The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 25: Author On the correct use of the space ring


"Cough, cough, cough..."

Vera coughed in the thick smoke, she wanted to get up from the ground, but there was a severe pain in her back. Will stretched his hand to touch, and the sight was startling red. In a hurry, she could only put down a grudge to defend herself, and then she was swept away by the explosion.

The surroundings were silent and silent, and in the smoke, Vera could not see the situation of the other two. After resting for a while, the demon girl climbed up from the ground with difficulty and called softly, "Master Xiu... Mr. Du Ze?"

no respond.

Vera moved in the direction of her memory. She first walked to Xiu's original location, but she didn't see anyone. Vera started walking towards the place where the explosion was most violent, and after a while, she saw two figures leaning against each other. Xiu turned his back to Vera and hugged the person in his arms. His body was severely damaged by the explosion, and there was death entanglement in the torn place. With the addition of the surrounding undead breath, the lich's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The smell of burnt and blood in the air became stronger and stronger, and Vera walked to Xiu's side and looked in shock at the black-haired young man who was about to die in the arms of the lich-no matter from which point of view, the celebrity family couldn't survive, even if There was a lich's buffer, but the celebrity was too close to the flame lord, and the sharp stone fragments directly penetrated his chest, and Yin Hong's blood continued to flow out. Among all the races, the dragons are the strongest, while the gnomes are the weakest, followed by the humans. Vera was both surprised and puzzled, is he really only a human race and not a dragon race

Xiu hugged Du Ze who was almost silent, and for the first time Vera saw the dazed and bewildered look on the lich's face. He froze there, as if afraid that if he moved, the young man in his arms would stop breathing.

-Why is he so afraid

This man can only stay by his side.

- Even though this person is dead, he can still make this person a death puppet and stay by his side, why should he be so anxious

This person is different.

—Since when did he start to think so

This person is important - why is this person important

Verla took a few steps back, and the lich in front of her exuded a terrifying aura, making her feel that she would be killed by the opponent the moment she got close.

Xiu frowned, trying to find a way to rescue Du Ze—no need to rescue him, as long as the person in his arms can support him until midnight, this person will not die. However, all he could use at this time were undead magic representing death and torture.

Since the dead can't. Xiu thought indifferently, then change to one that can come in handy.

The white flame skyrocketed, illuminating the blood rune on the torch.

Vera covered her mouth in astonishment. She watched the human race with brilliant blond hair stretch out her hand and gently press the black-haired youth's wound. In the volcanic cone filled with the breath of undead, the shimmer of the healing technique suddenly lit up.

The jumping light element squeezed out the dark element and the fire element, summoned by magic, and attached to Xiu's hand. Under the effect of the healing technique, Du Ze's chest stopped bleeding, but his face was still pale. This is just a drop in the bucket, the light elements on the opposite side of the continent are too few, and it can only allow Xiu to use the most basic healing techniques. Xiu's hand could no longer leave Du Ze's chest. As long as his magic was interrupted for a moment, Du Ze would stop breathing.

With the passage of time, Xiu's face became more and more pale. In the end, compared with Du Ze's, he couldn't tell who was more like a dying person. Vera finally couldn't help but say: "He is helpless..."

"To shut up!"

Willa opened his mouth and finally chose silence. Heart-to-heart, if Alice was also on the verge of death, she would not give up at all even if her efforts were in vain.

The blue-clothed demon girl couldn't bear to look any further, she looked up at the sky. In the purple sky clipped by the crater, the moons of different colors ascend slowly, as always, and they will not stop because of anyone's death. Vera was very uncomfortable, and even felt that the faint moonlight was dazzling.

The night was so long.

The sound of a foreign object being pulled out came from beside him, and Vera turned around in astonishment. It was found that Xiu pulled out the sharp-edged shards from Du Ze's body and threw them aside. Vera looked back along the sharp-edged shard that rolled out of a bloody path. At that moment, she really thought she had seen a miracle.

The handsome young man with blond hair lowered his eyes, the blue eyes reflected the intact appearance of the black-haired young man, and the corner of his mouth picked out a beautiful arc, as if calling out the name of the person in his arms. The next moment, Xiu fell unconscious on the ground with Du Ze in his arms.


Du Ze had another dream, but this time it was amazing that he knew he was dreaming.

It was pitch black all around, Du Ze first looked down at his chest and touched it randomly. Before losing consciousness, there was severe pain here, so deep that I felt faint pain even in my dreams.

[… you… ]

Du Ze was startled by the sudden voice. The voice seemed to be coming from an old phone. It was very intermittent, with noise and interference.

[… how… dying… where are you… ]

This time, Du Ze listened carefully and barely understood what the other party said. For some reason, Du Ze felt as if he had heard that voice somewhere. Just when Du Ze was about to speak, all the noisy voices disappeared suddenly, and the entire darkness returned to its original silence. There is a sentence that can describe this situation very aptly: the connection is interrupted.

Then Du Ze woke up.

