The Real Miss is a Genius Taoist Master

Chapter 23


When school was over, Tang Xi quickly packed her schoolbag and rushed out.

She is very busy tonight. After going home for dinner, she must finish her homework first, and then preview the class that will be taught tomorrow before going out to do errands!

However, as soon as she left the school gate, she was stopped by someone.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Tang Xi?" A gentle man in his thirties was blocking the way, with a polite expression on his face.

"Don't you just know that I stopped you?" Tang Xi asked back.

Seeing this person walking towards him directly, he knew without even glancing at others from the corner of the eye, he knew her clearly, so why bother to ask.

"Sorry." The man was startled, and smiled awkwardly, "Miss Tang, my old man would like to ask Miss Tang to talk, I wonder if it would be convenient."

"Inconvenient." Tang Xi spat out three words, bypassed him and left.

The man was stunned, thinking it was the first time he had encountered such an answer, he was a bit slow in reacting before catching up: "Miss Tang..."

"Stop!" Tang Xi frowned, looking at him with a very unfriendly look, "You asked me 'is it convenient', and I told you it was inconvenient, what else do you want? Do you want me to make it convenient? Then why do you have to ask, showing that you have grace is not something you can do? Hypocrisy."

"..." The man was dumbfounded, a little aggrieved.

Isn't the phrase "is it convenient" a polite remark? You can't come up and say directly, "My old man invites Miss Tang to come over", isn't that considered a hostage? Besides, the old man invited someone, who is not in a hurry, and someone actually said "inconvenient"

"I'm going home if I have nothing else to do." Tang Xi looked at him.

The man suddenly didn't know what to do. The old man told him to be polite when he invited someone, but if he didn't want to, could he be rude

"Cough cough." At this moment, two soft coughs came from behind.

The man turned his head and called out "Old Man", and the expression on his face changed from joy to shame.

I can't do such a simple thing well, I am really ashamed of the importance of the old man!

Tang Xi also looked over curiously, but saw that although the old man had white hair, he was extremely strong in spirit, his back was straight, and his figure was not out of shape at all. He glanced at him lightly, as if he had seen through the world. It can be seen that this is a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

"Little girl, can I have a few words with the old man?" The old man asked kindly.

"Okay." Tang Xi tilted her head and smiled sweetly, "Where are we going to talk?"

"That's it." The old man looked around and pointed to the milk tea shop opposite the school gate.

Tang Xi's eyes lit up, and she nodded cheerfully: "Master, you really have a good eye! The tea leaves are good, and the pearl milk green they make is especially delicious!"

"Really?" There was a faint smile on the old man's face, and he kindly handed his right arm to her.

The gentle man stared dumbfounded at the old and the young, talking and laughing like grandparents and walking across the road to the milk tea shop, feeling as if struck by lightning.

Milk tea shop? Milk tea shop! The old man actually made an appointment with... a little girl's milk tea shop!

"What are you doing in a daze?" The old man turned his head and glared at him, and said angrily, "Go to buy milk tea, you have to line up and follow the rules!"

"Yes." The man looked at the line of at least seven or eight people at the door, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

It's hard to see a big man in a suit and leather shoes mixed into this all-high school girl. However, the girls in the queue at the front all looked back at him like something strange, and laughter floated over from time to time.

"I want pearl milk green, seven-fen candy at room temperature! Thank you." Tang Xi shouted, helping the old man into the store.

The interior of the milk tea shop is small, but the decoration is very warm and sweet. A large wooden wall is covered with colorful wish cards. There are also pads and pens on the table for people to take, which is very considerate.

Although there were many students buying a cup of milk tea after school at this time, most of them were rushing home and drinking while walking. There were not many people sitting in the store, so the two found a table in the corner and sat down.

Bathed in the strange eyes of a group of students, the old man remained calm and looked at the wish card on the wall with relish.

Come on for the monthly exam! Strive for another ten rankings.

I want to go to Capital University!

I like xxx, I must ask her out on Christmas night to confess!

... ... ...

"It's nice to be young." The old man sighed.

"Who hasn't been young before." Tang Xi disagreed.

"That's right." The old man nodded, "Little girl, my surname is Pei, and I'm Qingzhi's grandfather. Thank you for saving him twice."

