The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 81: Tower of God Furious Battle Song


Under what circumstances would a stranger call out someone else's name

A. You look the same as that person.

B. You have similarities with that person.

C. You are that person.

Du Ze thought hard. Ever since he saw Corellon's "Father God", a certain stupid reader has been in a state of being a fool. He wants to get creative. The information of the world gods, but did not expect to receive such explosive news. In order to clarify his thoughts, Du Ze listed various possibilities. According to Corellon's reaction at the time, Du Ze ruled out the first item, if he really had a relationship with Chuang. The gods of the world look very similar, and they have seen Chuang. The world god Corellon should have called "Father God" at the first sight of him.

The second conjecture is what Du Ze thinks is the closest to the truth. He should have He Chuang. The similarities between the world and the gods, or temperament, or breath, or something else. Since it can be recognized by the main elf god as the father god, then the similarity must be very special, only the creation god can have. From this conjecture can be extended, he is really and creative. There is some kind of connection between Shishen and that guy. Maybe one day the behind-the-scenes boss will jump out and say to him, "Actually, I'm your father!"


That conjecture was so terrifying that a certain idiot made up his mind in an instant. Du Ze calmly shifted his attention to the third option. This conjecture is not just for fun. Based on the principle that everything is possible, and the most unlikely thing is the truth, Du Ze listed it. He has achieved even the most anti-scientific transcendence. Maybe one day he will transcend to At the beginning of this world, it was a disaster. God of the world; since it is creation. World God, it shouldn't be difficult to change your appearance... Why do you think this is the truth the more you talk about it? Dumb and cute readers shamelessly started yy, crea. The name Shishen sounds so high-end and foreign-

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xiu, and Du Zemo was stunned. real. The protagonist is here, even if it is the ultimate boss, the only thing that can be done here is...

Mengzhu, can we be friends

No matter how awesome the boss is, the protagonist will eventually push him down. How long will he stay if he doesn't hug his thighs? Du Ze always felt that if he really became the last boss, the cute master would still push him down. As for what kind of push...

Ha ha.

Du Ze wanted to hide his face, every time he thought about something seriously, his mind would go out of control. No matter how much he struggles, he can't come to a conclusion. Corellon, the only one who knows about it, has already gone to refresh, and Du Ze can only pin his hopes on the next dungeon. It would be great if the next level was a dungeon of the Celestial Clan, and the arrogant god of light could definitely drop a lot of information.

At this time, Du Ze and Xiu were in the rotunda, and there were five stone statues around. Du Ze swept around and focused on Xiu. Xiu was listening to Rachel's report on the Thunder Legion. Because of the unexpected reunion at the Tree of Life, not only the number of people in the team was expanded, but also the information about the tower. Lots of additions.

Listening and listening, Du Ze only felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet. According to Rachel's description, the Thunder Legion had a total of 50 teams of 300 people, and the known death toll reached half. The survivors were all demons with the strength of advanced Valkyries or advanced magic gods. The cruelty of the tower is so. After hearing the Thunder Legion's experience, Du Ze realized how easy it was for them to climb the tower under Xiu's leadership. Take the dungeons passed before, if the Demon Race dungeon is not repaired, it will take at least a month or more to hit Baal, not to mention the terrifying attacks of Baal, the whole continent is only Few people can do it; they had a very easy time with the undead dungeon, but from the experience of the Thunder Legion, the last few hundred thousand undead were the most difficult part of the dungeon, because the human race suppressed by the undead had begun to rebound. Once the number of undead in the hands of the climbers reaches 800,000, the Temple of Light will dispatch the Twelve Knights of Light. They are "absolute restraint" against the undead - no matter what kind of undead, they will die in one blow under their attack. With the Knights of Light joining the war, if the climbers do not arrange their troops well, the undead in their hands will become less and less. Once the number of undead is less than 500,000, the tower will directly judge them to fail.

Du Ze suddenly felt that it was great that they could meet Rachel at that time, so he skipped the hardest part and went to fight the boss. When they faced Louis, it was unclear compared to Xiu's victory. The Thunder Corps had a hard time winning. They almost sacrificed to the last person before they perished with the possessed Louis. Regarding the Terran dungeon, none of the existing Thunder Teams seemed to have encountered it before. Du Ze always felt that it was because the Thunder Team that entered the Terran dungeon was still trapped there. Although the Terran dungeon is not lethal, it can trap the climbers to death - if the answer to the Sphinx is not found, no one can escape from the Hall of Knowledge. Du Ze had to sigh, fortunately they met Antonio at that time...

