The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 13: Reader Xiaosheng is here, and the cute master will not let you!


See the young around. Tooth (?)'s protagonist, Du Ze's mind instantly appeared various bosom friends: "Tragedy on Earth! A tragic father wanders in another world with a child waiting to be fed" "My miserable protagonist, why did you become Zhengtai?" 》

"Mysterious orphans are very talented, who are tricked by their fate, and shoulder the responsibility of saving/destroying the world. Where does the teenager go? "The hard-pressed readers really want to cry, the plot has been unfolding professionally for 30 years, and the wild horses like prolapsed anus can never be pulled back.

In the original plot of "Hybrid", the protagonist entered the beam of light in the Lost Land, and after exiting the corridor of time, he saw the metal pyramid created by the dwarf. At that time, the protagonist could not activate the pyramid, so he left the Lost Land directly from the teleportation array at the top of the pyramid, and randomly landed on the tree of life of the elves, triggering the story of the elves. As for the protagonist's dwarf bloodline, it will not be awakened until a long time later, when the protagonist mixes into a mercenary group to explore a dwarf ruin.

So how did those three come out? It also awakened the protagonist's dwarf bloodline!

The reason why the dwarf bloodline awakens so late is because once the protagonist awakens the dwarf bloodline, it means that the protagonist can activate the metal pyramid to open the "channel", and then enter the advanced copy of the reverse side of the continent. At that time, the level of the protagonist had already exceeded 100, so the murderous protagonist rolled over the opposite side of the continent without any pressure, and became a protagonist. But now... Du Ze stared blankly at the protagonist, the little soft, white and tender protagonist, and only felt that the future was bleak.

A yellow and a blue moon swayed to the center of the purple sky, and the strange color reminded them of the fact that they came to the opposite side of the continent all the time. For the reverse side of the continent, Yi Yizhiqiu described it as follows: barren, barren, resource-poor, and elements scarce. In the Second Age, the Celestials and the Elves drove the Demons here; in the Fourth Age, the Gnomes drove the Undead here, and built a metal pyramid to block the "passage". Therefore, the opposite of the current continent is the world of dark creatures, and they give full play to the law of the weak. There is no country here, only seventy-two cities, each of which represents the top of the strength of a region, and enshrines a demon god—the top of the strength of the demon race.

Du Ze has consciously remembered a page of Zhiqiu's earnest teaching: Among all races, the destructive desire and destructiveness of the demons are the strongest... the strongest... the...

Question: In the advanced dungeon "The Continent", how do a slag player with a combat power of 5 and a life player specializing in blacksmithing clear the level? I'm asking for a strategy, damn it... A gust of wind blew through the TAT, and a faint smell of blood swept across Du Ze's nose. Du Ze followed the smell of blood to the source, and found that it came from the protagonist. Xiu still curled up on the ground motionless, the black robe wrapped around him like a blanket. Du Ze hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand and lifted the black robe. A more intense smell of blood permeated the air, and a ferocious wound was deeply imprinted on Xiu's waist and abdomen. Although there was no more blood, the white flesh was turned over with the trembling of breathing.

Du Ze panicked instantly, he was at a loss as he looked at the hideous wound. Although the protagonist's undead form can not die no matter how badly he is injured, other racial forms do not have the talent of "immortality". The protagonist must awaken four bloodlines before he can freely transform into his form!

Du Ze stood up and looked around. The reverse side of the continent was as barren and barren as the author described, with all the hard ground and rocks, and even a single plant was rarely seen. At this moment, Du Ze heard a sound behind him. The stupid and cute reader turned around with joy: Sure enough, as soon as the protagonist was in a situation, there would be a passing immortal and cute girl and younger brother to rush to save people, and sure enough, YY Wencheng did not bully Xiaosheng—

A monster biting a half-corpse silently looked at Du Ze.

... YY text you also betrayed me! ! !

The demon beast looked like a saber-toothed tiger, and the corpse in its mouth was still dripping blood. I was afraid that it smelled the smell of blood and ran over to prepare a meal for itself. Du Ze reflexively stood in front of the unconscious Xiu, staring at it with a stiff face.

Can't blink, can't blink, can't blink - come to someone to tell him that it's useful to lie down when a tiger pretends to be dead!

The beast's clear yellow tiger eyes reflected Du Ze's expressionless face. It didn't move, and the muscles all over its body were tensed, as if Du Ze had any changes, it would just pounce on it. Du Ze's eyes became colder and colder, and there was a silent power in his eyes - if you don't use force, your eyes can't hold up! QAQ Finally, under a stupid stare (the fog was very thick), the beast did something unexpected: it slowly put down the corpse in its mouth, and then stepped back step by step, the tiger's eyes tightly closed. Staring at Du Ze, as if afraid that Du Ze would pounce on it and tear it apart. After retreating for a distance, the beast turned around and fled quickly into the distance with its tail between its tails.

