The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 84: Reader The bean curd residue project is not worth it


Before Du Ze could think more about it, Gal had already marched towards the "understanding" square vigorously, and it seemed that he really planned to destroy the wheel of time.

- That is the only thing that has been directly related to the God of Creation so far.

With only this thought remaining in his mind, Du Ze reflexively opened his legs and chased after Gal. Seeing Du Ze's actions, Xiu in the center of the square opened his amber eyes, he quickly stood up, and trotted to keep up with Du Ze's footsteps. In this way, Gal was not happy, and he prepared to destroy the wheel of time just to prevent Xiu from contacting the wheel of time. The dwarf Lord God jumped twice, and his fingers drew a line between himself and Xiu like a conductor. A gust of wind blew, and Gal's red and black clown hat swayed, as if being brushed by something invisible.


Xiu froze, his appearance was awkward, his hands pressed tightly to his side, as if bound by invisible ropes. Xiu frowned, his small face wrinkled. "let me go."

Gal grimaced at Xiu, his tone lighthearted as if he was joking with a good friend: "I'll let you go after I solve the hidden danger."

Gal's only target was Xiu, so Du Ze could still move freely. A certain stupid cute was taken aback by this series of changes. He was about to walk towards Xiu who couldn't move, but the footsteps of the dwarf god behind him were almost audible. It was gone in an instant, and Du Ze only had time to turn his head to see the short figure disappearing at the end of the street.

"Du Ze!"

Hearing Xiu's shout, Du Ze realized that he had walked several steps in the direction Gal left. After returning to his senses, Du Ze not only did not stop, but instead gritted his teeth and accelerated towards the "understanding" square, leaving Xiu's call far behind.

"Du Ze—"

I'm sorry, Lord Moe! Xiaosheng believes that the dwarf Lord God will not hurt you! This may be the only chance to find the creator god—

Du Ze's heart was beating violently, and he didn't know whether it was because of running or because of everything that was about to happen. His memory has never been as clear as this moment. At that time, Xiu was locked in the gate of wisdom to learn blacksmithing. He was led by Old John to the "understanding" square, and vaguely learned the reason for the disappearance of the gnomes. Due to the stupidity of a certain teaser group, he was involved in the wheel of time, and then...

A darkness, a sound, a bottle of hourglass, that was all he saw in the wheel of time.

Du Ze opened his mouth slightly and took a deep breath, but he felt suffocated like a fish without water.

The dwarf main god said: The wheel of time was given by the god of creation.

Intense tinnitus echoed through the brain, and they hissed and whispered one thing: the one who spoke to you in the dark... was the creator god.

That vague, noisy voice that seemed to be strongly disturbed came from the God of Creation.

- Can he guess like that

Du Ze's head was buzzing, and he tried hard to recall the memory of that voice. He had heard that intermittent voice more than once. It was the first time Du Ze heard that voice when he was almost killed by the flame lord on the opposite side of the mainland. In the endless, dream-like darkness, the other party's voice was muffled and noisy like the signal from an old phone.

[… you… how… dying… where are you… ]

From the only two sentences, the other party seems to mind his life and death, and seems to be looking for him

The second time I heard that voice was in the wheel of time in the gnome ruins.

[… Huh… Wheel of Time… ] After a brief period of surprise, the voice became quite happy: [I found you… ]

The owner of the voice was looking for him, no doubt about that. If the other party is really the God of Creation, then the God of Creation has been looking for him? If this is the case, the former God of Creation was looking for him, and now he is looking for God of Creation. Du Ze felt a sense of irony and humor, and at the same time, he was very at a loss—why was the God of Creation looking for him

Did you realize that he was not from this world

There was almost no gap, Du Ze thought of the last sound. It was during the BOSS battle against the God of Light. He held the scepter of the God of Light and fell into the illusion of darkness.

[Do you know why you came to this world? ]

Compared to the previous two noises, this time the voice was as clear as a whisper in his ear, with a faint bewitching, almost induced. The owner of the voice is looking for him, not only to find that he does not belong to this world, but also to know why he came to this world. The other party seemed to be announcing his own knowledge to him, and at the same time, it seemed to be reminding him, emphasizing what it implied.

Perhaps only by asking that voice face to face would be able to figure it all out. Du Ze arrived at the "understanding" square, looking at the huge wheel of time, his heart seemed to be jumping out of his chest - he finally found an important clue.

Gar, dressed as a clown, stood at the bottom of the wheel of time, and he bounced a few times, as if stepping on some kind of trap. With Gal as the center, a circular arc spreads in all directions along the grooves in the ground, sweeping every corner of the gnome ruins in an instant. The dazzling electric light burst out violently, and the strong airflow blew Du Ze's hair and clothes back, and even nearly scraped the earphones away. Du Ze hurriedly pressed his ears and used his doujinshi to block the strong light that turned the entire square into pure white.

The white light gradually faded, and the "understanding" square was in a mess. The papers in the research room flew everywhere, and many were scorched and destroyed. Gal looked up at the unscathed golden wheel. The first method had failed, but he was not discouraged. Gal stretched out his hand and was about to use another method when Du Ze stopped him.


