The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 16: Reader I did not betray you


There was once a boy who was laughed at by a group of boys, so he started secondary school.

Du Ze is stupid, always has been. Before his ears deteriorated, he was stupid inside and out; after wearing a hearing aid, his appearance became unfathomable, and he was still hopelessly stupid inside.

A certain stupid ear was not bad at birth, but started to deteriorate bit by bit after entering middle school. Because it was too slow, even Du Ze himself didn't notice it. He just felt that sometimes when others spoke, it seemed more and more difficult for him to react. So Du Ze could only ask the other party to repeat it again. After repeating this, Du Ze realized that everyone seemed to dislike talking to him.

Du Ze began to reflect on himself. If he interrupted others while they were talking, and asked them to repeat it several times, he would also feel annoyed. But why can't the response be broken? A cute cute summed up the rule: At this time, just smile.

Du Ze never thought that something was wrong with his ears. When he was taken to the hospital by his parents who found out that something was wrong, Du Ze saw the hearing aids his parents had prepared for him and felt an unprecedented panic - just in a blink of an eye. , is he a disabled person

So Du Ze escaped. He didn't want to put on a hearing aid and returned to life pretending that nothing had happened. He smiled when he couldn't hear clearly; when he couldn't react, he smiled; when other people laughed and said something to him, he kept smiling. He didn't know what he said was getting more and more inarticulate, unable to control the tone and volume.

Due to the deterioration of his hearing loss, Du Ze finally had to wear a hearing aid one day. Then, that day he stood outside the classroom, in the long-lost world of clear voice, listening to his best friend laughing at everyone else in the classroom.

"Aze is a fool. He always likes to giggle, and what he says makes people laugh to death."

The friend seemed to be imitating something, and the maliciously prolonged voice was funny, harsh and unpleasant, causing the whole room to burst into laughter.

"That's right! I call him an idiot in front of him, and he just smirks."


"You really are! Didn't the teacher say that you should take care of the 'disability'."

Du Ze opened the door, the laughter in the hall stopped abruptly, and everyone stared blankly at Du Ze at the door. Du Ze walked to his seat as if there was no one else around, and sat down with a calm expression on his face. The gathered people looked at each other, not sure if Du Ze had heard what he just said.

The friend ran over embarrassedly: "Aze, you're here... Hey, are these your new MP3 headphones? So cool!"

Du Ze looked at his best "friend", only to feel a sigh of relief in his chest, making him almost suffocate. He suddenly felt that it was an extremely embarrassing and terrifying thing to make a sound, and the comical imitation just now had been circling in his mind, maliciously laughing at how stupid his previous evasion behavior was.

The teenager raised his hand and pressed the earphone of the hearing aid. Under everyone's eyes, he nodded silently, and pulled out a stiff smile: Yes, these are earphones, just earphones.

So he just heard nothing.

—That was about the last time Du Ze smiled in front of others. From then on, a certain stupid cute started to take the B route, insisting on "having neither" until he went to college, and was addicted to the online world.

Then, Du Ze met a page of Zhiqiu.

So the author is equipped with cups, the protagonist becomes tableware, and the reader has a coffee table.


Du Ze leaned against the stone wall in a daze, then woke up suddenly and hurriedly looked at the protagonist in his arms. Xiu'an lay quietly in his arms and slept deeply, his cute and delicious appearance was like a perfect human figure that some otakus were eagerly pursuing. Du Ze reached out and touched Xiu's forehead, then heaved a sigh of relief.

Yesterday, Xiu Yin went out to find him, and his wound collapsed again. After returning, he started to have a fever and coma. Du Ze tossed around in the middle of the night, and barely rested until dawn. Although there was zero o'clock recovery, even if he didn't eat, drink, or sleep, he could still survive, but his tense spirit still made Du Ze very tired. After settling in and repairing, Du Ze also closed his eyes and fell asleep, dreaming about the unpleasant past.

