The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 54: Reader A call from the artifact


Du Ze opened his eyes, and what caught his sight was Xiu's perfectly-lined chin. At this moment, he was resting on Xiu's thigh, and the clothes were draped over his body dry and dry, probably because Xiu helped him put them on, and he didn't feel any discomfort. It is obvious that it has undergone zero-point restoration. Xiu looked in one direction without moving, as if he was in some kind of contemplation. Du Ze looked down and saw the blond young man's chest wrapped in bandages. There was blood oozing there. It was obvious that the wound had split open again. As for the reason for the split...

Ha ha.

Thinking of yesterday's discordant scene, a certain stupid cute wanted to hide his face, so he went to bed with the cute master, not only in the wild, but also with injuries on his body, no matter how he thought about it, he was mad. But if he did it all over again, Du Ze weepingly admitted that he still couldn't refuse the petite master's request to reunite.

Because Xiu gave him the feeling that this person is completely insecure.

Every sentence of the cute master has hit the dead end of the brain, so the stupid cute readers can only lie down and be overwhelmed.

Du Ze got up from Xiu's lap, and Xiu turned around as if he was awakened. He watched Du Ze grope his glasses and put on his earphones, and his eyes were aqua blue. Being stared at by those eyes, a certain stupid cute was slightly uncomfortable, as if to escape this ambiguous and sticky atmosphere, and he raised a topic with a stiff face.

"What were you just looking at?"

"There is a voice..." Xiu said uncertainly, "It seems that someone is calling me, can you hear me?"

Du Ze shook his head, but even if he no longer had the advantage of spoilers, a certain idiot could judge based on his years of experience in yy novels, that this was definitely a call from the goddess of divine artifact, divine beast. The four bloody plots of yy's novels: jumping off the cliff, cheap teacher, post-post beauty, artifact calling. Those lonely artifacts, beasts and goddesses have been lonely for thousands of years in little-known places, just waiting for such a protagonist to refresh, and then sending a series of love calls like chicken blood: Come on~ Hero, Kuai accepted me !

Just when Duomeng readers were proud of seeing through the author's arrangement, they heard his cute master say, "It's very noisy."

Du Ze seemed to hear the heart-shattering sound of the divine artifact glass in the dark.

"Do you know what that is?"

Du Ze could only shake his head. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to confess to Xiu.

"I don't know much anymore."

—I know a lot, you can use me.

This was the reason why Xiu was willing to keep him by his side in the first place. Du Ze looked at Xiu eagerly. In his eyes, Xiu's expression was still soft, and the young man with blond hair and blue eyes even looked a little... happy? Du Ze thought about Xiu's reaction a lot, but he didn't guess Xiu's reaction was this way. A certain idiot was at a loss. After hearing that he was useless, why was Xiu happy instead

Xiu seemed to see through Du Ze's unease and confusion. He stretched out his hand and brushed the skin of Du Ze's neck with his fingertips.

"You just need to stay by my side all the time, that's enough." Xiu curled the corners of his lips. "You said you want me to become a god."

- I want to see you, become a god.

Du Ze's heartbeat began to speed up, and he remembered the feeling of his blood vessels at the time. Du Ze was so sure of the order to become the supreme god from beginning to end. Then a certain idiot started to feel annoyed. He watched too little "Hybrid". One page knew that Qiu Na's bastard was still laying the groundwork. The information about God was only the tip of the iceberg, and there was no mention of how a person can become a god. . Du Ze suddenly remembered a person, isn't that bastard Dan in green clothes always holding a book a true devil! ? You know how good you are, Qiu, that unscrupulous businessman was prepared for this moment!

After thinking about everything, Du Ze began to suggest to Xiu, "You can summon Dan, he knows the path to becoming a god."

After hearing the words, Xiu pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement with Du Ze's proposal. He didn't take out the note that summoned Dan, but called directly, "But he's Lin."

Du Ze was stunned, why did Xiu know Dan's name

"Last time at the Gnome Ruins, in order to open the wheel of time, I summoned Dan to help." Xiu solved Du Ze's doubts just right. "He told me his name when he left."

