The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 20: Reader/Protagonist Don't make trouble


Du Ze decisively chose to change the subject. He looked away calmly and glanced around, asking, "Don't make trouble, this is a serious academic discussion time", "Where is this?"

In fact, when Du Ze saw the endless pile of bones behind Xiu Shi, he knew that they had probably reached the sea of the dead on the opposite side of the mainland. In the mixed blood world, there is only one continental plate, Chaos Continent. On the front of the continent, the Lost Land is in the center, the northernmost is the extremely cold land, the east is the death desert, the south is the monster forest, and the west is the endless ocean; on the opposite side of the continent, the west is also the ocean, but it is made of countless bones. A sea of undead made of undead. This is the paradise of the undead. Here, the undead will get a strong increase, while other races will be restricted.

Speaking of... Why is the sea of dead spirits the first thing that appeared in his mind was not "the sea of undead is the plot point when the protagonist first came to the opposite side of the continent", but "the protagonist uses the undead form and his old enemy here. First [ah-], then [oh-] and finally [woo-]"? Give me my integrity, Xiaotong!

Doujinshi: Blame me.

Xiu didn't seem to be very interested in this topic. He looked at the doujinshi that Du Ze had taken back, and replied casually, "I don't know... Come here."

It is also a look of "Don't make trouble, this is a harmonious health education time".

"I see." Du Ze changed his words for a second and changed the subject with perseverance: "This should be the Sea of the Dead."

Xiu was finally aroused as Du Ze wanted: "The Sea of the Dead?"

Du Ze breathed a sigh of relief and began to memorize the lines of the novel: "The west side of the reverse side of the continent is buried with bones. The creatures here call it the Sea of the Dead."

Xiu looked at Du Ze, his words seemed to be a statement but also a rhetorical question: "You know a lot."

Du Ze nodded inexplicably, and then a certain idiot saw Xiu curl his lips and continued, "Whether it's these things, or something quite interesting..."

After Du Ze followed Xiu's gaze and saw the doujinshi in his hand, his expression cracked.

Harmony topic: I, Hu Hansan, are back.

It was the movement from the depths of the sea of undead that rescued Du Ze from the turmoil, as if something emerged from the depths of the sea of undead and was rushing towards them. Even Du Ze could hear the increasingly obvious sounds of fighting and snarling. He turned his head to look at Xiu. The demon was not surprised by the approaching voice, his purple eyes narrowed slightly and seemed a little unhappy.

Looking through the gaps in the pile of skeletons, the first thing that appeared in Du Ze and Xiu's sight were two girls from the demon race, one in red and the other in blue. The identical faces showed that they were twin sisters. . Among them, the red-clothed girl holds a bunch of white flowers in her arms. The branches of the flower are thin and black, and the over-white petals outline the shape of a skull; the blue-clothed girl holds a sword and flees while protecting the red-clothed girl. Looking nervously behind him. Behind them, a group of translucent evil spirits were chasing the two demon girls, and bony hands would always pop up from under their feet to hinder their progress again and again.

Du Ze's eyes straightened the moment he saw the visitor, not only because he saw a pair of beautiful demon girls, but also because he probably guessed the identities of those two girls.

The protagonist, the harem of your family finally appeared, Youmuyou!

As the plot of "Hybrid" unfolds, there are more and more girls in the novel, and the protagonist's harem is getting bigger and bigger. Among them, there are several girls that make readers shine, and the demon sisters in front of them are one of them. First, they are demons, which expands the diversity of the protagonist's harem; second, they are twins, and sister flowers are one of the icing on the cake in YY's novels. (PS: If you don’t understand, please use Baidu Shuangfei for morality… )

Among the sisters, the one in blue is sister Vera, and the one in red is sister Alice, they are the city lords of Belial City. In the original plot of "Mixed Blood", the protagonist just came to the opposite side of the mainland, and met Vera who was attacked by the undead. The protagonist, a natural hero, saves the beauty, and then obtained a lot of information about the reverse side of the continent from Vera, and learned that Vera has a twin sister who was cursed by a necromancer, so she came to the sea of the dead to collect materials to heal her sister . The ghost curse of a necromancer is not a problem at all in front of the protagonist with undead lich blood, so the protagonist begins the sister flower strategy that readers love. Not to mention that the previous hero to save the beauty has brushed up the sister's favorability, the process of treating the sister has always reflected the integrity of the author and readers: -Why do you take off your clothes

- To save you.

-Why are you kissing me

- To save you.

- My body is very cold.

- I will warm you up.

In the face of the readers' "hehehehehe", Yiyizhiqiu calmly replied: "Don't make trouble, this is a scientific rescue behavior."

When Du Ze recalled the plot of "Mixed Blood", Vera and Alice were already in a predicament, they were surrounded by dozens of translucent evil spirits. Vera whispered a few words to Alice, Alice's reaction was fierce, she shook her head vigorously while holding the white skull flower. Vera seemed to want to persuade, but at the next moment she looked at the direction they were fleeing from.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." A dry laughter echoed in the sea of dead spirits, making people completely unable to determine where the sound came from. "It's really a sisterhood, you don't have to worry about being separated, no matter which one I will let go of."