Du Ze looked at the purple sky outside, the sky was as cloudy as ever, and he couldn't tell when it was, Du Ze suddenly shuddered.

Shouldn't he have missed the deal with Dan

Du Ze took out his earphones to check the battery, and the only half of the battery told him: He is rushing over now, which happened to be the time he met Dan yesterday.

What are you waiting for? go with you┏(゜ω゜)=

Du Ze carefully put down Xiu in his arms, and looked at his tightly grasped robe with a look that was clearly happy but pretended to be helpless and troubled: A sick child is so clingy~ (Mist very large)

A certain cute dog didn't want to wake Xiu up, anyway, he would come back soon after the transaction, so Du Ze began to carefully tear off the part that Xiu had grabbed from the perimeter. Fortunately, the black robe was in tatters, and Du Ze got rid of it without much effort. Due to the delay in tearing his clothes, Du Ze hurried to Harpas City without much thought.

A pair of amber eyes quietly watched the back of Du Ze leaving, the bottom of their eyes was dark and unclear.

When Du Ze rushed outside Harpas City, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have agreed on a specific time and place with Dan yesterday. Outside Harpas City were full of high and low rocks. break!

"Ah~ you are finally here."

A voice came from above Du Ze's head. Du Ze raised his head and found the man in green sitting on the rock, smiling earnestly at him. Dan jumped off the rock with agile movements, and bowed shallowly to Du Ze: "I'll be waiting here for a long time."

Dan's right hand was holding the book as always, he clapped his hands, and a box fell into his hand from the void, which was the box that Du Ze selected at his stall last time.

"Your Excellency's clothes are really amazing." Dan sighed: "Can I take the liberty to ask, how did you do it?"

This is Goldfinger, you don't understand.

Seeing that Du Ze had no intention of speaking, Dan could only sigh regretfully, and then presented the box to Du Ze.

"This is what you want."

Du Ze took the box. The small gray box was very inconspicuous. From the appearance alone, no one could guess that it contained a highly lethal weapon. When Du Ze was checking the box, Dan's eyes seemed to swept to a corner behind Du Ze unintentionally, and his smile became more attentive and brilliant.

"Are you going to sell 'him' to Lord City Lord?"

Du Ze paused, since the box belonged to Dan, it was not surprising that Dan knew what was in it, so he nodded.

"The city owner will be very happy to get such a precious variety." Dan showed an ambiguous smile: "You can get a lot of money, and even get the city owner's appreciation."

The Demon Sword Burning Desire is a divine weapon, and it is indeed very precious, but Du Ze felt that Dan's words were kind of weird, even though he couldn't pick out any problems.

"I would take the liberty to ask, when are you going to sell 'him'? Do you need me to introduce you to Lord City Lord?" Dan suggested: "Or you can give 'him' to me first, and I will send it to Lord City Lord. , so that your identity will not be discovered by 'he'."

Du Ze was shocked. Dan seemed to have discovered the fact that he was a human race. In order to prevent the identity of other races from being discovered by the city owner, he planned to help him? Such a nice guy? Du Ze once again recalled the plot of "Hybrid". Although Dan was mysterious, he really always stood by the protagonist. Du Ze began to hesitate. He has no money now, and he can't even pay the entrance fee. Besides, going to see a city lord who feeds on people is really cruel to Diaosi with a social barrier.

So Du Ze nodded: "You help me sell it."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory price." Dan gave an exaggerated salute, and the corners of his mouth curved into a happy arc: "I will never let 'he' know that you betrayed 'he'—huh? "

Du Ze was stunned, at that moment he didn't understand what Dan was talking about, he could only watch the man in green frowning and looking in one direction: "There's a little mouse... Come out, I found you. "

Du Ze followed Dan's gaze and saw a scene that he would never forget - Xiu stood in the shadow of the rock, no one knew how long he had been standing there, his face had no expression like a dead thing, only A pair of eyes looked at it coldly, and the bright color was like a secluded spring leading to hell. It looked warm, but if you touched it with your hands, it would be infected with a chill that went deep into the bone marrow.

