The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 53: Reader I'm taking medicine


Du Ze felt a clump of fluff rubbing against his palm. The tickling made him stretch out his other hand to scratch, and then a sharp object stabbed his fingertip. With his fingers connected to his heart, Du Ze immediately woke up with a sudden pain, and at a glance he saw the little phoenix being grasped by him, and innocently opened its black grape-like eyes.


As soon as Du Ze let go, the fluff ball fluttered with its mini wings and jumped onto the silly head. Du Ze found that the place where he was at this time was about a cave, and the light was thrown from the hole in the distance, and it was difficult to drive out the darkness here. When Du Ze saw the golden streak in the shadows, his eyes widened in astonishment. It was Xiu in human form, who was lying beside him at this time, and the potions and bandages in his hands were scattered on the ground—it was as if Xiu had brought him here, and he couldn't hold back when he was putting medicine on himself and fainted.

Du Ze carefully checked Xiu's condition. Tentacle's clothes were semi-dry and not wet, and salt had precipitated in some places, apparently soaked in sea water. Du Ze took off Xiu's wet clothes, and the untied bandage on Xiu's body slid down, revealing the wounds. The wound below the collarbone was the most serious. As long as it was tilted a little further, it could directly penetrate the heart. Du Ze was horrified when he saw it, and quickly helped Xiu to heal the wound, and took out a set of clothes from the space ring for Xiu to put on. After all this was done, he sat beside Xiu and began to think about his current situation.

Judging from the current situation, they should have fallen into the sea like the original plot. The plot that Du Ze knew had ended, so he didn't know where it was or what would happen. Although Du Ze has been complaining about the plot masters, but without the advantage of spoilers, the world suddenly becomes scary.

The wandering gaze fell on Xiu, and Du Ze suddenly felt that his panic was unnecessary.

As long as He Xiu keeps going, he can definitely reach the end.

Xiuyin's transformation would be in a coma for a few days. During this period, Du Ze went to the entrance of the cave to look around and found that they were in an unknown grand canyon. The blue sky above the canyon was not the sky, but the sea water. Du Ze finally understood why they were here after falling into the sea. The entire canyon was located deep under the sea, and a semi-circular transparent barrier blocked the seawater from the canyon. In such a secret place, only the cute protagonist with the protagonist's halo opened can accidentally fall into it.

Du Ze took off Xiu's clothes and began to help Xiu change the bandages. Seeing the bandages piled up, Little Phoenix jumped in and rolled, and was directly wrapped into a mummy. Tired after a fuss, the fluff ball slept happily with a bandage on.

Du Ze took a closer look at Xiu's wound. The potion this time was very effective, and the wound had begun to scab over. A certain stupid cute breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were crooked to some places he should not care about. I don't know if it is because of the change of mood, facing the nakedness of the cute master. With the exposed upper body, Du Ze began to shamelessly lose his morals. He stared at Xiu's abdominal muscles and wanted to touch it with his hands.

Seeing that Xiu showed no sign of waking up, Du Ze finally couldn't bear the temptation and stretched out his hand. The touch is a slightly hard muscle, and along with Xiu's breathing, it fluctuates slightly, showing an arc of strength. Only now did Du Ze realize that Xiu's skin was actually very delicate, as smooth as white jade, with a faint healthy blush.

Yiyizhiqiu always used perfection to describe Xiu's appearance, and Du Ze couldn't agree more.

When Du Ze raised his head to meet Shang Xiu's eyes that he didn't know when to open, a certain idiot froze. Seeing Xiu staring at his unrecovered claws, Du Ze said solemnly, "I'm applying medicine."

... who are you lying to you! There is no injury or disease on your paw!

In Xiu Tian's blue eyes, a silly expression with a blank expression was reflected, and the corners of his mouth curved up.

"Well, go ahead."

Continue, continue? Du Ze looked at the claws he was still putting on the opponent's body, then looked at the empathetic cute master, and finally lowered his head to admit his mistake.

"I'm sorry." Xiaosheng is eating your tofu QAQ!

Xiu held down Du Ze's hand that was about to be withdrawn, he propped up his body, and narrowed the distance between the two.

"Have a desire for someone you like, don't you?" Xiu's voice had a suppressed hoarseness: "I want you, I'm going crazy."

Du Ze felt his hand being pressed down until it touched Xiu's desire. Wang, his heart was beating faster and faster, I don't know if it was because of Xiu or the temperature under his palm. Although he understood Xiu's hints, Du Ze was inevitably nervous. This stupid cute chick had never even touched the opposite sex, let alone the same sex.

"You, your injury—"

"It's alright." Seemingly aware of Du Ze's panic, Xiu gently kissed Du Ze, "I want to confirm that I'm finally not alone."

The kiss was so gentle that Du Ze completely lost the thought of rejecting it.

Take off your glasses, take off your headphones, take off your clothes. Du Ze opened his faint eyes, and his vision was full of bright colors, those with slightly curly blond hair. At this time, his vision was blurred, his hearing was lost, and the most distinct thing was touch. Du Ze could feel Xiu Xiu kissing his collarbone, gently licking and biting along the convex arc. It didn't hurt, but it brought strong sensory stimulation. Du Ze tilted his head, he couldn't hear him, but he knew what Xiu was "speaking". The man wrote stroke by stroke on his body with his hand: "I want to kiss every inch of your skin.]

