The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 11: ? ? ? You'll never find him!


Du Ze was stunned when he saw the ninth mural.

Unlike the previous mural, only one person is painted on the tall wall. The man's head was half lowered, and his long bangs were drawn down. He couldn't see his face and expression, and could only glimpse the thin lips that were pressed tightly together. He stood there, with a slender body, the light shining from the front, and the man's... eight shadows. Du Ze's eyes widened slightly. The eight shadows were clearly human, undead, dwarf, demon, elves, beasts, dragons, and heaven. Du Ze looked at the figure on the wall standing where the eight shadows converged. Man, finally reacted.

This is... the protagonist

After painting the eighth mural of the seventh era, the person painted on the ninth mural is the protagonist. Does this imply that after the seventh era, the future ruler of Chaos Continent is Xiu

Sure enough, follow the protagonist, there is a future.

Du Ze was so cute that his face was bloody. He looked at the mural with great interest, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The people on the murals raised their hands in mid-air and surrounded them in the air, which was a slightly awkward posture. Du Ze did as he did, only to realize that it was in a posture that seemed to be holding something—that thing was relatively large, over one meter, and should be about the size of a person...? Maybe the protagonist is holding a person, an invisible person

When I got closer, I found that the painting wall hooked the characters extremely finely. Even the creases at the corners of the people's lips and the curvature of the skin stretched out by the force of the hands were clearly depicted. Du Ze stared at the protagonist in the painting, and a sense of sadness suddenly struck his heart - obviously he couldn't see the expression of the person in the painting, but a madness and sadness radiated from him strongly, the kind that seemed to have lost the most. The despair of an important treasure made those who saw him feel extremely uncomfortable.


The sudden sound of water awakened Du Ze, who couldn't extricate himself. He looked in a trance, only to find that the sound of water was the person in the mural, shedding blood and tears - the person raised his hands, hugged the disappeared person, and asked sadly and silently. Tiandi: He lost his most important existence, why can't he cry

He lost his most important existence, why can't he go crazy

He lost his most important existence, why can't he... destroy the world

Du Ze held his head, and the shredding voice was everywhere, scrambling to squeeze into his brain, screaming to smash his brain. Du Ze slammed his head vigorously, and the pain made the sharp voice recede a little. He staggered to his feet, holding his head, then watched the new surroundings freeze.

This is no longer a corridor enclosed by murals, but in a… outer space? Du Ze can only describe where he is. All around him are broken stones suspended in the blue ink-colored space, and he is standing on one of the pumice stones - it seems that not long ago, a planet exploded here. , leaving only broken pieces and a desolation.

Du Ze hadn't recovered from the grief just now. The wall painting just now had a huge impact on him. The despairing grief weighed heavily in the bottom of his heart, making people feel that every beat of his heart would bring deeper insights. Pain and choking sensation in the bone marrow. There was a sound of argument in the distance, Du Ze looked at it dully, and a vague back was faintly visible among the broken pumice stones.

It was the only figure he could see in this desolate place. Du Ze tried to see it more clearly, but the incomplete "land" under his feet restricted his movement, and he could only hear intermittent sounds coming from afar. That person seemed to be arguing with another person. Although his voice was low and pleasant, it couldn't hide his urgency, and there was a hint of panic and despair.

"... You clearly said... ,... I have been destroyed... Then, what about him?... And... me!"

Then another voice appeared, the voice that seemed to be enduring great pain, but full of malicious pleasure: "The world is taken by you... hehehe... lied to you... tell... the truth: he... is gone... already... hehehehehehahaha- The voice grew louder and clearer: "You'll never find him! Hahahaha-uh!"

The man seemed to be provoked, and cut off the curse-like words with force. However, even though the voice was full of pain, it did not stop the mad laughter, but even more piercing ridicule and shouted: "What if you become the supreme god! The whole world - the god of only you!"

This was the last sentence Du Ze heard. In the next second, the dazzling light instantly engulfed him. He never knew that the intensity of the light would make people only see darkness before his eyes. Can't see anything, can't hear anything, like wandering in the endless void.

The next moment, Du Ze opened his eyes, and was frightened by the so close face that his heart almost stopped. The protagonist of "Mixed Blood" was propping up above him at this time, his head lowered and he seemed to be seriously studying his earphones. Seeing that Du Ze was awake, the undead lich's dull eyes glanced at Du Ze's frozen face indifferently, and then silently withdrew the hand that was reaching out to Doujinshi, without feeling ashamed of being caught by the master.

Did he just accidentally save the world

Du Ze shoved the doujinshi under his ass in a cold sweat, and began to regret why he hadn't left the doujinshi in the space-time corridor. It was the best place in the world to hide things, so stupid. When he thought of the space-time corridor, the image just now filled Du Ze's mind again. Such a heart-piercing curse, like some kind of ominous curling around in Du Ze's heart, and it was those words that made Du Ze realize what he had just seen.

The space-time corridor can see the future. In the future, there is only one person who can become the supreme god, and that is the protagonist of "Hybrid" - Xiu. So the back I just saw in that desolate space is the protagonist? According to the analysis of the words just heard, the protagonist seems to be looking for a person, the voice seems to know the whereabouts of that person, but asks the protagonist to destroy the world, so the protagonist listens to the voice and destroys the world - FUCK!

Du Ze's wind is messy, can you expand a little more in the future? The protagonist really destroyed the world! Is that messy gravel the wreckage of the Chaos Continent! ? Long live the protagonist, the mighty protagonist, the domineering protagonist! This ferocity value and force value broke through the sky! A world is like this and the author's integrity (?) is broken into slag... And depending on the situation, even if the protagonist destroys the world, he will not be able to save the person he is looking for. The voice that Du Ze marked as the final boss is obviously deceiving the protagonist.