Is that when he was sucked in by the wheel of time? Du Ze suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed a lot of things. He didn't feel much in the wheel of time, but when he saw that Xiu seemed to recall bad memories, Du Ze finally realized that in his opinion, it was only a short period of time. Four years in a flash was unforgettable for the person in front of him.

In a town somewhere in the Yuehua Empire, a green-clothed businessman closed his book boredly, with boxes and boxes large and small in front of him. The people who came and went were in a hurry, and everyone's face was full of panic, and they didn't even notice Dan who was setting up the stall.

"I heard that the Orcs have broken through the Salem line of defense..."

"The god of light is above, those savage beasts have the protection of gods..."

"Not only shelter, someone saw the trace of the beast god, so the line of defense in Salem was broken so quickly..."

"How can people beat God. God of Light, are you going to abandon your poor believers..."

Whispers from all directions crept into Dan's ears, and Dan looked at the two moons in the sky that were about to be eclipsed by the sun's rays. At this time, one purple and one yellow moon had intersected, each taking up half of the other. Dan slapped the book on his face, covering his expression.

Chaos Continent will soon be in chaos.

Suddenly, Dan put down the book suddenly, and he heard the long-lost call, but the place was impossible to enter in his current form.

It's such a pity, wait for that Highness to come out and then go and play with him. Dan thought, and opened the book again in boredom.

Xiu and Du Ze waited for a long time, but Dan still did not appear. For God, wherever their names are called, they can hear them. In the current situation, I don't know if Dan doesn't want to come, or if he can't come at all. Du Ze thought of the sea water above his head, and felt that the latter was more likely.

In such a strange place in the deep canyon, Du Ze could never guess which copy of "Hybrid" it would be. Xiu seemed to be annoyed by the artifact's persistent call. They discussed it and decided to find out - Du Ze didn't know why he always felt that Xiu was not going to collect the artifact, but to eliminate the source of noise.

Xiu summoned the unicorn and brought Du Ze, who was saving Fat Chiu from the bandages, onto the horse. Seeing that Du Ze is now quite calm, the current unicorn just glanced at him sadly, and then picked up the two of them and ran to a peak. As the distance from the seawater increased, Du Ze could see some small glowing creatures in the seawater, which were a group of fluorescent jellyfish, drifting with long tentacles. Even though Du Ze had seen the magnificence of the dwarf ruins, the dream of the elf kingdom, and the magnificence of the city in the sky, he was still shocked by this beauty.

The unicorn jumped and jumped down from the hole on the top of the mountain. At that moment, the unicorn turned into a nightmare. It bounced back and forth through the mountain wall and ignored the property of gravity, and finally fell to the bottom. The light shot straight down from the gap in the top of the head, only illuminating the position where Xiu and Du Ze were. Xiu cast a light magic, and a dozen orbs of light floated up and flew in all directions with a hula, instantly illuminating the entire cave.

Under the illumination of the light ball, a huge black creature appeared in front of the two of them. It was a black dragon. It stretched its black wings and raised its neck high, so that people could clearly see a silver-blue dragon spear deeply inserted into its inverse scales - all dragons had under their necks. There is a piece of white inverse scale the size of a palm, which is the biggest weakness of the dragon. The entire black dragon's movements were frozen at that moment. Its black scales reflected delicate light under the light of the light ball, and it still looked fresh. However, the dragon spear deeply immersed in the black dragon's body showed that it could not be alive.

The whole scene was both shocking and heart palpitating. Du Ze looked at the black dragon, its front paws stretched out as if trying to grab someone, and its tensed muscles showed its anger and unwillingness. Xiu's eyes fell on the silver-blue dragon spear, and it was the dragon spear that had been calling him.

Xiu took Du Ze off the unicorn, and the two walked towards the black dragon. As he got closer, he realized that the black dragon's body was unusually large. Du Ze was under it, only half the size of its claw. He touched the black dragon's scales with his hands, which were as hard as armor. Xiu climbed onto the black dragon's front paws, he stood on the front paws, and the silver-blue dragon spear was in front of him.

The call in his head became stronger, Xiu pressed his temple, frowned and grabbed the handle of the dragon spear.