Du Ze shuddered, remembering that in that dark room, the handsome young man with blond hair once whispered to him so tenderly that even if he couldn't hear it, his brain spontaneously described the voice that seemed to penetrate deep into his soul. Du Ze finally found out that the person on him is not as virgin as he looks, this Nima is black to the core! The black belly of the cute master shows how funny he is.

[I want your whole body to be my scent.]

His thigh was rubbed by something hot, and Du Ze couldn't help shivering. Xiu's hand swiped on him as if a chemical reaction had occurred, causing him to shrink even his toes. Du Ze didn't know that he let out a small moan. Yin, because he couldn't hear and subconsciously pressed his throat, the voice sounded a bit like a whimper that was bullied and cried, and the sinful thoughts that seduced people's hearts grew more and more.

Xiu's eyes have been driven by desire. Wang turned to dark blue, his hand slid down and held Du Ze's half-hard score. He started to please Du Ze as he remembered. Du Ze has never clearly understood how the human race's learning talent is against the sky like this moment. Damn, he only shot the pistol once on the cute master, and the cute master gave back exactly the same, even the intensity and frequency were just right. Du Ze didn't hold on for long before venting. He leaned on Xiu and gasped violently, his ear was lightly kissed, and the faint warm breath seemed like Xiu was asking him: Are you comfortable

Du Ze's ears instantly turned red. His ears were already sensitive, so being rubbed like this would be fatal. Xiu covered Du Ze's earlobe, wiped some white turbidity with his hand, and looked back. Du Ze frowned as he adjusted to the invasion of the foreign body, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead. Xiu kissed Du Ze's frown soothingly. Based on the doujinshi he had read before, he let Du Ze slowly get used to his fingers. When the three fingers could go in and out, Xiu pulled out his fingers and propped himself on top of Du Ze, his sweaty blond hair hanging down, his dark blue eyes staring intently at the person below him.

[Let me in... Can you?]

Du Ze covered his eyes with the back of his hand and nodded randomly.


The moment Xiu came in, Du Ze's face turned pale in pain. Even with the previous expansion, it was still too much effort. The thing that was invading was as hot as an iron cone that had just been taken out of the coals. It was driven into his body inch by inch, filling every crevice in his body. Xiu kissed Du Ze's forehead in distress, but he didn't stop the invasion. He thought about this person for too long, so long that it had become an obsession. Even if it would hurt Du Ze, he still wanted to use this method to confirm that this person already belonged to him, only his.

When it came to the end, both let out a shuddering sigh. Xiu hugged Du Ze contentedly, the warm and tight inner wall wrapped around his desire. Hope, just like the feeling that Du Ze gave him. Du Ze felt as if he had died, and his body was filled to the brim with repairs. Because it is too close, it seems that they are connected together, and as long as they repair, they will tear the flesh that grows together. Therefore, when Xiu pulled out, Du Ze contracted almost reflexively. A burst of pain immediately came from behind, but it was much relieved by comparison. Seeing Xiu's expression changed, Du Ze suddenly wondered if he had played dead again.

Xiu's eyes were dark, and the desire to withdraw a little bit went in again. Du Ze shivered. He seemed to have rubbed something in the repair just now, bringing a kind of sweet pleasure along with the pain. sense. Xiu quickly noticed this, he adjusted his posture bit by bit, and finally found the point that made Du Ze's expression change.

"Um… "

Du Ze couldn't hold back his voice, he moaned. The yin is very fine, with a subtle nasal sound, soft and very attractive. Every time Xiu didn't withdraw completely, as if he was greedy for Du Ze's warmth, he always retreated halfway and then pushed hard. Even so, it gave Du Ze a huge stimulation, he couldn't help but hug Xiu's neck tightly, strongly. The feeling came up from the tailbone and spread frantically in the body. Xiu seemed to have written something on him, but Du Ze was unable to think about what it meant. He felt that there was no part of his body that was not hot, especially the point in his body that was repeatedly rubbed, as if it was about to be set on fire.

The inner wall that had been repeatedly scraped became soft and hot, and Du Ze's hand slid down softly, unable to hold him any longer. The intense pleasure and multiple vents made him feel like he was about to die, but the desire was cultivated in his body. Hope is not reduced. Du Ze was almost on the verge of crying. It turned out that the most abusive person was not Seven Nights, but that he couldn't even make it through once.

The soft tongue licked the liquid from the corners of Du Ze's eyes, Xiu hugged Du Ze in his arms, both of them were sweating a lot, sticking together wetly, their nose and lips filled with each other's smell. Xiu looked at Du Ze's eyes that were about to lose consciousness, he sighed softly and completely took over Du Ze in his arms.

- This man is his.

The author has something to say: Reader: I am on medicine.

Protagonist: I'm on you.

Author: The people of the earth sent a congratulatory message.