The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 88: Doujinshi These are the two most shameless people it has ever seen


Du Ze had his back to the bed, so he couldn't see what happened on the bed like Eric. By the time he realized it, Eric had already taken a step back in astonishment, and he was embraced from behind in a tyrannical and domineering motion.

The smell passing by the tip of his nose was like fresh water vapor. Du Ze tilted his head and stared at the handsome young man with long silver-gray hair behind him, especially the fins on the other side's ears. It consisted of fin bones and membranes, the size of a palm, spread like little wings—he had not really seen it, but had groped in the dark.

Meng Lord's dragon form

"You guys seem to be talking a lot when I can't move?" With blood-red eyes down, Xiu first glanced at his stupid cuteness, then stared straight at Eric. It feels like a giant dragon that has been touched by scales and is furious. "You want Du Ze to kill me?"

... What's the matter with this kind of atmosphere of being caught in bed! ? Du Ze stared at Xiu's profile in horror. He thought that Xiu was unconscious because of drinking, but now it seems that Xiu did not lose consciousness, so the "frank meeting" between him and his old enemy, the cute master may, probably, may be watching the whole process .

Eric finally recovered from Xiu's form. Faced with Xiu's question, the Son answered without hesitation, with a heart-pounding voice: "Yes."

No zuo no die, why still try.

Xiu's ear fins folded slightly, he narrowed his eyes, and suddenly began to laugh.

"Your eyesight is good." Xiu smiled wildly and recklessly while holding on to Du Ze, his scarlet eyes revealing supreme satisfaction and ruthlessness. "If I must die, then I will only die at his hands - only he can let me die in this world!"

Du Ze suddenly raised his head to look at Xiu, just in line with those bottomless red eyes, the paranoia in the man's eyes clearly conveyed a message to him.

- No one can decide my life or death. Except you, Du Ze.

At that moment, what flooded Du Ze's heart was not so much joy or emotion, but rather fear. The feeling of being in control of Xiu's life, like walking on an extremely thin wire holding the most important treasure, made Du Ze shudder in the bottom of his heart. Du Ze had no doubt that if he let Xiu die, that person would not hesitate to step into destruction.

Xiu had told him a long time ago that if he didn't even want him, the world would be nothing to him.

"Will you kill me?" Xiu asked Du Ze.

Du Ze shook his head as if he was about to shake his head off his neck. Xiu raised the corners of his lips, his smile full of impetus. He firmly held Du Ze in his arms and glanced at Eric again.

"He won't kill me." The light in Xiu's eyes seemed provocative and mocking, and his long silver-gray hair slid down like mercury. "I'll tell you why."


Eric's words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't make a sound. He opened his eyes wide as if he couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. The black-haired youth was pressed on the bed by the silver dragon in human form and kissed domineeringly. Even though the bed was made of fine soft velvet, Du Ze felt a little bit of pain, showing how hard the person pressing on him was. His glasses were slanted to one side, his mouth was occupied by Xiu without the slightest room, and even his breathing was dominated.

Too, too intense...!

The tongue was entangled and rubbed, and the mucous membranes were repeatedly licked and pressed. Du Ze couldn't even make simple swallowing movements. Under that kind of violent kiss, let alone thinking about the surrounding situation, it is difficult for even the consciousness to keep clear. When Xiu finally let go of a gap, Du Ze could only instinctively think about taking in the oxygen that was in short supply, and he didn't care about anything else.

"... I like to press him on the bed and listen to his gasps." Xiu lightly bit Du Ze's neck, his wide smile mixed with carnivorous and aggressive. "Looking at him who wanted to scream but didn't dare, wanted to resist but didn't have the strength..."

Du Ze had just recovered a little bit of sanity from the forced kiss when he heard Xiu's explosive speech, his breathing was not smooth, and he was dead. Xiu leaned down and kissed Du Ze's Adam's apple, then bit Du Ze's collar to open the gap a little bit.

"Suck his sensibilities, let him show all his gestures, and..."

When Xiu raised his head, there was no trace of Eric in the room. Du Ze lay on the bed and covered his eyes with his hands, his chest heaving, his slightly swollen mouth to his ears were all red. This move by the cute master is really ruthless. A certain stupid cute thinks that Eric will never come to find him as a savior in his life. No, it should be said that he will never want to see them in this life.