The noisy voice was silent for a moment, Xiu put down the hand that was pressing his head, and held the dragon spear in both hands. A feeling of blood fusion came from his palms, as if the dragon spear had become a part of his body. Xiu Wei was startled, this dragon spear knew him, or in other words, knew some kind of blood in his body.

By the time he realized it, Xiu had already pulled out the dragon spear. Underneath Du Ze suddenly felt that the black scales under his hands no longer looked like cold steel. They began to warm and vibrate softly, almost as if they were alive. Before Du Ze could react, he was hugged by Xiu who jumped from above and ran into the distance.


A thunderous roar resounded through the cave, and Du Ze watched in shock as the living black dragon spread its wings to the extreme—is that black dragon still alive! ? Xiu stared at the black dragon's inverse scales, where there were no wounds. The dragon spear in his hand had already told him the reason: what this silver-blue dragon spear can cut is not matter, but time. The previous holder inserted the dragon spear into the black dragon, but did not kill it, but only sealed the black dragon.

After the black dragon called out a name, it looked around for a moment in astonishment, as if it didn't know why it was here. When Heilong saw Xiu and Du Ze, its front claws slammed into the stone ground, and it stretched out its long neck and looked down at the two people below angrily.

"Where's Hilda? Tell me where Hilda is!"

It was only at this moment that Du Ze discovered that Heilong was blind in one eye, and a long knife mark slashed across its left eye. After the black dragon saw the dragon spear in Xiu's hand with its only right eye, its expression became hideous.

"How can you handle it? What is your relationship with Hilda, her new dragon knight!?"

Heilong opened his mouth angrily, as if to swallow Xiu.

"First the elves are now the human race! Why does Hilda always sign a contract with you little creatures! Even shot at me! You are not worthy of Hilda at all, she is mine!"

Du Ze began to think that the person named Hilda was the enemy of the black dragon, because the first roar of the black dragon when he woke up was full of rage, but the more he heard it, the more wrong it became. I like Hilda, probably because she was sealed here by Hilda after finding fault.

Facing the black dragon's roar, Xiu's voice was very calm. "I don't know Hilda."

"Only the Hilda family and their dragon knights can pick up this dragon spear!"

Du Ze's heart suddenly beat very fast. Xiu is not a dragon knight yet, so he must be related to Hilda. Judging from what Heilong just said, Hilda seems to be with an elf—what's the matter? Isn't it the fresco of elves and dragons that Mengzhu saw in the Time Corridor! Xiu also seemed to remember the murals in the Time Corridor. He couldn't help but look at the dragon spear in his hand. The dragon named Hilda belonged to him...

Seeing that Xiu didn't respond, the black dragon was about to explode when he heard the sound of flapping its wings from above. A golden dragon flapped its wings and fell. It looked at the black dragon and narrowed its eyes slightly. This was just the beginning. Next, giant dragons of different colors fell from above. Du Ze never imagined that he could see so many dragons. Those giant dragons occupied every corner of the cave. He tucked his wings on both sides, and his back claws firmly grasped the bulge of the cave, enclosing the black dragon together.

"So you're not dead, Moore."

The golden dragon who fell first said, and the black dragon glanced at the golden dragon, and continued to ask Xiu, "Where is Hilda."

Enraged by the ignoring attitude of the black dragon, the golden dragon increased its voice: "Hilda is dead!"

This time it was the black dragon who was provoked, and it roared furiously: "Shut up! How could Hilda die!"

"Hilda is dead, Maul, just when you helped the red dragon eat her dragon knight, you forced her to a dead end." The golden dragon's voice carried a strong sarcasm: "Hilda will After the dragon spear was inserted into your body, it went after the elf."

"If you talk nonsense, I'll bite your neck off!"

The black dragon stared fiercely at the golden dragon, and the golden dragon also returned an angry look.

"Hilda is dead, I saw it with my own eyes! She dug out her own scales, bleeds for three days and three nights, and has been crying beside the mutilated corpse of the elf, and no one will be allowed to approach!"

