The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 77: Protagonist Do you have someone you like?


The wind blew the lake water into ripples, Vivienne pressed her blond hair flying, she saw Xiu in the woods, her eyes widened slightly and looked a little surprised, and then it quickly turned into a surprise. "It's you."

Xiu calmly observed Vivian's expression, seeing the girl's brows brimming with joy, he walked out of the shadows with a smile, and greeted Vivian like a long-lost friend: "Long time no see, Did your bracelet fall into the lake again?"

The green lake reflected the shadows of the two of them. A long time ago, Xiu met Vivian in the same way at the lake of the Mowu School. At that time, Xiu helped Vivian to find the bracelet that fell into the lake. Thinking of what happened back then, Vivian also smiled, and she stretched out her hand, revealing a string of old chains.

"Thank you for helping me find it, it's a very important memory for me." Vivian stared at Xiu quietly with her beautiful eyes: "Last time because of the emergency call, I left before I had time to thank you. Thank you God of Light for letting me meet you here again."

"Me too, I'm glad to see you again... I'm very happy." Xiu smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to come to the tower too."

Vivienne smiled lightly, the corners of her mouth curved like a quiet crescent moon, and she was very fond of the handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes in front of her. Perhaps because of the lack of an exchange of names, that person would not compliment her because of her identity, nor would she deliberately approach her because of her beauty. Whether it was the first time they met or now, they can get along and talk naturally, as if they had known each other for a long time.

The two were very tacit understanding and did not ask each other's names, Vivian asked Xiu, "How long have you been here?"

"Just came in." Xiu smiled helplessly: "I don't know what's going on right now."

"I'm nine days ahead of you, and I'll be leaving soon. I'll tell you some tips as a thank you for helping me last time." Vivian winked at Xiu: "The place we are now is the Dragon. Labyrinth, those war lizards will keep trying to take our lair, we must hold it for ten days. After ten days, the dragon god Io will appear - have you heard of Io?"

"En. Aio, the nine-faced dragon god, he can appear in the image of any dragon."

"Yes, Io can transform into any dragon. He is very powerful, but there is a way to weaken him." Vivien smiled slightly: "There are many dens of war lizards in the Dragon's Labyrinth, which also put There are treasures. Bring those treasures back to the lair, and the more treasures you have in your lair, the more dragons will be attracted."

"Every time you kill a dragon, you can seal a dragon form of Io." Vivian smiled and said, "It won't be too difficult to face Io in this way."

Xiu looked at the unconscious saint, lowered his eyes and laughed. "Thank you, really... thank you very much."

Vivienne couldn't help staring at the corner of Xiu Yang's mouth. Whether it was the man's hair or his smile, they were as dazzling as the sun.

"I have a friend who is very similar to you." Vivian murmured, "He also has brilliant blonde hair and is an excellent knight."

Xiu knew that Vivian was talking about the holy son Eric, and his eyes darkened.

"If there is a chance, I would really like to meet the friend you mentioned." The curvature of the corner of Xiu's mouth did not change at all. "Am I really like him?"

Vivian nodded. "I think you can definitely talk to each other, but..." The saintess's beautiful face brought a touch of sadness. "I've lost him - my friend can't use martial arts and magic anymore because of the forbidden art. One day, he and his partner left the light silently... us."

"I'm sorry," Xiu said.

Vivian shook her head, indicating that Xiu didn't need to apologize, the leaves fell from the tree into the lake, watching all this ironically.

"I've been out for a long time, and now I have to go back, you—" Vivian paused, then said, "Would you like to come with me? I'll let my letter... companion help you."

It's easy to be with this person, and parting can even make her feel sad.

"You will help me because what you see now is 'me'."

Vivian looked at Xiu for no apparent reason, the blond young man's voice was soft as if he was talking to himself. Before Vivian could ask, Xiu suddenly asked another question: "Do you have someone you like?"

Vivian's heartbeat quickened by a few points. It was the first time she felt this strange feeling. She was silent for a moment, but she still replied: "I believe in the God of Light with all my heart, and I will not have his thoughts."

"...So you will never understand my feelings." Xiu said softly, "Do you know what it's like to float on the sea holding the only driftwood? Knowing that you can live with driftwood, at that time, the one in your arms Driftwood has even become more important than your life - it sounds ridiculous, but that's how I feel right now."

Vivienne stared at Xiu blankly, the face in front of her was smiling, her mouth was smiling, her eyebrows were smiling, only one pair of eyes did not contain any smile, and there was only a cold and terrifying piece of light blue that was as pure and beautiful as water. .

