The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 3: Reader Xiaosheng has crossed


Du Ze flipped the keyboard instantly.

The good stallion YY Shuangwen! Woolen cloth! Woolen cloth! ! ! This plot is simply a free and heroic god of a prolapsed wild horse! exhibition! open! !

Ask for an address! Kneeling for the author's address! Xiaosheng wants to form a group to brush up on the author—

At this moment, Du Ze really wanted to transform into an upgraded version of Sadako and climb the internet cable to the author and die with him.

The author is ruthless and takes the protagonist as a dog.

Kill, kill, kill, kill!

Du Ze opened the comment homepage. Sure enough, the comment area of "Mixed Blood" was frying. Almost all readers have been devastated by the reversal of the god "Hybrid", and countless diving parties have surfaced to ask whether the author has been stimulated recently. In the comment area, many readers are begging the author to stop abusing them. The current plot of "Hybrid" is too ridiculous to hurt. But no matter how cute, pleaded and threatened the readers, the author was completely unmoved, and the plot still unfolded in a mess.

Du Ze's mouse paused suddenly, and he saw that his topical building, which made him both happy and painful, was pushed up again. Du Zela read the latest reply and saw that a reader wrote this sentence: […

Netizen [Carp]: LZ, you got your wish.


Netizen [Emma Emma]: Fuck! LS is not the truth, right


Netizen [Whose Mirror]: Bah, how can this guy have the ability to influence Qiu Da? ?


There was a group of fans fighting at the back. Some people thought that all this was caused by the second-order remarks in the stomach. This is good, the author directly "learned" to collapse; some people insisted that this is the original idea of Yizhiqiu , the author is in transition, and it has nothing to do with the two compulsive remarks in the stomach. Both sides hold their own opinions, and the only thing they agree on is the two belly... Why did Nima come out to find a sense of existence! = dish =!

Du Ze's finger on the mouse shook violently, and the screen returned to the homepage of the article again. At this time, Du Ze found that the announcement on the copy had been updated, and Yi Yi Zhi Qiu made a statement on the copy: The author was not stimulated, but got some kind of inspiration. He is very satisfied with the current plot of "Hybrid", and I hope everyone likes it. Ha ha.

Du Ze stared at the big words "Some kind of inspiration" and burst into tears.

Who will tell him that after seeing the author's statement, he felt that his knee was instantly hit by an arrow and became a hornet's nest. How to break it...

The author got some kind of inspiration, so he decided to newspaper.

"Inspiration Jun" hugged his injured knee and silently opened the commenting system - in order to prevent the world from being destroyed, and for the peace of the world, he must do something. Du Ze thought of the cute comments he had seen before asking the author to be merciful. Taking Qiu Zhiqiu's urgency as an example, Du Ze felt that even if he used the number "belly" to apologize, the author would probably just reply kindly. "Hehe", and then... No more, the author will continue the newspaper, and the protagonist will continue to live and die.

Du Ze gritted his teeth and typed on the keyboard—since the author wanted "inspiration", he would break the jar and spray it again! Anyway, the protagonist can't be more tragic than it is now.

[Netizen: Belly, Comment: "Mixed Blood", Score: 1, Chapter commented: 35

The guy who was chased and fled like an X was the protagonist? ? ? Weak burst, okay? (So don't abuse please QAQ)

For such a rubbish protagonist, let's just die, it's not powerful at all, it's not as good as the previous Virgin. (Kneeling and begging the previous cute master!)] Du Ze clicked "OK" nervously, and then waited for the author to appear. Zhiqiu didn't appear on the page that day, which forced the readers to become more and more frightened. The comment he left has been topped as a topic again, which means that the author can definitely see it. As for the author's reaction after seeing it...

Ha ha.

On the second day, One Page Zhiqiu finally refreshed at the old time and updated "Hybrid" by three chapters. Du Ze looked at the chapter with "Latest Update" and opened it with a feeling of sacrifice.

The protagonist was besieged by the Bright Knights squad. If the metal body obtained from the magic tower was not activated to save the protagonist, "Hybrid" could be marked with "END" - the protagonist was dead and he wrote a fart. The rescued protagonist had to flee to the most dangerous place in the mainland, the legendary deadly forbidden area - the Lost Land, where everyone could stop chasing and killing. In their opinion, the protagonist who entered the lost land has been sentenced to death, and no creature can leave the lost land.

The author has not yet planned to finish "Hybrid", so the Lost Land is the best place for the protagonist to recuperate + practice + adventure. The protagonist healed his wounds here, and began to cultivate the blood of the undead with reference to the information given to him by the metal body, and then... blackened into a mess.

Du Ze: …

There is only one word to describe today's hard-pressed readers: He expected the beginning, but missed the end.