"You're welcome, I just happened to happen." Tang Xi naturally knew who this person was, even if she didn't know it before, she checked it online after saving Pei Qingzhi yesterday.

This old man is also a strange person. When he was young, he single-handedly pushed the tepid Pei family to the top. When the eldest son became an adult, he immediately let go of power and went home to raise flowers and play birds. , and then hand over the family business to the grandson. The loss of a middle-aged child is already a tragedy, and today's Pei Qingzhi can be said to be the eyeball of an old man. The hospital's defense has such a big flaw. The Pei family last night seemed to be after an earthquake.

"Qingzhi is a good boy." Mr. Pei sighed.

"... Oh." It wasn't that Tang Xi was indifferent, but that she didn't know Pei Qingzhi, and she didn't know how to agree at this moment. Besides, she knew that the old man didn't need her approval, but just wanted to say something.

Sure enough, the old man babbled a lot of interesting things about Pei Qingzhi's childhood, which shows that the grandparent and grandson really have a deep relationship.

Tang Xi put the tissue on the ground in due course.

Accompanying the old man pressed the corners of his eyes, and laughed again: "Xiao Chu also said that you are cold and arrogant, isn't that cute."

Tang Xi was stunned before realizing that it was probably Chu Li, and immediately made another note in his heart. Then the smile became sweeter: "People respect me one foot, I respect others one foot, the old man respects me, of course I know how to respect the old and love the young."

The gentle man just came over with two cups, and his face darkened when he heard this.

Do you mean you didn't want to be invited by me just now

Tang Xi glanced at him and sneered. Originally, Mr. Pei was an elder, so even if he really sent someone to invite her over, he would not be rude. But she doesn't owe anyone anything, so why would she obediently follow her like a dog when she is called out casually? Don't think that being polite is being polite, this person has never looked down on her, she looks like my old man wants to see you, but he hastened to pack up and meet the master's condescension and disdain, as if she still got a big deal and should be grateful .

"Well, this Tieguanyin is really good." Mr. Pei moved the tip of his nose.

"Master, I asked them to make a cup of pure Tieguanyin." The gentle man put two cups of tea on the round table.

A cup of pearl milk green that Tang Xi wanted, and a cup of pure tea, although it looked a bit weird in a plastic cup.

"Xiao Zhou..." Mr. Pei glanced at the steaming tea, as if pointing something, and said in a gentle manner, "You must be proud, but you don't need to be arrogant. This little girl is very good. You should learn from her." .”

The gentle man's face changed slightly, and he answered yes in a low voice.

"Go and wait in the car." Mr. Pei waved his hand as if chasing someone away.

Tang Xi on the side took a sip of room-temperature milk tea, narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, and praised: "The old man is really kind."

"If you want something from someone, you should do what you like." Mr. Pei said.

"I don't know what I can do to help." Tang Xi blinked her eyes with an innocent look on her face, "What I know, I have already told Team Chu."

Mr. Pei took out a few photos and pushed them in front of her, and took a sip from his glass.

While biting the pearl, Tang Xi leaned over to take a look.

It was quite familiar, it was the talisman array under Pei Qingzhi's bed that Chu Li showed her last night. However, when she raised her head, her expression became even more surprised: "So the old man also likes to watch magical girl anime? The childlike heart is not old!"

Mr. Pei shook his head with a smile, but said something that seemed irrelevant: "Old man, I and the second child of the Cheng family are friends."

The implication is, I know your little tricks, don't fool me with the way you deal with Chu Li.

Tang Xi couldn't help but let out a "puchi" laugh, and said frankly, "Isn't this because I'm afraid that if you don't believe me, the old man will accuse me of a liar and promote feudal superstition?"

"Isn't it because there are too many liars that the real master has been implicated." Mr. Pei sighed, "I talked to Cheng Lao Er on the phone last night, and he couldn't come back for a while. The two people who conspired against the law are not ordinary mystic masters, but the person who can knock them down in an instant and still be safe can't just be a master of force, he must also be a celestial master. Just treat it like... an old man who went to the doctor in a hurry."

Tang Xi tapped her fingers on the table, lost in thought. She wanted to save Pei Qingzhi, it's naturally the best for Mr. Pei to trust her and cooperate, but...