There was a small opening in the encirclement of the evil spirits, and a tall and thin figure in a black robe walked in.

"If we inadvertently broke into your territory and offended your Excellency, I am willing to apologize to you." Verla knew that the undead race had a strong sense of territory. If it wasn't for nothing, she would not bring Alice to enter. Sea of the Dead. Verla tried to negotiate with the necromancer on the opposite side: "We are the city lords of Belial City, and now there is a blood poison plague in Belial City, which needs to be healed by skeleton flowers. I promise to you in the name of Belial City Lord. , will pay you a reward that will satisfy you.”

"I know, Jie Jie, of course I know - it's not in vain that I spent that precious blood poison plague seed."

Vera shouted angrily: "It's you!?"

"Of course, darlings. If you don't give some greetings, how can you come to me as a guest?" Hei Pao let out a stern laughter: "Welcome to my place, darlings, I am the master here— "

Between the flames of calcium carbide, Vera's sword cut off the head of the black robe. The head tribe that was thrown high rolled on the pile of bones, and there was no movement. However, the laughter of Jie Jie did not stop. Vera stared at the pile of white bones and black robes scattered in front of her - the other party did not Appear with your real body.

Because the place where Du Ze and Xiu were located was relatively hidden, the two parties did not notice their existence for a while, so Du Ze and Xiu watched the whole thing. Du Ze's feeling is very subtle. He seems to be watching the prequel of "Hybrid": the protagonist and him came to the opposite side of the mainland early, and they happened to meet the scene where his sister was cursed by the necromancer. Du Ze is in awe of the plot master. In order to let the protagonist hero save the beauty, he constantly sends the attacked girls to his door, and there are no plot loopholes. This world is really dedicated!

So from now on, Du Ze has been repeating the action of "watching the plot, watching the protagonist", and has been waiting for the hero that the masses love to see to save the beauty.

The sisters were surrounded, and Xiu didn't respond; the sisters were molested, but Xiu didn't respond; the sisters were about to be taken away, and Xiu... looks like she's about to fall asleep.

… protagonist, are you a passive strike!

Du Ze couldn't help but remind Xiu to equip the script: "Doesn't matter?"

Xiu Wenyan raised his eyes slightly and looked at it: "It's not necessary."

Du Ze was stunned, but suddenly realized that there was really no need to save the pair of demon sisters now, because according to the original plot, the demon sisters would definitely be able to escape this time, but the younger sister would be cursed by a Yin spirit. The protagonist can then play according to the original plot to cure (attack) and heal (omit) his sister. Even though he said that, Du Ze didn't know why he had a strange feeling, like a substandard gear was inserted, but he couldn't find out what went wrong for a while. At this time, there was a new change on the field, and Du Ze was immediately attracted by the new development, and he did not go into the sense of dissonance.

- If he felt "unnecessary" because he knew the plot, then why did Xiu say "unnecessary"

Xiu looked at the demon sisters, the girl's helpless and vulnerable expression was reflected in the purple demon pupils, and he couldn't be bothered at all.

There is no need to save them, because they have no value.

Under everyone's attention, Alice, who had been quiet all along, suddenly stretched out her fist-like hand, spreading her five fingers to reveal her palm. On her palm, a red flame was sticking to her skin, growing brighter and brighter as if sucking Alice's life. Seeing the flames in Alice's hands, Verla screamed in panic and anger: "No!!!"

The flames became brighter and brighter, from red to orange, to yellow, to pale yellow, and finally to pure white. The white flame emitted endless light and heat, and the evil spirits surrounding the two sisters seemed to be scorched by the high temperature, screaming and starting to vaporize. In that white light, Alice smiled at her favorite sister, and fell silently to the ground. Vera rushed up and hugged Alice in her arms, with tears on her face.

Du Ze's heart skipped a beat. He clearly knew that this was a novel and that the plot had already been set, but he still couldn't help feeling a sense of shame.

So real.

The white flame did not go out even after Alice fell, but was suspended in the air and burned. Jie Jie's laughter finally stopped. In the angry cry of the necromancer, countless skeletons climbed up from the sea of dead spirits and gradually melted as they approached Vera and Alice. Verla wiped away her tears, she picked up Alice, did not choose to stay around the flames, but rushed forward desperately. Behind her, the white flame burned smaller and smaller, but it seemed to compress all the burning energy. As long as it reached the extreme, it would explode with a bang.

Vera hugged Alice, stepped on a skeleton and turned over, crossed a hill made of white bones, and landed in an inconspicuous recess at the bottom of the valley, which happened to meet Du Ze's small eyes.