The character of the protagonist of "Mixed Blood" begins to become extremely distorted, the desire for control is so strong that it is perverted, and the three views of the protagonist cannot be found at all in cruelty and blood. What he can do is becoming more and more limitless, and the blackening has collapsed so that people can't look directly. It’s okay to take revenge on the Temple of Light. The protagonist begins to be anti-living, anti-social and anti-mainland. He wants to stand at the top of the world and then destroy everything—this is basically the final villain BOSS. The role of the next stage ah wow!

Du Ze silently watched the protagonist's various cruel, perverted and bloody performances. He just felt so tired and would never love again... _(;з"∠)_

For the protagonist of the YY article, the ultimate goal is to rule the world, and the creatures in the whole world are divided into: mentor, harem, younger brother, and cannon fodder. Mentors are used to learn skills, and once the service period is over, they can be retired as younger brothers; the harem is used to enrich, and all the beautiful girls from all walks of life should not be spared; the younger brother is used to show domineering, long live the protagonist, long live long live; Those who are used for abuse, get bento to get one after another.

For the protagonist of "Hybrid", the ultimate goal is to destroy the world, and the creatures in the whole world are divided into: there are those with value, and those with full value. There is also the use of value, in the words of the protagonist: "Oh... this is their only reason for existence." When the value is used up, it is still in the words of the protagonist: "It's useless? Go to hell, it's an eyesore."

Peat... Du Ze burst into tears, who is this guy? Who can tell him who this is going to be the ultimate villain BOSS? Who can tell him why the sunny and righteous cute master collapsed on the blackened road and never returned

Now all the people around the protagonist are either deceived by the protagonist and foolishly follow the protagonist to be anti-human, anti-social and anti-mainland; Even the girls who were received by the protagonist from the harem were mostly forced by the protagonist - well, although they still fell in love with the protagonist later, the tangled mentality of love and hate makes people feel that one day they saw them holding poison It is not surprising to die in love with the protagonist.

The plot of "Hybrid" has developed in such a brutal way. During the period, no matter how the readers howled or howled, the author still tortured the protagonist to death and collapsed to death, which caused some readers to leave because they could not bear the brutal plot. . Du Ze has been chasing "Hybrid" silently, even though he wants to spit blood on the author's face every time he reads a chapter, and then thinks that maybe, probably, seems, maybe he caused all of this, Du Ze feels that the blood is being It was reflected back intact, and it was directly smeared on his face.

He used his life to deduce what is called committing sin and not living.

"Ding dong—"

The doorbell rang, and Du Ze closed the webpage exhaustedly: The murderous protagonist has already ruled the reverse side of the continent, and is leading the demon army to attack the city in the sky. Naturally, the Celestial Clan was unwilling to let it go, and launched the strongest weapon. The protagonist was pierced through the heart and fell into the sea, and his life and death are unknown. Seeing that almost all the people in the whole continent were glad that the protagonist died, Du Ze was very accustomed to suppress his internal injuries.

At this time, the mother came knocking on the door: "Aze, your package."

Du Ze jumped up instantly and took the package tremblingly. The first part of "Hybrid" has already been released as a physical book. Du Ze filmed it almost at the moment the author opened the pre-sale. After waiting for nearly two months, he finally got it. Du Ze opened the package carefully, and was moved to tears when he saw the word "mixed blood" on the cover of the book.

No matter how hard the content (makes him), no matter how broken the protagonist is, he still likes this book to the death. Du Ze lightly stroked the cover of the book. Two people were drawn on the cover. They looked like the protagonist of "Hybrid" and his old enemy. Although it was a little different from the pre-sale cover, Du Ze couldn't wait to open the book.

[Ah, no…]

[Oh, that's not what the little mouth below you said... eh? Or the attitude of the demons can't satisfy you? Do you like me pounding you into an orc stance like I did yesterday?]It must be the wrong way he opened it!

It must be the wrong way he opened it!

The way he opened it was wrong!

The way he opened it was wrong!

The way to open is wrong!

The way to open is wrong!

the wrong way!

the wrong way!





Du Ze was instantly blinded by the high-H fit figure inside the titanium alloy dog's eyes. He closed the book and took a deep breath.

Bah! Who will collect this enchanting book!

Du Ze angrily crawled online, poking at the seller's Wangwang. The seller kept apologizing after learning about Du Ze's cups, and he mixed up the fanbooks of "Mixed Blood" and "Mixed Blood". In order to quell Du Ze's anger, the sellers offered all kinds of cuteness and guarantees, and they would mail the real "Hybrid" immediately, and the doujinshi would be given to Du Ze.

Who wants this kind of book that destroys three views! ! !