"I have someone I like, so I can't stand any threat of taking him away."

Although Vivian's necklace sensed the crisis and made a barrier very quickly, Xiu's dragon spear easily penetrated the light film and pierced into Vivian's chest. Xiu said to Vivian, who was close at hand, "I'm not like Eric. His respect for honor, compassion for the weak, justice for the world... I have lost all of it."

The two people reflected in the lake are like a pair made in heaven. Although the scenes are similar, they have long been different. Vivienne's eyes widened, her words were like the hands of an old clock, trembling and walking extremely hard.

"Ai...Lick...? You...are..."

Xiu smiled, showing an almost gentle cruelty.

"—Xiu, the evil one, I remember that you called me that back then."

"… "

Vivian fell to the ground and was silent. Xiu pulled out the dragon spear, there was no blood on the dragon spear, and there was no scar on Vivian's chest—she was not dead, but was sealed with time. Xiu sent the sleeping girl into the lake and watched her being swallowed up bit by bit by the clear water.

Drifting in the water holding a driftwood, even if you lose the driftwood, you will not die immediately, but the pain of struggling in the water is more terrible than death.

He was afraid of losing Du Ze's future, so he could do anything.


The fire phoenix jumped from Du Ze's left shoulder to the right shoulder, and then stepped from the right shoulder to the left shoulder, as if he couldn't find the place that he wanted. Du Ze silently dragged the phoenix's feather tail, which almost wrapped a circle around his neck, trying to pull the cute one off.

Heilong raised his head, but Xiu came back, and the fire phoenix, who was just tired of Du Ze, gave up his position very honestly. Du Ze found that Xiu didn't even mess up his clothes. It seemed that the previous enemy was not difficult to deal with.

"I got some information." Xiu sat behind Du Ze and hugged the person in his arms. "Let's go back."

Moore spread his wings and carried Xiu and Du Ze back the same way.

When he arrived at the lair, Du Ze saw from afar Enoch was juggling several gems the size of an apple tossing them up and down. Seeing that they came back, the second-hand man waved to them excitedly, and was almost hit on the head by the falling gem.

"It's back!" Enoch showed Du Ze and Xiu the gem in his hand: "Look, what the thief found."

Listening to Enoch's description, the thief found the lair guarded by the war lizards around, which was full of gems and treasures, and he immediately brought back a lot of sheep.

"There are many, many more gems," Enoch said excitedly. "How about we go and bring them back?"

"it is good."

Du Ze didn't expect Xiu to agree to Enoch's proposal, Xiu smiled at him. After everyone came back, Xiu told everyone his information.

"... Therefore, we must guard the lair for these ten days." Xiu glanced at the Dragon's Labyrinth and said with a smile, "Then fill it with treasures."

The wages of avarice is death.

In the past few days of the Dragon Clan dungeon, Du Ze deeply understood this supreme truth.

At this time, the war lizards who came to attack the city increased from the initial few to hundreds. Those yellow-green creatures charged with weapons in one hand and sacks in the other. That kind of rushing forward, that kind of unrelenting demeanor, that kind of determination to die, a thousand words can only be turned into one sentence—

Local tyrants, can we be friends

Cute Lord: Go away.

Slap, the war lizard who ran at the front was beaten into a patty by the black dragon, and failed to hold his thigh.

... It is true that those who see it cry, and those who hear it are sad.

In order to hold the local tyrant's thigh, the war lizards began to use tactics, so they rode on the ground dragon - this has to be said to be a huge tragedy.

War Lizard (riding a dragon on the ground): Local tyrant, can we be friends


Bang bang bang, the Earth Xinglong fell into extreme fear and madness and left his master, trampled half of the war lizards to death, and walked away.

… please observe three minutes of silence.

The war lizard said with blood on his face that he would not be happy if he didn't hug his thigh, so he didn't believe in this evil. Earthling dragons are the lowest level of magical beasts, and there are always one or two days a month when they don't understand, so this time they chose the two-footed dragons to carry out an air strike.

War Lizard (riding a flying dragon): Local tyrant, can we be friends~ Dumb Meng: …

Boom, the whole army was wiped out.

... On that day, the war lizard finally recalled the horror of being trampled by a dragon, and the humiliation of being killed by a stupid cute.

