The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 40: Reader The elves were blinded and scorched by the author's malice


Seeing all this, Old John's always calm expression also showed surprise. He stared at the silver-haired elf in the middle of the altar, and said uncertainly, "Little master...?"

Xiu tilted his head to look at Old John and nodded lightly. Old John's slightly nervous expression relaxed, and he said gently: "It seems that the little master has a lot of stories. If the little master is free, you can tell me this old guy."

Old John recognized Xiu's elf form, but the other six-star mechanical puppets all stopped moving, their eyes turned from red light in attack mode to blue light in normal mode, and finally seemed to be unable to find the person who issued the command, so they turned off and turned into standby. model. The elves who escaped from the dead watched all this, standing in the same place and didn't know what to do. The elf queen was carefully supported by Ariel, her stunned eyes swept across the blood-soaked grass, the stagnant mechanical puppet, and finally landed in the clean small pool, as if she had been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. Got crazy.

"Wood elf! Please lend me your power to smash the blasphemer in front of you!"

The flowerbed below the altar began to tremble, and several thick green vines with spikes protruded from the bottom, stabbing straight at Xiu in the center of the altar. Old John lifted his leg and was about to attack the Elf Queen when an arrow shot from a distance interrupted his pace. Simon, who had a broken arm, bit the arrow with his mouth, and the remaining hand raised the bow, panting and aiming at Old John. At this time, several vines drilled out from the ground and began to attack Old John with Simon.

Xiu picked up Du Ze and swiftly avoided the attack of the vines. The slender figure of the elf seemed to be weightless, jumping lightly among the dancing vines. Even with one person, Xiu didn't feel that it was difficult. He stepped on the spikes of the vine, looked down at the elf queen below, and also began to sing the magic incantation.

The vines that Xiu was stepping on began to twist wildly, hitting the canopy above and sweeping away countless fallen leaves. The rest of the vines slapped at Xiu from all directions, Xiu's feet seemed to be rooted on the spikes, and he stared at the vines that were getting closer and closer, and clearly spit out the name of magic.

"Blade of Chiba."

The fallen leaves seemed to be suspended in mid-air by pressing the pause button, their edges flashed with a sharp metallic sheen, and then exploded suddenly, dancing into a ball. Xiu hugged Du Ze and landed on the altar with the vines cut into pieces. The bloody scene before and the swaying that was even more exciting than the roller coaster just now, a certain stupid cute finally couldn't help pushing Xiu away and ran to the side to vomit, but before he took a step, he knelt down so softly, and was stunned by the quick-witted Xiu. Hug by the waist.

Fortunately, Du Ze hadn't eaten anything. He retched in Xiu's arms, and the hard-pressed readers wept in their hearts: Please be considerate of the delicate body of the only earthling in the world.

Xiu Qing circled Du Ze and looked at the Elf Queen coldly. Several leaves fell from the sky, turned 90 degrees vertically and charged towards the Elf Queen. The Elf Queen ducked to the side, but her foot was still cut by a leaf and she fell to the ground. Simon, who was in the distance, wanted to rush over, but was blocked by Old John. Several leaves were pulled and fell down. They adjusted their direction and aimed at the neck of the Elf Queen this time.

However, Ariel suddenly stood in front of the Elf Queen at this moment, and her body began to tremble under Xiu's cold gaze. Even so, Ariel insisted on looking at Xiu, shaking her head vigorously, desperately trying to express her meaning.

Please spare my mother-

If possible, let me make atonement for my mother—

So please...

"Don't kill her."

The corners of Xiu's brows trembled slightly. He looked at his grabbed arm, and heard the man in his arms repeat, "Don't kill her."

This was the first time Xiu had heard Du Ze make such a clear request to him. This person had always been asking for advice or giving advice to him, and he had never had such a strong personal feeling as this time. color. He should be happy shouldn't he? But the fingers that were about to move clearly revealed how much he wanted the leaves to penetrate the elf's neck.

