The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 82: Tower of God Gnome Ruins


All the places he could see had a metallic tone, and the steel city was lit up like daylight by the large and small light balls. This familiar scene reminded Du Ze of its name—the Gnome Ruins.

A group of iron dwarf statues stood in the circular square in front of them. When Xiu and Du Ze arrived, the group of iron dwarfs suddenly came to life. They were bouncing, beating gongs and drums, and a line of flashing text fireworks "Welcome to 'Home', this is the kingdom of gnomes" appeared above their heads. One of the dwarf iron statues took out something, holding it in both hands as if to give it to them. It was about a large part, and Du Ze felt it was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After expressing the welcome, all the iron gnomes re-solidified into iron statues, and only the fireworks of the welcome speech were still shining in the square. All this is not magic, but a performance achieved with pure mechanical technology. When Xiu was trapped in the Gate of Wisdom to learn blacksmithing, Old John led Du Ze to visit this square—this is the bottommost "circle" in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, representing the "kingdom", which is also the The real entrance to the inner city of gnomes. Back then, Du Ze had also seen these iron statue performances that were still running as usual after tens of thousands of years, but at that time, there was no iron dwarf presenting something to them. It seemed that the content of the tower was automatically added.

Although he was in a familiar place, Du Ze couldn't relax now. The reason was very simple, that was the beautiful but irrational beast behind him. Du Ze only felt that Xiu's breath on the back of his neck was unusually hot, like a volcano about to erupt. Some idiot doesn't know whether to worry about Rachel's group being left behind, or worry about himself who is about to join the McDonald's Super Value Dinner. His body sank suddenly, but Xiu who bit his back collar raised his head. Du Ze looked at the street in front of him, where suddenly there was the sound of "clicking" footsteps, a pair of blue light spots appeared from the depths of the street, and a tall one-star mechanical puppet walked slowly over.

"Di - found the life form X2; make a racial judgment, Di - non-dwarf race; make a camp judgment, Di - can't identify; make a comprehensive judgment..."

Before the mechanical puppet could finish speaking, it was brutally destroyed by Xiu, and its parts were scattered all over the place. There were also faint sounds of mechanical footsteps from the streets on the left and right, Xiu bit his own stupid cuteness and rushed directly into the middle street. The beast was running fast on the metal street, and suddenly jumped into a high balcony. He bent down and got into the house from the balcony. It's about a gnome's workshop, with parts and tools scattered on the floor, finished and unfinished mechanical works everywhere, and the faint smell of motor oil in the air.

Xiu swept away the scattered parts on the ground, freed up a space to sit on his back, and lurked silently, only the animal ears turned from time to time. The mechanical puppets on the street pass under the balcony, they only patrol the streets and squares of the gnome ruins, and do not enter the house. After the moving metal bodies moved away, Xiu finally let go of his sharp teeth and put down Du Ze.

Du Ze sat down on the ground with a thud, the instinctive fear engraved in his genes made him turn around quickly, facing Xiu. The beautiful lion beast was close at hand, the golden iris glowed with a strange luster in the darkness, the pupils were large and round, only Du Ze's shadow was reflected, and he looked intently like a black-haired youth Locked in that deep black circle.

Xiu stared straight at Du Ze, making no secret of his desire for Du Ze, a very pure, almost instinctive desire to devour.

The moment Du Ze looked at each other, he seemed to be choking his breath, panic and suffocation welled up in his heart, the fear that he had been deliberately ignoring had never been as clear as this moment—when he was on Long Island, he was also so out of control. Turn to a place and then...

Xiu lowered his head and assumed a hunting stance. Du Ze closed his eyes reflexively at the moment when the opponent rushed up.

The soft hair slid across the face with a ticklish touch, probably the temples of a lion? Du Ze overturned his guess at the next moment, because instead of being thrown to the ground, he fell into a very familiar embrace.

"Why are you afraid?"

The low voice was ambiguous and hoarse, and it touched Du Ze's ears with a fiery breath. Du Ze looked up in shock. Xiu didn't know when he had regained his human form. Maybe he had just receded from the beast's body. His bright red hair was long like flowing lava, and the dark red beast pattern was still wheat-colored. lingering on the skin. Du Ze could only stare at Xiu in a daze. Those golden eyes showed a savage beast nature, but they were very gentle.

"I said it won't happen again."