The line of sight is jumping, and the orange-red flames emit light and heat. A figure sitting beside the fire turned around. It was Vera. She was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Du Ze who was in a daze: "Mr. Du Ze, you are awake."

Du Ze just wanted to get up, but found himself unable to move - he was being held tightly by someone from behind. Du Ze turned his head to look with difficulty. The first thing that jumped into his field of vision was a brilliant golden color. A handsome young man with blond hair was lying behind him, sleeping deeply with his eyes closed, his long eyelashes fanned out by the firelight.

Du Ze was silent for a moment: Don't think that I don't know you anymore after you changed your vest - what happened to this idiot, why did the protagonist suddenly change the channel again

Vera explained everything to Du Ze very intimately.

"...Master Xiu was hugging very tightly, so I couldn't separate you. In desperation, I had to find this place to rest for a while. Now it's the second day."

With Vera's help, Du Ze finally crawled out of Xiu's arms. Because the materials prepared before were sufficient, they planned to stay in this place until Xiu woke up.

Du Ze has been sitting beside Xiu for the past few days, staring at him in a daze. The person in front of him has dazzling blond hair, and his facial features are so perfect that they seem to be carved stroke by stroke with a lifetime of time. Such a person can be regarded as the most qualified protagonist. He has a handsome appearance, a talent that others cannot match, and countless admirers—Du Ze can see the shadow of his former high-spiritedness from Xiu in front of him. Du Ze’s mood is extremely complicated, and This incident also reminded him: he seems to rely too much on the original work? Because he lost consciousness, he didn't feel much, but after hearing Verla's description, Du Ze felt deep fear and guilt—especially when Verla said that Xiu was trying so hard to save him.

Du Ze stared blankly at Xiu until he looked into a pair of sky blue eyes. Xiu woke up at some point, and was looking at him calmly.

Du Ze, who was caught upright, diverted his attention: "'re awake."

Xiu stretched out his hand and pressed it on the back of Du Ze's neck. The warm beating from his fingertips indicated that this man was alive and well and was right beside him.

"Well, what about Vera?"

"Take a bath, there is a hot spring nearby." Not far from the lava field, Vera found a hot spring in the lava field, so the girl who loves cleanliness will clean up her body every day.

Du Ze suddenly remembered that he hadn't had time to hand over the flame lord's inheritance to Xiu, and he almost went to see his ancestors for that thing.

"this is for you."

Xiu looked at Du Ze's palm. There were a pair of rings, silver and white, one of them was inlaid with red crystals, and the other was inlaid with blue crystals. The style was simple but very generous.

Du Ze didn't lie to Xiu before, there are really good things in the flame lord, and the ring in front of him is the biggest gain of the protagonist after defeating the flame lord - a pair of space rings. No matter which YY text is in, the protagonist must have an artifact: the space ring, which is one of the necessary equipment for murder, arson, and stealing. And in general, space rings are very rare, and only the protagonist can buy them or mass-produce them. In the original text of "Hybrid", when the protagonist found the pair of space rings in the flame lord's legacy, he already had better space equipment, so he gave the pair of rings to his sisters. The sister Huahua's favorability rating immediately exploded after receiving the ring, and she was moved to marry the protagonist immediately.

Xiu stared at the pair of rings, his eyes were very complicated for some reason, as if shaking, a little hesitant, and finally, it was bound to become deep and bottomless.

"This is for me?"

Du Ze nodded, thinking of the protagonist's previous fucking behavior, a certain stupid Mengsheng was afraid that Xiu would not know the correct way to use this pair of rings, and reminded again: "You can give it to someone you like."

Wen Yanxiu took a deep look at Du Ze and put away the ring.

"I will."

Xiu in human form is really good at talking, and the monk in undead form looked at him gloomily when he spoke, making a certain social barrier weak before he could say it. Du Ze felt that this was actually a good opportunity, and he said to Xiu, "When I get back to the front of the mainland, I have something to tell you."

At that time, Xiaosheng will definitely find a reason to make you cute!

"Okay." Xiu didn't refuse, he looked at Du Ze, smiled, his eyes were bottomless: "I have something to tell you too."

"I'm back... Master Xiu, you're awake!"

Vera came back with a flushed face, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw Xiu. Regarding Xiu, who changed his form again, although Verla was full of doubts, she wisely chose not to ask anything. She just needs to know that her master is strong and can bring her strength.

Looking at the subtle atmosphere between the two, Vera suddenly felt as if she had come at the wrong time, and she suggested cautiously, "Do you want to take a shower?"



Xiu stepped on the corpse of the flame lord, and suddenly there was a flash of light out of the corner of his eyes.


He jumped to the flame lord's throat and found a pair of silver rings, one with red crystals and the other with blue crystals. Xiu picked them up and found that it was a pair of space rings with about 10 square meters of space inside.

Very ordinary stuff, Xiu thought. But it can be used as a gift, since he doesn't need it anyway.

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"

The author has something to say: Protagonist: I agreed.


Protagonist: Your proposal.

Reader: What!

Protagonist: The bridal chamber (drag away readers)

Author: On the correct use of the space ring.