The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 109: Princess Bian comes to visit


The next day, Jinluan Hall went to court early.

After all the officials had kowtowed, Prince Regent Li Fengxian could no longer restrain his anger, and took the lead in coming out, "I have important matters to ask for your Majesty's decision."

The emperor glanced at him with a heavy look, and said unhurriedly: "What's the matter?"

"Xiao Zhongshou, the deputy general of the vanguard battalion stationed outside the city, went to Beijing on orders to participate in the hunt in the paddocks in seven days. However, last night he was beaten with forty military sticks by the war general. The war general went over his shoulder and punished him in private, and asked your majesty to sanction him!"

Although a series of incidents occurred in the Regent's Palace over the past few days, Li Fengxian was hit hard and looked haggard, but he still seemed to be in good spirits at the moment, and his words were even more impassioned and precise, and he was obviously extremely dissatisfied with this matter.

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly shocked. Forty military sticks? As expected, Zhan Wuji was arrogant and arrogant, living up to the rumored cold and hard style. He was so ruthless that he injured his muscles and bones for a hundred days. Now Xiao Zhongshou might not be able to get out of bed for a month!

"Oh, is this happening?" The emperor seemed a little surprised. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "General Zhan!"

Zhan Wuji came out in response. He went to the palace today. He did not wear armor and changed into a general's court uniform. His temperament was still cold and his eyebrows were straight. Faced with the emperor's majestic question, he replied calmly: "Your Majesty, it is true. This matter."

When he said this, he paused, looked at Li Fengxian coldly, and continued: "Last night, my deputy general Wei Tianchao and Xiao Zhongshou of the Xiaoqi Battalion fought in public over a singer from Tianxiang Tower, disturbing the people and violating military discipline. Not only did Xiao Zhongshou not realize that he had made a mistake, but he also committed a crime against his superior without repentance! So the general ordered him to be beaten with forty military sticks as a warning to others!"

Li Fengxian said angrily in a deep voice: "Xiao Zhongshou is a member of the Red Flame Army, not a person under the jurisdiction of General Xiaoqiying. Since you are not his immediate superior, if you overstep your authority and order punishment, he will naturally have objections! Not to mention the dispute with Wei Tianchao, We still don’t know who is right and who is wrong, so General Zhan’s move is unreasonable!”

Zhan Wuji smiled coldly, "The words of Zhan's family are indeed difficult to convince the public. Fortunately, there were three witnesses to the Tianxiang Tower incident yesterday, who can confirm that what Zhan said is true!"

"Who is the witness?" When the emperor heard that there was circumstantial evidence, he immediately asked


Zhan Wuji's face was as dark as water, he glanced at Dongfang Zemoli's figure, and said loudly: "The three witnesses are Prince Zhenning, Princess Mingxi, and the Taiwei's daughter Liang Ruyue!"

As soon as these words came out, all the officials were shocked. The marriage between Prince Zhenning Dongfangze and Princess Mingxi was a foregone conclusion. Prime Minister Su Xiangru, one of the three princes, was undoubtedly the largest force behind him. In the blink of an eye, During the period, he traveled with the Taiwei's daughter and three other people. Could there be any omen in this? You must know that Taiwei Liang Shichu has 30,000 guards in Kyoto and is one of the most trusted courtiers in the Holy Emperor today!

Everyone involuntarily looked at Dongfangze, who had been silent all this time, with questioning eyes, as if they were speculating on his motives. Dongfangze's expression was calm, as calm as an ancient well and deep pool.

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly at Dongfang Ze, "King Zhenning."

Dongfang Ze walked out of the queue slowly and replied calmly: "Back to my father, what the general said is not inconsistent with what I saw last night." He spoke concisely and concisely, without saying much. He just said this sentence lightly, quietly After a moment, he then added: "My son thinks that in order to be fair, it is best to invite Princess Mingxi and Miss Liang to go to the palace together to explain the matter."

Although Dongfang Ze was vague in his words, he had indirectly admitted the fact in an unquestionable tone, that is, Xiao Zhongshou was indeed disrespectful towards Zhan Wuji and did the following wrong things.

The emperor looked slightly cold: "Pass."

There was silence in the main hall, but there was a faint hint of the dullness on the eve of the storm. Everyone was secretly speculating that what was about to happen in the hall today might lead to more profound changes in the court!

Su Li went to the palace after receiving the order, and met Liang Ruyue outside the palace, and they looked at each other by chance. The two of them now fully understood the emperor's intention to announce their visit to the palace.

The emperor sat on the high dragon chair and asked in a deep voice: "Are you the Taiwei's daughter Liang Ruyue?"

Liang Ruyue trembled slightly and summoned up the courage to reply: "That's exactly what your Majesty said."

Seeing this, the emperor smiled slightly and said, "Okay, tell me what you saw when you went to Tianxiang Tower last night."

Hearing the emperor's friendly expression, she plucked up the courage to look up and saw her father Liang Shichu's steady eyes, secretly encouraging her. The fear in her heart suddenly disappeared a little, and she now recounted the causes and consequences of last night in detail. Su Li was worried secretly, but she heard the emperor's majestic and deep voice: "Mingxi, what did Liang Ruyue say, was there anything missing?"

