been made.

When Roger, a traveler, complained that there were too many possibilities in the real world and he couldn't grasp it, players on Earth were still waiting for DLC, waiting for the MOD in the world...

Sorry for going too far, let's continue talking about orcs.

The current orc king tent is called the Bell Tribe. It is located in the northernmost part of the desert, and most of its territory is in the extremely cold zone.

The Bell tribe is a devout follower of the goddess of war. Their racial characteristics are that they have two round ears, the power of a bear, and they like to drink.

The war priest Joestar is from the Bell tribe.

At this time, the capital of the Bell tribe, Sreena City.

Palace, side hall.

The most favored daughter of the current chief, who has half-animal and half-dragon blood, Her Royal Highness Tasika Caccini, has been meeting people from all over the world frequently since yesterday and having secret conversations with them.

Including but not limited to military spies, tribal ministers, well-known scholars, priests of the Goddess of War Church, etc.

Even though his father was still in his prime, Tasika's behavior was considered arrogant.

But because she has always been active in the front line and has strong strength, no one has questioned her behavior so far.

She has always been concerned about the livelihood of the tribe and has a better reputation among the nobles and commoners than her brothers. Everyone calls her "Princess Tequila".

For the Bell people, who are addicted to alcohol, adding the name of the wine before the title is a way of expressing their love.

Just like Caccini II, who led the Bell tribe to become the king of the orcs, although he did not become emperor, he was referred to as "Emperor Vodgar" by the people.

Today's Princess Tashika wears the traditional tribal officer's dress, a long sword with a wide gauntlet hanging from her waist, and a scarlet cloak. She is beautiful, powerful and majestic.

Because of the strength of her mother's bloodline, she did not show the characteristics of the Bell tribe, but had two black dragon horns, a long silver hair, and her appearance was perfect and delicate without any flaws.

Between the eyebrows, there is pressing arrogance and indifference.

"Looking forward to His Highness's follow-up orders." The priest of the Church of the Goddess of War bid farewell to Tashica.

"Respectfully send off the officiant." Tasika knocked on the back of the chair reservedly, not intending to get up.

The maids in the hall were surprised to find that the high priest, who was usually domineering and did not necessarily give face to the chief, did not protest because of His Highness's almost rude behavior.

She followed the etiquette of her subordinates scrupulously and withdrew from the side hall.

The priest was the last guest who had made an appointment today. After seeing him off, Tasika told the maids to leave.

When she was the only one left in the side hall, Tasika's tense body suddenly relaxed, and she said angrily, "Being a princess is really tiring!"

She threw off her two shoes, and laid down on the chair, Ge You, without her perfect aristocratic demeanor.

Button your toes and sniff...

嘁~ Beautiful girls also have stinky feet!

The famous Tequila Princess now looks like a depressed middle-aged uncle.

She was Tashica, but also old Joestar.

His soul was kicked out of the kingdom of God by the goddess of war, and he fell directly into the body of Princess Tasika, occupying the magpie's nest.

The soul of the princess herself, completely unable to compete with the old Joestar, was suppressed in the depths of the ocean of consciousness, shivering.

I can only watch him manipulate his body and perform all kinds of outrageous operations.

Fortunately, in front of people, he still maintained the appearance of a princess.

From the perspective of the princess, Mr. Joestar, who appeared out of thin air, claimed to be the face of the goddess and the first dog under the throne, who came to save the Bell tribe.

Although this guy's tone was very serious, Tashica sensed a stronger aura from him than the priest of the church, and felt that he might have been ordered by the goddess of war.

In particular, the priest of the church does have a lot of respect for him.

Therefore, as a devout believer, she does not have much will to resist...

It is my honor to dedicate my body to the goddess ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3

As a generation of Lao Yinbi, the old Joestar has a strong intelligence analysis ability, and soon has a deep understanding of the current world pattern. :

"I never imagined that so many things would happen to humans during the years I was imprisoned, the Eternal Night Queen... so strong, I want to slap!"

The goddess sent him to stop the further expansion of the Ivy Empire.

As for why he did not directly become the chief of the Bell tribe, but chose his daughter, old Joestar also has a reasonable guess:

The goddess of war wanted to sacrifice the chief of the Bell tribe, and more tribe chiefs.

When the blood and hatred arouse the hostility of the orcs to the Qingteng Empire, taking this opportunity, the unification process of the tribes can be started.

In the face of the unified Qingteng Empire, the scattered sand orc tribe will inevitably shatter at the touch of a button.

The older generation is about to die, and the well-reputed Princess Tasika has become a very good successor.

The queen vs the queen, the picture is also very beautiful, right

Joestar can accept being a little girl, and he, the more insidious old man, doesn't care about gender issues at all.

In addition to the strategic goal of the goddess, the other thing he took to understand was Joestar's death.

The death of a war priest in a foreign country is well documented by the church.

Joestar the old wrote down the names "Erwin Rommel Jr." and "Roger Charles".

The Queen of Eternal Night who really took action can't do it, so I can ignore it for the time being.

Although the father and son didn't get along for a long time, it was also his own child. He was slaughtered like this, and he had no face.

"They are all good young people, it's a pity that they met me!"

Old Joestar smiled sullenly.

Zhentasika, who was in the depths of the consciousness, looked helpless and distressed.

Don't make this look on my face, it's disgusting!

At midnight, the city of mysteries.

The Queen of Eternal Night appeared in the open space outside the main building of Yinbingzhuang.

Looking at the lights in Roger's office, he showed a relieved smile.

Roger Aiqing is so diligent, I can't slack off, I won't be slack when I go back tonight, it's time to review government affairs!

Two days later, when the expeditionary force arrived in the Khenpo Sak Desert to fight the orcs, she would have no time to engage in internal affairs.

Thinking of going to war again, the mood of the Queen of Eternal Night at the moment is flying like a child who is more than 200 pounds and is about to go on a spring tour.

She walked to the small building, preparing to install the thin wax nest as soon as possible, and then have some fun with that kid, and then start working!

Inside the building.

Roger is discussing the topic of the inaugural issue of New Arcane with little Joey.

He doesn't know if some actors actually read the script for One Night, but according to the enthusiasm of the two at the moment, they can really discuss the catalogue of One Night's magazine.

It's just sitting a little closer.

In addition to the progress in stages, Roger also experienced the joy of Lord Wei's "you're done, let's kiss".

So in addition to the sound of flipping through the materials, the office occasionally makes some strange sounds of liquid exchange.

In the dead of night, lonely men and widows, do some intensive training to improve tacit understanding and cooperation, right

Roger is deeply critical, and a subordinate who is beautiful, well-behaved and brainy like little Joey makes this job damn sweet.

Little Joey Patton can become a general in the future. Although he claims to be lucky all the way, he still has a strategic vision.

Listening to Roger expounding the core idea of "New Arcane", she immediately realized that it is a matter of benefiting the country and the people to apply magic to production, then start the road of industrialization, improve the comprehensive national strength and then strengthen the army.

Of course, in her current state, even if Roger said that today's moon is square, she would also nod her head and answer, "It does have edges and corners."

But it is undeniable that little Joey helped Roger quite a lot.