Du Ze was suddenly stunned, the flash of thought in his mind made his hands and feet feel cold. Once is a coincidence, twice is luck, what about three or even four... ? I met Rachel in the undead dungeon, and Antonio in the human dungeon. Although Du Ze did not know what happened in the dragon dungeon, Xiu did get important information; as for the demon and elf dungeons, it was because of Xiu’s identity And greatly reduce the difficulty. No matter what level of the tower, they can get the benefits just right: either they meet the right person, or they get benefits because of their status as Xiu, so they can climb the tower so easily. In this way, it seems that something has been helping them, to be precise, helping Xiu become the supreme god.

Judging from the progress of the Thunder Legion's towering, the elite Thunder Squad has only passed one or two floors of the tower, and more of it has been wiped out. Even if Du Ze exaggerated, the existing tower climbers could at most reach the third to fourth floors of the tower, and Xiu was the only one who had passed the fifth floor. If things went on like this, Du Ze had no doubt that the first person to climb to the top of the tower and become the supreme god was definitely Xiu.

Because of the comparison, I found out that the tower is so cruel to others, but so tolerant to Xiu.

Rachel had finished talking about the past copy and began to tell the intelligence of the new copy. The stone statues they have not yet obtained are the gnome, the sky clan, and the beast clan. The dwarf dungeon has been known to be a dwarf relic before, and the sky clan dungeon is still unknown—because there is no Thunder team that has passed the sky clan dungeon, Du Ze thinks about those demon clan It should have been angered by the God of Light. So now I'm mainly talking about the Orc dungeon, which was provided by a demon named Gary, who was the only survivor of his Thunder team, because all the other teammates were killed by him...

"... After we selected 5 companions, we joined the battlefield. After entering, we saw many other climbers, and all of them were trapped in that battlefield. The entire battlefield is the realm of forbidden magic. Once there is a battle song, different The teams will attack each other." Gary said almost dumbly: "We didn't find any problems with the war song at first, but only felt that the blood and strength were a little stimulated, and there would be an urge to fight. It's shorter and longer, it lasts longer and longer, and gradually, we all lose our minds."

"When I get back to God, it's all over."

Du Ze listened to Gary's so-called end in silence. He reported to Rachel in detail the names of the teammates who died in his hands. Even if they were demons with a cruel nature, Gary's pale face showed that he had no respect for his hand-knife companions. Things are very painful. In this respect, the Orc copy is even the most brutal of all copies. Du Ze sincerely hoped that they would not face the orc dungeon immediately, but...

I am really afraid of what will come, and what I want is not what.

Du Ze silently looked at the tribe that was simulated by the tower in front of him. This was a typical orc tribe, and they descended here through the gate of light. After the tribal chief and Gary's instructions, Xiu had to choose 5 companions here and go to the battlefield together to participate in the team battle, and the others would wait here for the return of the participants. It is not necessary to choose people from followers. Orc warriors in the tribe can also become the companions of the tower climbers. It seems that the tower is prepared for those who climb the tower alone.

Xiu glanced at everyone, and finally set his eyes on Du Ze. Knowing the dangers of the Orc dungeon, even if Xiu didn't want to be separated from Du Ze, he couldn't take Du Ze with him. After making sure that the people in the tribe were absolutely safe, Xiu selected four orc warriors from the tribe—in fact, Xiu originally planned to select all orc warriors, but the surviving demon voluntarily applied to join. Considering Gary's experience, Xiu acquiesced to his participation.

"Master Xiu, please be careful." The demon sisters said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of the little master." Old John smiled and relieved. As a mechanical puppet, Old John is not counted in the number of people, so he can also join the team.

Rachel urged Gary to protect Xiu. Xiu stretched out his hand and pressed his stupid neck, leaned over and kissed Du Ze's soft earlobe.

"wait me back."

Du Ze only felt that the ear was cold at first, and after the cooling, it instantly burned like a peppermint, and it went straight to the bottom of his heart. He covered his red ears, and when he looked up, he could only see the distant back of the silver-haired elf. The huge wooden door of the tribe seemed to be chasing Xiu, closing slowly and heavily when Xiu and his group left.

Du Ze looked at the closed door, and for some reason there was a strong sense of unease in his heart.

