The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 12: Reader It must be my way of grabbing people wrong!


After entering the beam of light, Frando fell into a long silence as he looked at the land that he missed and saddened. A trace of dissatisfaction and anxiety flashed in the eyes of the Tianzu standing behind him. He tried several times to persuade Frando to hurry up and not delay on the road, but when he thought of the level difference between the two, even if the Tianzu had always been proud, Can only endure dissatisfaction and continue to wait.

- The other party can solve him with one finger. This is the gap between man and God.

However, Frando stayed for half a day. He seemed to be indulging in the memory of the past and couldn't extricate himself, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Although for them, half a day is just a drop in the ocean of their long life, but when he thinks of the task that the God of Light gave him, the Celestial Clan is so anxious that he only hates himself why he can't be careful when he comes out— When he left the Sky City, he was discovered by Frando who was passing by. When he knew that his purpose was the Lost Land, Frando directly set himself as one of his peers. Everyone knows that the most stubborn people in Chaos Continent are dwarves, and the ancestors of dwarves are dwarves. Steel skin.

Without the ability to convince a stubborn dwarf god, Tianzu had no choice but to let the other party follow. It was fine until he reached the Lost Land. As soon as he entered the beam of light, the God of Blacksmithing really started to go wrong. Seeing that Frando didn't know how long he would have to stand, the reverence for the God of Light finally made the Heavenly Clan couldn't help risking their lives and said, "Master Steelskin, it's getting late, we..." He said halfway through. It stopped abruptly, and a woman in silver armor with a grim expression stood in front of him with a big sword.

Frando was interrupted by his memories. He glanced at the Celestial Clan who was stopped by the guards: "What are you afraid of? You are afraid that you won't be able to complete the task that the light has given you?" The metal building was firmly in his hands, and his voice was full of pride: "As long as he's here, he can't escape the dwarf's grasp!"

Opposite them, a huge pyramid of steel stood silently in the halo, its surface covered with deep black grooves, numerous but well-organized, without any sense of clutter. Only those who have experienced the Fourth Era know what kind of grandeur the dwarf's mechanical civilization reached at that time - it almost replaced the magical civilization. Gnomes have created many miracles with their mechanical civilization. The metal pyramid in front of them is one of them. It blocks the "passage" and cuts off the front and back of the continent.

Some historians say that it is precisely because of the dwarfs' behavior that is too anti-sky that they were wiped out by the world - the dwarfs suddenly disappeared one day, why they disappeared is still a mystery, and now only the branches of the dwarfs are left in the Chaos Continent. : Dwarves.

There was a trace of sadness in Frando's eyes. He looked at the forbearance Celestial Clan and sighed, "Let's go."


Du Ze studied Xiu's movements and looked into the distance, but saw nothing but the halo.

As an ordinary reader, the pressure is very high, especially when there is a protagonist who is covered in hangings for comparison. Xiu has already taken out the thousand changes and changed it into the shape of the death scythe, waiting for the battle. Finally, when Du Ze's eyes were sore, three figures, one big and one small, appeared in front of them in an instant. One of them is a female warrior in silver armor, carrying a large sword that is inversely proportional to her figure; the other is from the Heavenly Clan, and Du Ze's heart is frightened by the two pairs of white feathered wings—in the Heavenly Clan, the more wings, the better the strength Strong, the Celestial Clan in front of him is already an elite monster; the one standing at the front is a small man, only when Du Ze got close did he realize that he was not a child, but a... dwarf

This unscientific! One page Zhiqiu has long stated in "Mixed Blood" that the dwarf race is over, and the protagonist is the only living "dwarf" in the whole continent. But the little man in front of him doesn't have the dwarf's unique beard. Could it be a human race with short stature? But those pointed fairy ears are obviously not what humans should have!

Then Du Ze heard the little man say: "A human race and an undead?" He turned his head and glanced at the heavenly clan beside him: "They are all black hair and black eyes, which one does Guangming want?"

