The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 94: Reader I want you to become a god



This was the moment when Du Ze opened his eyes and saw that creature, the only words that could come to mind.

It was as if the sun had all smashed and sprinkled on him. The long light golden hair had a translucent texture and flowed down to the ground. The perfectly proportioned facial features seemed to have been completed by the best sculptor in the world with all his hard work. The exquisite statue has no expression but has a condescending charm. The most eye-catching is the pair of eyes. Under the rendering of the light, the iris of the person shows different shades of bright gold. If one is at noon The pure gold sunlight, the other is the platinum corona at the time of the solar eclipse.

Seeing that Du Ze was awake, the owner of the strange-colored eyes stretched out his hand and gently touched the face of the black-haired youth, cautiously and tremblingly, as if he was touching a dream bubble that was about to burst. Behind the man, three pairs of huge snow-white wings fanned out overwhelmingly, and the feathers so white that there was no trace of impurities trembled in the wind, so beautiful that one could only think of a paradise of bliss.

This is... repair

Even if it was inferred from the words of the God of Creation that Xiu had awakened the blood of the Celestial Clan, Du Ze was still greatly impacted when he faced it—it was so dazzling that people would feel ashamed just by looking at it. It seems that even staring is a blasphemy to that Celestial Clan.

Du Ze wanted to call Xiu, but his throat was blocked by cotton wool—no, it should be said that he couldn't control the act of making a sound with his mouth at all, and his body seemed to be broken and unable to move. Although I don't know what's going on, this is probably the after-effects of the resurrection technique. It's already very bad to come back to life. If you bring the full recovery effect, it's not called magic at all, but a bug.

Aware of Du Ze's strangeness, Xiu's fingertips paused. He stared at Du Ze, carefully looking at the black-haired youth from beginning to end, as if not letting go of the dust on the tip of his fingernails. The man's expression was normal, his eyes were normal, and his voice was normal, but the superposition of these "normals" made Du Ze suddenly feel a deep sense of fear.

"Du Ze." Xiu's fingers slid again, and the yellow light representing healing lit up. "You'll be fine."

Du Ze gradually opened his eyes, because Xiu's new form grabbed all his attention at first sight, and only then did Du Ze realize that Xiu's state was not as "glamorous" as his appearance.

On top of the gold, it was painted with a layer of scarlet.

The area covered by the light gradually regained consciousness. Du Ze felt a sticky touch from the skin that Xiu touched. It was half-coagulated blood—the old blood was about to solidify, and the new blood added a touch of moisture to it. . The scarlet is not only blood, but also wounds. Even if most of it is covered by the fragments of the clothes, you can still see the hideous arc.

Although there are rules to protect, this does not mean that Xiu can be safe from the attack of the ruling - the rules only guarantee that the protagonist will not die, and it will not guarantee that Xiu will not be injured. Du Ze couldn't imagine how Xiu awakened the Celestial Clan's bloodline. As long as his brain depicted the scene, even breathing would feel pain.

"You'll be fine."

Xiu Shan's thin lips pursed into a subtle arc, his voice was slow and graceful, as if he was singing a hymn, and the mellow final sound melted away a hint of hysterical panic and anger.

"I'll make you better."

Don't worry about it, I'm fine - Du Ze wants to shout, even if something happens, he still has zero point recovery! As long as the time is up, he can fully recover!

But now he can't even control the tips of his fingers. Du Ze can only watch as Xiuxi didn't notice the wound on his body at all, and he healed him while bleeding. poignant.

- You'll be fine.

Even if I'm okay, you'll be okay.

Xiu's fingertips ran across the ends of Du Ze's hair, and rubbed the most delicate skin on the back of the black-haired youth's neck, his eyes of different shades flashed with darkness at the same time.

The treasure that is regarded as life is broken, even if it is repaired without the slightest trace, "destroyed" has become an existing fact.

"There will be no next time." Xiu whispered softly, "I promise."

Du Ze immediately understood what Xiu meant. From now on, Xiu will never let him suffer any further damage. That person can keep this promise, not only because he has awakened all the bloodlines to possess powerful power, but also because he can get it right away. The supreme right of this world.

