The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 37: Author Once upon a time there was an elf princess who fell from the sky


The body had a disgusting feeling of disintegration and reorganization. When Du Ze opened his eyes again, the world had changed. In front of him is no longer the silver-gray metal of the dwarf ruins. At this time, the place where he is is an empty stone room, and the huge magic circle on the ground has just dissipated the light.

The mercenary team that escaped was in a state of embarrassment. Eric threw the broken pendant in his hand on the ground, wiped the blood on his forehead with his hand, and explained, "This is the branch of the Temple of Light."

Du Ze instantly felt that he had fallen into the enemy's base camp. Although he had long expected that the old enemy would not be eliminated by the protagonist as soon as he appeared on the scene, there must be something to save his life, but the old enemy, you just run away, why? To bring a crowd of onlookers? Or that your target has always been the protagonist, is Xiaosheng just lying down again? WTF! Next time Xiaosheng must be equipped with a titanium alloy knee!

"Hey! Eric, I stole the person you wanted!" Enoch's voice was full of pride: "There is nothing that the thief can't steal."

Du Ze was stunned. Eric, who was casting high-level healing on Bart, smiled "thank you" to Enoch when he heard this. His eyes swept across Du Ze, and then he concentrated on healing Bart. Mi'er watched worriedly. The elf put the bow behind him. He stared at the ring between his fingers. He didn't know if it was because the previous battle was too fierce. The ring was covered with cracks. already damaged.

Du Ze watched Enoch circle around him blankly, and the thief expressed strong curiosity about him.

"What's your name? My name is Enoch."

Hello little brother, Xiaosheng is your senior.

"What book are you holding in your hand? What is this one you're wearing? A machine made by a dwarf?"

This is a book that will kill you when you read it. You don't understand my sorrow.

"What's your relationship with that dwarf? Seriously, this is the first time I know that a dwarf is such a terrifying creature. His temper is even more terrifying than the dwarf I know."

The protagonist waited aggrievedly for his younger brother for four years, can he not be irritable, the protagonist will explode when you break in - thank you for enduring this domestic violence for Xiaosheng.

"why do not you talk?"

Xiaosheng is grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.

"Eric," the thief wailed, "this guy is really human? Not a mechanical puppet? He didn't say a word, he didn't show any expression!"

Eric coughed lightly, the light in his hand dimmed, and Bart's complexion had improved a lot. Mi'er carefully held the strong man's hand, and the expression of crying and laughing was very awkward and cute. Eric stood up, his right hand still drooping softly, but the blond young man didn't care. He walked up to Du Ze and said softly, "I'm sorry to invite you in this way."

Eric looked at Du Ze with gentleness and devotion in his eyes. "I'm here for you..."

"Eric! Hold your breath!" Enoch's expression changed suddenly, and he called out desperately: "It smells like lost flowers!"

However, it was already too late, except for Enoch, who noticed, everyone else fell. Du Ze only felt that his body was so soft, so soft that he couldn't stand still and couldn't hold anything at all. It was as soft as a mess of mud on the ground, and he couldn't stand up again. Although there was no drug, Enoch didn't jump for a long time, and he was slashed to the ground by the elf with a knife. Eric raised his head with difficulty and looked at the elf who did all this, with a sad and puzzled look on his face.

"Simon... why...?"

The elf called Simon put away a small purple-blue flower. He avoided Eric's gaze and walked to Du Ze's side. The black-haired youth was picked up by the elf without any resistance, and the book in his hand naturally slipped. Simon answers Eric's questions before leaving.

"For the elves."


Regarding the second robbery, Du Ze had only two words to describe the way: Haha.

Judging from the growing forest, the elf should want to take him to the elf forest. Since the Second Era, the elves have been isolated from the world in the Elven Forest. In order to prevent the harassment of other races, the elves set up an illusion formation in the elves forest. Only those who know the entrance can enter the elves' residence, otherwise they will only get lost in the elves forest. Probably because he was afraid that Du Ze would remember the entrance, Simon knocked Du Ze out. However, because of Du Ze's zero-point restoration, a certain reader was forced to wake up again and again and then fainted again and again. At the back, both of them became very haggard. Du Ze looked up at the sky in silence. Judging from the elf's expression, he must be the most uncooperative hostage.

Waking up from the last coma, Du Ze found that he had finally arrived at the legendary land of dreams - the kingdom of elves.

In any fantasy text, elves must be one of the most fascinating races or species. In some legends, elves were born from the tree of life. They have fantastic beauty and mysterious temperament. They are good at poetry and art and are close to nature. The place where they live is a fairyland on earth. Such a beautiful race also possesses great strength. Every elves are born archers and can communicate with plant spirit beasts. Unicorns are one of the specialties of the elves. It can be said that fantasy writing without elves is not good writing.

Therefore, in the yy article, if the protagonist in the novel goes to the elves, then he will harvest a basket of beautiful girls and younger brothers who can sing, dance and dance. As one of the yy articles, "Mixed Blood" is no exception... No exception... Exception... Outside...

Do you believe it

Readers: Haha.

The elf plot of "Hybrid" begins when the protagonist leaves the Lost Land: the protagonist leaves the Lost Land through the teleportation array of the metal pyramid. The protagonist's luck has broken through the many obstacles that the elves have laid down for thousands of years. He even randomly landed on the tree of life of the elves, and absorbed the precious sap of the tree of life and awakened the blood of the elves - so far, the plot is still very cool. It's normal. On the next page, Zhiqiu began to frantically tell readers what it means to be a professional protagonist for 30 years, not, shake, shake!

