The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 92: Protagonist I have special clearance skills


The legendary Ninth Heaven is the place closest to God. Du Ze doesn't know what the Divine Comedy's Nine Heaven is like, but the Heavenly Clan's Nine Heaven is indeed a very strange place.

It was a space full of light, and two huge white slates were suspended in the sky. Due to the ubiquitous elements of light, all objects, including the shadows of the slates, did not exist, giving people a sense of emptiness that was not real. It is indescribable what a huge building those two white stone slabs are. They are patterned with golden symmetrical patterns, and they are attached side by side with their long sides. As for what these two stone slabs look like, Du Ze thinks that if they were erected instead of flat, it would be an incomparably huge... door

Below the white slate, there is an extremely magnificent and elegant building - the spiral staircase fully reflects the extreme luxury of the Baroque style, standing in front of everyone like a white giant. The Celestial Clan who brought Du Ze and Xiu and his party over pointed to the spiral staircase and said, "We will walk up from here."

Du Ze's expression cracked. The spiral staircase in front of him is at least a hundred stories high. Are your wings just decorations

"Why don't you fly up?" Enoch asked.

"If you can do it." Celestial Clan glanced at the thief contemptuously, and stepped onto the stairs first.

After the Celestial Clan said this, a group of talents discovered that in this space, let alone flying, even jumping was not allowed, as if an invisible hand was placed on everyone's shoulders. Once someone tried to leave the ground out of thin air, they would It will be held down and unable to move. Xiu’s space magic was also banned. This kind of coercion, like the ban on martial arts, was ruled by the tower of God, and no one could shake the rules, so they could only follow the Heavenly Clan up the stairs honestly.

Layer after layer, lap after lap, Du Ze was killed on the twentieth floor long ago, and he was carried by Xiu and walked all the way. A certain stupid cute finds that the main cute seems to have developed a shameful habit of being held by the princess, and then finds even more sadly that he has been shamefully used to being held by the main cute.

You'll get used to it if you're prudish or something.

When he reached the middle of the stairs, Xiu suddenly stopped, staring at the central column of the spiral staircase, his sharp eyes seemed to see something through the wall.

"What's in here?"

Tianzu stopped when he heard the words. He tapped the central column with his long staff. In everyone's eyes, the white wall of the column disappeared little by little, revealing its contents. Vera and Alice covered their mouths in surprise, and in front of them, in the middle of the spiral staircase, was imprisoning a giant. The giant was as tall as the spiral staircase—no, it should be said that the spiral staircase was built around the giant! He was bound by thick chains and lifted the top of the spiral staircase with his bent arms, motionless.

Tianzu put down his long staff, and the disappeared wall returned little by little. "As you can see, it's just a Titan inside."

Emmanuel is a Titan! In the setting of "Hybrid", the Titan is a demigod born from the combination of the Protoss and the Protoss! It was actually placed here by the Celestial Clan as a pillar. Du Ze didn't know how to complain anymore. At the last moment when the wall was healed, he seemed to catch a glimpse of the Titan in the column and seemed to raise his eyebrows. The flashing sad eyes showed a hint of help.

Is this the flag of some event? Is Du Zewo thinking in Xiu's arms, or is it a simple episode

The group continued to climb the stairs, and soon came to the end of the spiral staircase. Du Ze was finally able to be put down, and his feet fell on the circular altar at the top of the spiral staircase. The huge slate in the sky was close at hand at this moment. Only when he stood at the top of the spiral staircase did he realize how terrifying the size of the white slate. Under its cover, Du Ze couldn't see the sky at all.

"My god is on the other side of the door." Tianzu raised his long staff, pointed at the bottom of the white stone slab and the center of the altar, and declared in an impassioned tone: "God of light is above, please kneel on the holy stone, Lord Xiu. Swear your piety to God, and you will be the next Governor!"