Gal looked at Du Ze who was standing in front of him, shook his head, and the two small balls at the tip of the croissant cap collided with each other. "You can't stop me, I have to destroy the wheel of time, it's dangerous for gnomes."

The golden ring of the wheel of time swirled with metallic luster, reflecting Gal's sad expression coldly.

"You want to know the news of God the Father, right." The dwarf Lord God pointed at the wheel of time, his voice full of exhaustion and pain. "Look, this is the gift God the Father has given us."

"In the sixth era, our dwarfs created a mechanical civilization. The Father praised this. He praised my people and sent the wheel of time to the dwarfs." Gal's voice became lower and lower. "My people are ecstatic, not only because of the praise from the Father, but also because the wheel of time is an artifact that touches the law of time. Through the wheel of time, the gnomes can finally study the law of time."

"Everyone is very curious about the mysterious time and researches it frantically." Gal's voice was flat without any ups and downs, as if he was reading an eulogy. "On the day when the law of time was touched, the dwarfs... were cleared by the rules."

Just like the sigh that Old John sighed when Du Ze asked about the reason for the disappearance of the dwarfs: sometimes being too curious is not a good thing.

"Only the dwarf god in the god realm escaped the disaster, and then I knew that some things cannot be touched. Although it is disrespectful to the father to think this way, I always think that if the father did not put time away It would be nice to give it to the dwarfs."

Gal's big eyes seemed to burst into tears in the next moment, and his eyes looking at the wheel of time were full of deep sadness.

"That way, everyone won't... disappear..."

Du Ze listened in a daze. Even though he had already guessed the reason for the disappearance of the dwarf race, he still felt horrified to hear the gnome Lord God speak in such a detailed manner. Gnomes are very stubborn and curious, they are keen to explore the unknown, and they are very fanatical about their own research. Only such a dwarf race can create such a brilliant mechanical civilization, and the God of Creation took advantage of this to give the dwarf race a sweet set.

Perhaps it can be said that the God of Creation simply wanted to give gifts, because the dwarfs' self-indulgence led to their own demise. Du Ze might have thought so before learning about what happened to the elves, but now Du Ze has only one feeling - should it really be the final boss? Good intentions: the dwarfs perished because of curiosity, the elves fell into desperation because they abandoned their feelings, and if the madness of the orcs is counted, there are already three races that have declined because of the "reward" of the creator gods - no one can compare The God of Beginning has a better understanding of the personality characteristics of each race, and even a page of Zhiqiu's copy has been written: The eight races paid a price for themselves to the God of Creation in order to obtain their talents.

Now it seems that the eight races are not so much to deliver their character as to create their own weaknesses...

A sense of incongruity suddenly appeared, and Du Ze felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. There was not enough time for him to think about it, and Gal by his side had already started to act again. The dwarf Lord God bypassed Du Ze, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the wheel of time, his fingers were covered with metal finger cots, and upon closer inspection, he realized that they were all precision mechanical tools. At the seam between the golden ring and the crystal plate, Gal moved his fingers dexterously, as if he was disassembling and separating the wheel of time.

Even if he knew Gal's reason for doing this, Du Ze still had to stop Gal from destroying the wheel of time. For him, the wheel of time was the only important clue he could get.

"you can not-"

Gal glanced at Du Ze, stretched out his index finger, and Du Ze instantly felt an invisible long strip bound his body. Before Du Ze could figure out what it was, the transparent thing wrapped around him suddenly began to tremble violently. This abnormality alarmed the dwarf Lord God, Gal looked at Du Ze in surprise, and made a questioning monophonic: "Huh?"

All gnomes are keen to create unique machines, and have their own areas of expertise in mechanics. In addition to being interested in stealth, Gal also focuses on the fusion of biology and machinery. The mechanical puppets produced by doing so have both mechanical characteristics and certain thinking and judgment abilities.

The biological machine that entangled Du Ze seemed to be extremely frightened, like an octopus that entangled its prey but found out that it was its natural enemy, a moray eel. It lost control and threw Du Ze away with a slap - as fast and forceful as throwing away a grenade that was about to explode.

Seeing that Du Ze was about to hit the wheel of time, with that kind of force, the black-haired human would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Gal hurriedly issued an order to capture Du Ze, but all his biomechanical puppets were shocked and lost their response.


It was just a momentary missed opportunity, and Du Ze slammed into the wheel of time—yes, crashed into it. In Gal's shocked eyes, the wheel of time burst into a dazzling light, swallowing the black-haired youth again.

Du Ze was suspended in the darkness and speechless. History is always strikingly similar. Back then, he also entered the wheel of time due to some kind of accident when Mengzhu was trapped. They have already come in, and Du Ze doesn't think too much about it. He must use this opportunity to talk to the owner of the Wheel of Time to find out all the truth.

There was darkness all around, Du Ze hesitated about the unknown, and slowly but firmly shouted to the darkness, "… God of Creation?"