- What if you become the supreme god! You are the only God in the world!

When Du Ze thought of this sentence, his heart seemed to be blocked, so the villains would not end well, even if they succeeded in killing the warriors and destroying the world, the only thing they could do in the end was to destroy themselves.

Author you bear! After I go back, Xiaosheng must have a good talk about life with you!

Du Ze, who hasn't worn it yet, can only silently put away the idea of hanging himself at the author's door. He began to analyze the limited information, trying to find a way to become a god that would prevent the protagonist from reaching the final point. Judging from the combination of the dialogue just now and the ninth mural, the protagonist must have lost a very important person at the end, causing his madness to be directly MAX.

... Could it be that Vivian, the first heroine of "Mixed Blood", hung up and was hidden by others? In terms of Zhiqiu's urine, this is really possible, so is this a bloody case caused by a girl? Du Ze instantly established his goal in the future. He must regard the Saint Vivian as a first-class protected creature, and put an end to all evildoers.

Du Ze was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the strange expression on Xiu's face. Since Xiu came out of the space-time corridor, the already pale skin of the undead race has become even more bloodless. He looked at Du Ze, who was sitting beside him silently as always, and asked out of nowhere, "Do you know about half-breeds?"

Du Ze looked at Xiu with a little surprise. He recalled the plot of "Hybrid" and realized it. In the Chaos Continent, mixed races are very unpopular, such as the mixed blood of humans and elves. This kind of half elves is not only looked down upon by the elves, but is also favored by the human races who give full play to the idea of "not my race, its heart must be different". exclusion. Mixed-breeds can't get any favors anywhere, and they are directly called hybrids. The protagonist has received a lot of stimulation in the space-time corridor, so... Is this seeking comfort from Mao

This is a great opportunity to gain goodwill! Du Ze excitedly wanted to hold the protagonist's hand and said affectionately: I know your unease and your confusion, be good, I don't discriminate against you.

The reality is that a certain stupid cute nodded with a cold face, then nodded again, OVER.

Du Ze said that he wanted to pull the social barriers to an end.

Fortunately, Xiu was already used to Du Ze's indifference (there was a lot of fog), his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his face was pale, making people feel a sense of penetrating fragility for no reason, like a person made of ice, Broken when touched. The conversation didn't stop there, and the black-robed lich never talked as much as this time: "...What do you think?"

He didn't say the pronoun, as if he was just following what he just said and asked Du Ze what he thought of those mixed races, but Du Ze knew that what Xiu asked was: What do you think of me? What do you think of an eight-race hybrid who doesn't know what to classify as

Du Ze really wanted to spit out all the surging cuteness in his heart: Bunker boy! Mixed blood or something is too foul! However, after holding it back for a long time, Du Ze bluntly uttered two words: "Miracle."

As if he never expected to receive such an answer, Xiu Wei's eyes widened slightly, letting the gloom between his brows recede a bit, and he asked back in disbelief, "A miracle?"

This is a miracle of one in a trillion, Du Ze really thinks so. Without any manual operation and intervention, the protagonist is the only full-race hybrid in the history of Chaos Continent. He is the darling of nature, including all bloodlines, and no god is more suitable to be the master of the Chaos Continent than him.

Du Ze tried very hard to express his longing for mixed blood, but his words still repeated the sentence dryly: "Mixed blood is a miracle."

"You are a miracle."

Xiu stared blankly at Du Ze, and when he heard the last sentence, he suddenly grabbed Du Ze's shoulder and pulled him closer, as if he was afraid to let go of the slightest expression on Du Ze's face, staring at Du Ze: "You know …!”

Du Ze stared blankly at Xiu, who was playing back his heart that almost jumped out of fright. Doubt and hesitation flashed in Xiu's eyes, and finally settled into a blackness that couldn't be seen to the end, as if it had all the emotions, but it seemed like there was nothing at all.

He asked, "Who are you?"

Du Ze... At this moment, Du Ze felt like he was smothered by cosmic malice. He only reacted after realizing it. It seemed that he had not introduced himself to the protagonist at all. Don't know his name yet!

He is a well, with two horizontal and vertical.

Du Ze, who was shocked by his own stupidity, looked at Xiu dully and said indifferently, "I'm Du Ze."

I am a reader.

Xiu's bloodless lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, but it seemed like he had chewed the name between his teeth and swallowed it, leaving no trace. The black-robed lich slightly opened his thin lips and wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth suddenly, his face sank, and he raised his head and looked gloomily into the distance.

- Something is coming.



Xiu opened his eyes and stared blankly above. Obviously he has come out of the time corridor, but his soul seems to be locked in the past and cannot extricate himself.


When he saw Xiu woke up, he leaned forward and rubbed Xiu's face. Xiu straightened up and held his contracted beast in his arms. The black-robed lich fell into a long silence. He looked at the eight-tailed monster who liked to endure in his arms as always, and somehow asked, "Do you know about half-bloods?"


"… What do you think?"

Ming opened its blue and gold eyes and looked at Xiu innocently. Xiu looked at it for a while, and then suddenly laughed. The laughter was full of self-deprecation, bitterness, and hesitation: "Oh, what am I telling you about..."

Xiu stared blankly at the endless halo, never feeling lonely and helpless like this moment.

It turned out that from beginning to end, only he was an outlier.

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"

The author has something to say: ? ? ? : You'll never find him! Reader: Who are you? Protagonist: Who are you? ? ? ? : ... Author: Hehe.