The Celestial Clan looked at Xiu and Du Ze back and forth in embarrassment: "Master Light God only said ##@…"

Du Ze... At that moment, Du Ze really wanted to grab the earphone and threw it on the ground: I bought a watch last year! (PS: I bought a watch last year = qnmlgb abbreviation you know.)

The earphones did not hold at the critical moment again, but before the power went out, Du Ze had heard a name that made him extremely frightening: the God of Light.

—This is the finale BOSS that Zhiqiu Qin selected for the finale! The plot behind "Hybrid" is all about how the protagonist fights against the God of Light. One reason is that the God of Creation has been asleep for a long time. Now the god with the greatest power in the Chaos Continent is the God of Light. To become the supreme god, the protagonist must kill the former power concentrator. ;Reason 2: Saint Vivian believes in the God of Light, and the person/god who grabbed the heroine with the protagonist... Hehe; Reason 3: There will be many signs in the later stage that the protagonist is so miserable and abused because the God of Light knows To the terrifying potential of the protagonist, he vowed to annihilate the threats that might affect his status in the cradle. Du Ze suddenly thought of the voice he heard in the space-time corridor just now—could it be the god of light? ? No matter from the point of view of the saintess being hidden and instigating the protagonist to destroy the world, she must be the servant of the God of Light!

Listening to the conversation just now, it seems that the God of Light is looking for a man with black hair and black eyes - the script is wrong, the author, the God of Light is staring at the protagonist so quickly? Originally, the plot of the protagonist leaving the Lost Land did not have too many twists and turns. He left very neatly and quickly. Why does a three-person walk out now to find a sense of existence? Du Ze suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Could it be that the original "Hybrid" had this plot, but the protagonist happened to be practicing in the Lost Land at that time, and did not enter the beam of light to meet them. This time, under his instigation, the protagonist left the Lost Land ahead of schedule, just in time for a chance to meet... Ciao!

Seeing that the Tianzu faltered and couldn't say why, Frando made a direct decision: "Just take both of them away."

After hearing Frando's words, the female warrior immediately raised her big sword, her blue eyes fixed on Xiu, and Du Ze, who had zero threat, was directly ignored by her. She tilted her body slightly, bent her legs, and suddenly rushed over like a leopard.

Xiu raised the scythe, and a pair of bone hands stretched out from the ground to grab the female warrior's feet, but the female warrior's charge was too strong, and those bone hands were shattered in just one second. Xiu's brows didn't tremble at all, and the death scythe drew the last stroke of the magic talisman in the air, and the magic talisman instantly burned into green powder to wrap the female warrior.

"Hey, it's actually the plague of death." Frando looked at the green powder with a flash of nostalgia in his eyes, not worrying about his subordinates wrapped in undead magic: "I really miss the vicious virus magic of the undead race. But... "

The soul fire in Xiu's pupils flickered violently, and the female warrior's skin had turned pale green, but she continued to charge forward without any influence. At this time, Frando's words came slowly: "...It's useless to Mia."

Xiu only had time to summon a few bone walls in front of him before being slashed by the female warrior with a sword.


Bone scraps swept across Du Ze's face, and the turbulent air wave blew Du Ze to the side several times, until it hit the bottom of the metal pyramid and stopped. He propped up his body with difficulty and looked into the arena. Du Ze's blood became cold the moment he saw the field clearly.

The great sword, which was one meter and a half long and two inches wide, was inserted straight into Xiu's waist and abdomen, and pierced through it. The black blood dripped down, and instantly evaporated into a dead aura and disappeared. Even with such a serious injury, Xiu's eyes were extremely bright, the blue soul fire was beating in the depths of his pupils, the lich stuck the female warrior's great sword with his body, reached out and pressed the ghost of despair into the female without hesitation. Warrior's forehead - the ghost will tear the female warrior's soul apart, killing her for good.

However, in the next moment, the dead gray ghost overflowed directly from the female warrior's head, and disappeared with a shriek. With a pale face, Xiu looked at the unaffected female warrior and said in a low voice, "... puppet."

"Have you found it?" Frando came to Xiu's side and photographed the female warrior very proudly: "This is my most satisfying work, Mia."