The slate in the sky is actually a "door", and the boss is at the other end of the door. Du Ze's eyes moved to the center of the altar, which meant that the cute master had to kneel there before he could see the arrogant god of light

- Are you kidding me? (violent face)

Du Ze felt from the bottom of his heart that they had encountered the biggest problem in the history of the tower. It was easy for the other climbers, but it was difficult for them to bully others - the lord of the gods knelt down to the God of Light or something... Simply unimaginable!

"God of Light is behind this door?" Xiu said abruptly.

Tianzu nodded cautiously: "Yes, so please kneel to God to show..."


In the eyes of everyone, Xiu glanced at the Celestial Clan and slowly grinned. "Why should I kneel?"

Tianzu breathed for a while, and was stared at by the pair of red eyes that seemed to drag people into the abyss of blood. Tianzu's words were as intermittent as breathing: "You, you must obtain the favor of the God of Light to—"

"Can you become the Governor?" Xiu took the words of the Celestial Clan, and the arc of the corner of his mouth seemed puzzled, but it was a mockery. "And then? Like the previous governor, with the inspector to collect light elements everywhere?"

Du Zeyin's eyes widened slightly in shock. Xiu's words were transformed into a huge amount of information that flooded his brain in an instant. At that moment, he seemed to understand something, but at the same time, he didn't seem to understand anything.

"The last governor was also a tower climber." Xiu casually said a shocking fact. "As long as I get down on my knees, I will become the Governor... No," Xiu rejected the previous statement, the corner of his mouth grinning to the extreme. "Should it be a puppet?"

Dong - Du Ze's heart skipped a beat, and he understood everything at that moment. This is the biggest trap of the Celestial Clan dungeon. The Celestial Clan has always said "becoming the Governor". If they follow the steps of the Celestial Clan, the final result of the climbers will really be "becoming the Governor". Du Ze finally understood what was going on with the discord he felt on the luminous body before. The creatures simulated by the tower would never say the word "clearance" anyway, and they were equivalent to NPCs in the game. , naturally will not have concepts and vocabulary beyond the game. So although the previous governor was very authentic, he was actually a tower climber...

The more he learned about the arrangement of the Heavenly Clan dungeon, the more frightened Du Ze felt. As long as he made a mistake, he would be trapped in the Heavenly Clan dungeon deeper and deeper like stepping into the mud. Du Ze didn't know how many tower climbers fell on this "kneeling", but there must be a lot of them. Because whether it is a living being or a god, there is a tendency to blindly obey the powerful side, but the tower that sets the rules, as always, follows Zhiqiu's settings.

[Tianzu paid humility and took away the cure.]

True arrogance is not only aimed at the lower-level people, but also wants to step on the upper-level people.

The silver-haired dragon looked up at the giant gate in the sky, and the blood-red ambition in the depths of his pupils seemed to burn out some existence behind the gate.

"I'm here to kill you, not to be your puppet."

The huge gate that covers the sky and the sun is heavily covered above, as if mocking the insignificance and oversight of the people below. The Heavenly Clan, who was shocked by Xiu's words, reluctantly recovered, and he pointed at Xiu, who was disrespectful, and no longer had the respect he had before. "You, are you going to fall?"

Xiu tilted her head slightly, her light-colored hair tail slid down to the mocking arc of the corner of her mouth.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time."

This was like a signal. Du Ze only felt the heat on the back of his hand, and when he raised his hand, he saw that the left hand was marked with a broken wing. At this time, he was judged to be a degenerate, and Du Ze didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Rachel and the others, who had not experienced the tour, were a little puzzled by the inexplicable broken wing on their opponents, but they quickly entered the state of preparation, because at this time, countless Celestial Clan came from all directions, and their aggressive appearance was obviously not good. .

Due to the restricted flight, it will take a certain amount of time for the Celestial Clan army to come up. Du Ze looked up at the giant floating gate above. During this time, they had to find a way to pass through the giant gate. It's not just the Celestial Clan who are banned from the sky, they are the same, even if the giant door is only ten meters away from them, they can't reach the giant door across the only ten meters distance, let alone open it.