"As long as you can save Qingzhi, the Pei family can afford as much as the reward." Mr. Pei said.

"When I save people, of course I have to be paid, but..." Tang Xi pondered for a while before saying, "Old man, I want to remind you first, I am a celestial master, but I am also a student, and I will take the college entrance examination next year. I want to cause trouble too much, and I don't want to get involved in any rich family's grievances."

"Don't worry, these old men will take action to solve it. Some people really think I'm old and confused." Mr. Pei snorted coldly.

"That's good." Tang Xi nodded, took out the Soul Cultivation Bead from his pocket and handed it to him.

"What is this?" Mr. Pei was puzzled.

"Although I haven't studied the talisman array thoroughly, I roughly guessed what they want to do." Tang Xi said slowly, "First of all, use a car accident to make Pei Qingzhi unconscious, and then draw out his living soul, causing him to become a The illusion of a vegetative person, and then, looking for another suitable soul to put into that empty body, and finally something like 'Mr.

Mr. Pei's face was livid, and he said after a while, "Do you have any requirements for changing your soul? Anyone can change it?"

"That's definitely not the case!" Tang Xi opened her eyes wide. "If you can change your soul at will, wouldn't changing your body be as convenient as changing your clothes? Wouldn't people be able to live forever?"

"..." Mr. Pei was dumbfounded, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I have also used the soul-changing technique, but it was only temporary." Tang Xi thought for a while and then said, "Their permanent soul-changing is not only demanding, but even if it succeeds, everyone will not be happy It's like a person wearing a pair of shoes that don't fit well. The more he walks, the more he wears his feet. Maybe he can get used to it slowly, but by the time he gets used to it, the skin on his feet is already full of wounds. And the life of the shoe is coming to an end.”

"Then, how harsh are the 'conditions'?" Mr. Pei asked in a deep voice.

"So..." Tang Xi thought for a while, organized his language, and explained, "Old man, soul transfer, you can imagine it as an organ transplant, whether it is between direct blood relatives, the higher the blood matching rate, the higher the rate of blood after surgery. The rejection reaction is also smaller? About the same.”

Hearing this, Mr. Pei fell silent, staring at the ups and downs of tea in the cup, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tang Xi couldn't bear it, but he still said, "I heard from Team Chu that Pei Qinghe fell down the stairs a few days ago and is still in a coma."

After a long time, Mr. Pei sighed: "The family is unlucky, let the little girl see the joke."

Tang Xi knew the pain in this old man's heart. It is true that Pei Qingzhi is the eldest grandson, but Pei Qinghe is also a grandson. Mr. Pei must have been looking forward to his birth, and even hugged and teased him with his own hands. How could he not heartache.

"This." Mr. Pei rubbed the soul-raising pearl and asked, "Can you... put it back?"

"Old man..." Tang Xi sighed, and said helplessly, "During kidney transplantation, if the donor's kidney is removed only to find that it doesn't match, do you think it's enough to just put it back in the stomach? Even if you put it back, you can still survive. It can’t be perfect either.”

"What if you have to put it back?" Mr. Pei asked stubbornly.

"It's hard to say." Tang Xi replied very cautiously, "In the best case, there may be something wrong, such as inexplicable pain here and there, or uncoordinated hands and feet. The worst... Crazy and stupid or always It’s possible you won’t wake up.”

This time the old man remained silent for a longer period of time before shaking his head and sighing in a low voice: "It's hard for you, you're doing it yourself, you can't blame others."

"Then, the old man can come to me after he has settled the family affairs." Tang Xi said, put down the empty milk tea cup, and stood up.

"They're all here, don't you want to keep one?" Mr. Pei pointed to the wish cards all over the wall.

"I didn't expect the old man to like this." Tang Xi smiled, picked up a pen, wrote a line, slapped it on the wall, and left gracefully.

Mr. Pei looked over, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, his suppressed mood lifted, and he muttered, "That's a good word."

I saw the flamboyant and phoenix dance, the momentum leaped out of the paper and read:

study hard, improve every day.

Tang Xi walked out of the milk tea shop, smiled at the gentle man standing next to the car, and walked towards the Jinhuyuan community with a bouncing bouncing.

Aunt Zhang made delicious meals.