When Mia heard Frando's praise, she showed a slightly shy smile. No one could believe that the female warrior in front of her was just a mechanical puppet. So virus magic can't affect her, ghosts can't tear her soul - because she doesn't have a soul at all. Inanimate machines have always been the nemesis of the undead.

Xiu suddenly stretched out his hand to try to control Frando, but was restrained by Mia's forceful drawing of the great sword. For the mage who was attached to the soldier's body, he couldn't play any tricks at all. The big sword in his body was pulled out, Xiu couldn't hold it, he knelt on the ground, coughed up some black blood, and Frando was stunned. .

A drop of black blood was wrapped in invisible power and flew into Frando's palm. Frando carefully picked up the drop of blood and sniffed it under the tip of his nose. The next moment, the little figure trembled.

"It's the smell of dwarfs! Thirty thousand years! I am Frando. Gangskin didn't expect to see his former compatriots again, and the father really did not abandon the dwarfs—"

Frando looked at Xiu excitedly, as if seeing a long-lost relative: "I'm Frando. Steelskin, the gnome's forging god! What's your relationship with the gnome?"

Xiu's response was silence, and his dull eyes were filled with resistance and hostility. Frando didn't care about Xiu's hostility. He frowned when he saw Xiu's lingering aura of death: "Your undead smell is too strong."

Under the unbelievable gaze of the Celestial Clan, Frando bit off his fingertips, squeezed out a drop of red blood covered in golden light, and dripped onto Xiu's eyebrows during Xiu's constant struggle.

The golden red blood disappeared into Xiu's body instantly, and Frando signaled Mia to release Xiu. The black-robed lich fell to the ground and curled up in pain. He hugged himself hard, as if magma and heat had been poured into his body, so hot and full as if his body would explode in the next moment. The pain made his mind start to numb, his vision began to blur and shake, and the world was up and down.

What Xiu didn't know was that the world was really "shaking" at this time. Under the shocked gazes of Frando and Tianzu, the metal pyramid that had been standing silently for thousands of years began to wake up. It reorganized itself piece by piece, the tip of the triangle disappeared, the pyramid became a regular trapezoid, revealing the interior, and a straight avenue leading to the interior appeared in front of everyone.

In the violent turbulence, Frando exclaimed in disbelief: "Why is it activated—"

"In addition to the gnomes, how could anyone else activate it—"

The only person in the room who was not affected by the outside world was Xiu, who was indulging in pain. He shrank into a ball, his body trembling with pain.

It was very painful, this kind of pain as if his body was torn apart, just like a long, long time ago, when he was nailed to the stone platform by the people of the Temple of Light, and he felt the pain that his flesh and blood melted bit by bit. Not only the physical, but also the mental pain and despair of being abandoned by all. Xiu opened his eyes in a trance and looked in despair—he didn't know what he wanted to see, did he want to see Daniel posing an attack on him? Or Ino's icy gaze? Or is it the horrified look of Luoluo? …

Then he met those black eyes—he had seen his reflection many times in those eyes as deep as a cold pool, skeletonized, humanoid, evil, unbearable... But every time it was the same indifference as always And cold, but it was the indifference that would never change that made him feel calm and comforted.

- No matter how he changes, that person always sees him that way, it won't change, so... well.

When the female warrior pulled the sword out of Xiu's body, Du Ze couldn't help it. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but depending on the situation, they would really kill the protagonist, so the ending of "Mixed Blood" became: because of the suggestion of a second-hand reader, the protagonist left the lost land early, Then I met the little BOSS, the protagonist was solved, and the whole text was finished—this is even more pitiful than the ending given by the Time Corridor!

From then on, it was not Yiyi Zhiqiu who was visited by angry readers to check the water meter, but him.