To sum up, due to the strange deterrent power of a certain stupid cute monster, the pressure of guarding the nest is instantly reduced by half, and they can free up more people to search for treasures. Enoch has a natural sense of smell for treasures, and he can always find where the samurai hide, so the poor thief doesn't have to fight, but has to run back and forth to find the lair, and eventually becomes a dog. Rather than finding treasure troves and fighting, the most time-consuming thing is moving those treasures back to the lair. Rachel and the Thunder team need to spend half a day to draw the space teleportation array, and the efficiency is not very high if they rely solely on manpower. Du Ze couldn't help but go to see Xiu. Xiu's dragon form was a silver dragon who was good at space magic. The cute master must have thought of this long ago, but he still didn't choose to change his form.

Is it because of what happened on Long Island

"Why don't you use dragon form?"

Hearing Du Ze's question, Xiu ran his fingers across Du Ze's neck.

"I can't control the dragon form." Xiu said with a smile: "I can't help but hide you in a place where no one can find it, and then enjoy you fiercely."

The main cuteness sounded like he was joking, but Du Ze knew that Xiu was speaking very seriously, so stupid cute readers dared not mention this to Xiu again.

The treasures in the lair grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Du Ze found that the grotto would never be filled, just like the endless desire of the dragon race. In most legends, dragons always like to collect treasures and amass piles of coins. For the dragon family, wealth is never enough, they like to appreciate these treasures and bathe in the light of the treasures happily. Yi Yizhiqiu also set up the dragon family in his writings in this way: the dragon family paid restraint and took away tenacity. They don't refrain from their desires, because they are powerful enough—so powerful that the victim can't resist, so powerful that no one can retrieve the treasure from their lair.

as they are now.

Defend the lair and snatch the treasure.

With the increase of treasures, Xiu and Du Ze welcomed the first dragon who came to the door the next day. It was a white dragon, and it suddenly swooped down from a height and sprayed a icy aura towards the black dragon. Du Ze almost froze, the fire phoenix chirped, and the flames that circulated around him like a veil covering Du Ze's body, driving him away from the cold.

After the initial panic, everyone quickly calmed down. The demon sisters cleared out several war lizards who took the opportunity to attack the lair, and Xiu rode the black dragon to face the white dragon. Compared with other dragons, the white dragon is ferocious but simple-minded, not as shrewd as other dragons, only knowing savage charge and icy breath. With the help of Moore, Xiu took out the white dragon without much effort.

After the death of the white dragon, it disappears into the air like the war lizards. This is a beginning. The more treasures they collect, more and more dragons are attracted: the green dragon that sprays poisonous mist, the sapphire that uses sonic attacks Dragons and emerald dragons, sparkling crystal dragons... All kinds of dragon races followed, and Du Ze and others encountered a silver dragon on the seventh day. They were the most embarrassed in that battle. The silver dragon used space magic to transfer half of the treasure in the lair to the outside, and the war lizards swarmed like they had eaten gold. Although they finally solved the silver dragon, they still had to recover the treasure sent by the silver dragon little by little.

Xiu wiped the blood from his forehead, and stabbed the dragon spear into the air, and faint ripples appeared in the empty place, revealing an invisible amethyst dragon. It was stabbed in the reverse scale by Xiu, and fell to the ground unwillingly, turning into nothingness and disappearing. Enoch gasped for breath, spread out on the ground and shouted: "Ah! This is the last one! I'm exhausted!"

The others were tired and didn't want to talk. This was their tenth day in the Dragon Clan dungeon, and everyone was very tired. As Du Ze had expected, in the end, the mountain was really filled with war lizards. Those yellow-green creatures were not strong, but they attacked blindly day and night, like an endless swarm of ants. Lifting their feet and stomping them to death, they had to keep repeating the lift. Even if they take turns, everyone has very little time to rest - not only do they have to eliminate the constant stream of war lizards, but they also have to attract all the dragons to deal with them within ten days. Everyone's nerves are very tense, and the further back they go, the more pressure they accumulate.

Here, everyone just feels tired, more tired than the first three layers combined. Although not life-threatening, but felt extremely tired.

At this time, old John, who had been cleaning up the war lizards outside, jumped in.

"Little master, all the war lizards left suddenly."

Everyone knew what this meant, and Du Ze even wanted to mourn: Lord Shenta, raise your hand and let the cute master take a rest, okay!

At this time, the opening above the grotto was suddenly sealed, and the entire cave was suddenly plunged into darkness, only the treasures were shining. Maul raised his head alertly, and he swiped his tail sharply, his prickly tail slapping against the air, shattering the void.

In the void, a man with long white hair came out. Even if the person didn't speak and did not show any features, it could be seen from the aura similar to Soth's that the person who came was also a main god - the main god of the dragon race, Io.