Du Ze, who was thinking, looked down naturally. When he saw the altar at the bottom of his feet, he suddenly remembered something—that Titan!

The entire spiral staircase was built around the Titan, and even the altar at the bottom of their feet was lifted by the Titan. The tower has already given a hint, as long as the Titans are freed from the shackles, it is natural to help them open the giant gate.

Having figured it out, Du Ze excitedly looked at Xiu, wanting to tell the little cute master what he had found—eh

Seeing that the tall and handsome young man with silver-gray hair suddenly condensed into a white and tender youth, the momentary gap made Du Ze's brain unable to turn around.

The flaxen-haired dwarf stood in the center of the altar and stretched out his hand to the huge stone gate. The oversized sleeves and star chain slipped down from the slender wrist, looking a bit funny and cute. However, no one dared to despise the small figure. In the astonished eyes of Enoch and the others, several thick metal pillars suddenly stabbed out of the void like piercing tissue paper. As if opening the clothes, the metal pillars were pulled to both sides, and the void was torn apart by a huge space crack, revealing a metal mechanical face.

"That's... what...?" Enoch's voice sounded like a broken radio, not only on and off but also stuck, his expression was full of disbelief; Rachel looked at the mechanical face, breathing heavily, as if recalling some kind of nightmare.

The huge "eyeballs" on the machine's face turned, and every creature that was glimpsed shuddered. Under the tearing of the metal pillar, the space cracks became bigger and bigger, and the things inside showed the whole picture bit by bit: the head, the body, the arms - only then did everyone discover that the metal pillar about ten meters long was actually Just the fingers of that behemoth!


Ariel couldn't help covering her mouth, and even though she couldn't make a sound, she still wanted to scream. A mechanical puppet that almost occupied the entire field of vision stepped out of the cracked space and stood in front of everyone. In the shadow of Kabbalah, Xiu raised his head and showed a sweet smile. He spread out his five fingers, and through the gap between them, his small, even small and delicate hand seemed to completely control the A giant door, and the one behind it.

"Open the door."

Just like a good friend who came to visit as a guest, Xiu Ruannuo's voice melted like sugar in the sound of the mechanical puppet getting up. Kabbalah raised the mechanical arm against the giant white door. It was too huge, and every move would cause the entire space to vibrate.

"Rumble rumble—"

The mighty giant door trembled violently, and even the whole world trembled. The spiral staircase collapsed little by little, and it fell with countless Celestial Clan. Du Ze didn't have the heart to dig into the fact that he would fall to death when he read as Birdman and wrote Heavenly Clan. He struggled to stabilize his body while shaking, even though he knew in advance that the cute master had Kabbalah, a powerful weapon, when Du Ze When Ze saw all this with his own eyes, he still instinctively felt a trace of fear.

Too strong…

The huge mechanical puppet opened its metal mouth and let out a silent roar. Under the terrifying thrust of the eight-star mechanical puppet, the white giant gate was finally overwhelmed, and was pushed open by Kabbalah arrogantly. The dazzling light penetrated from the crack of the door, and in a dull roar, it engulfed everyone.

Du Ze only felt that the world was dyed pure white in an instant, and when the white color faded a little, gold took over the entire field of vision. Du Ze stared blankly at the splendid temple. Not only him, but almost everyone was inevitably stunned by this momentary change in space. Only Xiu stared at the god seat in front of him from beginning to end, but the corners of his mouth did not feel soft. "haven't seen you for a long time."

On the throne, the God of Light looked down at Xiu, his eyes full of complexity.