Yueyue and her daughter rearranged the dining room. Although the flowers in the vases are only black and white and still steaming, it looks weird, but normal people can only see an empty vase anyway, so they don't need to care.

Yu Mingfan... Well, I have prepared a whole set of test papers.

"Do all these?" Tang Xi was dumbfounded.

"I've already streamlined it, and your level is just right." Yu Mingfan pointed to the label she liked, "I've planned it for you, two pictures a day, just before the long vacation."

"What about the long vacation?" Tang Xi asked subconsciously. She also didn't feel that the devil's family would be so kind in giving her a vacation.

"Of course it's assault training!" Yu Mingfan took it for granted, "I found that being a ghost is also very good. Sleeping is just a habit, but in fact, it is not necessary. I can review it 24 hours a day and I won't die from overwork. If I used to be like this, I wouldn't will fall down the stairs."

"You said that before, so it means you died earlier!" Tang Xi was irritable.

"It seems to be the same." Yu Mingfan thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Besides, if you're like this, no matter how well you study, you won't be able to take the exam." Tang Xi said again.

"So, you have to take the exam for me." Yu Mingfan glanced at her, "Just treat it as my last wish, and you have to fulfill it for me."

"It's harder than those grandpas and aunts." Tang Xi scratched her head, "So, what's the bottom line?"

"Jiangnan University." Yu Mingfan did not hesitate.

"Your bottom line is really high." Tang Xi sighed, a little troubled.

Jiangnan University is the highest institution of higher learning in Huaguo after Capital University. Her current grades are definitely not enough, and she will have to work hard this year. Hmm... Try to get all the messy things done during the short vacation, so I can concentrate on preparing for the exam!

"I'm going out for three days during the long vacation to do business," Tang Xi said.

"Yes." Yu Mingfan said blankly, "I will arrange a reasonable time for you to make up the homework that you missed."

Tang Xi: ...

Well, the tutor I picked up by myself, I have to learn it even on my knees.

After a hasty meal, she plunged into the study, raced against the clock and began to do the papers and brush the questions, and finally completed the requirements before 11 o'clock.

Rough calculations, the accuracy rate should be pretty good.

Satisfied, Tang Xi put down her pen and asked Yu Mingfan to correct the paper. When she came back to give the wrong questions, she packed up her things and prepared to go out.

Instead of her school uniform, she wore a neat white printed t-shirt and jeans, and carried a small shoulder canvas bag on her back. She stuffed it with her mobile phone, tissues, and key cards. The little brother can take it away directly.

When she went downstairs, Aunt Zhang had just cleaned up the kitchen and was preparing ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast. Yueyue was playing on the carpet in the living room with the Lego that Tang Xi bought her online, while her mother watched with a smile.

What a peace. Tang Xi sighed, said something to Aunt Zhang and went out.

Jinhuyuan Community is located in the bustling area of the Jiangnan city center, and there are many taxis around. She opened the taxi app and entered the destination, and the driver immediately took the order.

Within two minutes, a taxi stopped in front of her.

"Lin's Art Museum, thank you." Tang Xi opened the back door and got in the car while reading the introduction of the art museum on his mobile phone.

"Little girl, the art museum has been closed for a long time now... Hey! It's you!" The driver cried out in surprise halfway through speaking.

Tang Xi was startled, then raised her head, saw the person clearly, and laughed too: "Uncle, what a coincidence! The police have already returned the car to you?"

"Yes, the case is clear and the suspect was arrested on the spot. Team Chu knew that my family was in trouble, so he let me drive the car away. Team Chu is really a good guy." The driver looked grateful, and hurriedly said, "Thank you so much You. Little girl, without you, I'm afraid I would have died last night. "

"It's just a coincidence." Tang Xi wrote lightly, "Uncle, I'm in a hurry."

"Okay." The driver hurriedly started the car, and said casually, "However, the art gallery is really closed at this time, and you can't get in even if you go there."

"It's okay." Tang Xi turned off the map and started loading Miracle Nikki-Dress, while randomly changing the topic, "Uncle, don't you leave the night train?"

"Oh, it's not that it's difficult at home...yesterday...hey, there's nothing I can do about it." The driver said with a look of lingering fear, "however, I went to switch on the anti-theft net early this morning. I really shouldn't save it. This is a few dollars."

