The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 9: Author Three years have gone by in a flash


Du Ze is very puzzled, very puzzled, why is it that he uses his life to interpret what is called the Virgin, and the protagonist is not affected by his Virgin's light at all, but oppresses him even more - how can the protagonist always accurately How about stopping at the moment when he can't bear to prepare to explode? Then his surging grievances were held in his throat like this, and then the social barriers began to poke his HP: Outburst = Leng Yan and high-level condemnation of the protagonist's bad behavior = eloquently speak the truth = say many, many, many words … never mind. ˊ_>ˋ As a result, Du Ze became very weak again, and silently hurt himself with a cold face.

In fact, Du Ze knew that it was unrealistic for the protagonist, who was betrayed by his friend, to immediately believe in a person of unknown origin. From the perspective of the protagonist, he no longer cared about what others thought of him. Light is the correct solution, especially when that person pretends to be mysterious (there is a lot of fog).

… so is it still you, social disorder

Social Barrier (Leng Yan Qing Gao): Hmph.

Therefore, in the empty and lonely Lost Land, the only three living creatures are: the protagonist who has been brushing his skill proficiency, the reader who has been abused and never surpassed, and a peeping divine beast. Speaking of the mythical beast, Du Ze has been able to see it perseveringly peeping at the protagonist somewhere these days. Du Ze can basically make a schedule for it: in the morning, peeping at the protagonist; at noon, peeping at the protagonist; in the evening , peeping the protagonist.

... how much do you want to sign a contract with the protagonist, meow star.

Once Du Ze noticed, the nine-tailed mythical beast would run away with a bang—is this the 123 wooden man! ? Du Ze has no doubt that as long as he leaves the protagonist's side for even a minute, the divine beast will definitely rush towards the protagonist: Sign a contract with me, boy!

Thinking of this, Du Ze instantly strengthened his belief that he would never leave the protagonist's side.

Although the cat-like beast is indeed at the level of a beast, and its skills are also against the sky, Du Ze and many readers also liked this cute pet very much: it can be both cute and hard-working, how can such a cute pet be missed. But after reading "Mixed Blood", the author will tell the reader very kindly: This meow and his sister also have passive skills! There are no emotions that like resentment and despair the most! You Muyou was attracted by the grievances of the protagonist at first! In order to trigger this emotion, it will take the initiative to attract bad luck! The protagonist is so black in the later stage, he is one of the heroes! Lei De's readers are tender inside and out, and the author smiles! Wood! Have!

In order to be strong, my big cute master, hello meow star, goodbye meow star!

A certain cute guy doesn't admit that he is envious, jealous, and hateful - why can't the protagonists treat them equally even though they both signed a contract? Obviously, in the novel, the protagonist spoils all kinds of cute contract beasts that accompany him. No such racism, bastard! He can be cute too - well, this one really doesn't. Du Ze wanted to talk to Xiu more than once, but he just thought about it every time. His social barriers ensured that no matter how rich the lines in his mind, he would end up sitting in a row with two faces paralyzed, one gloomy and the other stiff, chatting. The record will never turn to the second page.

In this way, those who practice cultivation are still practicing, and those who are abused are still being abused. Day after day, it never changes.

Du Ze, who was internally injured, said that "Mixed Blood" is actually a history of hard-working protagonists' struggles, not a novel of stallions! When Du Ze recalled the description of this plot in "Mixed Blood", the hard-pressed readers were about to cry.

[… Time flies, and before you know it, Xiu has been in the Lost Land for three years. He…]Three years…Three…years…

Du Ze knelt down. At the beginning, I was afraid that the author's writing time was not long enough and that the protagonist's cultivation was not strong enough. He must have been possessed by some fucking thing!

The most abusive thing is not so far away, but in the novel that "three years have gone by in a flash", and you are in this novel.

After being tortured again, Du Ze felt that he could not continue like this. After three years of torture, he would become a scumbag, and he had to rise up. The great plot resources are in his hands, how can he be defeated by the mere social barrier monsters, he is the man who wants to become the protagonist's good brother! So after another month of lingering (social barriers: hehe.), Du Ze finally found Shang Xiu to talk to him about spoilers to refresh his favorability.

The spoiler prepared by Du Ze is related to Xiu's life experience: In fact, there is an important piece of information mentioned in Louis' Magic Codex that Louis once tried to resurrect a dwarf with undead magic. The experiment was a success in the end. The dwarf was not completely resurrected. He had both the characteristics of an undead and a certain vitality, becoming a half-dwarf and half-undead existence. Only Du Ze, who has seen the plot behind "Hybrid", can reveal without pressure: that "half-undead" is actually the protagonist's grandfather. To put it simply, the protagonist's grandfather is a "mixed blood" of the undead and the dwarf.