Su Li was shocked and quickly gathered her thoughts. Dongfang Ze and Liang Ruyue were both witnesses to what happened last night. Of course she couldn't just make up excuses. She replied in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, everything Miss Liang said is true.

. "

"Yes." The emperor nodded thoughtfully and said: "Since you have made a mistake, the general should be punished if he orders it. There seems to be nothing wrong. Is the regent making too much of a fuss?" There was a hint of coldness in his deep eyes. Gone in an instant.

Su Li's heart suddenly trembled. It was one thing for Xiao Zhongshou to make a mistake and be beaten, but it was another thing for Zhan Wuji to overstep his authority and punish him privately. However, listening to the emperor's words, there seemed to be no intention of blaming him, and his partiality was extremely obvious. From this point of seems like he is condemning Li Fengxian for doing unnecessary things

Li Fengxian's expression immediately changed, and he couldn't help but retort: "Your Majesty, now the three witnesses can prove that Zhan Wuji went beyond his authority and punished him in private. According to Dasheng's military regulations, he should be demoted one level!" He took a step forward with a puff of sleeves and said in a tone of voice: He was very tough. A pair of sharp eyes coldly glanced at Zhan Wuji's young and upright figure. The commander-in-chief of the three armies who once swept the battlefield, the majesty exuded from his body was intimidating.

Faced with Li Fengxian's undaunted attitude, the emperor's eyes darkened and he did not answer.

Zhan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly and straightened his body unconsciously. He was already taller and more powerful than ordinary people. Standing among the officials, he was half a head taller, as if he stood out from the crowd. He retorted sarcastically: "Your Majesty's Red Flame Army has always had a reputation for being rigorous and prestigious. Now there are scoundrels like Xiao Zhongshou. If they are not punished in time, it will be difficult to restore the military's authority!" He retorted coldly without showing any weakness.

Li Fengxian's anger suddenly surged, and he said angrily: "I am in charge of the army, when will it be your turn to speak? Even if Xiao Zhongshou is wrong, it is true that you have exceeded your authority! I am willing to accept the crime of lax military management, you fight Wuji, You should also be punished for overstepping your authority!"

The corners of Zhan Wuji's lips moved slightly, but it was fleeting, but it frightened Su Li. This look is clearly a smile after success!

"Wuji admitted that there was something wrong with what happened at Tianxiang Tower last night, but in order to uphold the power of our Dasheng army, Wuji had no choice but to do this. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!" After saying that, he knelt down on the ground with a bang, his expression magnanimous. Fearless, with a righteous and awe-inspiring attitude.

This generous word of taking retreat as an advance seemed to hit the hearts of everyone in the hall as he knelt heavily. The expressions of the officials in the palace, most of them clearly expressed their agreement with him. In this way, it seems that Li Fengxian is making trouble unreasonably.

The atmosphere in the hall fell into silence again. Su Li's face turned slightly pale and she couldn't help but step forward, "Your Majesty,

! " Before he finished speaking, everyone's eyes flicked to the ground and turned to him. But once the words were spoken, there was no room to take them back. Su Li gritted his teeth and said: "Mingxi believes that Xiao Zhongshou should be punished for making mistakes, and so should General Zhan. According to the military regulations of Dasheng, the generals should also be punished! "

The emperor's face darkened slightly before he could speak.

"What Princess Mingxi said is absolutely true! As a soldier who knowingly commits a crime, he should be punished even more for his remarks!" With a deep shout, Dongfang Zhuo's figure quickly walked up to the hall, his sharp eyes shining.

Everyone was slightly startled. It was rumored in the palace that King Dongfang Zhuo of Jing'an had been ill since the day of the marriage between Princess Mingxi and Prince Zhenning Dongfang Ze. But it came suddenly

The court clothes that used to fit perfectly now seemed to be loose on his body. His face was slightly pale, and his already chiseled and handsome features became more prominent.

Su Li's heart tightened. She hadn't seen him for many days, but he had become so thin. To describe him as emaciated and skeletal was definitely not an exaggeration.

"My son, please see your father." Dongfang Zhuo stepped forward and bowed.

"What you just said is that you want me to order the punishment of General Zhan?" the emperor said coldly.

Dongfang Zhuo seemed unaware and replied in a deep voice: "I believe that as a soldier, General Zhan should set an example and set an example, just like Xiao Zhongshou. If you make a mistake, you should be punished, and nothing else!"

The emperor did not comment. He pondered for a moment and asked Dongfang Ze. "King Zhenning, what do you think of this matter?"

The officials were shocked again. The emperor took the initiative to ask Dongfang Ze for his opinion. It was obvious that he valued him very much in his heart. Nowadays, it is self-evident which of the two princes has more weight in the emperor's heart.

Dongfangze replied quietly: "No matter what my father decides, I have no objections."

Knowing that from his position, he could only answer like this, Su Li couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart. She closed her eyes tightly and suppressed the sadness in her heart.

