The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 6: Reader/Protagonist MUA


The divine beast (Resurrection Stone) has been scared away... What can I do to save you, my protagonist

Seeing the reaction of the beast just now, Du Ze was 100% sure that the meow would not show up again. Thinking of the cat's escape speed, the frail and frail readers forced to say that they couldn't catch the cat no matter what. Seeing that the deadness around the protagonist was getting weaker and weaker, Du Ze desperately flipped through the memories of "Hybrid" in his head, trying to find a feasible plan to save the protagonist.

The Lost Land plot of "Hybrid" does not describe in detail how the protagonist was rescued by the beast, that is, the ordinary protagonist's eyes closed and opened, and he was fully resurrected - this is for a reader who is trying to replace the beast to save the protagonist. What a cruel truth to say! I beg for the detailed treatment process, author! If it is in human form, he still knows some rescue measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but if he does artificial respiration to the skeleton, he will definitely be able to put his mouth into the pear-shaped hole and come out... Wait! Du Ze suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Although the Lost Lands plot of "Hybrid" did not describe how the protagonist in the form of the undead was rescued, the subsequent plot did!

In the later "Hybrid", there is such a plot. The protagonist was abused by a very powerful existence and had to use the "undead" form of the undead to escape. At that time, the beast was not by the protagonist's side. Although the protagonist was immortal, he was very weak. In the case of a strong pursuer, a girl contributed her soul to make the protagonist instantly return to the peak state and break through. Before the protagonist is finished. After the strong enemy, holding the corpse of the sister decided to conquer the Celestial Clan - it is said that the Celestial Clan has a resurrection technique...

That girl is Du Ze's favorite girl in "Mixed Blood", because she is the only person who is kind to the protagonist from beginning to end. Although Saint Vivian has always been the main palace in the author's writings, Du Ze has always firmly regarded that girl as the heroine, and there is no one. It's too far away, in short, the story of the heroine contributing her soul to restore the protagonist was written in detail by Zhiqiu on a page, and the reason is very simple.

Known: The rescued party: the protagonist; the healer: the heroine.

Ask: Treatment.

A: ... Do you still need to think about it, dear! With the limitless and unscrupulous degree of the author and the reader, this is simply the best excuse and condition for creating intimate contact. The more savory the better, the more violent the better, although no one can tell why healing sacrifices are always related to behaviors such as rolling sheets...

Du Ze felt that he should be glad that Yi Ye Zhi Qiu only wrote the purest kissing sacrifice, and deeply reflected on the behavior of smashing the keyboard when he saw that the author only wrote about the desire to be dissatisfied with the kiss.

The method has been found, and Du Ze has more advantages than the heroine: he who can "restore at zero point" naturally doesn't need to get a lunch like a sister. Since the girl without a soul in the original plot can be resurrected, then he who has less than half of his soul must also will be recoverable. Feed half of the soul to the protagonist at the time point, and then feed half of it after zero-point restoration. The green and renewable resources of the new century... There are too many slots!

The main question now, then, is how to overcome the psychological barrier of having an intimate encounter with a skeleton.

In fact, in the setting of "Hybrid", the protagonist's undead form is not a low-level skeleton. His real posture should be the strongest undead creature, a lich. Although it is still only a undead, at least it can be flesh and blood and be a person. For the lich, as long as the box of life is hidden, even if the body is destroyed and purified countless times, they can be reborn and resurrected - this is the real immortality and immortality. The protagonist who awakened the blood of the undead had no chance to hide the box of life, and was nailed by the Temple of Light, so he had to maintain the form of a skeleton and was chased and killed by the entire continent.

The protagonist of the version of kissing the skeleton and the protagonist of the version of kissing the lich... The contrast produced beauty, Du Ze was instantly appeased, and a certain hard-pressed reader said that he now has a shadow - the undead chapter in his doujinshi in his arms, The protagonist (the lich) is having an affair with an old enemy.

Xiu leaned against the throne quietly, the soul fire in his eyes seemed to be extinguished, but he actually still had a trace of consciousness. So Xiu saw that the man who had been staring at him blankly, suddenly started walking towards him.

... are you coming to kill him

The skeleton desperately stirred up the strength of the whole body and tried to move, but the body was as unresponsive as necrosis.

He... doesn't want to die...

Xiu watched in despair as the other party came to him, and knelt down to be level with him. The man took off his glasses, revealing a pair of pure black eyes, his eyes were determined. Xiu felt as if he had been sucked in by those two black eyes. Those eyes were extremely black, like the deepest cold lake in the polar region, reflecting a pale skeleton icy coldly—this was him.

A terrifying, evil, unbearable undead.

Xiu wanted to divert his gaze painfully, but his dilapidated body couldn't even realize this small wish, and then Xiu watched as the reflection of the skeleton in the gloom grew bigger and bigger—until it was close at hand. When the straight eyelashes drooped down to cover the darkness and the pale white, Xiu Cai reacted in a trance, he was kissed by the owner of those dark eyes.

—The man is kissing an undead.

Du Ze felt that it was too challenging to look directly at the skeleton. Although he was highly short-sighted, he could only see two black circles on top of a blurred patch of white, but he closed his eyes decisively and followed the instructions in "Hybrid". ” to imagine that there is a flame in his brain—is this unrealistic operation that is as unrealistic as searching for the legendary Dantian Qi really successful

And then the soul flame really appeared. forward. The materialistic earth man Du Ze felt that his worldview was instantly refreshed to the lower limit.