Du Ze's eyes wandered between Xiu and the God of Light. This was the third confrontation between Xiu and the God of Light, and it was also the final confrontation that had long been destined. Every novel will have a final BOSS, he is the ultimate goal of the entire novel, and will usher in the end of the novel after being defeated. Although it is very popular in yy novels to add a hidden boss after the final boss, emotionally speaking, the hidden boss that pops out at the end is not as good as the final boss who deals with the protagonist throughout the book, just like the current Xiu Like the God of Light. Dealing with the Temple of Light headed by the God of Light has always been the main storyline of "Hybrid". Whether it is the initial trial or the subsequent pursuit, the Temple of Light has always wanted to be repaired to death; whether in the city of the sky or in the Orcs Tribe, the God of Light has never concealed his killing intent towards Xiu - in the end, the BOSS tried to kill the protagonist, just like the protagonist's golden finger. This mutual hostility is irreconcilable and cumulative. Therefore, although a lot of information at present suggests that there will be a hidden God of Creation after the God of Light, but compared to the ethereal God of Creation, the one who Meng Lord really wants to defeat should be the God of Light in front of him.

Without any unnecessary greetings, Xiu said straightforwardly to Guangming Shendao: "My time is very short."

The dwarf smiled as if urging the friends who were playing the game to press the "ready" button quickly. "Let's speed it up."

Kabbalah's mechanical arm slammed into the throne of God for a moment, its body is obviously huge, but its movements are inconceivably fast.


The seat of God was crushed into powder in an instant, and the strong wind pressure blew away the dwarf's light chestnut hair. Xiu showed a smile in the gust of wind. That smile was too innocent, with a child-like pure cruelty. Kabbalah raised his heavy fist, the broken throne was empty, and the God of Light was gone.

Everyone was alert, and Kabbalah tilted its huge head, looking awkward and cute. In fact, its mechanical eyes scanned the entire temple at that moment, and then quickly located a certain point in the air. The entire temple is similar to the vaulted structure of the Roman Pantheon, and its space is so large that it can even accommodate the lower Kabbalah. Threads of light gathered above the temple, and the God of Light looked down at the huge eight-star mechanical puppet in the sky. He didn't dodge Kabbalah's attack just now, but was crushed and reborn again. When he saw Xiu smiling at him, the God of Light could no longer maintain his aloof posture, and his expression became distorted in an instant.

Compared to him who was imprisoned here by the limited strength of the tower, that person was already strong enough to step on him. He can fully imagine how brilliant future the person favored by the rules will have—that heresy will replace him, no, it should be said to surpass him, become the real head of the gods, and be admired by all spirits .

He, no, willing, heart!

Jealousy makes the eyes of the God of Light go crazy, he will kill that heresy, even if the rules do not allow it, even if he pays all the price, he will kill that heresy—

Before the God of Light could fully condense his body, Kabbalah had already reached out and grabbed it. Under the power brought by the huge mechanical hand, even the gods appear as small as ants. The God of Light loses his body again without resistance, but as long as there is light, he can be reborn countless times. At the end away from Kabbalah, the God of Light quickly reunited his body, and this time he used a divine technique without waiting for his body to fully recover.

The familiar giant ball of light once again filled Du Ze's field of vision, like a falling sun falling towards them. Without the need to revise the order, Kabbalah had already clenched his metal fist and slammed into the ball of light.


In the dazzling light, a somewhat melted mechanical giant hand penetrated the broken light and instantly turned the God of Light into powder.

Verla and the others watched all this dumbfounded. The battle between Kabbalah and the God of Light did not reach here at all. Du Ze looked at Xiu who was so relaxed beside him. The cute master with Kabbalah was simply invincible. However, the more powerful things are, the more they have fatal weaknesses. To drive such a terrifying mechanical puppet, the energy required is extremely terrifying - three godheads plus 10,000 dragon crystals and other countless rare materials can only make Kabbalah activity day.

The God of Light once again remodeled his body in the light, and got into a tug-of-war with Kabbalah. The war of attrition is the specialty of the nurse-type profession. The God of Light can win this battle only by dragging the energy of Kabbalah to exhaustion.

"Can you do elemental enchantment?" Xiu suddenly asked Rachel.

Rachel was stunned, then nodded respectfully and replied, "Yes, but it will take a while."

"Go and seal the temple."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The demons scattered to all corners of the temple and began to depict the magic circle. After the God of Light noticed it, he wanted to stop it, but was blocked by Kabbalah, and the occasional missed attack was also solved by Old John and Moore.

