The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 33: Protagonist I really want to be a chain and tie you to me


After two days, Vera and Alice returned to Belial City.

When they returned to the City Lord's Mansion, they found that something was wrong. Their guards were all silent, looking at them before saying anything. When the demon sisters saw the demon wearing one-sided glasses in the main seat, they finally knew the reason why the guards were so afraid.

"The city owner of Belial." Rachel said with a gentle smile: "I think we can have a good talk."


The inner city of the gnome ruins is built according to the pattern of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, with 22 streets symbolizing the path and ten squares symbolizing the circle. The Gate of Wisdom is located on the square in the upper left corner of the inner city. In the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the original quality represented by the circle is wisdom. Du Ze wandered around the gnome ruins for two days, and at midnight on the first day, the doujinshi was restored in Du Ze's hands - by this time, the daylilies were all cold! Du Ze chokes a mouthful of old blood in his throat. The ratio of the gate of wisdom to the outside world is 60:1, which means that 1/5 of the doujinshi stayed in the hands of Xiu for nearly 40 days - 40 days can completely make the protagonist recite the content of the 8 pages like a flop!

The flowers of the motherland were destroyed by the little yellow book...

Du Ze forced himself to stop imagining the scene when Xiu exited the customs, and continued to admire those otherworldly-style buildings. There are small houses of different styles built next to the street, which are as delicate and miniature as the houses of dwarfs in fairy tales. Du Ze bent down and went in a few rooms, and without exception, he saw the traces of the dwarfs' life. The traces are so clear that it can even be deduced what they are doing: some of them are bathing, some are eating, and some are assembling mechanical parts. However, for some unknown reason, all the gnomes seemed to disappear in an instant during the activity.

Looking at the empty house, Du Ze shuddered and returned to the street. Although there are machines moving on the street, it is so empty and devoid of human taste.

The dwarfs... why did they disappear

Du Ze is not the author, so he doesn't know how Yiyizhiqiu set it up. Exploring the reason for the disappearance of gnomes seems to be a huge subplot of "Hybrid", but until Du Ze crossed over, readers still did not know the result from the author.

Du Ze couldn't help but look at Old John, who had been by his side for the past few days. This seemingly ancient mechanical puppet did not appear in the novel. Thinking of the time difference between the novel and now, Du Ze suddenly had a guess.

"How long have you been here?"

Hearing Du Ze's question, Old John stopped playing with Little Phoenix. It seemed to sink into memory, and his voice was full of nostalgia.

"It's almost 40,000 years." Old John pressed the star on his chest: "I am the second generation of mechanical puppets, and the master has used the best power device for me, so I can live until now. But it is almost At the limit, in another year, my 'heart' will stop." It looked at Du Ze. "It's great to see you all before you die."

It might seem odd to hear a machine say "alive" and "dead," but Old John's tone softened the sense of inconsistency. The mechanical puppet in front of him has been wandering around in this empty city for tens of thousands of years, and even understood his feelings.

Old John's words confirmed Du Ze's conjecture. In terms of time, the protagonist in the novel did not enter the dwarf ruins until four years later, when Old John had already stopped. At the same time, Zhiqiu wrote on a page that the fourth era of the dwarfs is about 30,000 years away from the seventh era of the human race. That is to say, Old John definitely witnessed the disappearance of the dwarf race. However, seeing such an old John, Du Ze was suddenly at a loss for questions. That question seemed too cruel to a mechanical puppet who knew emotions.

"You look a little hesitant." Old John said, "Don't hesitate. If you need anything, just say it. I'll be happy to serve you."

"Dwarfs... why did they disappear?"

The blue light in Old John's eyes suddenly went out the moment he heard Du Ze's words, as if he had been hit hard. After a while, the mechanical blue light ignited faintly again.

"You are curious, child." Old John's voice was like a sigh: "Just as curious as they are... but sometimes being too curious is not a good thing."

Before Du Ze could understand what Old John said, he saw the huge mechanical puppet walking forward.

"Come on, what you want to know is right up front."

