The Real Miss is a Genius Taoist Master

Chapter 21


Although already on the outskirts of the city, there are always small restaurants open 24 hours near the hospital.

Tang Xi found a random fast food restaurant, ordered a set meal, and sat at the bar facing the glass windows of the street.

Coca-Cola French Fries Burger... Well, anyway, I have to exercise vigorously for a while, so I can burn off excess calories and not gain weight.

"Why do you suddenly want to find some urban legend?" Yun Qi appeared on the seat next to her, propped his chin in one hand, and tapped on the table with the jade flute in the other.

"It's not what you said. Don't ask you for any chores?" Tang Xi took a bite of the hamburger and looked outside at the empty street.

The bright floor-to-ceiling glass only reflected her figure, and in the distance, police lights flickered faintly.

"The man in the ward." Yun Qi pointed out nonchalantly.

"Anyway, I've raised him for so long." Tang Xi poked the Hello Kitty doll on the table.

The doll fell over on its back, but this time it won't get back up on its own.

"Five days." Yun Qi corrected.

"Okay, five days. Isn't five days long enough? I feel like I've been in this damned place forever!" Tang Xi scratched her hair irritably.

"You used to see ghosts every day." Yun Qi said.

"..." Tang Xi bit the hamburger to vent her anger, spit out three words intermittently, "Shut up!"

Yun Qi sneered, disappeared, and only said one sentence: "Anyone who is too weak, too ugly, or disobedient, don't!"

"There are so many requests, where can I find them!" Tang Xi complained.

"Meow!" The phone on the table lit up, and the tone of her message was the recorded meow of a white cat.

Tang Xi held the hamburger in one hand, and swiped the screen with his left hand to unlock it.

A new WeChat message popped up.

Cheng Yihang not only copied all the famous urban legends of Jiangnan City to her, but also attached a map at the end, marking those locations one by one, and the distance is clear at a glance.

Tang Xi looked down one by one:

"A construction site with bright lights in the middle of the night? An art gallery where the plaster statues are not in place every morning? An office building where you always see the former chairman who jumped off the building wandering around in the office in the middle of the night? Hmm... It doesn't look very reliable."

Tang Xi muttered to himself while sliding down, and suddenly, her fingertips rested on a paragraph of text.

"Beicheng Industrial Park?" Tang Xi read the passage again.

Compared with the above ghost stories that can make a horror movie, the description of this industrial park does not show traces of supernatural events, but what caught Tang Xi's attention is that this is the only one in the information sent by Cheng Yihang. which is missing. Having a name, a surname, and a place of work is not like a fabricated gossip.

"Beicheng, it's not too far away." Tang Xi swallowed the last bite of the hamburger, picked up the remaining half cup of Coke, sucked it, and pushed the door out.

The time on the phone had already shown 9:30 in the evening. Linjiang Private Hospital was originally located on the outskirts of the city, and the police had announced that there were dangerous people fleeing. The streets were empty, let alone pedestrians, and even taxis could not be seen.

Tang Xi walked along the street for almost 20 minutes without seeing a car passing by. When she turned on the taxi app on her phone, it showed that there was no car within three kilometers, which made her a little crazy. If she had known, she would not have let Cheng Yihang go back first. Even if she could shrink the ground into an inch, at least she must know the location. With the speed of shrinking the ground into an inch for miles, she couldn't even see the scenery she passed by, let alone face her. The map recognizes the way. If it flashes back and forth on the street in the middle of the night, if it is captured by the all-pervasive city sky eye camera, it will be on the headlines in minutes. The title is probably "Surprise! Aliens are coming to the earth, and the special function is suspected to be teleportation" and the like.

Just when she couldn't help but want to return to the bustling area of the city by shrinking the land into an inch, and then take a taxi again, she suddenly saw a taxi parked downstairs by a resident in an alley, and someone opened the trunk It seems to be putting something in it.

"Uncle! Take a taxi!" Tang Xi shouted happily.

"Bah!" The middle-aged man closed the trunk heavily, turned around, his face was a bit embarrassed, "little girl, look at this... I'm going to the airport to pick you up soon, it's inconvenient."

"That's just right." Tang Xi thought of the map marked by Cheng Yihang, and said happily, "I'm going to Beicheng Industrial Park, and I happened to be on the way. Uncle, you don't waste time, and you don't need to go there with an empty car."

"This... Beidi Industrial Park?" The driver was stunned. "You go to that kind of place alone at this late hour? It was abandoned the year before last. I heard that the government is calling for bids and it will be rebuilt. There is no one there."