The purple-black magic circle was formed little by little on the white floor of the temple, like a kind of blasphemy against holiness. When the magic circle was completed, Rachel inserted the two knives into the center of the magic circle and activated the magic circle. The entire temple was instantly "sealed" by a transparent membrane, and the elements from the outside could not come in, and the elements inside could not go out. At the same time, Kabbalah smashed the divine art of the God of Light. It no longer attacked the God of Light, but protected Xiu and Du Ze's group with its giant palm.

In the last second of being protected by Kabbalah's palm, Du Ze saw that the mechanical puppet opened its mouth wide, breathing hard like a living person. In the next second, shadows shrouded all of Du Ze's perspectives. He couldn't see what was happening outside. He could only feel the vibrations from time to time. It was probably the God of Light hitting Kabbalah with a magical technique. Even when attacked like this, Kabbalah didn't move, covering everyone's hands.

When Kabbalah raised his hand to let everyone out, Du Ze looked at the scene in front of him and felt a moment of confusion - is he still in Kabbalah's hands and didn't come out? What is in front of you is no longer the splendid temple with golden walls, but the darkness at the edge. Du Ze looked up stupidly at the huge mechanical puppet. Did Kabbalah just swallow all the light elements in the temple? !

Since the God of Light can be immortal and immortal in the light, it is enough to remove the light.

Kabbah stretched his hand towards the God of Light. This time, there was no light element to restore the body of the God of Light. If he was caught, the God of Light would really be turned into powder.

"Don't kill—"

Du Ze only said half of Kabbalah's hand before holding the God of Light. At that moment, Du Ze seemed to hear the sound of his heart stopping beating. He still had many things to ask the God of Light. The dialogue of , is another example... The God of Creation.

Xiu glanced at Du Ze, then turned his face away. Du Ze saw that Kabbalah pinched something from his palm with his fingers and knelt down. On his fingertips was the God of Light that he thought was wiped out by the cute master. Kabbalah squeezed the wings of the God of Light and put it in front of Du Ze who was stunned like a gift.

Du Ze couldn't help but go to see Xiu, and found that the dwarf was looking at him with an expression that didn't concern me, but he could only see half of his white and tender cheeks. Du Ze has always known that the God of Light has always been the quickest thing for Mengzhu to get rid of, and now the God of Creation has also become a minefield for Mengzhu. Even so, Xiu still put the God of Light he wanted to kill in front of him and asked him to inquire about the most hated God of Creation.

Du Ze's heart was full of emotion. In order to live up to the kindness of the cute master, a certain stupid cute decided to fight quickly. Du Ze walked in front of the God of Light. The moment he approached, the God of Light, whose wings were pinched by Kabbalah and unable to move, suddenly raised his head. When he saw Du Ze clearly, he showed an indescribable expression. "It's you."

Because he was not good at words, Du Ze went straight to the point: "Do you know the news of the God of Creation?"

Like other main gods, the God of Light was stunned when he heard Du Ze ask about the God of Creation, but when he returned to his senses, God of Light did not have doubts in his eyes, but was clear-just like Du Ze asked about the God of Creation. God of the world is a normal thing for him.

"of course I know."

Du Ze felt the blood circulation speeding up. He stared at the only god who might have clues right now, and his heart was disturbed by the truth that was about to come. "tell me."

"I'll tell you." The God of Light and Du Ze looked at each other with a distorted burning intent in their eyes. He stared at Du Ze almost eagerly, as if the black-haired youth was a devil who could realize his revenge, even with his spirit. Mix it up. "But after you killed him!"

Even if the name is not clearly stated, everyone understands who the "he" the God of Light is referring to. In this regard, aside from the parties, the only feeling of the people present was that it was funny—how could Du Ze kill Xiu

And Du Ze also rejected the God of Light as everyone thought: "I won't kill Xiu."

"Don't you want to know the news of the God of Creation?"

Du Ze shook his head, his tone was very ordinary, as if he was talking about common sense that did not need explanation or argumentation.