The terrifying reader who makes Warcraft terrified: ...

Du Ze, who escaped from the danger, had his legs softened, and he almost sat on the ground. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Although the fear was still there, a certain cute dog's mood was higher than ever before.

Sure enough, domineering is a must-have skill for every traveler! Xiaosheng finally became mighty and majestic! Whether it is the previous divine beast or the beast just now, all tremble. Xiaosheng is here, the cute master will not let you, wash and sleep, beasts! Emma's eyes are really sour...

After Du Ze put on his glasses again, he saw something in his blurred vision, something that was now a lifesaver for him. Du Ze happily ran to the corpse left by the beast, unable to bear to look at the bloody gap, Du Ze took the package from the corpse. On the opposite side of the continent, because the elements are thin, the creatures here generally use herbs or alchemy potions to heal wounds. Every adventurer will bring herbs or potions with them. After finding the potions and bandages from the package, Du Ze said that at this moment he finally began to believe in YY's novels again - the drug delivery person really came.

Du Ze sincerely thanked the corpse: the brothers who delivered the medicine have worked hard, and your spirit of fighting on the front line of "passing by to save the hero" will never be forgotten.

Du Ze returned to Xiu, and he carefully applied the potion to the wound and wrapped the hideous wound with a bandage. Looking at Xiu's blood-stained black robe, Du Ze hesitated for a second, then gritted his teeth and took off his and the other party's clothes, and put on his white shirt and wool vest for Xiu. The dwarf's small figure made the white shirt reach his knees, like a child stealing adult clothes.

The shirtless reader standing on the red soil said he had never been so pure (bian) lord (tai).

A gust of wind blew, and Duomeng sneezed.

This is not a place to stay.

Du Ze picked up the black robe and saw the doujinshi who was silently exuding a sense of existence for a moment, and decided to take it away. If this book of doujinshi that can't be torn apart or destroyed is thrown away casually, and then surrounded by people from another world... He can't afford to lose face. What's even more frightening is that once someone finds out that this doujinshi can't be destroyed and will automatically restore it, they will be shocked and study it day and night. Study the whole continent. But what if there is only one book? Copy it, the content recorded by such a miraculous book must also have research value! Copy thousands of copies, and then each hand, and then... no and then...

Is it because the protagonist discovered the gameover, or because the whole continent went to the gameover, this is a question.

Du Ze was instantly frightened at the thought of a doujinshi that would grow silently. Before finding a place where he could completely hide his doujinshi, Du Ze swore that he would never let it go.

Doujinshi: So, this cliff is true love (er).

Du Ze wrapped his doujinshi in a black robe and hung it behind his back, then leaned over and hugged Xiu. The protagonist who turned into a dwarf was unexpectedly light, and even the frail otaku Du could easily hold it in his arms. Even after being tossed like this, Xiu still slept soundly with his eyes closed. He didn't know whether it was because the injury he suffered was too serious, or because the aura around him was too familiar, making him fall into a coma unprepared.

Du Ze looked at the defenseless sleeping face, and suddenly understood Wei Shu's mood strangely.

Sure enough, the little soft and tender Loli and Zhengtai are one of the biggest killers in the world. No wonder Yizhiqiu rarely describes the dwarf form of the protagonist. Every time the dwarf form is required, the protagonist is alone or Stuck yourself in the room and come out with a ready-made artifact. If the author described the dwarf form of the protagonist in detail, people inside and outside the novel would definitely be howling, "It must be a boy so cute!" The protagonist's deterrent power will be shattered into scum...

Du Ze walked forward with Xiu in his arms. He had to find a place to live. Seventy-two main cities would not dare to enter. Now they are just fat meat delivered to the door—the protagonist in his hands is Chaos now. Endangered species pygmy, living fossil of the continent. Therefore, Du Ze can only try to find a place outside the main city to place the protagonist, and then see if he can mix into the city to exchange herbs and food.

The shaved head rested softly on Du Ze's shoulders, and the pointed ears rubbed Du Ze's chin along with Du Ze's bumpy walk, and then rubbed again.



This is a desolate land, the sky is a hazy purple, and the whole earth is covered with a dim red light. On the scarlet rock, withered plants swayed wearily. A strong wind blew from afar, instantly crushing the plants into powder and swept them into the air. The black powder fell, like a sad dirge.

—Excerpt from "Hybrid: The Continent"

The author has something to say: Reader: Xiaosheng is here, and the cute master will not let you! Xiaosheng hero saves beauty meow hahahaha! Protagonist: There is no repayment, only promises. Reader: ... ∑=mouth=! No, you don't have to be so self-conscious - Author: From then on, "Heroes Save Beauty" has become a good story.