Xiu held Du Ze in his arms, tightly, and even his tail wrapped around Du Ze's waist, like a beast protecting his cubs. Du Ze's chin rested on Xiu's shoulder, and the two fit seamlessly. He could feel the rise and fall of the other's chest, as well as the desire to explode.

[sorry. ] The blond youth in memory smiled: [It won't happen again in the future. ]

So Xiu really did it. Even after entering madness, he cautiously and tremblingly restrained himself, making Du Ze his only rationality.

- Don't scare him, don't hurt him.

This has long been engraved into the instinct, regardless of reason or not.

It is difficult to describe Du Ze's mood at this time in words. He was a little surprised, a little moved, and more of a sour feeling that filled his heart. The man hugged him like a large dog who wanted to act like a spoiled child but was afraid of the owner's boredom. Although it's a little inappropriate, Du Ze feels that such a cute hero is both pitiful and... cute? A certain stupid cute suddenly had the desire to reach out and touch the other's head.

His fingertips touched a piece of velvety softness, and when Du Ze regained his senses, his hand was already on Xiu's head, pressing on the arc of the lion's ear. When Xiu's beast ear was touched, it trembled violently, and it swayed back and forth as if it was very itchy. I don't know if it was to avoid Du Ze's fingers or to rub against Du Ze's palm. Paste it on the head.

A few muffled grunts came out of Xiu's throat, like a suppressed roar, drawing back Du Ze's attention drawn by the beast's ears. By the time Du Ze realized how deadly his actions just now were, he was already lying on the ground by Xiu. The orc rubbed against him, the hard heat sliding back and forth against his thigh.

"Shall we do it?"

Xiu held the part where Du Ze was rubbed and reacted a little. The golden beast's eyes were shining like a big cat that kept circling around its owner and acting coquettishly.

"Let's do it~"

... Can Xiaosheng refuse in this situation!

The good dynamic vision allowed Xiu to see the inaudible nod of his stupid cute in slow motion, his beast ears twitched, and then he stood up excitedly. Xiu licked the corner of Du Ze's lips, as if to taste the taste of the prey before eating it. The result clearly satisfied him to the extreme, so the beast impatiently began to enjoy his prey.


It was the first time Du Ze saw his clothes and bones were so completely left behind that even the earphones were not spared. Amidst the swirling pieces of clothing, Xiu's grin was wild, and his pointed tiger teeth were exposed, as if he wanted to bite his prey. He leaned down, put his head on Du Ze's shoulder, and took a deep breath.

Du Ze seemed to hear the excited roar of the beast, and the cold hairs on his body stood up instinctively. Xiu started licking and sniffing around him. Du Ze felt indescribably strange. There seemed to be countless small bumps on the soft and thick tongue, like small brushes, swiping thinly on the skin. , brings a strange stimulus. When Xiu was about to lick the bottom, Du Ze couldn't help but start struggling.

"do not… !"

Xiu held down Du Ze's struggles, licked Du Ze's lower body back and forth, his tail flexibly pulled away Du Ze's feet that he was trying to close, and the tip of the hair rubbed the base of Du Ze's thighs. The beast let out a low roar from the deepest part of its throat, seemingly more excited by the body odor of its prey. With a fiery breath, he turned Du Ze over and pressed him down.

The posture of kneeling down and unable to see Xiu made Du Ze feel insecure. Du Ze wanted to lift his body to look behind him, but felt the back of his neck tighten a little, causing a dull pain - Xiu bit it. his neck.


Xiu bit the back of Du Ze's neck with his head. He didn't use much force. It was more like he was holding the flesh on the back of Du Ze's neck, grinding his teeth extremely lightly. Du Ze had to be honest, Xiu's fingers extended behind him, but Du Ze felt something soft and fluffy and tried to squeeze into his body from behind.

By the time Du Ze realized that it was Xiu's tail, the matter had already entered the majority. The lion's tail has fluff at the tip, and shaving it on the inner wall feels like licking its upper jaw with its tongue, so ticklish that people can't help but reach out and pick it. Du Ze was so pressed that he couldn't move, so he could only instinctively shrink his back acupoints so that the back would not be so itchy and uncomfortable.

Xiu's breathing became more and more unsteady, his pupils almost became a straight line with excitement, his movements were very impatient and urgent, with a strong animal nature that wanted to devour Du Ze alive. Xiu licked Du Ze's neck vigorously, the barbs on his tongue scraped against the skin, and Du Ze's neck and shoulders soon turned colorful.

- Feels like being eaten.