The wrist that blocked his eyes felt wet, and Du Ze moved his hand away in shock, and his moist black eyes just met Shang Xiu's red eyes. Xiu propped himself on top of Du Ze, his silver-gray hair fell coldly on Du Ze's face, as if touching the scales of a silver dragon.

"I will destroy the world?"

- What if you become the supreme god! You are the only God in the world!

When he heard Xiu say the words "destroy the world", Du Ze's blood nearly congealed for a moment, and he paused for a while before he recovered his thoughts and voice. " don't do that."

Xiu Xue-red eyes stared at Du Ze without blinking, he stretched out his hand and firmly grasped Du Ze's shoulder, and announced arrogantly and domineeringly.

"Then just look at me. As long as you look at me, I won't destroy the world." Every word of Xiu showed extreme desire for control and monopoly. "You don't look at me, I don't know what I'm going to do."

There was some pain from being tightly bound, Du Ze and the bright red stared at each other. The strength of this man was not so much a threat but more like a hold he was afraid of losing. Because there is no sense of security, they use every thing and every word to tie the two together, and they die when they are separated.

"I've been watching you." Du Ze said softly.

No matter when reading novels or in this world, there is only one person who has been reading.

Xiu's ear fins trembled, spreading out like the tail feathers of a peacock. He bent down and kissed Du Ze's earlobe, and the cold fins brushed against Du Ze's cheek. Du Ze couldn't help shivering, not only because of the licking of his sensitive ears, but also because of the hand that penetrated into his clothes.

"I don't want to endure it anymore." Xiu's hand that was groping for Du Ze's skin gradually tightened. "I want to possess you."

Du Ze felt a hot and hard object pressing against his thigh, but the touch of the object was slightly different from before. The sight of a certain stupid cute swimming fell on Xiu's ear fins, and suddenly remembered something.

Wait, Xiu from the Dragon Clan seems to be... is... two [beeps]... here

Du Ze just realized this horrifying fact, Xiu had already completely suppressed it—it was really a "pressure", the kind of pressure that lost all support and fell heavily. It seems that something happened, Xiu suddenly fell on top of Du Ze, and a certain stupid cute was directly suppressed for half a breath and did not catch his breath.

"The sequelae of the form switching... Damn..." Xiu closed his eyes, his blood pupils disintegrating. Although he kept a trace of consciousness and listened to the conversation between Du Ze and Eric, his body was immobile due to drunkenness. When the bottom line was touched, he instinctively chose the form with the strongest physique.

"The dwarf's physique is too weak," Xiu complained while pressing down on Du Ze, his voice gnashing his teeth full of tiredness. "Drunken Du Ze is very honest. He could have done something very comfortable, but he fell down first..."

Wait a minute, Xiaosheng seems to have heard some incredible inside story just now

Xiu wrapped the spartan-faced Du Ze in his arms, and his long silver-gray hair was spread on the two of them in a mess.

"We'll continue when we get up tomorrow..."

Yinlong fell asleep comfortably guarding his favorite treasure, leaving only the treasure classmates with black eyes open to think deeply.

Continue tomorrow, continue tomorrow, continue tomorrow - in Xiaosheng's dictionary, will there be the day after tomorrow

The next day, when Du Ze went out, he was stunned by the bright sunshine outside, and he was moved to tears of surviving. Xiu's plan to fight against his own stupid cute was interrupted by the main storyline. Compared to Du Ze's joy of surviving in a desperate situation, Xiu Pa, who had broken a good thing, pulled his long silver-gray hair, and his red eyes exuded a strong radiance. The unhappiness and murderous intent were about to force the leading guard to cry.

Guard: I, I'm just an innocent NPC, did you make it? QAQ

Old John wisely followed far behind. This mechanical puppet, who looked indistinguishable from a human, came back not long after Xiu fell yesterday, and was surprised when he saw the cute master with silver hair and fin ears. He brought back a piece of information that he had inquired about: if Xiu wants to become the new governor, he must have more seniority than the current governor. As for what qualifications mean and how to improve them, everyone kept their mouths shut, and it seemed that the climbers wanted to guess and find out by themselves.