Immediately after the tower, the person who climbed the top was conferred the god, and the person who reached the top of the tower for the first time was the supreme god.

Even though he tried his best to keep breathing at a constant rate, Du Ze immediately felt the dizziness of hypoxia. After learning all the truth, Du Ze was very afraid of Xiu becoming the supreme god. He had to stop anyone from becoming the supreme god, because it meant the death of the creator god.

The God of Creation said, as soon as I die, you will disappear from this world.

Maybe it was because of Xiu's treatment, or maybe it was too strong emotional drive. Du Ze was able to reach out and grab Xiu's wrist. He half propped up his body, even though his voice seemed to be squeezed out from the depths of his throat. , but he could already speak.


Du Ze had just called out Xiu's name, and a yellow beam of light shone vertically above their heads. Du Ze only felt a flash in front of him, and the scene in front of him changed to the rotunda of the tower. The beam of light just now is undoubtedly the "exit" that appears after every level of clearance, but there has never been a time when it was projected to the position of the characters just right, "kindly" teleporting them directly back to the rotunda.

- The rules are also in a hurry.

This thought flashed in Du Ze's mind for a moment. Before he could look at the empty rotunda and the complete set of stone statues, he saw that the door of light that served as the entrance to each floor of the tower had dissipated its light, showing a human figure.

Du Ze closed his eyes and opened them again. No matter how much he tried to escape from reality, the person he was most unwilling to see was still imprinted on his retinas.

With black hair, black eyes, glasses and hearing aids, he is exactly the same creator god.

Xiu stared at the God of Creation on the opposite side without blinking. In the eyes of different colors was a six-winged Celestial Clan with blond hair and golden eyes, giving him a subtle sense of familiarity. When the eyes of the two met, the entire space seemed to be in turmoil.


When Xiu returned to God, the surroundings had changed – the sky was upside down, the ground of ice crystals, if you add a huge beam of light that towered into the clouds, it would be like a lost place. Large swaths of clouds swept over from the blue sky in the distance, and whizzed past, the shadows that fell on Xiu's body became dark, bright and dark. Xiu sat on the ice crystal ground, his first reaction was to look down at Du Ze, but the black-haired youth was no longer around him.

It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Xiu's tense spirit snapped.

The red blood pact was born at the call. It was ordered to pursue Du Ze, but for some reason it kept lingering in the same place, its face full of runes facing its master who had lost control. Seeing this, Xiu Wang looked at the Six Winged Celestial Clan who had also been teleported here, and asked repressedly, "Where's Du Ze?"

The other party's response was a beam of light, which wiped Xiu's cheek and made a deep cut. The God of Creation stared at Xiu coldly, making no secret of his killing intent towards Xiu. After learning the truth of the world, the mentality of the God of Creation has undergone a subtle change. He doesn't care that the world is a novel, but he cares why he is the "villain" and this person is the "protagonist"? If there is a gap, there will be a contrast, and if there is a contrast, there will be an imbalance. If it was said that it was for survival, now the God of Creation wants to kill Xiu, adding a twist of jealousy and resentment.

Even if the rules had arranged the ending, he would not have performed as it intended. The God of Creation glanced at the stone statues of the eight surrounding races. The rules have been written down, so he wants to kill that person under these rules!


A pulsation spread invisibly, like a heartbeat shaking the air. Xiu turned his head to the side, and under his gaze, the stone statue of the Celestial Clan began to fall apart, and the falling fragments turned into countless clusters of light. Those pale yellow light clusters strayed between Xiu and the God of Creation, shaking slightly as if hesitant. Before Xiu could figure out what this meant, he saw the God of Creation raise his hand. The yellow light group seemed to have found an organization, quickly gathered around the God of Creation, and then transformed into a "standard" carved out of a mold. Celestial family.

An unprecedented sense of danger was like a fine needle piercing the skin. Xiu looked at the Celestial Clan army led by the God of Creation without saying a word. Each Celestial Clan possessed the power of the Lord God. It is to face countless gods of light.