If the above spoilers are given to the protagonist, let's say something cool and clear: If you want to know more, don't go black. His happy days should be near.

Xiu sat on the throne, put down the magic code in his hand, and stared silently at Du Ze, who had taken the initiative to find him for the first time.

Du Ze pressed his earphones and began to spoil the words word by word: "Actually—" Your life history is recorded in the Magic Codex.

Du Ze opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound, no matter how hard he tried to breathe out of his throat, his voice seemed to be smothered by some invisible hand.

"—" That half-dwarf, half-undead has something to do with you.

Can't say it, can't say it at all. He seems to be forbidden to tell the truth by some existence, that existence is very powerful, what is it? The author, the god, or the... world

Du Ze's face froze, and he was about to cry. Why was he banned from spoilers before? Could it be that he can't tell the protagonist in advance what the protagonist should not know now? Or is it a spoiler that will affect the development of the subsequent plot that he can't say now? The only spoiler skill is still limited, too cruel...

Seeing the face of the lich on the opposite side getting more and more gloomy, Du Ze reflexively said, "We can leave here."

- He started to memorize lines again, how to break it!

Xiu looked a little surprised, and there was a flash of confusion and hesitation. Du Ze also reacted at this time, and then felt that this was a good topic to start: he should have persuaded the protagonist to leave the lost land long ago, and he has been practicing undead magic without becoming sick or perverted. The most important thing is that he does not want to be abused again. !


There is no younger brother, no cannon fodder, no cute girl, he is the only one being abused, and he is not happy.

Du Ze said with a stern face, "There is no one here."

Xiu first glanced at the Magic Codex in his hand: "Indeed..." Then he stared at Du Ze and said hoarsely, "Lack of corpses."

—Wait a minute, how did this topic collapse to the point of lack of training materials

Du Ze instantly felt that Xiu looked at him more deeply, he was silent for a second, and continued as if nothing had happened: "Go out, you can be stronger."

Is it really a good thing to continue the topic of collapse like this

I don't know what bad memory came to mind, and Xiu's fingers instantly tightened. He stared at Du Ze, and strong emotions leaked out.

Warning: Your death flag is about to build.

This is admonishing with life! Du Ze immediately stated clearly that he was also a villain: "Your enemy is not me."

Xiu stared at Du Ze for a while, his dull eyes filled with suffocating blackness, and then he reached out and stroked the back of Du Ze's neck—this is the most vulnerable part of a person. There is a sense of satisfaction in having complete control over the person in front of you.

The icy cold skin was sticking to the back of his neck, making Du Ze always have the urge to tremble. Du Ze doesn't know why the protagonist develops the habit of touching the back of his neck, anyway, it's just a touch, not to destroy the world, so Du Ze is just casual - although he always feels that the protagonist's touching the back of his neck feels like stroking a person. It's a restless pet, so this is his retribution for stealing the script of the cat...

The undead's always cold skin gradually became warm, Xiu felt the warmth and delicacy under his fingers, and finally rubbed it, and withdrew his hand with a little nostalgia. Du Ze looked at the lich whose mood suddenly improved in front of him, and suddenly felt that the undead race was really volatile like a cat.

"Let's go."

When Du Ze came to his senses, Xiu was already standing at the gate of the temple, looking over here. The light from the distant beam of light contoured him, making the undead creature from the darkness look pure and holy.

"After going out, I'll take you to meet my 'good friend'."



Time flies, and before you know it, Xiu has been in the Lost Land for three years. Standing at the door of the temple, he looked a little dazed at the beam of light in the distance. The light from afar came over, dragging a long shadow for the lich. In the shadow of the lich, the skeleton general was laughing, the zombie monarch moved heavily, and the ghostly banshee swayed its pale and transparent body.


Xiu lowered his head, and Ming was rubbing his feet with his body. Seeing Xiu looking at it, Ming raised his head, his eyes full of anticipation.

Xiu picked up Ming and stroked Ming's neck with his hands. The eight-tailed monster rolled comfortably in Xiu's arms, and then heard its owner say to it, "Let's get out of here."

The way to leave the Lost Lands has long been documented in Lewis's Magic Codex, and now is the time.

"After going out, I'll take you to meet my 'good friend'."

very good friend".

—Excerpt from "Hybrid"

The author has something to say: Author: Three years have gone by in a flash. Protagonist: … happy times go by quickly. Reader: Upstairs on the convex floor, upstairs on the convex floor. = dish=