When Xiu and Du Ze arrived at the main hall, Eric was already there. Du Ze quickly turned his eyes away when he saw that Eric just glanced at them, and immediately knew how badly their shameful behavior yesterday had left the pure and righteous heart of the Holy Son. The doujinshi is just a picture. Yesterday, they staged a lively kiss scene for Eric. They were acting like hooligans.

"Are you here?" The Governor with his own Holy Light sat on the main seat and continued to emit his meaningless light. "Then let's begin."

The consul on the side received the order, took out a sheepskin and began to report respectfully. Below them, the treasure chests were neatly placed in the center of the main hall. While the consul counted the number, he asked the soldiers to carry out the counted boxes. Du Ze, who was relatively close to the door, could just see the soldiers transporting the treasure chests to the carriages in the distance, and then loading them into the white freight carriages.

"… Lord Governor, all the 'Bright' turned in this issue has been loaded."

After the archon finished reporting, he put away the parchment. At this time, there were five treasure chests left in the main hall. The Archon walked over to the treasure chest with a smile on his face and opened it. "These are the 'hard work' of the adults. You have come from afar, please forgive me if the reception is not good."

Du Ze looked at the treasure chest and found that the treasure chest really contained "light", not the money metaphor he thought. The high-concentration light element condensed into a solid body is encapsulated in a treasure box, and just one treasure box is opened, and the main hall is instantly illuminated to several levels.

"You're fine." Although I couldn't see the Governor's face, I could feel that he was very satisfied. "The Eighth Heaven needs an excellent consul like you."

The consul who received the compliment was ecstatic and opened all the treasure chests under the orders of the governor. The Governor waved his hand, and the "light" on his body scattered and drifted. At this moment, Du Ze realized that the scattered light was actually glowing feathers, exactly the same as Xiu and Eric's light feathers. Without the shield of light, the Governor finally revealed his full face, just as Du Ze thought he was a arrogant male heavenly clan. Those floating light feathers landed on the treasure chest and began to absorb light elements at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, the light element was only left with the weight of two treasure chests.

"The rest is yours," the Governor said to Xiu and Eric.

Xiu took a look at the current situation, and then learned from the Governor to put his feathers into one of the treasure chests, as did Eric. Soon, the light elements of the remaining two treasure chests were swept away. Du Ze carefully observed the returned feathers and found that they had changed from five to six.

One more feather

Du Ze looked at Eric and found the same situation over there. A certain idiot had a wild guess: shouldn't these light feathers be a symbol of seniority? Just like the military rank of the undead copy.

While it's not certain, light plumes are clearly important, and it's best to collect as many as possible.

After lunch, they set off for the Seventh Heaven with the consul's farewell. The means of transportation was still a carriage, so the three-man carriage.AV(I) was staged again. It's still the same narrow compartment, the same characters, the difference is the atmosphere is even more dignified than before. Since Xiu changed his form, it was naturally impossible for Du Ze to hold him. The two of them switched positions, and Xiu hugged Du Ze and sat opposite Eric. The narrow carriage was crowded with three young people squeezed into it. Du Ze sat on Xiu's lap with a deep face, Xiu rested his nose on Du Ze's neck and took a deep breath. Eric tilted his head and looked out the window silently. The scene can only be described as treacherous.

The messenger of the world and the demon king who destroyed the world were together without shame and impatience. Just thinking about it, I could feel the despair of the Lord of the Son.

After a day's driving, the wagon team crossed the huge white wall and reached the seventh heaven. In fact, there is a very convenient magic tool in this world called the teleportation array, which can be teleported from one place to the next station in an instant, but they are moving forward in the form of a carriage team, always feeling that they are doing some kind of show-off: along the way , All the creatures who saw the carriage team had deep awe in their expressions.

The carriage team stopped outside the royal city of the seventh heaven, and waited for the high-level reception here. Du Ze looked at the royal city not far away, and could clearly see that the seventh heaven was inferior to the eighth heaven in terms of regional size and prosperity.

The Archon of the Seventh Heaven quickly came to greet them with a smiling face, and what he did was no different from the Archon of the Eighth Heaven - treat them as guests, arrange the best accommodation for them, and Hold a grand welcome banquet. By the way, the stupid cute reader who escaped the first year of the first year of the first year did not escape the fifteenth. After he finished his dinner, the cute master enjoyed him.