After walking this street, another circular square appeared in front of them. In the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the essence represented here is understanding. In the center of the square is a metal building that looks like a flower bud. Old John walked over and entered a few commands on the building, and saw that the metal building unfolded its outer shell bit by bit, revealing its inner part.

It looked like a research room, with stacks of materials scattered around, the most striking thing was the huge round wheel in the center of the research room. Its outer ring is golden yellow, and the disk is made of crystal. A circle of numbers and runes are engraved along the outer ring. The whole wheel looks like a giant clock, but there are no hands on it.

"This is the wheel of time."

Old John looked at the wheel, and the blue light in his eyes made one feel its sorrow. Du Ze waited for a while, but the mechanical puppet beside him seemed to be lost in memory and couldn't extricate himself, so he didn't say anything. Du Ze hesitated for a moment, then walked into the research room and picked up a few documents on the table. It was about some research reports, with curves and terms that Du Ze couldn't understand densely drawn on it. Du Ze's eyes fell on the lower right corner of the paper, where some of the researcher's experiences were remembered.

[Time is so wonderful, if we hadn't given us the wheel of time, we would never have been able to get in touch with the law of time. ]

[The curve is wrong, time should not be decomposed like this, reconstruct the decomposition function tomorrow. ]

[Breakthrough today! With the help of the wheel of time, we realized the separation of time, and the ratio of the first separation was 2:1. ]

[The ratio of time separation has been increased to 37:1. The committee said that the gate of wisdom will be built, and time separation can also be put into use. ]

[The separation of time cannot be achieved by removing the wheel of time parts, distressed! distressed! ]

[We put the second hand of the wheel of time into the gate of wisdom to achieve a 60:1 time separation. Let's make "time separation without the aid of the wheel of time" a new topic now. ]

[Scheme 1: Copy the parts of the Wheel of Time; Option 2: Find a substitute for the Wheel of Time; Option 3: Thoroughly analyze the law of time. Option 1 is the easiest, but everyone prefers option 3, and so do I. ]

[We made it! Time separation can now be achieved on individuals, and the gnomes are immortal! ]

[No, impossible, out of control! We have clearly deciphered…]

The recording ended abruptly on the last page, and the increasingly scribbled notes showed the confused mood of the person who wrote it all.

"That day, the clock, broke, they, disintegrated... zi... disappeared."

Old John's voice came from behind, it seemed to be playing a broken video, intermittent and messy. Du Ze stared at the half-written word "reading", as if seeing the small figure who was writing disintegrate and disappear little by little, the pen fell on the table, and no one could pick it up again.

Du Ze shuddered. He put the hot potato-like material back where he was, and inadvertently swept his gaze to the first page, then paused.

[Time is so wonderful, if it weren't for _ giving us the wheel of time, we'd never be able to get started. ]

Du Ze stared at the blank space, considering the context, a name should be filled in there. Just as Du Ze was about to ask Old John, he saw the little phoenix stumbled in, with the goal of... the wheel of time.

Don't make trouble, bear boy!


The little phoenix landed on the top of the wheel of time, and then called out to Du Ze who rushed over: "Jiubi~"

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the wheel of time, Du Ze just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but then tripped over a stack of documents beside his feet, and fell onto the wheel of time. The entire space paused for a moment as if pressing the pause button. The next moment, the outer ring of the wheel of time and the runes all lit up, emitting a dazzling light. Du Ze, who was caught off guard, was directly stabbed into tears by the light.

When Du Ze wiped away his tears and put on his glasses, a certain idiot stared at the unfamiliar scene in front of him and instantly freezes—where is this

It was pitch black all around, which reminded Du Ze of the dream he had last time. At that time, he seemed to be suspended in this pitch-black space and received a call with a poor signal.

Then the call really came again.

[… Huh… Wheel of Time… ]

Like last time, the voice was still muffled and noisy, but even with strong disturbances, it was a pleasure to hear the voice.

[… I found you… ]

Communication is interrupted again. Du Ze didn't have time to ask any questions at all. He tried to call out a few times, except for his voice in the darkness. Last time he was dreaming, so he woke up quickly, so this time he was... dreaming

wake up-

A certain idiot pinched his thigh hard, because he was sure that it was a dream, so he pinched it especially hard, so his thigh flesh became strong.