"Yes, what shouldn't be saved can't be saved!" Tang Xi slid her fingers across colorful skirts, and said, "Uncle, I'm going to several places today, can I rent your car?"

"Yes, yes, but it's so late..." the driver was a little puzzled.

"I have to go to the places where the missing friend I told you yesterday, maybe I can find clues." Tang Xi said seriously.

"The little girl is very loyal, okay, uncle will accompany you tonight, the fare will be ignored, and the life-saving grace will not be repaid, so there is no money to talk about." The driver was moved to tears, and said with emotion.

Is this a letter? Tang Xi twitched the corner of her mouth. But she won't refute it, as for the money, it's the same when she leaves.

"The art gallery is here." The driver pulled over and stopped.

"Wait for me... well, 15 minutes." Tang Xi looked at the time displayed on the phone, and turned off the game screen that displayed a big d.

This game is to bully her! She obviously thinks that the clothes she carefully matched are good-looking and fit the theme, so how can she only evaluate her with a d? How can this skirt be innocent, tell me!

"Hey." The driver responded, turned off the ignition, took out a cigarette, thought about it, put it back in the cigarette case, turned on the radio and played a cheerful dance music, picked up the phone and swiped.

Lin's Art Museum is a private art museum with a small area, and only two monitors are installed at the entrance, because the artworks inside are all kinds of sculptures and bronze statues, the lightest one weighs 200 kilograms, the most The heavy men couldn't push it with all their strength. No thief would be so tempted to steal this kind of thing.

If you really want to steal, you have to drive a van.

Tang Xi avoided the main entrance, took a run-up, and passed easily.

The gate of the exhibition hall is an old-fashioned lock, which is locked with a key from the outside, and the safety can be opened directly from the inside. This is designed to prevent someone from being locked inside by mistake and unable to get out due to a fire. But now It gave her a lot of convenience.

Yun Qi went straight through the door and opened it from the inside.

Tang Xi walked in lightly, looking curiously at the various sculptures displayed on both sides, and paying special attention to see if anyone was running around by herself.

"It's ugly." Yun Qi commented.

"It's called performance art. You, an ancient who lived thousands of years ago, don't understand it." Tang Xi waved his hand.

"The world is going down, people's hearts are not old." Yun Qi retorted.

"Some people call this 'freedom and openness', but as long as it doesn't hurt others, there is no room for others to comment." Tang Xi thought for a while before answering.


Suddenly, a dull sound came from the silent art gallery.

"Come out?" Tang Xi's eyes lit up, and he ran towards the place where the voice came from excitedly.

In the corner, a bronze statue jumped forward twice, but it seemed a little dazed to "look" at the girl running towards him.

This is the wrong way to open it!

Normal people see the bronze statue moving in the middle of the night, shouldn't they run away screaming

"Hey, there really is a ghost!" Tang Xi was very excited.

Even if they are both ghosts, the difference is between heaven and earth. People like Yu Mingfan and Zhang Yue'e are actually worse than living people. They move dead things in the house, write test papers and do housework and so on. But if they want to lift the two-door refrigerator, they will definitely not be able to do it. arrived. But this ghost can easily move a bronze statue weighing hundreds of catties, so it is definitely not a newcomer.

Tang Xi touched the bronze statue. In fact, a ray of spiritual power had penetrated into it.

However, the bronze statue didn't move as if it was a dead thing, and the spiritual power swept around inside but didn't feel any soul existence.

"Is it from the remote operation department?" Tang Xi muttered, then turned her head and continued to scan.

"Want to help?" Yun Qi floated in mid-air, with a half-smile.

"Don't block my line of sight." Tang Xi rolled his eyes at him, pinched the magic talisman and let it out. This is a spell she created herself, specially designed to track Yin Qi, but it can't be too far away from the main body, otherwise it won't be able to sense it. Beicheng Industrial Park is too big, but it is just right for this art museum.

The magic talisman flickered, and suddenly, like a cat smelling fishy, it swished inside.

"Tell you to run!" Tang Xi immediately chased after him.

Suddenly, it was as if an earthquake had occurred in the entire art gallery. The sculptures, plaster, and wax figures placed neatly on both sides kept shaking, crumbling, and some placed on high places were about to smash into her head. .