The treatment of the left-behind personnel in the tower is still very good. There are everything in the tribe. Du Ze even took a bath after a long time. Lying on the soft bed, Du Ze was always thinking that the person who needed the most rest was not here. He looked at his hand, and when he came out of the elf copy, there was no blurring like the last time, but Du Ze's unease did not subside much. He always felt that his time seemed to be running out.

The orcs in the tribe are all illusions simulated by the tower, and they only have a prescribed behavior pattern and cannot talk. Du Ze walked around the tribe, and the huge wooden wall surrounding the tribe well isolated his perception of the battlefield. Not to mention the battle song that was said to make people violent, he couldn't even hear the sound of fighting. Therefore, Du Ze could only sit in front of the gate and count the days. He was not worried about Xiu. Whether it was the strength of the cute master or the power of helping each other, they all ensured that the final winner must be Xiu. Just wait.

So on the tenth day, the reader waited for his protagonist. Although Du Ze always knew that the Religion would win on the battlefield, he never expected it to be such a tragic victory.

The heavy giant door slowly opened, Du Zegang stood up happily, the smell coming from the opened door made him stunned in place. The strong, pungent bloody smell was blown by the wind, not only did not disperse, but it was so thick that it was about to drip blood, filling everyone's nostrils. Following the opening of the wooden door, Ariel covered her mouth, Moore frowned, and the demon sisters hugged each other tightly, and even Rachel, who was used to bloody scenes, had to be moved.

The huge wooden door presented to everyone, a purgatory of flesh and blood. The whole scene can only be described by a meat grinder. The scattered limbs were mixed into a ball, red and white were mixed together, and blood flowed into rivers. Du Ze looked at the corpses, unable to swallow even his saliva. Those corpses will not disappear, because they are not fakes simulated by the tower, but real creatures. Judging from the equipment and posture of the corpse, it can be found that a considerable part of the creatures died by their own hands.

The smell of blood was so strong that it almost started to smoke his eyes. Du Ze blinked forcefully. He forced himself to look at the terrifying mountain of corpses and blood, trying to find the person in his heart. Then he saw the red-haired lion man standing on the pile of corpses. Xiu was already in the form of the beast clan at this time, and a considerable part of it was beastized. You could clearly see the red beast patterns on his face and arms. He raised his hand high, and was choking someone's neck, the long lion tail hanging down, and it seemed to be very happy to shake it.

Du Ze's eyes were full of astonishment, because the person Xiu was holding at this time was none other than Gary! The face of the demon blushed, blood dripped from his body and fell on Xiu's face, rendering the beastly smile on the corner of Xiu's mouth.

"That's... Your Highness?"

Rachel asked hesitantly, Xiu's lion ears swayed, and he seemed to be startled by Rachel's voice. He turned his head, revealing a pair of eyes like gold. Those eyes glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Du Ze. In an instant, Du Ze felt that he was being targeted by a beast.

"Be careful..." A faint voice came from the pile of corpses. Du Ze found out that it was Old John with only half of his body left, and was warning them: "Little master, he has no reason—"

You don't even need to say that the juniors know it! QAQ

Du Ze looked at Xiu who had thrown Gary aside and walked towards him, unable to move like a poor prey being stared at.

At this moment, the coming of the beast god to save the readers is in dire straits. Gnusu appeared with several beast gods. When he saw the battlefield that had turned into purgatory, some surprise flashed in the eyes of the beast god.

The appearance of the beast god attracted Xiu's attention, Xiu looked at the group of orcs headed by Gnushu, he licked his paws, like a hunter ready to go. Before Gnusu could speak, Xiuwei bent down his animalized legs and charged towards Gnusu like an arrow that detached from the string.

"Well… !"

Gnusu blocked with the blood spear, but was still slammed into the ground. The ground with the two as the center began to crack and collapse, forming a huge crack like a spider web. It was like a signal for the start of a battle, and drums sounded stronger and stronger from all directions, and every sound of "dong, dong, dong" hit the heartbeat. When it coincides with the heartbeat, the drum cord starts to beat faster and faster, and the blood pulses more and more. Du Ze had to press his fast-beating heart, and the accelerated blood flow made his whole body warm, roaring about what to vent and what to destroy.

Gnusu stared at the golden beast's eyes that were close at hand, he gritted his teeth, the blue veins protruded, and he began to beastly. The animal pattern climbed up Gnushu's forehead, and the hands holding the blood spear became long and sharp. The Orc Lord God let out a roar, trying to throw Xiu out from above him. Xiu jumped back with Gnusu's strength, he was not thrown off by Gnusu, but to avoid attacks from other beast gods.