It's terrifyingly hopeless.

Tianzu flapped their wings and attacked Xiu one by one. Xiu stood up from the ground, his snow-white wings fanned open, and the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even in the face of such a terrifying opponent, Xiu was still calm mixed with madness. Domineering attitude.

When the first Celestial Clan approached, Xiu Ji roughly dealt with the wound on his body, and then changed his form without hesitation. Tianzu's advantage lies in blessing and healing, and the attack methods are lackluster. The strange-colored eyes drooped, and when they were opened again, they turned into a clear amber color. The dwarf raised his small hand, and the huge eight-star mechanical puppet stood up slowly and unquestionably. Although the others were gone, the two mechanical puppets Kabbalah and Old John did not disappear. They were damaged to varying degrees by the attack of the ruling: Old John was completely incapacitated, and some parts of Kabbalah were destroyed, but this did not prevent it from continuing to fight.

Xiu looked at his hand, the form switching just now was very smooth, there was no sense of jerky, and the turbulent fatigue in the past did not even have a shadow. Xiu laughed, small dimples dotted on Bai Nen's face, looking very cute and dangerous at the same time.

There are no sequelae...

"Boom boom-"

Even the invincible Kabbalah becomes vulnerable when attacked by thousands of "light gods" at the same time. Large pieces of parts were shaved off, and the gears and iron plates fell to the ground. After the Tianzu dismantled the Kabbalah, they found that the gnome guarded by the mechanical puppet had disappeared.

Sensing the fluctuations in the space, the God of Creation at the back slammed back with a wing, avoiding the surprise attack. The silver-haired and red-eyed dragon clan broke through the space, and the dragon spear in his hand brushed the wings of the God of Creation, carrying a patch of blood and white feathers. Although he unexpectedly stabbed the God of Creation, he was fled by the opponent before he could expand the victory.

Xiu's ear fins were slightly open, and he grinned: "I really can escape."

At the moment when the word "hui" was connected to the word "escape", the sharp claws of the red-haired orcs had already caught the shoulders of the God of Creation. The shadow of Xiu was reflected in the eyes of the God of Creation. The other party shook the lion's ears, and the wild face was full of bloodthirsty smiles when he caught the prey.

Too fast, no race can compare to the Orcs in terms of melee response and speed. However, even if he was caught, the expression of the God of Creation did not change much, and the Celestial Clan who had been led away by Kabbalah had already returned one after another. The two closest Celestial Clan raised their lightsabers, one slashed at Xiu's arm, and the other slashed at Xiu's head. Facing the falling sword light, Xiu didn't blink. He didn't seem to see the lightsaber that was about to cut off his arm and head. His claws pierced into the chest of the God of Creation without a doubt, grabbing the beating heart.


It was the light sound of the sword piercing the flesh and severing the bones, and it was also the sound of the heart breaking apart from the blood vessels.

Bright red blood splattered all over the ground, and the head and arms fell to the ground, which soon turned into dead energy and evaporated. The God of Creation stuffed back the heart that was separated by only one blood vessel. He looked at the lich opposite with a gloomy expression, and Xiu returned with the same gloomy gaze. The two of them had exactly the same thoughts at this moment.

- Almost, you can kill him.

Regret is only for a moment, the God of Creation fanned his wings and flew high. At this time, the Celestial Clan had already returned, and there was no room for Xiu to be surrounded. The God of Creation looked down at Xiu in the encirclement. Even if the other party was an immortal lich now, the God of Creation knew a way—as long as he kept destroying the body of the lich, he could use it to search for the Lich's box of life. and destroy it.

The innermost Celestial Clan raised a lightsaber, the Celestial Clan in the middle chanted blessings, and the outer Celestial Clan placed restraints to prevent Xiu from using space magic to transfer. This is not a personal duel at all, but a race against the previous race with individual strength. The sword of the Celestial Clan chopped off Xiu's head, Xiu's limbs, and Xiu's body. Even if he could not die, it would not feel good to be slaughtered by others.

Xiu raised his pale and handsome face, the fire in the depths of his pupils suddenly soared, and the jumping light instantly turned into electric sparks.