Du Ze was pinned to the spot by that icy gaze, unable to move. He had never seen Xiu look at him with such a gaze, so cold that his heart stopped beating. Under Xiu Bing's cold gaze, Dan on the side showed a helpless and regretful expression: "Aiya, I was caught."

Du Ze recalled the previous conversation, and finally realized that he had been misled! No matter how you look at it just now, it looks like he betrayed the protagonist to Dan!

"It's a mistake—"

Dan chuckled lightly, but interrupted Du Ze's words forcefully: "It has been discovered by him, so don't pretend."

What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! ! !

For the first time, Du Ze had the urge to strangle a person. When he saw Xiu's appearance, countless explanations filled his mind and crowded into a ball, but the card master didn't say anything. At this time, the dead earphone gave Du Ze a fatal blow.

Du Ze was instantly desperate, he looked at Dan and said another sentence, and then Xiu in the shadow finally reacted.

- Betrayed, angry

Xiu's eyes turned to Dan, and the man in green taunted with malicious intent, which did not change his expression in the slightest. The dwarf's voice was very light, but it was heavy as if overflowing with exhaustion.

"I'm used to it," he said.

Du Ze couldn't hear Xiu's words, but every trace of the man's words showed his exhaustion and numbness - there was no despair, but it was more like there was no hope for a long time.

Betrayed once, will be angry.

Being betrayed many times makes me sad.

Betrayed countless times and despair.

When realizing that this is not the end, all that remains is exhaustion and ashes.

Du Ze's throat was dry. He knew the pain of being betrayed. Just because of the teasing of his former "friend", he was too timid to touch the world again. When he saw the protagonist of "Hybrid" betrayed by his best friend, Du Ze, who was sitting in front of the computer at that moment, felt that he was about to suffocate. Because of the protagonist, that's why I care about and like "Mixed Blood" so much. When meeting the real protagonist, Du Ze was very grateful to the existence that allowed him to travel through - fortunately, he was able to compensate. So it doesn't matter if he is signed by blood, if he is tested, it doesn't matter if he is suspected, or if he is exposed to acid rain.

But now because of Dan's misdirection, he also "betrayed" the protagonist.

So hurry up and explain. Du Ze looked at Xiu Na's eyes that were clearly not black, but deeper than black, and opened and closed his mouth several times: If you don't explain it, it's too late—

-Aze is a fool, he always likes to giggle, and what he says makes people laugh to death.

... Xiaosheng is a fool! love whoever!

"... I, did not... betray you."

It was a rather laborious sentence. The speaker seemed to be stuttering and difficult because he hadn't spoken for a long time. His voice was out of tune, and his volume was not well controlled. Xiu turned his gaze back to the black-haired youth, and Dan's smile became playful.

No matter how many explanations there are, it seems like a guilty conscience and hypocrisy. Du Ze has completely ignored whether Dan is adding more fuel to the story. He just stared at Xiu in the shadow and repeated it again and again in that awkward and even funny voice: I did not betray you.

trust me... ok



Daniel seemed to be aware of Xiu's gaze, and gave Xiu the same simple and honest smile as he always did, just like the grateful smile that Xiu showed to Xiu after he helped him beat away the senior who bullied him.

"Xiu, sorry, it's best if you die."

Xiu knew that he had been betrayed again. It was very strange. This time, he never felt hurt and sad like before. Even his anger cooled down.

The skeleton opened his mouth and giggled.

His heart has already melted away, hasn't it

The blue soul fire that jumped in the eye sockets of the black hole was so cold that there was no trace of temperature.

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"

The author has something to say: Reader: I did not betray you. QAQ author: Prove it with actions, kid paper. Protagonist: Take the initiative to sit up. Reader: ... I'd better betray you. = dish=