"Be quiet! I don't want to alert the police again." Tang Xi's expression darkened. Especially this time when she called the police again, she couldn't explain why she sneaked into the locked art gallery in the middle of the night.

What answered her was a plaster statue that was smashed down, and it was obvious that the ghost in the art gallery was very angry that his territory had been invaded.

Putting two fingers together, Tang Xi quickly drew a complicated spell in the void. In less than a second, when the last stroke was completed, the entire spell lit up.

"Mirror stops water, quiet!"

In an instant, the entire space seemed to be sealed, and even time stood still, and the cast plaster statue stayed in the air, like a frozen photo.

"Go back!" Tang Xi waved his hand, and there was a "crackling" sound, and the plaster statues flew back at a faster speed and returned to their original positions.

"If you don't like talking well, let's fight first, the one with the bigger fist has the right to speak!" Tang Xi snorted coldly.

"Don't, don't, I'll come out, come out now!" A scream came from the darkness, it was a female ghost.

Being able to become an urban legend in this modern world, female ghosts have existed for a long time. Seeing Tang Xi make a move, she knew that this time she had encountered something difficult. Based on the principle that good ghosts do not suffer immediate losses, they decided to seek peace.

The trembling statues also fell silent.

After a while, half of his body leaned out from behind a bronze statue.

She was a very beautiful female ghost, she was at most twenty years old when she died, she was wearing a bright red tights, her proud figure made Tang Xi's teeth itch.

"Little sister, you have something to say, why bother to fight and kill." The red-clothed female ghost came over with a wink.

"You wanted to fight when I wanted to have a good talk with you. I'm sorry, but now I want to beat you up before we talk." Tang Xi smiled back at her, and the next moment, she stepped on the shadow that was coming from the ground.

"Ah~~" The female ghost in red yelped in pain, her beautiful face distorted immediately.

"I don't cry when I see the coffin... Oh, I forgot that you have seen the coffin a long time ago. Let me see, what is this thing?" Tang Xi grabbed the thing that was about to retract, and yanked hard—

"Let go! Let go of my mother's tail!" the red-clothed female ghost roared mournfully.

"Tail, tail?" Tang Xi was dumbfounded, and when she looked at the thing she pulled out, she was terrified.

What he was holding was a snake's tail, but without scales, it was dark golden, more like... the texture of a bronze statue? And looking along the snake's tail, the tail... was actually connected to the lower body of the female ghost in red. In other words, the female ghost in red's waist was actually a snake!

"You you you, what the hell are you!" Tang Xi screamed for the first time in her life.

You must know that people become ghosts after death, and they will retain the state when they died, just like Yu Mingfan who fell to death beyond recognition, Zhang Yuee who had his head cut off, and Yueyue's indelible purple handprint on her neck. Therefore, even if the red-clothed female ghost can restore her appearance in life with her profound Taoism, it is impossible to turn her legs into a snake tail. If she looks like this when she dies, then what kind of species is she!

"Ah Xi, grab it first and ask later." Yun Qi appeared beside him, looking at the red ghost with interest in his eyes.

Tang Xi had seen this kind of look in a friend of the biology research institute before, it was... the urge to dissect!

However, no matter how shocked Tang Xi was, she still held the snake's tail in her hand and did not let go. Hearing this, she nodded in agreement and twisted the snake's tail together.

The female ghost in red: This is the first time I know that a girl can tie a bow so ugly... Damn it! That's my mother's tail not a ribbon!

"Okay, let's talk about what you are first!" After Tang Xi's shock, his eyes sparkled, showing the excitement of finding a new toy.

The female ghost in red trembled all over and wanted to run, but her tail was tied into a bow and one end was tied to the leg of the bronze statue, and she was dragged to the ground with a "snap".

Tang Xi: ...

The author has something to say: I didn't catch up with 10,000 words, but there are still 8,000 words. I tried my best, I burst into tears~

The update time will return to normal starting tomorrow. Every day at 12:00 noon, a leave note will be sent if something happens.

By the way, the humble author asks for an acceptance~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-11 15:05:19~2020-11-12 19:08:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: I never thought of one;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 17 20 bottles; Confused Fan j 10 bottles; Never expected 5 bottles; Feifei 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!