The lightsaber that the Celestial Clan was about to swing was held up by the long silver-red sword. He looked at the purple-eyed demons surrounded by electric arcs in front of him, and his dull face finally had some fluctuations.

"Don't go too far." The demon curled his lips.

The arc of golden lightning spreads violently, it is very thin, it is more appropriate to say that it is a trace of electric arc rather than a lightning. It was such a strand of golden lightning as thin as a hair, but it turned every Celestial Clan that came into contact with it into coke. The golden thunder and lightning spread to ten meters and turned into purple. Although the volume skyrocketed, the power was much smaller. The surrounding Celestial Clan were either dead or injured, Xiu stood in the middle of the cleared space, his face turned pale, and a strand of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Even if you can switch forms freely now, but just after awakening all the bloodlines to continuously change forms to fight with such a high intensity, the burden on the body is enormous, and the next battle cannot change forms as arbitrarily as before.

The battlefield was quiet for a while. Seeing the Demon Race, the expressions of all the Celestial Races changed, and their dull eyes were filled with hatred. At the critical moment, a familiar "dong" resounded through the battlefield. Xiu turned his head to look at the source of the sound. The stone statue of the Demon Clan not far away suddenly cracked like a stone statue of the Celestial Clan, and the falling fragments turned into purple balls of light. Compared to the hesitation of the yellow light group, the goal of the purple light group was very clear. They gathered around Xiu and then transformed into countless demons.

Without any language, the Demon Race and the Celestial Race collided, and the entire space instantly turned into a battlefield between the Celestial Race and the Demon Race. Xiu's pressure was suddenly relieved, and even though the Celestial Clan still attacked him, that attack was not painful to Xiu at all. He can feel the special connection with the demons, and although he can't directly order the group of demons, they will fight together because they have the same blood.

Every moment, the Celestial Race or the Demon Race dies. In the Heavenly Demon War, the Celestial Race, which is good at healing, is not the opponent of the Demon Race, which is good at destruction. In addition, some people have been lost in the previous battle, and the Celestial Race is visible to the naked eye. The speed was nibbled and wiped out by the demons. The God of Creation had just dealt with a demon that attacked him when he saw Xiu standing opposite him.

"Tell me where Du Ze is." Xiu shook off the blood he wanted to burn, and there was a hint of mockery in his low, magnetic voice. "I'll let you die quickly, eh?"

The God of Creation glanced at Xiu coldly, but did not speak.

Xiu's purple demon eyes narrowed instantly, and the Six-winged Celestial Clan in front of him suddenly turned into an elf with silver hair and green eyes—it was a replica of his elf form. At the same time, the pulsating sound of the stone statue breaking sounded again, and countless green light clusters overflowed from the elf stone statue and gathered at the feet of the God of Creation. Beautiful elves with bows and arrows were born from the green light. They joined the war between the Celestial Race and the Demon Race, and pulled the bowstrings to point at the Demon Race.

The battle is lively below, and the battle above is also in full swing. Xiu cut off the arrows shot by the God of Creation with one knife, and the lightning that hit was led away by the opponent using plant magic. Xiu flapped his bat wings and wanted to rush towards the God of Creation, but was suppressed by the opponent's arrow formation. He could only take a small step. Shorten the distance in small steps.

Before Xiu Mo got to the God of Creation, the war below had already come to an end. The corpse almost covered the ground with ice crystals. None of the demons who were attacked by the Celestial Clan and the Elf Clan survived, but the Celestial Clan and the Elf Clan also paid It paid a painful price: the Celestial Clan only survived in single digits, and the Elf Clan that joined later was better, at least half of the people remained. The remaining elves raised their long bows and aimed them at the only surviving demon in the sky.

Xiu flicked the burning desire, and the thunder and lightning shot down the dense rain of arrows. After such a pause, the God of Creation seized the opportunity to open the distance again. Xiu looked at the God of Creation in the distance, and then glanced at the elves below, the smile on his lips gradually disappeared.

"It's in the way."