The queen of elves led the elves to the tree of life, and saw that their treasures were sucked up by an elves who came out of nowhere. Just as the Elf Queen was about to go crazy, her subordinates discovered one thing: the protagonist can actually absorb "dirt" - it turns out that the elves are now facing a crisis, the tree of life is polluted by "dirt" for some reason, the elves born are all Fallen Dark Elf. The elves have tried many ways to get rid of the "dirt".

Seeing this, the hearts of the readers sighed: this kind of rhythm to be pitiful...

In the desperate eyes of all readers, the author writes with great joy: the elves caught the protagonist, locked him under the tree of life, and forced him to absorb "dirt". The protagonist was locked up for a whole year, and finally he was released after hooking up with the tree of life. Then, under the unbelievable gaze of the elf queen, the protagonist opened the tree of life and released all the "dirt", polluting the entire elf family...

The author said that the protagonist was delighted to have gained a powerful beautiful girl and younger brother.

The reader said, the author, I want to talk to you about life.

Thinking of the brutal plot, Du Ze suddenly felt that the whole person was not well, especially when he looked at the tightly entangled branches and vines on his hands and feet, he thought that Xiu in the book was also tied under the tree of life like this, and his mood was even more delicate. .

A certain hard-pressed reader stayed under a big tree root at this time, and Simon threw him here and disappeared without a trace, so he still doesn't understand why the elf wanted to capture him, and some idiot found out An exceptionally stark reality...

Xiaotong, where are you, Xiaotong!

Du Ze desperately recalled that when he last saw Doujinshi, it seemed that he was still with the mercenary team. After that, he was unconscious, so Doujinzhi may, possibly, probably be with his old enemy now...

Come back soon, Xiaotong! You and him are useless! ! ! (Ercon's hand)

A certain idiot feels that his life is full of darkness, and he can no longer imagine what the other protagonist will be like when he sees his doujinshi. But the cruelty of reality is that he also has to go to his old enemy to return the doujinshi, because he feels that if he does not return his doujinshi, more terrible things will happen.

For example, the protagonist sees the doujinshi in the hand of his old enemy: "The book in your hand looks familiar."

The old enemy smiled heartily: "Do you want to see it?"

"This person... looks like me?"

"I also feel that the other person is like me."

"… "X2

- Mom is so scary, so scary, so scary! He doesn't want to know about the world after that little bit!

A certain idiot spent a day accepting the harsh reality, and Simon still didn't show up as if he had forgotten him. Du Ze's range of movement cannot exceed three meters, if it exceeds, the branches on his body will tighten and pull him back. Du Ze could only do his best to grasp the scope and try his best to look at the scene outside.

It has to be said that the living place of the elves is a well-deserved fairyland. There is a huge lake with sparkling waves not far away. There are several white unicorns grazing leisurely on the shore, and some elves are brushing their hair. Without exception, they are all handsome and beautiful, and the whole scene is like a beautiful picture of a fairy tale world. In the middle of the lake, there is a big tree that covers the sky and the sun, and people just look at it and feel a kind of shock and reverence from the heart - this is the most important tree of life for the elves.

Du Ze stared at the tree of life. Although the branches and leaves of the tree were lush, they did not feel alive at all. Only 1/3 of its leaves are green, and the rest is an ominous black, and the branches are more black than dark brown. The branches and leaves of the tree of life were swayed by the wind, but no birds flew out, and it was dead silent.

Has the tree of life been so serious

In the original text of "Mixed Blood", because of the appearance of the protagonist, the pollution of the tree of life was curbed. And now because he disrupted the sequence of the plot, Xiu did not appear in the elves, and naturally no one could prevent the tree of life from being polluted by "dirt". Seeing such a tree of life, Du Ze felt that the entire elves were going crazy. Some idiot wouldn't admit that he was gloating. For the elves, Du Ze has always had no good impressions - dare to treat my cute master as a vacuum cleaner, are you courting death, courting death, or courting death!

Suddenly a name flashed across Du Ze's mind, and a certain stupid cute reader silently retracted the words that cursed the elves: In fact, the elves still have cute things...

The protagonist was imprisoned by the elves for a year. During this time, he met a person who had a great influence on him - the princess of the elves. At that time, the elf princess came to the tree of life, and then accidentally stepped on the air and fell directly onto the protagonist...



Countless leaves fell, Du Ze opened his mouth but couldn't get out, the man who hit him just pressed his chest. Although the other party got up in a panic, Du Ze still took a while to recover. He pressed his chest and looked at the beautiful female elf opposite, his whole brain seemed to be frozen.

Once upon a time there was an elf princess who fell from the sky, her name was Ariel.



Xiu didn't know how long he had been imprisoned here, but the blackened branches were still entwined around him, sending a steady stream of "dirt".

Angry, sad, hated... Want to vent

Xiu raised his head, the dense branches and leaves of the Tree of Life blocked all his sunlight, and he was just a "prop" here.

Suddenly a touch of gold appeared in Xiu's line of sight, Xiu opened his eyes slightly, and he stretched out his hand, as if trying to catch the "sunshine".



Countless leaves fell, Xiu lowered his head and looked at the beautiful female elf in his arms. She had smooth brown hair, a slightly flustered expression, and very pretty blond eyes.

That is the color of sunlight.

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"

The author has something to say: Author: Once upon a time there was an elf princess who fell from the sky.

Protagonist: (catch)

Reader: (pressed)

Author (smiling): Gongshou Lijian.


I guess everyone doesn't remember Ariel ╮(╯▽╰)╭ is the one who dedicated himself to the dead, the heroine with the cutest belly.