All the beast gods went crazy in the battle song, they surrounded Xiu and started the team battle that the orcs were best at. More and Rachel no longer hesitated and joined the battle. However, compared to the tacit cooperation of the beast gods, More and Rachel did not say whether they had a tacit understanding, and they had to avoid Xiu's attack on them. Xiu is completely mad now, he doesn't distinguish between enemy and me, he only knows how to attack blindly.

After dealing with the two beast gods, Maul and Rachel also had to withdraw from the battle due to injuries. At this time, Gnusu, the main orc god, and two beast gods were left on the field, and they joined forces to attack Xiu, who was alone. Xiu didn't care about the opponent's more and less attacks, and the smile on his face was both arbitrary and reckless. With the cooperation of the three beast gods, Xiu was initially suppressed, but as time passed, a fatal reversal occurred on the field.

The high war song never stopped. Under the stimulation of the war song, all the orcs became more and more mad, and became more and more irrational. At a certain moment, a beast god roared, and suddenly turned around and grabbed his closest companion with a claw; the beast god who was attacked also roared, and without hesitation, began to fight with the beast god. Du Ze stared blankly at all of this, watching the beast god bite off his companion's neck, watching the bitten beast god take out his companion's heart with one paw, watching the two beast gods die in this way. into the hands of his companions, and the whole scene is both comical and grotesque.

Du Ze felt a chill in his bones, seeing this situation, he even vaguely knew the reason for the decline of the Orcs.

[The orcs paid their minds and took away the mad war.]

With the lessons learned from the elves, Du Ze listened to the heart-beating battle song, and inevitably had an idea—could it be a creation. A masterpiece of the world, right

Only the Orc Lord God knows all this, but at this time the Orc Lord God is fighting with Xiu. Above the sea of corpses, two beasts were fighting—they were really two beasts. Gnushu and Xiu, who had been completely beastized, were biting each other, and their sharp claws were trying to insert each other's hearts.

When Xiu was biting, Gnush just wanted to dodge sideways, but was suddenly stopped by something. It was Old John, and only the upper body of the mechanical puppet was holding the tail of the Orc Lord God tightly, and the parts were dragged to the ground. In the battle, even a momentary pause was fatal. Xiu bit Gnushu's neck and pierced the carotid artery without hesitation.

Gnusu's huge body sank on the corpse, and a red exit beam of light appeared in the tribe behind Du Ze. But at this time, no one cared about the appearance of the exit, and everyone was staring at the beautiful beast standing proudly on the corpse mountain. The soft brown hairs fluttered lightly in the breeze, the lion-like beast narrowed its golden eyes slightly, suddenly jumped down from the mountain of corpses, and walked towards his prey with elegant steps.

Facing the approaching beast, even if he knew that it was Xiu, Du Ze still felt shamefully weak. That is the most instinctive fear of a living being when facing a beast, not to mention that Xiu's current situation can't be called "normal". .

Those shoalite eyes were bright and clear, but they lacked rationality.

The huge feline stopped in front of Du Ze, and the temples under his jaw were still stained with bright red blood. If it weren't for some stupid and habitual facial paralysis, Du Ze would have been crying the moment the beast approached. He felt that he had joined the KFC luxury lunch now.

No one dared to make a sound, for fear of stimulating that beautiful but dangerous beast.

Under the gaze of those golden eyes, Du Ze stretched out his hand tremblingly, not knowing what to do.

"build… ?"

Xiu seriously stared at Du Ze for a while, then suddenly lowered his head, he sniffed Du Ze's fingertips, and then rubbed his face against Du Ze's hand.

The soft side hair slid over the back of Du Ze's hand, fluffy and soft. For some reason, Du Ze completely relaxed at this moment, no longer feeling scared. Before Du Ze could speak, he suddenly heard Willa exclaiming, then his collar tightened, and when he recovered, he had been bitten by Xiu and lifted up by the collar.

The huge beast held Du Ze in his mouth and ran into the red beam of light without any hesitation. Du Ze only felt that his eyes first turned red, then brightened, and finally there was only a piece of gray steel left in front of him. At the moment just now, Xiu bit him back to the rotunda, and jumped in again without any pause or gap. After reaching the Light Gate, they arrived at the Gnome Ruins.

… what? !