Du Ze thought like this, and then he was really "eaten" by Xiu behind him.

Due to the zero-point restoration, even if he had done it with Xiu several times, Du Ze's body would still strongly reject this anti-physiological behavior like the first time. Du Ze took a few short breaths. Although his body couldn't get used to it, he somehow knew how to relax his body in this situation. After the tearing pain passed, Du Ze's expression became indescribable, because he felt that the thing that filled his body without the slightest gap seemed to be different from before...

Xiaosheng only knows that felines have barbs! Although the cute master is a lion, the orcs also have barbs... Xiaosheng thought about it, but he still couldn't accept it! QAQ Xiu held Du Ze's waist, and the sturdy waist began to pump, containing rigid strength. Sweat fell from the orc's red hair, flowed down the beautiful arc of the muscles, and finally dripped onto Du Ze's back. Du Ze shuddered, and his expression could not be described as pain or joy. He knew that feline barbs would bring great pain to mating partners, but he wondered if Xiu had intentionally hidden a lot of thorns, just like cats hide their claws in their pads. In and out, those bumps and bumps not only didn't hurt him at all, but always rubbed against his most sensitive point at unexpected times.

Heavy gasps and physical thumps echo through the studio, and the whole scene takes on a tension and wildness. Xiu stroked Du Ze's waist back and forth with his hands, his tail rubbing Du Ze's thigh repeatedly. Following his movements, the man's body involuntarily swept through a spasm, and even it contracted delicately and tightly.

Du Ze was bitten on the neck by Xiu, his whole body jolted, and he couldn't help but let it out. The entangled beast squinted its golden eyes, wrapped his hands around Du Ze's waist, and penetrated deeper into the moist, warm and soft patch, pouring hot body fluids.

"Um… "

Xiu hugged Du Ze who was soft, and the teeth that bit his neck gradually strengthened, slightly regaining Du Ze's sanity. As soon as Du Ze recovered from the stimulation of the orgasm, he found that the organs of the beast buried in his body had erected once again.

… It is said that cats can mate 50 or 60 times in a row

Xiaosheng can't do it! Q mouth Q

Xiu leaning on Du Ze's back was like a big lazy cat. He flicked his long tail happily, licking and biting along the curvature and curve of Du Ze's back. The swollen organ began to squeeze the inner wall again with its protrusions. Since it had been done once, the wet and greasy inner wall was incredibly sensitive. Under the stimulation of the flesh thorn, the wet corridor wrapped the intruder tremblingly, and began to suck and shrink in small mouthfuls.

Xiu couldn't help gnawing on Du Ze's neck, the tip of his tongue tasted salty sweat, and the tip of his nose was filled with Du Ze's body odor. Du Ze let out a whimper like a kitten. He was shaken by Xiu, feeling like he was feeding a beast that could never be gluttonous.

As for how many times Du Ze "feeds" in the end, apart from the parties, maybe only the mechanical puppets wandering the streets know.


Du Ze slept in a mess, he was really tormented. The beast was unwilling to give up until he squeezed out the last bit of energy, and kept forcing him to release it together. In the end, nothing really came out. Even though he hasn't woken up yet, when he recalled the feeling that he almost died, a certain stupid cute couldn't help shivering. He rolled over and continued to snort on the warm and undulating "mattress".

Xiu stretched out his hand and picked up a strand of Du Ze's hair who was sleeping on his chest. The weight of that person pressing on him was heavy and warm, a weight that he couldn't bear to remove at all. Xiu lowered his head, his keen sense of smell quickly caught the aura that belonged to Du Ze, which made him a little itchy.

The long tail slid through the air, and finally landed on Du Ze's leg, wrapping loosely. Originally, it was just rubbing against Du Ze's calf, and finally it got higher and higher. Du Ze, who was in a daze, felt itchy, reached out his hand and touched it, just in time to grab the tip of the lion's tail. Du Ze, who had just woken up, was still a little dazed. He first looked at the tail in his hand, and then at Xiu's expression that became indescribable for a moment. .

Du Ze was completely awake, because he felt a threatening scorching heat pressed against his waist, and a certain stupid cute looked at Xiu Yin's golden eyes that had already lit up, and made a pitiful dying struggle.

"We...should climb the tower..."

Xiu's reaction to this was just to raise his lion's ears, and said nonchalantly, "We'll talk about it when we're done."

He turned over and pressed Du Ze down, grabbed the part where Du Ze's man would react when he first got up, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was both pleasant and ruffian.