Du Ze struggled to transfer the soul in his mind from the mouth to the protagonist according to the statement in "Hybrid" - it's really difficult, the hard-working readers must use his years of yy novel vision to make those [key lines] in the original plot superfluous The unnecessary, unnecessary [/emphasis line] kissing behavior is eliminated from the sacrifice, so that the sacrifice is pure and anti-base sentimental - why did you write such a yellow storm and so fragrant in the first place! The tip of Du Ze's tongue lowered the skeleton's teeth and stuck it in. At that moment, Du Ze felt as if his tongue had licked ice cubes, and the tip of his tongue was not only frozen to the point of unconsciousness, but also seemed to be stuck to the ground. Ice cubes are on. At first, Du Ze was asked to guide him, but after tasting the sweetness, he began to take the initiative to eat the delicious food that was delivered to his door. The viscous dead air was tightly wrapped around the soft warmth that came in, and they wrapped around it greedily and thirsty, sucking instinctively. With the transmission of the soul, the faint blue soul fire ignited in the skeleton's eye sockets again. At the same time, scattered light spots evaporated from the skeleton's eyebrows, limbs and joints - that is the temple of light nailed in the body. The nails were repelled, and as soon as they touched the air, they melted into small light spots and scattered around.

Du Ze only felt that the tip of his tongue was numb—whether it was frozen or tangled, he couldn't help but want to take it back and scrape the cake with his teeth. Itchy tongue coating. Death Qi seemed to have sensed what he was thinking, and entangled him even more forcefully, refusing to let Delicious leave. Du Ze found that the speed of his soul was getting faster and faster—too fast. At this speed, it was impossible for him to support the restoration to zero.

The tip of his tongue was already tightly entangled, and Du Ze could only stretch out his hand and try to push him away to distance himself. However, the next moment, Du Ze was hugged tightly by the black-robed skeleton, and his right hand, which was full of bones, pressed down hard on the back of Du Ze's head, forcefully making the two of them stick even tighter—as if he wanted to make the sweetness radiate out of it. The flesh of the breath was stuffed into his empty ribs and locked without leaving a trace.

Under the throne, the black-robed skeleton closely kissed the black-haired youth locked by the skeleton in his arms. Shadows hit the black and white, surrounded by countless light spots, which had a strange and evil beauty. In this seemingly artistic picture, the feeling of forcing the reader to be indescribable, he opened his eyes and stared at each other, trying to make the protagonist understand what he meant - isn't this often described in novels, XXX understood it from XXX's eyes XXX.

However, Xiu responded by sucking even more horny.

- Your protagonist's "Reading Emotions from Your Eyes" skill hasn't been activated yet!

It was probably because Du Ze's eyes were too sad. In the blurred vision, Du Ze dimly saw that the blue representing the soul fire jumped in the black battered face.

[… Who are you? ]

Du Ze was stunned for a moment before realizing that the voice that echoed directly in his brain should belong to the protagonist. The protagonist is finally willing to communicate with him very well, and it seems that there is no language barrier, but now the key is... He doesn't know how to respond at all! Find a way to speak in your head, dear! QAQ then the hard-pressed reader can only push the protagonist again with his hands, expressing his strong desire to be let go.

Xiu fell silent, then grabbed Du Ze harder.

[—Do you regret it? ] Regret going to rescue an evil undead

No dear - please slow down! This place is actually a recyclable resource, and it is not conducive to sustainable development when the lake is dry, young man!

@Protagonist, submitting... System error, communication failed.

[It's too late. ] The faintly jumping soul light gives the illusion of gentleness, and the pale skeleton grins like a smile: [You can rest. ]

… You must have heard a story when you were young, called "The Peasant Farmer and the Black-bellied Snake" - and now he is the Peerless! Knowing that the current protagonist is in a mess, he foolishly stepped forward to look for abuse! Now the protagonist has made it clear that he is going to sacrifice him and then go to rule the world. You see the classic line "You did a good job, you can rest." You see the classic line that the villain intends to silence. And why when he heard that the protagonist was going to eat his soul in one go, his first reaction was waste. Are you really not going to think about it, protagonist? After midnight, you can have another bottle of the purple medicine in your hand... WTF! He must be broken somewhere!

Du Ze tried to intercept the loss of his soul, but he was no match for Xiu at all. As the soul passed, Du Ze felt that his body became more and more empty. That kind of emptiness was not material, but it made Du Ze feel that a big hole had been ripped open in his body, which could let the wind blow the cold from head to toe—representative The cold of death. The cold would freeze his body to the point of unconsciousness, first the feet, then the legs, the torso… all the way to the head.

- If his autobiography is written into a book, the name of the book will definitely be "Black Powder Can't Get Hurt", and its theme is: If you come out and mix, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

This was the last thing Du Ze thought about when he fell.



Xiu hugged Ariel's body, the girl's face still had the same quiet smile on her face, and she closed her eyes as if she was dreaming a sweet dream—the dream of eternal death.

Xiu casually combed the girl's brown hair, Enoch and the others in the distance did not dare to approach this side at all. After Xiu finally arranged a satisfactory hairstyle for Ariel, he bent down slightly, as if to say goodnight to the sleeping girl.

"You are doing well. Rest well, my princess."

-Wait for me to rescue you.

The black-robed lich put his girl in the crystal coffin and left the room quietly. Ulric, who was made into a death knight, followed in a sluggish way, unable to find his former majesty and high spirits.

Xiu Yaoyao looked up at the sky, deep in his dark pupils, blue ambition was stirring.

I heard... Above the sky, there is a city

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"

The author has something to say: Author: The heroine was robbed of the plot... Reader: Do you think we would! ? Protagonist: ... I will. Speaking of which, a lot of girls are looking for the book "Hybrid", OTL, I will tell you that this is the YY article that a certain decadent middle stage tried to write!