Without the slightest pause, the black dragon pounced on the golden dragon. There was a commotion in the surrounding dragons, and several dragons who were close to the golden dragon jumped down and joined the battlefield. Even if it is besieged by several giant dragons, the black dragon will not lose the wind. It is just crazy, and has been chasing the golden dragon to bite. Even if it pays the price of being bitten through a few holes by other dragons, it must be on the golden dragon. Make a wound.

The dragon's battle spread to the entire cave, and Xiu led Du Ze around to avoid the gravel and the dragon's breath. "Boom", the golden dragon was suddenly slammed onto the mountain wall above them, and the scarlet dragon blood sprayed them all over. Du Ze's glasses were red with blood, and he couldn't see that the black dragon almost hit the golden dragon in the blink of an eye, the mountain wall trembled, and the whole mountain began to fall apart.


The high mountain peaks collapsed into a pile of rubble, and dragons crawled out of the rubble. Protected by hard scales, these stones could not hurt them in the slightest. The scarred golden dragon got up from the stone, and at a glance, he saw the black dragon with the same injuries facing it with his back not far away, staring at a certain point. Even though the golden dragon bit its neck, the black dragon still looked straight ahead.

Jinlong squinted his eyes, and in its wide sight, a silver light ignited. A silver dragon poked its head out of the rubble, with a hard dorsal fin, eyes like fine onyx, and fine silver scales gleaming. Jinlong released his mouth involuntarily, and exclaimed in astonishment, "Hilda...?"

The silver dragon glanced at the golden dragon, and then continued to cautiously get up from the gravel. Its movements were quite clumsy, as if it was a newborn dragon that couldn't control its body well. When the silver dragon finally removed all the gravel from his body, all the dragons could see that it was carefully protecting a black-haired human under him.

The golden dragon came to his senses for a moment, even though it was very similar, the silver dragon was not Hilda. Just as it was about to bite off the black dragon's neck, it heard an old voice faintly: "Stop."

An amethyst dragon slowly fell from the sky, it was very old, and its trembling posture seemed to be broken at any time. All the dragons were very respectful to the amethyst dragon, and even though the golden dragon was very unwilling, he did not continue to move. The black dragon finally came back to his senses, and it looked at the Amethyst Dragon with a little pleading and expectation in its eyes.

The Amethyst Dragon stared at the Black Dragon, its voice almost sighing: "Moll, Krell is right, Hilda is dead."

The black dragon looked at the silver dragon, and then at the amethyst dragon, his single eye was full of despair.

"Hilda... dead...?"

"You killed him!" Jin Long spat out a mouthful of blood in revenge. Under Amethyst Dragon's disapproving gaze, Jinlong did not speak even though his face was displeased.

"You can visit her at the Dragon Tomb." Amethyst Dragon sighed, "Go and apologize to her. Since she didn't kill you, she definitely wants to forgive you."

Without any hesitation, the black dragon spread out its bloody wings and flew towards the dragon tomb. It flew very fast. As long as it arrived at the dragon tomb earlier, it could prove that this was just a deception by everyone.

The golden dragon said that Hilda was dead, but the black dragon did not believe it.

The Amethyst Dragon said that Hilda was dead, but the Black Dragon did not believe it.

However, when the black dragon saw the familiar corpse, it finally believed.

Just as the golden dragon said, the silver dragon is hovering around a ruined blood-colored skeleton, and time is eternally fixed at that moment. The black dragon looked at all this blankly. It liked Hilda and loved it very much since he was a child, but whether it was in the past or now, there was never any room for him to intervene between Hilda and the elf.

The one-eyed black dragon lowered his head and cried sadly.

Du Ze finally wiped the blood off his glasses, and saw that he was surrounded by a huge silver dragon in his arms. Xiu narrowed his eyes and looked at Du Ze who was under him, staring at him dumbly. The smell of other dragon's blood all over his body was unpleasant.

Yinlong bent his neck, and just as he was about to stick out his tongue to wipe away the smell, he heard a dragon coming towards them.

Amethyst Dragon came to Xiu and Du Ze, and it looked at Xiu with surprises in its eyes.

"Child, welcome back to Dragon Island."