Du Ze's voice was like a drop of water dripping into the black ink, spreading in circles like ripples, and was finally absorbed by the darkness. There was no response from the surroundings, and Du Ze was a little uneasy. Was his previous guess wrong? Just as Du Ze was about to try again, a small noise that was almost a breeze suddenly entered his ears.


Du Ze held his breath, because even the sound of breathing seemed to cover up the other party's words. The sound from the darkness was small and weak. If the signal was not good before, this time it was completely low in power.

[… Did you hear that… ]

Du Ze nodded subconsciously, but he didn't know whether the other party could see it or not, so he gave a soft "um" again. The volume he used was very low, because the sound gave him the feeling that it would be cut off at any moment, in a precarious state.

"Are you the God of Creation?"

[… Yes… ]

As if someone hit the head with a stick, Du Ze felt dizzy, and he actually met the final boss—even a long time ago, he had had contact with the God of Creation.

Those who spoke to him in the dark, who were looking for him, and those who knew his identity were really the creator gods.

[… you… ]

The sound in the darkness stopped for a moment, and Du Ze's heartbeat also missed a beat. When the other party spoke again, his tone was very eager, as if he was being hunted by something, desperate to deliver some important information to him.

[hurry up… ! ]


Du Ze stared blankly at Gal on the opposite side, and the crystals and gold that had been shattered on the ground—they were all the wreckage of the wheel of time. In that instant, he returned from the hallucinatory darkness to the reality of the dwarf ruins.

Du Ze stood blankly in the shards of the wheel of time, his thoughts still stuck on the voice just now: The last sentence is obviously not finished, what exactly does the God of Creation want to say to him

hurry up? Find him soon? leave quickly? hurry up

… It's the most annoying thing to say only half of what you're talking about. _(;з”∠)_

It was obvious that he had obtained breakthrough information, but Du Ze felt even more aggrieved. Hearing the tone of the God of Creation, he seemed to be very anxious. A certain stupid cute was even more anxious. The cute master has already completed the copy of the dwarf. So far, he has only received information about a dreadful daddy of Yajindie. Du Ze glanced at the shards of the wheel of time reluctantly. Does the divine artifact have an expiration date? The wheel of time shattered without warning, just like the scepter of the God of Light. The scepter of the God of Light was also sent by the God of Creation.

BOSS, your blacksmithing skills must not be full, the two artifacts are tofu slag projects, what a shame!

"Are you—all right?"

Gal's shrill voice drew Du Ze's attention back. The dwarf Lord God stood opposite Du Ze, staring at Du Ze with big eyes full of suspicion. Du Ze finally cooled down from the excitement of seeing the God of Creation. What he does now is not to think about the God of Creation, but to explain it all.

Whether it's to Gal... Du Ze looked at the large and small figures at the entrance of the square - or explained to Xiu.

Xiu's body was covered in blood, and the seven-star mechanical puppet stood silently behind him like a shadow. After stepping into the square, Xiu threw away the machine in his hand, and the long machine smashed to the ground. It was a biological machine in the shape of a octopus, and blood could be seen pouring out from the broken mechanical section. Realizing that the blood on Xiu's body was all biomechanical, Du Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then his spirit became tense again—Meng Zhu kept staring at him, and both his expression and his eyes showed that he was very angry.

Xiu stepped on the pool of blood and walked out of a series of small shoe prints. Because the paint drawn is blood, the trail of footprints presents a chilling horror. Gal originally wanted to prevent Xiu from approaching Du Ze, but just as he was about to move, Xiu's glance made the main god of the dwarf clan freeze in place.

The dwarf is a very stubborn race, but with such ruthless and cold eyes, even paranoia can't describe the emotion in it.

Du Ze watched Xiu walk in front of him step by step, the dwarf's face had no expression at all, which made him feel even more frightened. Xiu raised his head and looked at Du Ze, his amber eyes were so bright that he couldn't tell whether it was his eyes or the blood on his body that was more beautiful.

"Don't leave my sight. You clearly agreed, didn't you?"

Du Ze instinctively swallowed his saliva. Although his original intention was for the cute master, it is an indisputable fact that he left the cute master and ran away.

"I'm looking for the God of Creation, he is related to the wheel of time."

Xiu glanced at the fragments of the wheel of time around him, and it was indescribable that his expression at that moment seemed to be filled with strong hatred, unwillingness, and anger.

"...For you, the God of Creation is more important than me?"

Du Ze immediately shook his head, he wanted to tell Xiu that he cared so much about the God of Creation because of him. But under the invisible constraints, Du Ze couldn't make a corresponding explanation at all, he could only say vaguely, "I only care about you."

"But you will abandon me because of the God of Creation." Like a child abandoned by his parents because of work, Xiu stubbornly asked: "If this happens again next time, you will still do this, Right."

Du Ze could only be silent.

"Ah… "

Xiu laughed, and Du Ze shivered instinctively. The terrifying killing intent made people wake up from their sleep just thinking about it. Even though Xiu's killing intent was not aimed at him, Du Ze still felt his scalp go numb.

"Give me your hand."

Xiu told Du Ze that his voice was soft, but it carried a hysterical sweetness.

"I'm going to make a chain to tie you up."