The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 97: Section 97


—Octavier Shelley

As we all know, this is the real name of the Eternal Night Queen, so this preface must have been written by the Eternal Night Queen herself!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, as the most powerful magician in the world, why would she say that? If learning magic can't save the imperial people, then what can save the imperial people?"

With a stomach full of small question marks, Azali was completely drawn to this magazine...

The treetops, the small green apples that had just grown, were swaying gently by the wind.

In a small town not far from the mystery, against the rolling green hills, an ancient and eerie castle was excavated.

Under the shabby exterior, the interior is splendid.

This is actually the oldest magic academy in the Ivy Kingdom, the Royal Academy of Magic.

The Royal Academy of Magic and the Imperial Academy of Magic have been vying for the strongest title in the empire, old rivals.

The current dean of the Royal Academy of Magic, Earl Huntington Hall, a legendary class traveler, is the magic enlightenment teacher of the Queen of Eternal Night, and the legendary powerhouse of the old generation of the empire.

The Queen of Eternal Night randomly opens space teleportation spells every day, which is inseparable from the good foundation laid by Dean Hall.

To this day, the Queen still honors Dean Hall as a teacher.

However, while possessing extraordinary magical strength and rigorous academic spirit, Dean Hall is also a conservative aristocratic magician.

In his heart, people are different from people, and there are distinct layers:

First class, noble magician.

Second class, civilian magician

The third class, nobles with no talent for magic.

Fourth class, civilians without magical talent.

Fifth, aliens and other intelligent beings.

Dean Hall is the extreme representative of the empire's most traditional noble magician.

They are extremely loyal to their country and are willing to sacrifice their lives for loyalty and glory.

However, they are also too lazy to pay attention to the people of the third class and below.

Because of this, the Queen of Eternal Night has devoted more resources to the Imperial Academy of Magic.

Because Dean Hall always only likes to recruit noble magic apprentices, and maintains an arrogant and neglectful attitude towards civilian students.

However, the Queen of Eternal Night knew that the empire was too vast now, and only limited nobles could not manage the huge territory.

So even with the teacher's affection, the Queen expressed intolerable some old traditions of the Royal Academy of Magic.

Dean Hall has been exploring other worlds these days, and only returned to the eternal night world at noon today.

He didn't hear the Queen's morning speech, but saw a copy of "New Arcane" on his desk.

After listening to the secretary's introduction, the meticulously dressed old man full of noble and elite style showed a smile: "Xiao Ao has come up with a new trick again, let me see."

Even though there are many differences between the master and the apprentice, that is his proudest disciple!

He opened the "New Arcane" with a smile and looked at it. Hall's smile disappeared, and his brows became more and more frowning.

At the beginning of the preface, he was extremely angry.

Can't learn magic to save the imperial people

The magician has made countless contributions to the empire and is the foundation of the empire's prosperity. Is your majesty giving up the magician now

Your Majesty, don't forget that you are also a magician!

But Hall felt that this disciple was not stupid, there might be some misunderstanding, and he continued to read the preface under his anger.

It begins with a very sincere sentence:

"I also had many dreams when I was young, but I forgot most of them later. Until today, when the empire is prosperous, I have the right to dream again..."

However, the Queen of Eternal Night talked about the plight of the Empire:

"... The threat of the seven gods to the empire is an urgent matter at present. The power of the magician is the foundation of the power of the empire, but how to make this power benefit all the people? We are invincible in the world. What shall I do?…”

" healthy and strong the people of the empire are, if they don't have the talent for magic, most of the time they can only do meaningless materials and spectators..."

"So our first priority is to change their status quo and allow all citizens who are willing to fight for the empire to provide weapons. This weapon, the first thing I think of is alchemy items..."