Du Ze was about to bite the quilt and cry, his back was so sore that it didn't look like his own. The cute master in the form of the dragon is very strong. He will speak out his desires bluntly and put them into action without restraint. However, it was force rather than coercion. Du Ze knew very well that if he really wanted to refuse seriously, Xiu would never force him. In view of the social barriers of a certain stupid cute and the unprincipled behavior of a fan of the cute master, Xiu can always do such and such things to his own stupid cute in the end.

"There's still a little time until dawn." Xiu licked Du Ze's sweaty neck. "Let's do it again."

"..." It's been a night after midnight, and it's continued until now. Lord, please restrain yourself!

Du Ze didn't dare to shout tired, because as soon as he shouted hard, Xiu would feed his blood. Dragon blood is worthy of being an advanced material in this world. It can not only restore blood, but also increase the upper limit of physical strength. With the reinforcement of a lot of dragon blood, Du Ze's combat power has increased from five to ten (still scumbag), and his hearing has also been improved a little. Although the sound heard is a bit small and a little hazy, at least you don't need to use headphones. With the help of dragon blood, a certain stupid cute can stay awake after being loved all night, and only feels backache instead of pain.

Xiu pulled himself out a little, stretched out his fingers and probed into Du Ze's body. Because of the long-lasting entanglement, the acupoints were slightly red and swollen, Xiu felt the softness and moisture in it, and the desire intensified in the blood pupils.

Because of some scruples, the silver-haired and red-eyed young dragons just entered the half-yin staggered all night. stem. But greed has always been the nature of the dragon race, and this race has never been good at restraining itself. Getting a lot, wanting more, the chasm of desire can never be filled.

"Du Ze..." Xiu bit Du Ze's ear. "I want to go in all of them."


Crab said: We have to be pure of heart and few desires.


Du Ze will never forget the expression on Eric's face when he saw that he was carried into the main hall by Xiu. A certain idiot had more sorrow than his heart died. He could neither prevent the main storyline from happening, nor relieve the relationship between him and Xiu. The "chain" of her, so she could only be held by Xiu without any resistance - or the shameful princess.

The doujinshi who witnessed the whole incident said that after so many years of living, these are the two most shameless people it has ever seen.

The governor turned a blind eye to the turbulent undercurrent below, and when everyone was there, he asked the local consul to report again. Du Ze counted, the number of boxes that were put into the white carriage in the seventh heaven was the same as that in the eighth heaven, but in the end, there were only three treasure boxes used by the consul to please them, nearly half less than last time.

Perhaps because of this, the Governor did not say anything, and waved his feathers to absorb the light elements of the two treasure chests, leaving only one treasure chest for Xiu and Eric. Because of the decrease in the total number, the number of Xiu and Eric's feathers did not increase this time. There was only a hazy light group mixed in the light feathers, obviously not reaching the level of condensing new feathers.

Sure enough, the tower will not let them collect feathers so easily. According to the current situation, the light elements they can get should be less and less.

Du Ze's conjecture became a reality on the sixth day, and the district's consuls only took out a box to please them. The Governor was obviously not very satisfied, but he took away the light element in the treasure chest without saying much, and this time nothing was left for Xiu and Eric.

"Hello." The governor's sole act finally poked the dragon's anger, and Xiu stopped the governor who was about to leave. "Leave the light behind."

"Are you ordering me?" Dozens of light feathers spread out beside the Governor, and the Governor glanced at Xiu's light feathers disdainfully and walked away arrogantly. "Wait until your seniority surpasses mine."

Du Ze silently took a step away from Xiu. The silver dragon beside him had a bad temper. If it is not a copy of Tianzu, it is Nobel and. The winner of the flat prize, the luminous body has long been crushed into slag by the angry cute master. In fact, Du Ze originally thought that Xiu would directly use his feathers to plunder the light element according to his nature—Dragon clan has always plundered the treasures they fancy—but Xiu didn’t do that, and even Eric’s share of the light element didn’t work. Not moving.