Ooooooooooooo - QAQ!

Du Ze was in so much pain that he had hallucinations. He saw a huge hourglass appearing in front of him, colorful. After Du Ze finally regained his composure, he stared at the hourglass on the opposite side of the frame again—Isn't it an illusion

The hourglass that suddenly appeared in front of him was about 10 meters high, and the sand inside was the size of Du Ze's fingertips. There is not much sand left in the upper layer, they are stuck in the leak and look like they will not fall out. Du Ze stared at the sand stuck in the leak, and his thoughts developed in a bizarre direction: If the sand runs out, will he be able to get out

So some idiot kicked the hourglass.

The hourglass shook, shed a piece of sand, and then stuck again, as if mocking some scum with a combat power of five.

[System: Player "Du Ze" used a chain attack on "Hourglass".]

Every time Du Ze moved the hourglass, one piece of sand would fall from the hourglass. When Du Ze was about to attack for the fifth time, the hourglass's invisible anger gauge seemed to have reached the top, and a dazzling light erupted.

[System: "Hourglass" used a fatal blow on the player "Du Ze", sending the player "Du Ze" back to the recovery point.]When Du Ze regained his senses, he had already returned to the research room. A certain idiot glanced blankly, the research room seemed to be swept away by robbers, all kinds of materials were scattered on the ground, and Old John, who was originally outside the metal building, disappeared.

A crisp bird song approached from far and near, and Du Ze watched a bright red bird land in front of him. The bird was about one meter long, with a soft and slender neck, patterns on its feathers, and a slender and beautiful tail that was forked like a fish. Anyone who looks at it at a glance can call it its species-Phoenix.

That beautiful phoenix saw Du Ze staring at it, and stood on the ground happily spreading its wings and chirping—however it looked like that little chick who has been selling stupid and never been surpassed, wait! Du Ze stared at the phoenix in horror: Could this be the protagonist's cute pet?

The fire phoenix let out a cry, then flew up, and it landed on the shoulders of someone who appeared at some point. It was a strange man with brown hair who seemed very approachable.

Who is this guy

When the brown-haired man saw Du Ze looking at him suspiciously, he showed a warm smile: "I'm old John."

… what

At this moment, a sigh came from Du Ze's back.

"You finally came out."

Du Ze raised his head and looked up. Behind him was a huge wheel of time. A man sat on the top of the wheel of time and looked down at him. Before Du Ze could see what the other party looked like, the man jumped and jumped off the wheel of time.


Countless pieces of white paper flew into the air, Du Ze was slammed on the pile of documents, and his back was hit and hurt. Du Ze lay on the pile of papers, with some difficulty he lifted up the glasses that had been knocked out of the way, and looked up.

This is... repair

Xiu, who was sitting on top of him, looked a lot more mature. If Xiu's dwarf form looked like a twelve-year-old human, this time he looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old human. Xiu lowered his head and looked at Du Ze, flaxen hair hanging down softly, half covering his brightly colored eyes and the almost crazy emotions in them.

Under Du Ze's stunned gaze, Xiu leaned down, biting hard on the corner of Du Ze's mouth—it really can only be described as biting, there is no warmth, it seems to be venting frantically through this action own emotions. Du Ze even tasted the blood. He waved his hands whimpering, completely unaware of what was going on.

When Du Ze was finally let go, he didn't need to look in the mirror to know that his mouth must be swollen, but Xiu, who had done all this, put his head close to his ear and breathed hotly.

"I really want to be a chain and tie you to me."

What the hell happened!

In Du Ze's shocked eyes, the brown-haired man's voice came from afar.

"The little master is so excited because he has waited for you for four years."



The first year, miss.

Second year, wait.

The third year, the limit.

The fourth year, collapsed.

—[Black Box]

The author has something to say: Protagonist: I really want to be a chain and tie you to me.

Reader: Xiaosheng is not a pet! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Author: That's the cute guy.

Reader: (wagging tail)