"You touched my tail..."

This morning, Du Ze deeply understood through his personal experience, what is a lion's tail that cannot be touched... As a human being, who would know that the tail is the sensitive zone of the orcs!

By the time Du Ze and Xiu set foot on the streets of the gnome ruins again, it was already the third day of the gnome dungeon. At this time, Du Ze saw any furry object as if he saw a landmine, and even when he saw a hairless, shiny mechanical puppet, Du Ze was about to shed tears of healing.

Xiu solved the mechanical puppets that were trying to attack them. The one-star to four-star mechanical puppets would turn into parts with just one face-to-face in front of the moe master. Du Ze looked at Xiu's back and the fallen mechanical puppet, and couldn't help but recall the first time they met the mechanical puppet on the other side of the mainland. At that time, even a one-star mechanical puppet could cause them a lot of trouble, but now even if it is against a five-star mechanical puppet, Xiu can easily take it down. Before you know it, the cute master has become so powerful.

It turned out that they had been together for so long.

Du Ze's heart throbbed violently, and it was painful. He was like watching a child grow up, from stumbling to walking proudly. He was proud and happy about it, but at the same time he had the same position as all guardians - when the children grew up, it was their time to go out.

"Those mechanical puppets are so annoying."

Du Ze was caught off guard by Xiu Tuo, he quickly supported Xiu's shoulders, only to hear the man swaying the animal ears happily and saying, "Hold me tight, let's speed up."


Du Ze didn't even have time to answer, the huge kinetic energy made his entire upper body stick to Xiu's back with a slap. Xiu carried Du Ze and ran into a shadow on the street. Once he encountered a mechanical puppet, Xiu would use the terrain to bounce and disappear before the mechanical puppets could collect any information.

In Du Ze's turbulent vision, he could only see Xiu's swaying tail, the speed of the orcs was even more exciting than a roller coaster. When he was about to faint, Xiu finally arrived at a circular square. Once inside the circular plaza, the mechanical puppets on the street stopped chasing. The dizzy Du Ze was put down by Xiu, and he shook his head vigorously to return to his senses, and then recognized that this was the "Basic" square.

Old John once introduced to him that the dwarf treasures depicted by the outside world should refer to the materials accumulated in the "foundation" square. In the fourth era, the gnomes collected materials from all over the continent and placed them in the "Basic" square. All gnomes could use their stars to get the corresponding materials, and many of them were S-level materials that were sought after by the outside world. Du Ze saw the material exchange machine he had seen in the "Basic" square, but the machine obviously couldn't work because it was obviously missing a part. Du Ze stared at the gap, compared the material exchange machine he had seen in memory, and suddenly understood everything.

Isn't this the big part I saw in the hand of the gnome iron statue two days ago

Recalling the dwarf copy experience Rachel once said, the purpose of the tower is self-evident.

Xiu had a vague impression of that day. After Du Ze told him about it, he immediately went to get the parts from the "Kingdom" square. Du Ze, who has always been repaired, was honored to ride the roller coaster again. While he was still sitting on the "Basic" square, Xiu installed the missing parts of the machine.

The machine was activated in an instant, making a "humming" sound, and the entire square seemed to wake up, and the pattern on the ground flashed through an arc of light like a circuit. Du Ze took a breath and walked to Xiu's side, and found that the cute master had been staring at the running material exchange machine, as if thinking about something.

Seeing Du Ze coming over, Xiu stretched out his hand and embraced Duo Meng, his tail was unwilling to wrap around it. Leaning on Du Ze, he turned his eyes from the machine to the mechanical puppets wandering the streets, and finally looked at the entire gnome ruins.

"I suddenly had an idea."

Under Du Ze's gaze, Xiulie smiled with determination. The unfamiliar appearance and the familiar lines constitute this scene that is both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Try it."

after one day.

A two-star mechanical puppet wandered aimlessly on the street, and suddenly, it glanced at two figures.

"Di-found the lifeform X2; make a racial determination, di-found the dwarfs!" The blue light in the eyes of the mechanical puppet flickered continuously. "Identity determination, Di-Xiu, a six-star mechanic; Di-No. XH33321 to provide you with services, please instruct."

Du Ze couldn't help but praised the tower as the conscience of the industry, and actually simulated it to such an extent—no, he should have expected it long ago, the tower is completely unprincipled and partial to the cute master, and now the entire gnome ruins are transformed into a dwarf form. In terms of repair, it is the back garden! Since the revolt of the tree of life of the elf copy, the cute master began to tell them what it means to have no most dicks, only more dicks - now all the mechanical puppets below six stars are the younger brothers of the cute master!