"Her name is Ariel, she's very gentle and kind." A certain idiot firmly believed that because he stole Xiu's role, Xiu had no chance to recognize Ariel's goodness, so he began to sell Xiu the doomed The cute girl who wants to be with him. "She's a good girl, lovable."

Please call Xiaosheng the bridge of love. = = +

But, why did Xiu's hands get tighter and tighter around him? Hurry, almost out of breath! This rhythm of being cut in half... Help, help!

"you like her?"

Du Ze instantly understood why he was almost intercepted and killed by Xiu. It turned out that Xiu misunderstood that he had an affair with the cute girl. Are you in love? Don't worry, cute girl, no matter how cute the girl is, it's all yours... Even if you see the right eye so quickly, don't cross the river and demolish the bridge right away!

In order to save his poor little body, Du Ze shook his head resolutely and decisively.

"… "

Du Ze felt Xiu's tense muscles gradually relax. He couldn't see Xiu's expression because of his posture, but the slowly falling leaves meant that Xiu seemed to have listened to his words. Before Du Ze could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the Elf Queen shout to the remaining Elf Valkyrie, "Why don't you do it? He can no longer control those mechanical puppets!"

The elf Valkyrie hesitated for a moment, as if thinking that when the elf queen attacked Xiu just now, those mechanical puppets were really indifferent, so he began to approach Xiu cautiously and cautiously.

WTF! Elves, are you focused on seeking death for a hundred years without wavering! Please don't make trouble!

In the face of the elves' persevering spirit of seeking death, Du Ze has complained that he can't, and if this continues, Xiu will definitely return to the gnome channel to continue his rampage. Seeing Ariel who was trying to stop the Elf Queen but was thrown away, Du Ze gritted his teeth and pulled Xiu to the golden branch in the center of the pool.

"Yugatrahi." Du Ze put Xiu's hand on the golden branch and said quickly, "Call it."

Without the slightest hesitation, or instinctively believing every word Du Ze said, Xiu called out the name according to Du Ze's words: "Yugatrahi."

At that moment, the golden branch spread the fetal movement of life as if it came alive, and it wrapped around Xiu's arm softly. The Elf Valkyrie stopped in surprise, and the Elf Queen opened her eyes in disbelief. Since the appearance of "dirt", the tree of life that has been silent for nearly ten thousand years has responded at this time

Du Ze breathed a sigh of relief. Yugatrahi Tree of Life is the full name of the Elf Tree of Life. In the original text of "Hybrid", Xiu was locked under the Tree of Life to absorb "dirt", and it took a year for him to barely hear the call of the Tree of Life to him. When Xiu called out the name of the tree of life, he finally got rid of the shackles of the elves and became the master of the elves. Du Ze was very fortunate that he was not banned from spoilers this time, probably because in the original text, Xiu already knew the name of the tree of life at this point in time.

The branches of the tree of life were clinging to Xiu's arm, and it exuded a light halo, as if it was conveying something. No one could tell from Xiu's expressionless face what he heard. In the end, the branch of life slid down from Xiu's arm, but there were traces of golden branches and leaves where it wrapped around. The Elf Queen stared at the marks, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Why was this elf of unknown origin, who almost destroyed the elf family, recognized by the tree of life

The other elves looked at Xiu, they hesitated for a moment, then knelt down on one knee facing Xiu, showing a gesture of surrender.

As long as he is recognized by the tree of life, he is the king of the elves.

This is what Du Ze wanted. The original Xiu also gained an elves in this way, but at that time, the blackened Xiu imprisoned him for a year in order to retaliate against the elves, so he released the "dirt" in the tree of life and blackened the entire elves. Clan - At the bottom of that chapter, a reader posted a comment: "What do you think 'dirt' is?" Then a group of readers lined up at the bottom: "The author's cosmic malice", "+1", "The elf clan was The author's maliciousness is smeared and burnt; we are smeared and smeared by the author's maliciousness", "+10086", "+ID card number"...

The current Xiu has not been imprisoned by the elves for a year, so the incident has been resolved happily. And since the Elf Queen is still alive, there will be no rift between Xiu and Ariel. Du Ze thought happily, his eyes naturally looked at Ariel, so he missed Xiu's sight.