The deep voice was hoarse at the end, the lich raised the death scythe, and under Xiu's summons, the fallen creature got up again in a completely different form. The shattering sound of the stone statues of the dead was clearly heard in everyone's ears. The overflowing gray light clusters were not directly transformed into dead spirits, but were attached to the corpses all over the ground, speeding up the "resurrection" of the dead.

Before his death, whether it was the Demon Race, the Celestial Race or the Elf Race, after becoming undead, they all put aside their old grudges and attacked the panicked Elf Race together. Not to mention the strength of the undead tribe, the number of lights is more than twice that of the elf tribe, and this number continues to increase with the death of the elf tribe - death is not enough, after death, it will increase the fighting power of the opponent, the undead tribe is simply It is the nightmare of all living beings.

-Is that so

A vampire who was sucking a spirit was shrouded in shadows, and as soon as it raised its head, it was smashed into powder by a huge metal fist.

"Drip - Enemy X1 has been eliminated; number XH12172 continues the cleanup mission."

Xiu stared at the god of creation opposite without saying a word, and the stone statue of the dwarf shattered into pieces behind the man.

"It's me..." The Lich said hoarsely, "You used my form."

If the appearance of the elf is a coincidence, the flaxen-haired dwarf standing in front of him at this time has already explained everything - the original Tianzu is no surprise that it also reflects his appearance.

Faced with Xiu's questioning, the God of Creation was noncommittal, and he never said a word to Xiu from beginning to end. Xiu didn't care about his opponent's silence, and wanted to kill the God of Creation even stronger—he didn't like someone wearing the same image as him, because it would most likely attract Du Ze's attention and concern.

For the current Xiu, just the slightest bit of unhappiness will trigger a burst of dark emotions.

The surrounding undead were about to be wiped out by the mechanical puppets. Xiu's eyes fell on the remaining stone statues. After four rounds of battles, he had probably understood the rules of the game. This is a change and alternation of races, and the law is very simple - it is reproducing the history of Chaos Continent.

The war between the demons of the first era, the alliance of elves in the second era, the resurrection of the dead in the third era, and the dwarf empire in the fourth era.

Different forms - or racial bloodline is a key to open an era, it can be said that no one except Xiu can pass this final level. As long as you follow the rules and switch forms first, you can gain an advantage in the next battle - the petrified race will be the most powerful help.

The mechanical puppets that wiped out the undead came around, and the little dwarfs lay on the shoulders of the mechanical puppets, making people feel scared before the laughter came up—the machines made by these little guys just wiped out the first three races formed undead. Before they approached, Xiu changed his form, the ruler of the fifth era was the dragon race, so what appeared in front of all the gnomes was a young dragon race with silver hair and red eyes.

The mechanical puppet raised a huge fist and smashed it hard at Xiu. The fist wind blew away the figure of the dragon clan, Xiu instantly moved to the stone statue of the dragon clan, and looked at the indifferent stone statue of the dragon clan, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and then it became clear.

If what it follows is history, then in the history of Chaos Continent, the gnomes were not subverted by other races, and the reason for their demise was largely their own. So…

Xiu closed his eyes, in the endless darkness, the blue flame went out, and another torch ignited an orange flame.

When Xiu turned into a dwarf, all the mechanical puppets were stunned, the dwarfs on their shoulders were blown away like smoke by the wind, and there were only two identical dwarfs left in the entire space looking at each other. The silent mechanical puppet looks extraordinarily lonely.


The pulsation of the dragon statue broke the dead silence, and Xiu transformed into a dragon faster than the God of Creation, so a group of dragons soon gathered around him: metal dragons, color dragons, gem dragons... The dragons spread their colorful wings , the wind that brought it almost blew the "little" God of Creation away.

"You have already lost." Xiu grinned at the God of Creation.

The God of Creation was noncommittal. He turned into an orc at the next moment, and the swarming red light group turned into a confrontation between the orc and the dragon.

Although the Dragons are much stronger than the Orcs, their numbers are less than one-tenth of those of the Orcs. The ants killed the elephant, and the fate of the dragon family was already doomed. Xiu didn't care about the demise of the dragon clan. For him, winning the dragon clan meant victory, because after the replacement with the god of creation, the human clan after the beast clan, that is, the last stone statue, would become his fighting force.