Both sides: "… "

Verla didn't expect to meet other creatures here, and she didn't have time to think about the emergency. She inserted her sword into the bones, and the blue battle qi swept over, protecting the sisters in it. Du Ze only felt the back collar tighten, and when he came back to his senses, he had been pulled by Xiu by the back collar and pulled into his arms. His eyes darkened, but Xiu spread his wings and wrapped the two again.

"Don't try to run away—"

The white flame jumped again and then went out.


The dazzling white light engulfed the sky and the earth, and the terrifying blasting energy swept the sea of the dead, and the countless bones were blown to pieces. After the light faded, the ashes that were fluttering fell from the sky, obscuring everyone's sight.

The power of the forbidden technique released by Alice was so powerful that even the necromancer hidden in the dark was affected, and one of his hands and staff were directly fried into meat sauce. When the necromancer saw one figure lift the other up in the ashes haze, his eyes instantly turned red. The Necromancer took out a black skull from his arms, which was the most powerful Yin spirit left to him by his mentor and was very precious. The Necromancer hesitated for a moment, and then the moment of reluctance and hesitation was immediately replaced by anger and impulsiveness. He stared at the two figures and smashed the skull with force.

"I curse you!"

"You will endure the extreme cold day and night!"

"You can only dance with the undead!"

"—until you belong to me!"

A white shadow rushed out from the broken skull. One of the figures in the gray fog stretched out his hand and seemed to want to stop it. The purple electric arc swept through the void and hit the white shadow, but it seemed to hit the air without the slightest effect. The curse hit instantly. Another figure appeared. Seeing the cursed figure bend down and start shaking, the necromancer begins to laugh.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie—it's very painful, it's punishment!" The Necromancer paused for a moment, and still started to induce without losing his lust: "Jie Jie, if you are willing to follow me and become my person, I will let you Tasting the ultimate... joy...?"

The necromancer's laughter stopped abruptly, and he stared blankly at the two figures standing up in the fog of ashes. With the two before, there were a total of four shadows in the fog. At this time, the necromancer reacted with hindsight. The two sisters are obviously fire attribute fighting qi and water attribute fighting qi, why did they appear just now... Thunder and lightning

As if to verify that the thunder and lightning that the Necromancer had just seen was not an illusion, the huge lightning broke through the haze and illuminated everything in the sea of necromancy. The Necromancer finally saw the two figures clearly, they were not the demon sisters he thought, but a demon and a human!

Du Ze embraced himself, trembling uncontrollably due to the chill inside his body, his teeth chattering. Just now, something cold rushed into his body from behind, and then the whole person was surrounded by the cold like falling into an ice cave. At that moment, the hard-pressed reader finally recognized his lucky value of sliding out of the alphabet.

… why is it always me who gets shot? _(;з”∠)_

A gust of wind blew by, but Xiu opened his bat wings and jumped into the air.

Xiu stood at a high place, looking down at the ocean of bones at the bottom of his feet. From the perspective of the necromancer hiding in the dark, because of the backlight, the demon could only see the unusually slender and demonic pupils in the eyes that were emitting purple light.

"come out."

Under everyone's attention, Xiu threw the silver-red long knife in his hand, facing the sea of undead below, his voice low and soft like a sympathetic whisper.

"You just said... who to be yours, eh?"



Stepping on the dark red land, Xiu looked at this unfamiliar land.

This is a desolate land, the sky is a hazy purple, and the whole earth is covered with a dim red light. On the scarlet rock, withered plants swayed wearily. A strong wind blew from afar, instantly crushing the plants into powder and swept them into the air. The black powder fell, like a sad dirge.

"Is this the opposite of the mainland?"

With a meow, Xiu touched its head and summoned Cerberus. The three-headed Cerberus bowed down obediently and let Xiu ride on it.

Now you should find a creature to obtain information on the reverse side of the continent, Xiu Xiu. He watched the red land spread into the distance. Except for the white horizontal line to the west, the other directions were completely red wilderness.

So Xiu started heading west. As the distance increased, Xiu discovered that the white patch was actually made of countless bones. The boundless white bones are piled up in a messy manner into high and low hills, which is almost like a sea of white bones. Xiu felt it, here, the breath of the undead is very strong.

At this moment, Xiu heard movement from the depths of the ocean of bones. He patted Cerberus on the head, Cerberus understood, and silently moved in the direction of the movement.

After crossing several hills made of white bones, what appeared in front of Xiu was a blue-clothed girl. She had long black hair, a beautiful face, and her purple eyes stared at the evil spirits on the opposite side.

It was a demon girl, her petite body was shaky due to the long battle, she bit her cherry lips lightly, looking strangely beautiful and pure in the bones that exuded the breath of death.

Xiu smiled: He found the right person.

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"


small theater


Reader: Xiaosheng is not affected by...

Protagonist: Don't make trouble.

Protagonist: Eight races tonight.

Reader: Don't make trouble.

Author: I want to abandon the pit.

Reader/Protagonist: Don't make trouble.