"Even if I can't get the news of the God of Creation, I won't kill him."

—Even if I stay here forever, I won't kill him.

The God of Light stared at the black-haired youth opposite him, just as he once did, this person rejected him again.

Even if he managed to catch his desire, this person would give up his desire and persistence for the heresy, and follow the heresy without any regrets.

"what… "

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous.

"I've changed my mind, and I'll let you know about your relationship with that one."

This person is obviously, clearly is-

"You are the one chosen by the God of Creation. You are the only one who can kill that heresy and was chosen by that one." The God of Light opened a distorted smile. "The reason why I found you is because the one who told me so - you exist for only one purpose, and that is to kill him!"

The voice of the God of Light rumbled in the darkness, clearly reaching everyone's ears. Du Ze stood still, and the others focused their eyes on Du Ze in astonishment, and even Xiu opened his eyes slightly. However, it was that momentary daze that allowed the God of Light to seize the long-coveted opportunity.

An eye formed by light suddenly opens in the dark, this is the first, soon there will be the second, the third... Countless eyes open in the dark, they are densely attached to all sides, staring together at the central one. living beings. Kabbalah no longer holds the wings of the God of Light, because Tianzu's wings have melted into light spots like snow, which are absorbed by the sphere on the chest of the God of Light.

Du Ze stared at the eye-shaped sphere in disbelief. Is that—a ruling

No, although it is very similar to the ruling that Lilia used in Sky City, the sphere floating in front of the God of Light at this time is more delicate and terrifying. It seems to have lifted some restrictions and presented its true form.

"This is my weapon, verdict."

Truly a verdict!

Du Ze was caught by the words of the God of Light. Judgment is the strongest weapon of the Celestial Clan. It has sacrificial properties. Because this type of weapon costs life, its power is also extremely terrifying. At the beginning, Xiu almost died under the ruling. Yiyizhiqiu did not write down the detailed reasons, but only said that once locked by the ruling, he could not escape its deadly attack.

"Don't look-"

Hearing Du Ze's prompt, the melting God of Light showed a mocking smile.

"A real ruling never needs a lock."

Among the countless pairs of eyes, the God of Light dissipated until only half of his face remained. Even with only half of his face, one could see how malicious it was.

"Because it's a regular weapon."

The God of Light said, "You are already dead."

This sentence is like a spirit, and it became a reality the moment it was uttered.

"Du Ze...!"

The sudden pain caused Du Ze to contort his face in an instant. He gritted his teeth so hard that he could not wait to clench them so that he could be relieved from the piercing pain. Cold sweat wetted his black hair, and Du Ze gasped for breath. In the darkened sight, Judgment opened his eyes as if he had just woken up, and then laid out the black light that was about to be emitted lazily.

Why does he feel so painful? Even though the ruling has not yet launched an attack, he now seems to have been penetrated by countless rays of light, like a piece of rag with countless large holes.

The warm red liquid flowed down from his forehead and was about to flow into his eyes. Du Ze couldn't help but stretched out his hand to wipe it. He was completely stunned when he saw the right hand with a big hole.

Why can his palm be seen from one end to the other, why does it bleed, why does it hurt so much - it's not like, he's just a "rag" now!

"This is the rule. Once it is set, it cannot be violated." The God of Light's tone was very subtle, as if mocking others and mocking himself. "The ruling has the rule of absolute hit. No matter how you defend and avoid it, it is meaningless, because you have been set by the rules to be penetrated."

Before disappearing completely, the curvature of the corners of the God of Light's mouth was both satisfying and crazy.

"I finally killed you haha...haha..."

... impossible... how could Xiu die...!

The ominous words of the God of Light caused Du Ze to feel more pain than the pierced wound. The black-haired young man held his heavy eyelids and wanted to find Xiu with all his heart.

He just heard Xiu calling him...


A lot of blood poured out, and the heat of life has been flowing out. Eyes full of darkness, they silently witnessed the death of the black-haired youth.

Before his death, Du Ze was not able to see the person he cared about the most.