Dragons decline, orcs rejuvenate; human races rise, orcs die.

When the blond and blue-eyed Xiu led a group of people to surround the God of Creation, the God of Creation also experienced the same feeling of fighting alone as Xiu at the beginning. The Orcs were wiped out, the stone statues of the eight major races were all shattered, and the God of Creation put down his claws. He seemed to have no other race to use, so he had to turn into a human race that was no different from Xiu. The result of this is to save the God of Creation from dying in the hands of other human races, even if it is only the same shell, but no one wants to see "self" die in the hands of others.

When Xiu walked up to the God of Creation, it was obvious that the other party had no intention of talking to him, and Xiu didn't talk nonsense. He raised his sword and slashed at the God of Creation.

Perhaps knowing that resistance is also ineffective, the God of Creation remained motionless as if he had given up resistance. At the moment when the long sword was about to slash at the God of Creation, Xiu sensed danger for no reason. With a flick of his wrist, he twisted and slashed the sword to the shoulder of the God of Creation.


A large amount of blood flowed out and dripped on the ice crystal ground. Xiu glanced at the wound on the shoulder of the God of Creation, and then glanced at his left shoulder. In the same position, there was a wound that was exactly the same as the other's.

This is…

Xiu made another cut on the arm of the God of Creation, and immediately saw that his arm was cut with the same wound by an invisible sword.

- No matter what kind of attack he inflicts on the God of Creation, it will return to him intact.

This looks like the protection of the God of Creation, but the expression of God of Creation is even uglier than that of Death Ash. He had worked so hard to create this situation, and he was about the last step, but he was about to fall short due to the interference of the rules - only he knew that this was not a protection for him, but a reminder of the rules to that person. That man is not stupid, and he will soon discover the fact that he was deliberately messing with it.

Xiu fell into contemplation, and now it has become a deadlock. He can't take action on the God of Creation. Killing the God of Creation is equivalent to killing himself.

…kill yourself

A thought quickly flashed through Xiu's brain, and Xiu slowly smiled as he looked at the God of Creation who was exactly like him.

"I see… "

What is reproduced here is the era of Chaos Continent from beginning to end - whether it is the past era or the future era.

"You represent me, and I represent the human race."

Xiu shoved the sword into the hands of the God of Creation. The God of Creation wanted to struggle, but was restrained by other humans, so Xiu could only be forced to hold the sword.

"The era of the human race will end, next..." Xiu grabbed the hand of the God of Creation and stabbed the sword into his heart. "It's the 'me' era."


A crisp shattering sound rang out, and the surrounding scene fell piece by piece like glass struck by a hammer. Xiu was stunned for a moment, and found that he and the statue of creation suddenly switched bodies and positions. At this time, he was holding the sword and piercing the other's heart.

-After the human race, you will become the master of the new era.

There seemed to be some kind of presence that betrayed a sigh of contentment.

The eyes of the God of Creation moved from the penetrated left chest to Xiu. According to the script of the rules, the dragon should be his role. Finally, the situation of Xiu facing the human race in the seventh era can be formed, and then the Xiuhui will defeat the human race to end the last one. battle. However, the God of Creation did not perform according to the regular script. He took the place of "Xiu", and Xiu represented the human race. If the "human race" killed "Xiu", it meant that Xiu could not become the master of the new era.

The rules would not allow this to happen, so it also changed the settings, almost putting the answer in front of Xiu.

Looking at Xiu, who was so favored by the rules, resentment, helplessness, jealousy, and sadness flashed in the eyes of the God of Creation, and finally settled into a bottomless despair and malice.

Even if this person can become a supreme god, he will not be happy—

Xiu saw the man on the opposite side open his mouth, as if under some kind of shackles, he silently and difficultly squeezed out the broken words: you, will, regret.

- Regret killing me.

The smile on the corner of the God of Creation's mouth is getting bigger and bigger: you, will, lose...