"... The alchemy items are too expensive, and the empire cannot afford it. Industrialization reduces the cost and enhances the national strength, which is the primary responsibility of my generation... "

After talking about the power of the Seven Gods, the haze of despair lingered in Hall's heart, and suddenly the Queen of Eternal Night changed her style:

"Yes, although I have a great fear in the sky, but when it comes to hope, it cannot be denied. Because hope lies in the future, and I can't use the proof that I don't have it to convince him that he can have it."

"I only hope that the 100,000 magicians of the empire will unite, and the 40,000,000 people of the empire will unite. Maybe my generation can't change anything, but I can burn myself up to show a possible way for future generations. It can be called No regrets."

The article of more than 1,000 words is not long, but after reading it, Hall was quite moved, and the anger at the beginning subsided a lot.

Xiao Ao has really carried a lot of burdens for this country.

Her idea was good, but she was going in the wrong direction.

How can holy magic be used to help mud grow the land and improve life

Magicians are enough to protect this country, they are not afraid of any strong enemy! There is no need for low-level creatures who can't even magic to help fight!

He felt that, as the Queen's teacher, it was necessary to convince people with reason and correct the Queen's wrong thinking in a timely manner.

Hall suppressed his impatience, read the entire "New Arcane", and wrote down the views that he felt could refute the Queen of Eternal Night.

After all, he couldn't beat his own disciple physically, so he could only be better prepared on the road.

He thinks that "New Arcane" has some merits, but in general, the road is narrow, and he must lead the Queen back on the right path in time.

It is right to increase the strength of the magician, and it is also right to have more communication.

But it would be better if the communication between the magicians became stronger, there is no need to waste the precious time of magicians on the production and arming of wastes that do not have magic.

When you have that time, isn't it fragrant to meditate on it

Having prepared a thousand-word exhortation outline, Hall snapped his fingers, and a space door appeared in front of him.

But before he could step in, the space door closed again in front of him.


The old man's face became strange, and then he complained with grief and anger like a lonely old man:

"She can't... At least she shouldn't, how could she not want to talk to me?"

Hall tried to teleport to Fengling Moon Shadow Palace, but the teleportation spell was unilaterally destroyed by the Queen of Eternal Night.

This means refusing to talk to him.

Could it be that he, a dignified traveler of all worlds, wants to take a carriage to the Fenglingyue Shadow Palace to meet him

Oh my old man, this is so unmagical!

At this moment, the secretary asked for instructions: "President, Roger Charles asks to see you."

"That trash brother? No see!"

Hall is irritable. I heard that he is a famous waste in the imperial capital. So far, he is not even a junior magician, so he is naturally not interested.

The secretary added: "Master Charles said that he is asking to see you as the owner of the ice cream shop."

"The owner of Drinking Ice? Isn't that the president of "New Arcane"? This... let him in!"

Hall slapped the table angrily and stood up.

This kid cooperated with the Queen of Eternal Night to make a magazine, and published such rebellious remarks, intending to mislead the magicians of the empire.

I can't see the queen, and now this kid has delivered it to the door by himself, and I will scold him to wake him up today!

The door opened and Roger entered the Dean's office.

Roger dresses aristocratically today, dignified and personable, maintaining the kind of "just right restraint" that imperial aristocrats seek.

Moreover, there is quite pure fire magic power flowing in his body, which has reached the level of a junior magician.

Roger's age is not good, but at least he is a magician.

Still aristocratic.

Also looks good.

This is the first-class person in Hall's eyes.

The old man immediately changed his mind on this famous trash brother.

This Dean Hall is not only an arrogant old aristocrat, but also an old-fashioned dog.

I don't have children myself, but I like good-looking juniors.

One of the important reasons why he was willing to teach the little princess who was very low in the line of succession was that Octavia was better-looking than her older siblings.

This time Hall wanted to scold Roger to wake him up, but because he was dressed quite pleasingly today, he changed his mind and was ready to persuade him first.

Roger's attitude was also very sincere: "Dean, the student is here to invite you to come out and publish an article in "New Arcane" to respond positively to His Majesty's "Learning Magic Can't Save the Empire".