"I can't grab it." When Du Ze asked the above question, Xiu snorted: "When that idiot was present, my control over the feathers was restricted. I went to see the white freight carriage, and it was also forcibly protected there. "

It's not that he didn't grab it, but that he grabbed it but didn't succeed. The cute master even paid attention to the carriage of the goods... Xiaosheng is still too stupid and naive.

The carriage team still didn't stop and set off for the next day, perhaps because the difficulty of the tower level was slowly manifesting. The three people in the carriage were thinking about the current situation and countermeasures. In a sense, it was An academic harmony. Du Ze sorted out the information he had obtained so far: From the governor's performance, we can basically confirm that feathers are equal to seniority. The governor with high seniority probably has a kind of class suppression on the climbers with low seniority. The governor has absolute priority on the light element in the treasure chest. control, and can't take action on him. Every time the consuls hand in the light elements, the governor will take more than half of them. If this continues, the governor will have more and more feathers, and the class suppression will become more and more serious. Their qualifications will never catch up with the Governor's qualifications, and the Sky Clan dungeon is simply a rhythm that will trap people to death.

Is there any way to get out of this infinite loop

After arriving at the fifth layer, when they were living in their respective rooms, Xiu asked Old John to call the consul of the fifth layer, and Du Ze immediately knew what Mengzhu wanted to do—since he couldn't grab the senior one. The light element of the governor, then go grab the light element of the consul who has no qualifications at all.

So simple and rude, it is indeed the way the fighting race likes.

Facing the consul who hurried over, Xiu directly asked him for the element of light. The Archon's smiling face suddenly froze. He sighed and said in cold sweat that in order to complete the required amount of light to be turned over, the light elements of the Fifth Heaven were seriously lacking, and there was really no way to squeeze out any excess.

Du Ze looked outside, it was obviously a good sunny day, and there were no dark clouds in the sky, but it gave the impression that it was a cloudy day shrouded in dense clouds. From the eighth heaven to the fifth heaven, every time one passes through the heaven, everything around them will become darker.

Watched by Xiu's blood-stained scarlet eyes, the consul said that he was silent at the end, and then said miserably that although he could not directly repair the treasure chest with the element of light, he could provide mages and soldiers. Xiu took it to collect the element of light - Xiu did have this power.

It seems that this is really the correct strategy for the Sky Clan dungeon

It wasn't until Du Ze and Xiu brought the consul's staff to collect the light element that they really understood the difficulty of this dungeon. Du Ze was riding on Xiu. At this time, Xiu returned to the shape of a dragon, and the silver dragon carried the black-haired youth from the sky to look down on everything that was happening below. In the manor below, the consul's mage led a line of soldiers and was talking to a male nobleman. The male noble glanced at the silver dragon in the air, hesitated for a moment and then nodded. Seeing that the male noble agreed, the mage waved the soldiers to sprinkle a circle of powder around the manor, then raised his staff and chanted a spell. I saw that the scattered powder gathered into a circle of runes and squeezed inward, getting smaller and brighter. Finally, a "light" the size of a ping-pong ball was locked by runes. The mage threw the element of light into the box carried by the soldiers and led a group of people to the next place.

At the place where the light elements condensed, a cloud of "darkness" like a black mist was left, and they melted into the air little by little, like a diluted haze covering the area, you can clearly see the area It was darker than the surroundings, as if covered with a layer of light gray that could not be washed away.

In the world view of "Hybrid", the light element and the dark element belong to special magic elements. They are opposed to each other, but they have a "complementary" characteristic - within a certain range, if the light element decreases, the dark element will increase, and vice versa. The same is true. Du Ze stared at the dark elements that appeared to make up for the lost light elements, and suddenly realized a heavy fact.

Just now the mage planned a manor, and only collected one "light"; to fill a box, it takes hundreds of light elements - this needs to be collected in a large area, or how many times it is collected in the same area to achieve? Every collection means that a place is shrouded in dark elements, which is even more terrifying than collecting money. A creature can survive even without money. If a place is completely shrouded in dark elements whose characteristics are erosion, any creature can only die.

After collecting for a day, they only got half a box of light elements, just enough to condense Xiu's seventh feather. Du Ze looked at the feather of light. For them, this feather only represented seniority and was useless, but it was built on the basis of capturing the living space of other creatures.

[Your honor is written by the blood of others.]

The tower is so instigating.