Before Xiu could clearly see the last sentence of the God of Creation, the entire space seemed to have turned off the lights and fell into darkness where he could not see his fingers.

The moment the God of Creation appeared, Du Ze realized that something was wrong. He knew very well that the God of Creation was given to Xiu by the rules as a gift for customs clearance.

Xiu looked at the God of Creation. Du Ze was just about to speak to Xiu when he saw that the Celestial Clan beside him suddenly turned into a Human Race, while the God of Creation on the opposite side turned into pieces like a shattered crystal statue. Du Ze didn't know what was going on, but the indescribable terror choked his breath—at that moment, he grabbed Xiu's hand and suddenly grabbed it, just like when he left the Dragon Clan dungeon. , his hand passed through Xiu's hand, so transparent that it was almost a phantom.


He will disappear.

The turbulent panic and terror ensued, and even though his body quickly returned to normal, Du Ze could clearly feel a sword of Damocles hanging above him. He looked at the place where the God of Creation disappeared, where only a cluster of transparent "flames" remained - even if it wasn't real, he could feel a colorless object burning like a flame through the distorted background, exuding endless power energy.

That is the Godhead of the God of Creation. At this time, it is suspended on the throne, and it is swollen. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if it is not taken in quickly, when the terrifying power expands to a certain extent, it will suddenly explode and destroy everything.

There was no room to turn around. The blood in Du Ze's whole body seemed to be congealed, and his heart seemed to be pinched and twisted with pliers. No matter whether Xiu accepted the divine status and became the supreme god, it would not change the result of his disappearance.

When Xiu turned around, he saw Du Ze's extremely pale face. He frowned, stretched out his hand through Du Ze's waist, and hugged the black-haired youth into his arms.

"Don't worry." The handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes smiled, his voice soft as if he was telling a beautiful fairy tale that was about to end: "It will end soon."


Is it over

Du Ze leaned on Xiu's chest, the temperature and steady heartbeat from the other side gradually brought him back to his senses. A flash of determination flashed in his black eyes. Du Ze has never been so desperate to accomplish something like this moment. He wants to be with Xiu. If the next disappearance cannot be changed, then he will find a way to come back.

The creator god can summon him from "outside", and Xiu should be able to become the supreme god. The only difference between them is the understanding of the truth of the world. The God of Creation discovered the truth of the world because he was a primordial god. Xiu did not have this advantage, but he could tell Xiu the truth directly.

Du Ze clenched Xiu's sleeve. He wanted to tell Xiu the truth about the world, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't speak at all, as if someone had suddenly turned off the switch on the microphone. Du Ze is very familiar with this situation of being blocked by invisible forces. He didn't know why in the past, but now he knows that all this is due to the rules.

The rules don't let him tell the truth because it involves the operation mechanism of the world, which is similar to a protective instinct.


The God of Creation told him: You are a person from "above" and you can disobey the rules of this world.

Not being able to speak or speak, these are all illusions, and the rules are creating false impressions within the color. In the past, Du Ze was deceived by this illusion, so he just tried it, but now Du Ze is about to break this sensory illusion and break the rules.

"… ,… I… "

A slightly strange voice overflowed from Du Ze's lips. When he spoke with all his strength, the invisible force only stalemate with him for a while, and then he was defeated. Du Ze only felt his throat loosen, and there was no limit to his words.

"...I'm not from this world."

Hearing Du Ze's words, Xiu's expression changed. Du Ze was about to explain when he heard Xiu ask in confusion, "Just... what did you say? I don't understand that language."

Du Ze only felt that a basin of cold water was poured down from the top of his head, cooling his heart and lungs. He thought that breaking the rules would tell Xiu the truth, but it turned out that he was still too naive. He forgot that the people in this world and he did not use the same language, the rules could not prevent him from speaking, but they could cancel the "translation" between the people in this world and him - he could understand, understand, read the world of all the words and languages of the world, but the people of this world must rely on other powers to understand his words.

That invisible existence told Du Ze again: You are a reader, an outsider in this world.

It's time for you to leave this world.