Xiu stretched out his hand and gently held the branch of the tree of life.

- Sure enough, he didn't like this race.

Noticing Du Ze's gaze, Ariel, who was kneeling on the ground, was about to secretly make a gesture to Du Ze, but her eyes widened in astonishment. She watched her fingertips turn black little by little. The blackness was like dirt. It couldn't be rubbed off or wiped away. They spread to the palms, to the arms, to the shoulders - she couldn't see it. To his face, only to see his brown hair turning white little by little, these two extreme colors are like a strong irony.

Du Ze watched helplessly as Ariel degenerates into a dark elf in front of him. Not only Ariel, but all the elf's skin turned black, and their hair turned white. Even if he couldn't see the situation of other elves, he could completely imagine that the entire elves had fallen into dark elves. The one with the strongest reaction was the Elf Queen, who saw her dark skin screaming, her voice full of fear.

"I've fallen? I've fallen?! I've fallen!" The Elf Queen rubbed her skin as if she couldn't tolerate it at all. However, even if the skin was torn and the blood flowed out, it still couldn't change her becoming a dark elf. fact.

"Such filthy, such a dirty color..." The Elf Queen gasped violently, pressing her hands to her throat: "How can it exist in this world!"

Ariel screamed silently, she stretched out her hand, but in the end she could only hug her mother's soft body. Tears overflowed from the golden eyes of the elf princess, streaked across the dark skin, and dripped one by one on the white hair of the elf queen.

Du Ze looked at this scene that was exactly the same as the original text, but felt chills all over his body. He turned back stiffly to look at the person who did all this. The silver-haired elf was standing beside the golden branch, looking up as if looking at something. Aware of the dark-haired youth's gaze, Xiu tilted his head and stared at Du Ze, his voice sounded like jade.

"Pretty color, isn't it?"

Du Ze raised his head like a puppet being pulled by a string. He looked at the tree canopy above. Under the moonlight, the leaves of the tree of life became green and tender as if they had sucked blood, and they made a cheerful rustling sound. , seems happy to finally get rid of the heavy burden. Du Ze swallowed his saliva dryly. He seemed to see some existence snickering at him. Outside the book, it could be called a plot, and inside the book, it could be called destiny—even if he already knew it, if he didn't pay attention to it, it would become a reality. Come in front of you, show its power and your helplessness.

The protagonist pollutes the elves, the protagonist becomes more and more black, and the protagonist destroys the world. This is the plot.

Xiu polluted the elves, Xiu will become more and more black, Xiu will destroy the world, this is fate.

… to his meow fate!

"Xiu." Du Ze saw that Xiu Bi-colored eyes had some fluctuations, and he mustered up his courage and said, "Let's talk?"

Even if Xiu's going to destruction is an established plot, he will never compromise on that.



Xiu stretched out his hand and held the branch of the tree of life under the unbelievable gaze of the Elf Queen.

The elf queen watched in horror as her snow-white skin seemed to be splashed with ink, and her proud blond hair faded to a dead-grey white—she had fallen into a dark elf. Not only the elf queen, but all elves have fallen into dark elves, and the entire race seems to be cursed.

"I've fallen? I've fallen?! I've fallen!" The Elf Queen screamed, and she pinched her neck. "Such filthy, dirty colors... how can they exist in this world!"

Xiu stood in the middle of the altar and watched all this indifferently. Only when he saw the Elf Queen commit suicide, did he see a hint of revenge in his eyes.

Da da da…

The panicked footsteps came from far to near, and Ariel, who came over, saw all this, and the whole person was dumbfounded. Xiu glanced at her, only this girl could be spared.

Ariel trembled as she walked towards the Elf Queen, and she carefully picked up her mother's limp body, shedding tears. She didn't know why it became like this, and she didn't know what to do with herself. Ariel looked up at Xiu on the altar, with tears in her eyes, the silver-haired elf stood beside the golden branch, looking up as if looking at something.

Feeling the broken gaze of the Elf Princess, Xiu did not turn his head, but said softly.

"Pretty color, isn't it."

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"