"Thank you uncle." Tang Xi smiled obediently, threw the empty coke cup into the trash can, and went to pull the rear door.

"Hey, things are piled up in the back seat, little girl, you can take the co-pilot." The driver shouted.

"Okay." Tang Xi didn't care, went to the front, fastened the seat belt, looked around, and asked curiously, "Uncle, your car is not equipped with an anti-theft net, isn't it not safe?"

"Hey, I'm not too busy. I'm going to pack it up tomorrow. I seldom take overnight trains. Today I'm going to meet a relative. I'm not so unlucky to run into a carjacking in broad daylight." The driver smiled naively. laugh.

"That might not be the case." Tang Xi muttered vaguely, her gaze fell on the rearview mirror.

The driver adjusted the angle of the rearview mirror, started the car, and asked persistently, "Little girl, what are you doing in Beicheng Industrial Park? Does your family know?"

"I don't know, I had a quarrel with my family and I want to find a quiet place." Tang Xi replied casually.

"The place you're looking's very special, hahaha." The driver laughed twice.

Tang Xi didn't answer the call, and swiped her phone with her head down.

The driver glanced at the red light, and found that she was trying to let go of Xiaole, so he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Soon, the traffic light jumped to green and the car started again.

The driver did not lie. The further north he went, the fewer cars he encountered on the road, the street lights were not on, and there were even piles of construction waste on the side of the road, which had not been cleared for some time.

Tang Xi switched the mobile phone to the map navigation to look at it, and said directly: "Uncle, please pull over and stop in front."

"Oh." The driver stepped on the brake and slowly parked the car on the side of the road.

With a "snap", the car turned off, and the lights inside and outside the car suddenly went out.

Tang Xi frowned, loosened his seat belt, and opened the door in the dark with one hand.

"Don't move!" The honest and honest driver changed his face in an instant, and pointed at her with a sharp boning knife in his hand, "Put your phone behind you obediently, and tell me the power-on password and payment password!"

Tang Xi paused, sighed deeply, and looked up at him: "Uncle, the real taxi driver must be much shorter than you, so you can't stretch your hands and feet in the driver's seat, and the angle of the rearview mirror It’s not right, it needs to be adjusted temporarily. Of course, the most critical problem is that, as a taxi driver, you forget to dial the meter when you pick up the passenger.”

The driver glanced at the unturned meter, and his expression suddenly cracked.

"Although you put a bag in the back seat, it's not so crowded that you can't sit there. The taxi driver will try to avoid passengers sitting in the front row, especially if there is no anti-theft net installed." Tang Xi continued, " Finally, what makes you think that a girl is not dangerous?"

"You..." The driver didn't expect that a girl who looked like a rich girl would react like this when she was hijacked by a knife. Just in a daze, a slender hand had already grabbed his wrist, feeling his pulse. With a hard pinch on the door, the sharp knife fell off.

"Stinky bitch! I made you!" The driver yelled, relying on his burly body to have an advantage in the narrow space inside the car, he pressed towards her.

Tang Xi sneered, her left hand was still holding onto his wrist, her forearm was bent, her elbow hit his throat heavily, her right hand caught the falling boning knife, she immediately got up, turned back, and pressed him against the passenger seat. On the back of the chair, the knee of his right leg pressed against the strong point of his lower back, and the cold blade stuck to his neck: "Don't move, you will die."

The driver struggled and felt a slight tingling around his neck, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his heart felt cold.

"This place is called Broken Throat, and no one will hear it. I don't care if Fat Sheep sits in the front or the back. You don't let me sit in the back because you have the murder weapon and the stolen things in your bag, so you're worried about being discovered in advance?" Tang Xi continued.

"..." The driver was about to cry.

What the hell are you a student who ran away from home, aren't you some plainclothes police officer

"Boom!" Suddenly there was the sound of something hitting in the trunk.

"Be honest!" Tang Xi slapped the fake driver unconscious with a hand knife, pulled out the car key, unlocked the trunk, and opened it forcefully.


"Uncle, it's all right." Tang Xi cut the knot with the knife he had snatched, and went to the side to call 110.

Tsk, does she have a special relationship with 110 today

The driver frantically unwrapped the rope wrapped around his body, tore off the tape on his mouth, and crawled out of the trunk. Because of the blocked blood, he almost fell to the ground.

Tang Xi hung up the phone and came back. Seeing his appearance, she kindly asked, "Uncle, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's all thanks to you, little girl." The driver who saved his life rubbed his red wrist and sighed, "However, since you knew from the beginning that there was something wrong with him, why didn't you call the police and let him drive to How come from such a remote place?"