Xiu's pupils shrank for a while, and his fingertips slid across the corner of Du Ze's eyes.

"…Why are you crying?"

Did he cry

Du Ze reached out and wanted to touch it, but he bumped into Xiu's hand, and then placed his hand directly on the back of Xiu's hand.

"build… "

"Huh?" Xiu responded.

As long as the truth is not involved, the rules won't hold him back. Du Ze rested his face in Xiu's palm, his drooping eyebrows outlined a painful arc.

"...I like a story very much." Du Ze said softly, "I like it very much, I like it so much that I want that story to become a fact. But someone told me not to be stupid, a story can only be a story, it's an illusion, how can it become a reality? my reality."

Du Ze looked at the person he liked the most, with a gentle voice and a trembling end.

"Can you understand?"

Xiu listened quietly, instead of answering Du Ze's question directly, he hooked his finger.

"I also have a story I like." Xiu said with a smile, a string of wind elements wrote a line of text in the air. "If it were the story, I would make it a fact."

- Du Ze and Xiu will always be together.

The lines of light blue words were not dazzling, but Du Ze closed his eyes unbearably, his lips pursed into a straight line due to the spasms of his heart.

Du Ze, don't leave me.

it is good.

Do you believe me.

I believe you.

You have to look at me.

I have been watching you.

Du Ze, I like you.

I like you too.

The colorless godhead gradually swelled to the extreme, Du Ze broke free from Xiu's embrace and urged Xiu to get up. "Let's go."

Xiu stood up and stared at Du Ze without blinking.

"Du Ze, why did you cry just now?"

Du Ze, however, avoided Xiu's gaze. He looked at the empty rotunda and immediately saw the other people on the ground—whether it was Moore or Rachel, under the attack of the ruling, everyone was gone. sound.

"... Thinking that Old John and Ariel are gone."

It wasn't a lie, but it was obviously more of an excuse. However, Xiu still accepted Du Ze's explanation. This was Xiu's exclusive consideration for Du Ze.

"Wait until you get the godhead." Xiu took Du Ze's hand and walked forward. "I can save them."


- Great, even if he can't come back, there will still be someone who can accompany this person.

Du Ze lowered his eyes, then broke free from Xiu's hand.

Xiu stopped and turned around, seeing Du Ze standing behind him and saying to him, "You go first."


"Remember, what I said." The black-haired youth blinked slightly, his expression full of nostalgia for the past: "When we first met."

Du Ze put his hand on his earphone, and said earnestly with the same tone and expression as he remembered, "I want to see you and become a god."

[Your purpose?]

In the distant past, the lich questioned the dark-haired youth who expressed his kindness to him, and the dark-haired youth's answer could only be described as absurd.

[I want to see you, become a god.]

It was ridiculous, but it became an unquestionable reality.

Thinking of that scene from the beginning, Xiu rolled his eyes and smiled softly, his eyes full of pampering.

"it is good."

The young man with blonde hair and blue eyes stepped forward, as he always did, no matter how hard he suffered, he still walked forward with firm steps. Du Ze kept watching Xiu ascend to the throne from the back, his eyes unblinking, almost greedily watching the figure of the man walking towards splendor.

- Let's see how the young Xiu awakened his bloodline, rejoiced in his revenge, and finally set foot on the road to the throne of war.

His heart was beating empty in his chest. Du Ze pressed his chest, which was aching from being hit. A smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth, but tears fell.

Goodbye, Xiu, goodbye.

Xiu's fingers touched the colorless godhead, and in an instant, the dim light bloomed in the rotunda, and finally gradually gathered into Xiu's body as if it had been absorbed. Guanghua's eyes flowed in Xiu, unable to describe the power he possessed at this time, if Xiu wished, he could even destroy the world at any time. Supreme power brings supreme power. In the chaotic continent where the strong are supreme, there is no living being that can defy the master of cultivation. Xiu showed a satisfied smile. The most important thing was that he and Du Ze could be together forever.


A soft sound came from behind, and the supreme god of this world turned around.

"... Du Ze?"

Behind him, there was nothing but a ring lying there quietly.