Du Ze started desperately looking for a way to save the protagonist. The petite and frail Du otaku would definitely not be able to compete with this group of people who were extremely powerful, and could only use the magic weapon of the plot master again. He saw the metal pyramid behind him, which was the only object he could use. After watching the plot behind "Hybrid", he naturally knew how to activate the pyramid, but now that he activated the metal pyramid, wouldn't the plot after "Hybrid" need it again? Change

Seeing that the protagonist fell to the ground in pain, Du Ze gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to draw a line in the black groove on the surface of the metal pyramid—no matter what, the plot behind "Mixed Blood" is so bad, now it's more important to save the protagonist.

The black grooves that Du Ze crossed began to light up in sequence until a complete pattern was formed. The ground began to tremble, and the metal pyramid that had stood silently for thousands of years began to wake up. The attention of the little man and the Celestial Clan was instantly attracted, Du Ze took the opportunity to run to Xiu's side, and then saw Xiu who was curled up on the ground suddenly raised his head and stared blankly at him.


Boy, don't keep talking when my earphones betray me, boy!

Du Ze couldn't care less, he directly set up Xiu and rushed towards the pyramid - Du Ze felt that he had never run so fast before! I don't know if it stimulated his legendary potential, but Du Ze felt that the protagonist in his hand was very light and tended to be lighter. And, and why didn't he forget to bring that doujinshi at this time!

At this time, Frando and Tianzu also noticed Du Ze's movement, and the gnome god shouted, "Stop!" The strong momentum formed an invisible force, and the invisible coercion pressed down heavily along with the gnome's words—this is Shenwei, as long as he doesn't become a god, he can't get rid of this level of oppression. The Celestial Clan beside Frando was instantly overwhelmed by the divine might and could not stand up, but in their shocked eyes, Du Ze and Xiu still ran happily, unaffected by the divine might at all.

Du Ze said that the headset is on strike, please call again later. Even if Du Ze heard Frando's "stop", he would say that the wind was too loud and I didn't hear anything. When Frando and Tianzu reacted, Du Ze had already rushed into the pyramid passage like a runaway grass and mud horse.

After entering the pyramid, Du Ze and Xiu were teleported to the top layer inside the pyramid. From their point of view, they could look down at the "Continental Passage" at the bottom of the pyramid: it was a huge eye, silently buried at the bottom of the metal pyramid. Thousands of years. Even when he was on the run, Du Ze was stunned by this magical and huge scene: this is the "eye of space" connecting the front and back of the continent.

Du Ze, who had come to his senses, pulled Xiu directly and jumped off. Now the only way to get rid of the pursuers was to enter the Eye of Space, which would randomly teleport the creatures to a certain corner on the front and back of the continent.

Frando and Tianzu, who came behind, could only watch helplessly as their last figure was swallowed up by the Eye of Space, and they stood on the upper level of the pyramid. After a long time, Frando sighed: "Go back, we can't find them anymore."


Du Ze woke up leisurely, his first reaction was to look at the protagonist, for fear that he would be separated from the protagonist when he entered the Eye of Space. When he saw the familiar black robe beside him, Du Ze subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then froze when he was half relieved.

The black robe was spread out on the ground, wrapping a small figure loosely. A dwarf who looked like a 12-year-old humanoid fell asleep in the black robe with his eyes closed, his short flaxen hair fell softly, revealing a pair of small pointed fairy ears, and his skin was pink and tender. Keep taking a bite.

Du Ze... Du Ze took off his glasses and wiped them with the corner of his clothes, wiped them again, and put them on.

The flaxen-haired boy was still sleeping in the position of the protagonist, and that pure and harmless face could not be connected with the pale and gloomy face of the previous lich.

… It must be my way of grabbing people wrong!



They said: Do you want to get close to the sky, we can make a spaceship for you.

They said: Do you want to go into the ocean, we can build you a submarine.

They said: Do you want to open up the land, we can make chariots for you.

They said: Hey, you are so tall!

They say: We know more, because we are gnomes.

—Excerpt from Half-Blood: Gnomish Poetry

The author has something to say: Reader: It must be my way of robbing people is wrong, who's arrogant child! @AuthorAuthor: My family, you will soon become my family... What do you think? @Protagonist Protagonist: ... Come here. @reader***