Du Ze watched the little Xiu command the huge mechanical puppet to help him carry the materials, and wanted to hide his face in various senses. Xiu took almost all the materials that could be used in the "Basic" square, and the long mechanical puppets lined up, like a loyal butler who followed Her Lady Queen out for shopping, holding the materials and following Xiu upside down. Although he was separated from Rachel and other followers, Du Ze felt that it would not be difficult at all to complete the raid by himself - even if the cute master brought a scumbag with him.

Surrounded by mechanical puppets, Du Ze and Xiu quickly walked from the "Basic" square to the "Glory" square, where the star certification machine of the dwarf race was placed - as long as you submit a work, you can upgrade after passing the review. Mechanic's star. Likewise, the machine is missing important parts. According to the situation of ordinary tower climbers, at this time they have to go to the six-star mechanical puppet to drop parts, but for the gnomes... Do they still need to find parts? Just do one directly.

Xiu walked to the star-certified machine, he just glanced at it, and started to make parts. In fact, Xiu could directly issue self-destruction orders to those six-star mechanical puppets, but the reason why Xiu had to turn into a dwarf to make parts was to prepare for the final boss battle.

Rachel said, the whole city, where we're standing... is an eight-star mechanical puppet.

Du Ze stared at the repair of the parts, the dwarf's hand holding the screwdriver was slender and weak, but these two hands could overturn the fate of facing the eight-star mechanical puppet. Not too much right.

In less than half a day, Xiu repaired the star-certified machine. After doing all this, he didn't leave in a hurry, but made a gadget out of materials and raised his star rating to seven stars.

Seven-star is the highest star of the gnome clan. A gnome with this star can not only command public mechanical puppets below seven-star, but also call any material in the "Basic" square. Du Ze and Xiu returned to the "Basic" square together. Using the highest-grade materials obtained from the "Basic" square, Xiu spent five days to make a seven-star human-shaped mechanical puppet.

"After meeting with Old John," Xiu said while debugging the Seven Stars mechanical puppet, "Give him a new body."

Du Ze nodded. When the orc dungeon accidentally separated, Old John was still in a state of being cut in half. I don't know what happened to Old John and the others now. Each level of the tower can only be passed by one climber, so generally Xiu walks at the end or passes through the beam of light with them. At that time, it was impossible to say that they left together, so the final possible result was that Xiu took him through and the level was reset. Old John and others were trapped in the orc dungeon and could only wait for the next tower climber who could clear the level. and they left together.

With the seven-star mechanical puppet, Xiu's martial power has risen to a new level. A stupid cute reader who has witnessed how the budgie master installed various anti-human and anti-social equipment on his mechanical puppet, and earnestly prayed that others would not come to touch Xiu's bad head - what the buddy master made was not a mechanical puppet at all, it was completely a There is wood in the mobile arsenal!

I don't know if it was a stupid prayer that was effective, or if I saw the group of mechanical puppets that were screaming and hugging, the other climbers never showed their heads. Without any accident, Xiu and Du Ze progressed very smoothly. They quickly solved the "Power" square and came to the "Understanding" square. When he saw the bud-like metal building, Xiu's pupils shrank a little, as if recalling some terrible memories.

"Don't get close." Xiu Xiaoxiao tugged at the corner of Du Ze's clothes. He raised his face, and his amber eyes were unusually gorgeous. "I'll have the parts ready soon and get out of here right away."

It was an almost commanding tone, revealing the faint agitation of the speaker, Du Ze nodded slightly and promised. Xiu approached the metal building, just as he had promised, it only took him an hour to repair the metal building. The activated metal building unfolds its outer shell like a petal, revealing a huge circle.

Du Ze looked at the clock-like wheel of time, as if he had returned to the beginning. Du Ze was still at a loss for the experience of being swallowed up by the wheel of time: he just jumped a few times in the wheel of time, How come it has been four years outside

Xiu still seemed to be concerned about that incident, and after activating the "understanding" square, he dragged Du Ze and hurriedly left. He didn't seem to feel at ease until he arrived at the "Crown" square, and let go of the hand that was holding Du Ze tightly.