Io landed on a hill of gold coins, looking at them with eyes that could not be praised or blamed.

"You have killed all the dragons, so I will not fight you in dragon form."

After the simple opening remarks, the main god of the dragon race launched an attack. Facing his main god, Mor hesitated for a moment, and was immediately bullied by Aio. Xiu used the dragon spear to attack Io, who jumped on the dragon's back. However, the dragon spear was always used for charging. It was very slow in melee combat, and the attack interval was too large, which would reveal many flaws. Io easily avoided the spikes of the dragon spear. He raised his machete and slashed at Xiu's right arm.

Xiu grabbed the dragon spear and swept towards Io. Io did not hide. He was already close to Xiu, and the tapered body of the dragon spear was completely ineffective for him. Aio slashed Xiu's right arm, and Xiu's mind changed at this time, and the dragon spear instantly turned into a magic knife. Aio's response was extremely quick, and he immediately pulled back when Xiu stabbed his body with the magic knife. Therefore, instead of being cut in half, he was only cut with a long and narrow wound.

Aio clutched his bleeding waist and looked at the long knife in Xiu's hand in surprise.

"Very good weapon," Io said, glancing at the wound in his waist and abdomen, and sighing. "The humanoid is too fragile."

Moore finally reacted, and he probed and tried to bite Io off his body. Io avoided the black dragon's bite attack. He jumped to a nearby golden mountain and couldn't help but glance at the wound again.

The long and narrow wound was bleeding all the time, and it had no tendency to heal, but instead seemed to be trying to squeeze the blood out of the body.

The magic knife was covered with a layer of scarlet light and whispered softly. Xiu's right arm was injured, and he shifted Qian to his left. Moore no longer hesitated this time. He carried his dragon knight and took the initiative to attack the dragon god.

Io seems to be familiar with the dragon's attack methods, and he can easily dodge the black dragon's attack. However, Io's own movements are also slightly incoherent. He seems to be not good at fighting others in human form all the time. This is a common problem of all dragons. Coupled with the bleeding wound, Io's movements became more and more sluggish, he dodged Mor's wing attack, and retreated to avoid Xiu's attack range when Xiu's long knife was cut from above.

Xiu's magic knife just a few centimeters across Ao's nose, and when passing through Ai's chest, the magic knife transformed into a dragon spear, drawing a long distance. Aio wanted to hide, but he was unable to do so.


The blood of the Dragon God was sprinkled on the gold coins, and the gold and blood were interlaced, forming a coquettish light color. Aio glanced at the pierced chest, and then looked at Black Dragon Mor, his eyes were approving, like an elder looking at his own child.

"Your dragon knight is very good."

As soon as the words of the Dragon God were finished, all the treasures in the cave were shattered into powder and turned into a blue beam of light. Enoch saw the disappearing gold and silver treasure, and let out a mournful cry: "Leave a piece for the thief as a souvenir, is it easy to find so many me, me!"

As soon as the exit appeared, the place they were in began to crumble. The entire grotto was crumbling, and he asked Aio, who disappeared little by little: "Do you know the news of the God of Creation?"

Du Ze, who ran over, just heard this sentence, and Aio recited the three words "Creation God". At that moment, he couldn't describe the look of the Dragon God at all.

"The God of Creation created all things. If the Father God can be found," Aio's figure gradually disappeared, leaving only a sigh: "Maybe my race will not be so sad..."

The dragon clan is about to fall into desperation due to the crisis of reproduction. As the main god of the dragon clan, Io can see from his words that he is also looking for the god of creation, but he failed. Du Ze thought, just like what Soth said, is it true that only the God of Light and Baal know the news of the God of Creation

Baal has missed it, and he can only play the idea of the God of Light. Stupid readers began to think, how to get the arrogant BOSS to speak, this is a problem.

With the death of Ai Ou, the speed of the collapse of the grotto became faster and faster, and everyone hurriedly returned to the rotunda through the blue light. Du Ze had developed the habit of glancing at the stone platform when he came back. Opposite the stone statue of the dead, he found the latest dragon stone statue—a huge western dragon squatting on the stone platform with its long tail hovering over itself. Without the slightest feature, it is impossible to tell whether it is a metal dragon, a color dragon or a crystal dragon.

In addition to the previous demons, undead, and humans, the stone platform in the hall is now half filled. Du Ze was very excited. He wanted to take Xiu's hand and let Xiu see it, but the outstretched hand didn't catch anything.

- At that moment, his hand passed through Xiu's hand, so transparent that it was almost a phantom.