"Uncle, I found a taxi with great difficulty after walking half a street. If I miss him, when will I get here?" Tang Xi took it for granted, "Besides, what's wrong with being out of the way, you see, Even if we beat him up now, if he yelled and broke his throat, no one is nosy, right?"

Of course, she dared to procrastinate only after making sure that the real driver in the trunk was fine. Otherwise, once the police arrive, she won't even think about doing anything tonight.

"..." The driver was speechless and just wanted to know who was the robber and who was the victim. Thinking of what she said before, the driver asked again, "You said you wanted to come here?"

"That's right, the one who disappeared here half a year ago is my friend. I transferred all the way to study in Jiangnan City just to find him." Tang Xi said nonsense seriously.

But the driver was moved to tears when he heard it, maybe it was because Tang Xi's method of bringing down the robbers was so powerful, people felt that she ran to this abandoned industrial park because of the courage of a high-level artist, not because of a second-year-old child. .

"The police said it would take half an hour to come here. I'll go inside and look for clues." Tang Xi said.

"Hey, it's so big inside, uncle will go with you!" the driver said quickly.

"No, uncle, you have to take care of this robber and wait for the police here." Tang Xi waved his hand and walked towards the industrial park by himself.

The driver hesitated for a moment, looked at her back, and then at the robber who fell out of the car with his upper body in a coma and his lower body was still stuck in the passenger seat. He slapped his head and hurried over, grabbing the robber by the ribs , After a lot of effort, he finally dragged the man out of the car and threw him on the ground, then took the rope that was untied from his body, tied him up firmly, and even sealed his mouth with tape.

Well, that's about the same, otherwise, if he wakes up, his physique can't beat him.

After doing all this, when he got up and looked around the industrial park, Tang Xi was nowhere to be seen.

Looking left and right, it is desolate, there is not even a street lamp, and the night wind is rustling, and I don't know what it blows, which makes people panic.

The driver subconsciously rubbed the goose bumps on his forearm, wanting to cry but not crying.

When Tang Xi walked into the industrial park, he felt a gloomy and cold breath coming towards him, and his face immediately sank.

On time.

No matter what's in it, but ninety-nine percent of this urban legend contains dry goods.

It's just that the park occupies a large area and has no lights, which makes her a little annoyed.

If it was in the past, she could send out a group of low-level envoys to search the entire park every minute, but once crossed, the dragon swims in the shallows, and the tiger falls in Pingyang. Although the master next to him is powerful, it depends on his mood. Obedience.

Tsk, sure enough, we still need to catch the strong man.

After thinking about it, she took out a coin from her pocket, flicked it into the air with her fingers, and immediately closed it in her palm without looking at it.

National emblem, go left!

Toss coins along the way to decide the direction, and before you know it, you have already entered the park.

Tang Xi stopped suddenly, looked at a building in front of him from a distance, frowned and said, "Yun Qi, don't you think it's a bit weird?"

"You'll know if you don't see it." Yun Qi replied lazily.

"That's right." Tang Xi shrugged and walked in.

In the deserted park, the elevator cannot be started, of course. When I found the stairs, I found that the door of the safe passage was open.

"Footprints, they are living people." Tang Xi looked solemn, looked at the seemingly endless stairs spiraling up, stepped on it, shrunk into an inch, and appeared on the 13th floor in the next moment.

"Stop." Yun Qi shouted.

Without hesitation, Tang Xi kicked open the security door with a bang and rushed into the corridor.

The internal structure of the 13th floor is a series of conference rooms, and the one at the end seems to have a flash of fire.

"Who is it!" Tang Xi chased after him directly, of course he did not forget to throw two talismans to open the way and test.

However, the talisman was empty and there was no sound.

"It's late." Tang Xi looked at the empty office, a little annoyed, "There are no people around here, and you can see everything from the tall buildings. The lights of the taxis are too conspicuous."

"Ah Xi, the things here are very interesting." Yun Qi stood indoors and beckoned.

"What?" Tang Xi walked in, and then his eyes froze.

I saw a rune array drawn on the ground with red dye. It seemed that something had just been burned in the middle of the rune array, and even the runes in the center were blurred a lot. Yun Qi picked up an unburned piece of paper from the ashes, and asked hesitantly, "Is this a birth date?"

"I've never seen what this talisman is for." Tang Xi was a little puzzled, but quickly turned on her mobile phone camera to take a picture, planning to take the horoscope back with her birthday to study, then touched the talisman again, and it loosened Tone, "Chicken blood, not human blood."