Du Ze stared at the grayed-out avatar, and the seller fled in seconds. He knew that "Mixed Blood" was actually quite popular with a group, and the girls there would always scream cute and cute when they watched the protagonist of the collapse and the old enemy being strangled.

Du Ze stared at the doujinshi and picked it up with a serious expression.

Xiaosheng is not curious! This is rigorous academic exploration!

As I said before, this product has always looked like a dog, and it is even more shrewd with the pair of glasses. So Du Ze, who looked elite but was stupid and cute inside, picked up a corner of the fandom and opened it solemnly.

This, how did this counter-intuitive posture come about? It turns out that the bloodlines of the protagonists of various races can also be used in this way: Humans, Orcs, Elves, Gnomes, Dragons, Undeads, Celestials, Demons are all kinds of CPs, and they can be repaired without heavy ones for a week... Beds, earth, sky, ocean, caves, forests - I wipe and the sea of the undead, is it really a good man to stir the foundation in the pile of skeletons? ? ? (PS: big man = it doesn't matter)

It always feels like he has something unseen shattered...

Du Ze pushed his glasses expressionlessly, glanced at the two moons above his head, and looked at the mailbox QQ left behind by the doujinshi. He had the urge to send a message: He wanted to suggest that the next doujinshi could actually be considered. Going to the outer space of the moon to stir up the foundation, the entire continent can no longer stop the footsteps of the gay—

Du Ze paused, then raised his head again and stared at the two, two, moon, and bright above his head.

After a while of silence, Du Ze tucked the book under his armpit, calmly took off his glasses, wiped it with the corner of his clothes, wiped it again, and put it on.

The one yellow and one purple "moon" still existed, and the wind whistled and swept over from a distance beyond the horizon, which further accentuated Du Ze's lonely and helpless situation.

On December 20, 2012, the day before the end, a reader crossed over.

Attributes: Smart on the outside, stupid on the inside, [strike out] arrogant[/strike out] sullen.

Equipment: [V-neck wool vest + white shirt + black trousers] X1 (defense +3)

[Glasses + Headphones] X1 (Sensitive +2)

[High H Doujinshi] X1 (Charm +10)

Way of crossing: Read Gao H doujinshi.

… This unscientific!



Xiu supported himself with the death scythe and walked forward, and he was seriously injured. Under the siege of the light knight team, if it wasn't for the metal body suddenly turning into a death scythe to split the space and teleport him out, he would definitely die - truly "dead", and there will be no trace in the world.

Xiu was shaking violently with every step he took, and the trembling arc made people no doubt that the skeleton that fled in a panic would fall apart in the next moment. He didn't know where he could go. Although the Chaos Continent was big, there was no place for him.

escape - escape -

Why run away

don't want to die - don't want to die -

Why don't you want to die

A voice mocked casually: Why don't you want to die? You see, no one needs you, everyone wants you to die.

Accompanied by that voice, the soul light in Xiu's eyes became more and more dim, and it was so fragile that it would soon be extinguished. He gasped and shuffled forward, staggering and desperate.

He thought of the hatred and malice of everyone along the way.

He thought of the resentment and disgust on the face of the girl he rescued when he lifted his hood, as if he would rather be stained by the thugs than be rescued by him.

He thought of the village that was slaughtered by the robbers, the rescue team that rushed over, between seeing the robber with blood on his hands and trying to stop the robber, he did not hesitate to push the destruction of the village onto him.

He thought of...

Daniel smiled: Xiu, sorry, it's best if you die.

The cruelest thing is not to have no hope, but to give hope followed by despair.

The voice mockingly said: You are dead and everyone will be happy.

The dim soul light seemed to be pushed to the extreme, extinguished for a moment, and then suddenly skyrocketed. The skeleton finally stopped, bent down in pain, and roared silently and mournfully.

He is not reconciled! ! !

Why, why why ah-

Why consider him evil? Why hunt him down? Why betray him? Why betray him? Why... abandon him...

If skeletons could cry, their pale cheekbones would have been painted scarlet with blood and tears.

—Since the world has abandoned him, why can’t he abandon the world

This faint thought suddenly appeared, but the spark of a prairie quickly invaded all of Xiu's thoughts.

Since everyone thinks Xiu is evil, then...

In the darkest night before dawn, the people in the temple hurriedly caught up with Xiu, and they saw the black-robed skeleton holding the death scythe, pressing his head, and laughing silently and frantically in the darkest darkness.

click click - click - click - click

The weird sound was creepy, Xiu stopped laughing, he glanced at the people who were froze on the opposite side, then turned around without hesitation, and staggered into the Lost Land—

A no-go, no-death zone.

- When you die, everyone will be happy.

But he is not happy.

The skeleton giggled.

So to make him happy, let's all die, eh

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"