Each square is used by the gnomes for different functions, and the "Crown" square is used by the gnomes as an exhibition area for works, where all kinds of whimsical machines are placed here to accept the evaluation of others. Du Ze was attracted at a glance. The neatly displayed mechanical works made him trance back to the 21st century. He saw refrigerators, electronic calendar clocks, prototype cameras, and these machines are still working normally.

While repairing and making parts, Du Ze began to visit the "Crown" square. Through the introduction next to the work, Du Ze can probably understand what those machines are used for. He even saw a solar light bulb, which was highly rated, but Du Ze felt embarrassed when he saw it. Now that there is the sun, what else is there to do with the light bulb.

Among them are some really interesting gadgets, such as this one in Du Ze's hands. This is a year detector that can detect the specific appearance time of things. Du Ze fiddled with it for a while, and the detector gave the manufacturing time of several works. Since he could not confirm whether the given time was reliable, Du Ze wanted to put down the detector after playing for a while. When the detector was put back, the switch of the detector seemed to be pressed inadvertently. It tilted upwards and gave Du Ze a hit.

Can even people take pictures

Du Ze converted the time between the earth and this world, and found that the machine was surprisingly accurate. Suddenly a thought flashed by, Du Ze's heart began to beat heavily, he raised his head and looked at Xiu, who was doing parts.


The dwarf's ears moved, he stopped his work, looked at Du Ze not far away, but saw the black-haired youth staring at a machine with a complicated expression.

Xiu dropped the parts and walked towards Du Ze. Because of his small steps, he walked very fast and looked like a trot.

"What's wrong?"

Du Ze glanced at Xiu, who came to his side, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Today is your birthday."

A certain stupid cute couldn't help but praise his wit, he actually discovered a big secret like this. Because Mengzhu grew up in an orphanage, I'm afraid he doesn't even know when he was born, right

However, Xiu's reaction poured cold water on Du Ze.

"Birthday?" Xiu repeated with some doubts. The doubt made Du Ze look uncomfortable, because the dwarf seemed to be talking about something that had no concept, and he didn't know why Du Ze was moved by it.

... You can't be like this, Moe! Do you know how important today is! This is the time of the miracle when the only eight-race hybrid was born in the Chaos Continent! It is also the birthday of the future supreme god of this world!

Du Ze's ears turned red, but he still couldn't express his inner excitement, stammering almost incoherently.

"It's important, today—to celebrate."

Hearing Du Ze's words, Xiu blinked his amber eyes. He didn't think there was anything to celebrate, but he would never refuse Du Ze.

"How to do?"

Du Ze got stuck, and he had almost no friends. He had absolutely no experience in celebrating birthdays for his peers. However, according to the general steps of a birthday, it is not just eating a cake, blowing a candle and making a wish. Now because of limited conditions, then omit the steps related to the cake...

A certain stupid cute sat upright and proposed: "Make a wish? The wish you made today will come true."

"Who will make it happen?" Xiu raised his lips slightly, sarcastically. "God?"

"I'll make it happen!"

Du Ze shouted out almost impulsive, Xiu Nasi's smile that seemed to be mocking the world and more like mocking himself hurt his eyes - the man seemed to be smiling and said: I have tried countless times in the past, and no gods will Fulfill his wish, so never make another wish.

So even though he knew how self-aware it was, Du Ze continued with Xiu's dazed eyes, "What do you want, I will try my best to fulfill your wishes."

Xiu raised his hand, he seemed to want to touch Du Ze's neck, but he could only pull on Du Ze's collar and pull it down, then stood on tiptoe and bit on the tip of Du Ze's nose.

"…Is anything okay?"

Xiu Mingming's voice was soft and sweet with a little tenderness, Du Ze instinctively felt withdrawn and tangled while covering his gnawed nose. He really wanted to satisfy all the wishes of the cute master, but for some reason, he always had a very bad feeling about what happened next. A certain stupid cute thought about it, but he could only think that the "destruction" of the cute master was in that way at most.

... After being treated like this by the cute master at most, he is a hero after lying down for a day!

Du Ze suppressed the constant warning sixth sense in his head, and firmly nodded (makes) his head (death) to the cute master of his family.

Under Du Ze's gaze, Xiu looked to the right street of the "Crown" Square - which leads to the "Wisdom" Square. Before Du Ze could react, Xiu withdrew his gaze, and the corners of his mouth curved upwards.

"I want to read your book."

Xiu said, a pair of very cute dimples appeared on the small face.

"I only read eight pages last time, and I've always wanted to read it."

Please sing a loyal hymn to the silly readers.