"Not necessarily." Yun Qi disagreed.

Tang Xi was stunned, removed a hairpin from her hair, scraped off a little red congealed matter, and tore off a piece of post-it note to wrap it up.

She can tell the difference between chicken blood and human blood, but if there is a little bit of human blood mixed into the chicken blood, it is not easy to tell the difference at a glance, so take it back first.

"Besides, although this place has been abandoned for a long time and is sparsely populated, it's not unusual to see a single ghost," Yun Qi said again.

"I'm afraid they've all been cleaned up. The level of mystical arts in this world is not low." Tang Xi gritted his teeth.

My young man! In vain!

"It seems that someone used this uninhabited ruins to do something before, and only moved in a hurry when they saw a car coming." Yun Qi said.

"Maybe someone is still nearby, but right now I have no clues, magic weapon or time. Even if I know someone is there, I can't find it in such a large park." Tang Xi thought about it for a second before giving up.

That's right, after all, it is rare for ghosts to hurt people. There are so many urban legends, but they are all man-made disasters. The unlucky ghost who disappeared here before probably saw something that he shouldn't have been silenced.

After all, although she has never seen it before, this talisman array gave her a bad feeling. Whether it is chicken blood or human blood, it is taboo to draw with blood, and it also needs to use the birth date, which is definitely not used for good deeds of.

"Speaking of which, this birthday is very young." Yun Qi said suddenly.

"Really?" Tang Xi leaned over to take a look, then calculated again, "I'm 24 this year, really young... Well, not dead? Not dead!"

To her surprise, the owner of the horoscope actually showed that his life should not die, but if he wanted to figure it out clearly, the secret was still blurred.

This person was tricked by a mystical master, but he didn't die! This alone is very strange, that master spent so much effort not to kill people, is it just to teach people a lesson that is neither serious nor serious.

"Forget it, I didn't pass the fortune-telling subject, so don't embarrass yourself." Tang Xi irritatedly stuffed the paper and the bloody paper bag into the interlayer between the phone and the phone case.

In the distance, the silent night sky was torn apart by the piercing sound of sirens.

"So fast?" Tang Xi was a little surprised.

For some reason, she thought of Chu Li, but a small taxi robbery case crossed the district again, the leader of the serious crime team would not be dispatched for such a small case.

Outside the industrial park, the uncle driver almost burst into tears when he saw two police cars approaching.

He was not very courageous in the first place, and it was true that he didn't drive overnight. Let him stay alone in this ruin that was said to be haunted and where people had disappeared, and there was a gangster who almost killed him next to him. He really felt very insecure!

"Where's the gangster?" As soon as the car door opened, two long legs stepped out, and it was Chu Li.

"Here, here." The driver pointed at the robbers tied into rice dumplings from a distance, and wiped off his sweat.

Chu Li's eyes were a little subtle: "You hit me?"

"No, no, it's really not me!" The driver shook his head desperately.

Chu Li shook his head when he looked at him, then turned around and asked his subordinates, "Didn't you say that the person who called the police was a woman, who?"

"Here." Tang Xi came out from behind the taxi with a slightly uneasy expression on his face.

It took a lot of time to arrive in time, why is the efficiency of the police station so high, and the serious crime team is so idle

"Why is it you again!" Chu Li blurted out.

"Captain Chu, does the Serious Crime Squad take care of taxi robberies?" Tang Xi frowned.

"Little girl, the taxi robber you mentioned has committed crimes four times so far. None of the drivers survived the first three times. The car was parked in a remote place for several days. Someone noticed the smell in the trunk... "

"Ah~~~" Before Chu Li finished speaking, the driver hugged his head and screamed, then rushed forward and grabbed Tang Xi's arm, and said in a loud voice, "Girl, good girl, you really saved me The lives of the whole family!"

"Uncle, calm down, I don't want to knock you out." Tang Xi looked at him seriously.

"Yes, yes." The driver shrank his hands with a smile.

"I said, Ms. Tang, are you Conan's physique? Wherever you go, something happened. You have called the police three times tonight, right?" Chu Li crossed his arms and said in a mocking tone.

"As a law-abiding citizen, I should." Tang Xi took it for granted.

"I didn't praise you." Chu Li turned his head angrily and asked, "How is the suspect?"

"Dizzy." A policeman replied, "Handling is very measured. He is a Lianjiazi, so he can't make mistakes."

Chu Li raised his eyebrows: "Seventh Duan Sanda?"

"Captain Chu, you have a really good memory!" Tang Xi smiled.

"Forget it, tell me what happened." Chu Li had a headache.

"Oh, I came out of the hospital and took a taxi. It happened that this uncle didn't have time to kill people, so he pretended to be a taxi driver in a hurry. Probably because I was a girl who felt bullied and wanted to do another ticket. I got off He pointed a knife at me while driving, and I had a conditioned reflex... Well, I acted harder." Tang Xi narrated clearly.

"Your little boyfriend didn't send you?" Chu Li doubted.

"I don't have a boyfriend. I'm a classmate. We went to the hospital to see another classmate. It's not that I don't have money to take a taxi. Why do I need a boy to take me?" Tang Xi asked in surprise.

"Then, what are you doing in Beicheng Industrial Park by taking a taxi in the middle of the night?" Chu Li asked directly.

Although the girl was a victim, witness, and reporter in the three incidents tonight, years of experience as a policeman always told him that nothing was right. Maybe it's because the girl's expression is too calm, or... how far is the idea of reporting three times in one night

Tang Xi blinked her eyes and didn't say anything, but the uncle driver rushed to say: "Comrade policeman, I can hear it clearly in the trunk, this little girl is clearly going to Jiangnan No. 1 High, it must be the killer Qiandao has malicious intentions to drive the car to this kind of place to steal money and sex!"

"Jiangnan No. 1 High?" Chu Li looked at Tang Xi's school uniform and was speechless. "Yi Gao is in the south of the city. If he wants to enter the city, the direction is reversed, right?"

The driver choked for a moment and didn't speak for a while.

"Uncle policeman, if you go and check my ID card, you should be able to find it. I grew up in a remote town, and I have been in Jiangnan City for less than a week. How do I know that Yigao is in the south and north?" Tang Xi raised his hand, He smiled at the driver again.

The uncle driver immediately puffed up his chest, filled with a sense of accomplishment and mission.

This little girl saved her own life but was too wronged to be suspected by the police. Didn't she just hitch a ride with the robbers before calling the police? Is someone a master at breaking the law

"You don't know the way?" Chu Li instinctively didn't believe it. You two flirt with each other, do you think I'm dead

"Isn't it because I didn't know the way that I was looking for a taxi!" Tang Xi said confidently.

Chu Li: ...

What you said is so reasonable that I am speechless.

However, no matter how reasonable Tang Xi said, he still felt unreliable. This was an unfounded feeling. He used this feeling many times to find breakthroughs in complicated and confusing cases. He didn't doubt whether Tang Xi was the murderer or something, but felt that she probably didn't tell the whole truth, and the part she concealed was crucial to solving the case.

It's a pity that in the three cases tonight, Tang Xi's role in each of them is clear. Even if he knew that Tang Xi came to Beicheng Industrial Park for some purpose, he would not be able to force a confession. It is a citizen's obligation, but it is not to confess privacy that has nothing to do with the case.

"It's so late, it's not easy to take a taxi in this place." A little policeman suddenly interrupted, "Taxis are evidence and can't be driven away for the time being. Would Miss Tang give us a ride back to the city?"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I haven't been in a police car yet." Tang Xi nodded obediently.

"It's best not to sit in a police car for the rest of your life." Chu Li said meaningfully, opened the door and got on the driver's seat, and said, "Get in the car, I'll take you back, Xiao Liu will stay and continue to inspect the scene."


"Captain Chu, I'm only sixteen years old." Tang Xi stood by the car and said seriously.

"Then?" Chu Li didn't understand.

"If you want to pick on me, it seems to be too early, Uncle Chu." Tang Xi emphasized the pronunciation of the words on purpose.

"Go away! You little brat, who wants to fuck you." Chu Li's face darkened instantly, and he scolded, "Hurry up and get in the car, do you want to go to class tomorrow? Students should study hard, what are they thinking about!"

"Yes~Uncle Chu~" Tang Xi called out sweetly in a long voice, and quickly got into the back seat.

Chu Li ordered a few more words to his subordinates, turned the key to start the car, and couldn't help muttering: "I was called uncle by a high school student, am I really that old?"

The author has something to say: The update time for these two days will be in the early morning, so it was posted earlier. Come back to 12 o'clock on Saturday.

The protagonists of urban legends are still trembling, don’t worry, the heroine will come to pamper you tomorrow~ Thanks for voting for me during 2020-11-09 15:20:28~2020-11-10 16:54:28 Or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 39416038 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of janmu; 1 bottle of Hua Shao and Miluoling;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!