The emperor's eyes flashed, he thought for a moment, and then said slowly: "Although General Zhan may have handled the matter of Tianxiang Tower improperly, in the final analysis, he had good intentions. Let's take a deduction of three months' salary as punishment."

"Your Majesty!" blurted out an exclamation, and Li Fengxian's body was shaken violently. He could not believe that it was such a serious violation of military authority to violate military authority, but in the end he only received such an insignificant punishment.


"General, I obey!" Zhan Wuji responded immediately, thanked him loudly, stood up, and faced Li Fengxian with a proud and aloof attitude, slightly provocative.

Dongfang Zhuo eagerly wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by the emperor's cold wave of his hand: "The regent has been working hard on state affairs for many years and is in poor health. This time, he did have a lax military management. To convey the order, the people stationed outside Kyoto City The Red Flame Army consists of 100,000 people, and from now on, Hussars General Zhan Wuji will temporarily take over."

"The general will obey the order!" Zhan Wuji said loudly, his eyes were cold and there was a faint smile on his lips.

Although he was prepared, Li Fengxian still couldn't help but staggered back a few steps, and finally made it to this day! Someone once reminded me that having great achievements is always a taboo in the heart of a king! In this world, it seems that nothing can be retained forever, the woman he loves, the daughter he cares for, the supreme power, the lost feelings... At this moment, Li Fengxian's eyes were silent and his heart was ashen.

Su Li stood opposite him, clearly feeling her father's helplessness and grief, and was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, everyone was sighing in their hearts. The once brave and majestic Regent Li Fengxian finally stepped down from the stage that attracted much attention!

And all this, perhaps, is just the beginning.

The annual Autumn Hunting Conference was supposed to be held in October, but due to the unresolved Lisu case and the undecided choice of a husband for Princess Mingxi, it was postponed to late November with the emperor's permission.

The autumn colors are getting darker and winter is beginning to appear, and there is already a slight chill in the Qishan Royal Hunting Ground where we are hunting.

When the sky was dark, Dongfang Ze took his bodyguard Sheng Qin and hurried to the princess's mansion. He appeared in front of Su Li in a black hunting suit, and Su Li couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He was already tall and handsome, and this neat outfit made him even more majestic and majestic.

Dongfangze also looked at the beauty in front of him. The light green hunting suit perfectly wrapped her slender body and outlined her graceful curves, which was touching. The waist was tightly tied, making it look even tighter. Dongfangze felt something in his heart, and reached out to hold her slender waist. He looked at the heroic spirit between her eyebrows and said with a smile: "It is said that the women of Bian State are heroic and heroic. Su Su is so beautiful." The way you dress up, you won’t be half inferior to them!”

Su Li stiffened inexplicably, turned slightly to avoid the big hand on her waist, and smiled as if she didn't care, "Have you ever seen a woman from Bian State?"

Dongfangze smiled and didn't answer, and motioned Su Li to get on the horse and ride with him.

. Su Li smiled and said, "My lord, please go first."

Dongfangze's eyes flashed slightly, and there seemed to be a faint scent of residual warmth in his palms, which made his palms itch. But he didn't force himself. He laughed twice and got on his horse. The longer you spend time with her, the better you understand her temper. Some things really cannot be rushed.

The two rode out of the city, with Wan Xin and Sheng Qin following closely behind. When I arrived at the foot of Qishan Mountain, I unexpectedly saw Dongfang Zhuo waiting there.

Wearing a green hunting suit, he is extremely handsome. Compared to him before, he is still a little thin and haggard, but his energy is obviously much better. He didn't even look at Dongfang Ze, but looked at Su Li intently with his handsome eyes. His eyes were complicated and he said nothing.

As the two approached, Dongfang Zelema smiled and said, "They say people feel refreshed during happy events, and this is indeed true. The second emperor brother seems to have recovered from his illness today and is in good spirits."

Dongfang Zhuo sneered and said: "Even if there is a happy event, it may not be my king's!" After saying that, he glanced at Su Li, hesitated, said "drive", and immediately galloped towards the Qishan hunting ground.

I wonder what riddle these two are playing? Su Li frowned slightly, and Wan Xin stepped forward, Fu Er whispered: "I just received the news this morning that Princess Zhaohua of Bian Kingdom has come to Kyoto of Sheng Kingdom. The princess is good at riding and shooting, so I'm afraid she won't miss this autumn hunt. .”

Princess Zhaohua Yangxuan? ! The most beloved daughter of the Bian Emperor was said to have an excellent appearance, a straightforward and fierce personality, and was an unreasonable and unforgiving master. Most men in the Bian Kingdom both loved and feared her. Is she really just hunting when she comes to Kyoto of Sheng Kingdom

Inexplicably, a trace of uneasiness suddenly arose in her heart. Even before she saw the princess, she could already feel some uneasy emotions surging in her heart. Su Li frowned involuntarily and turned to look at Dongfang Ze, only to see him staring at Dongfang Zhuo's disappearing back, his face dark and his eyes cold.

Yang Xiao failed to marry Su Li. Obviously, Bian Kingdom had other plans now. The princess came to Beijing at this time, could she have the intention of getting married? If the princess marries Dongfang Zhuo, it will definitely be detrimental to Dongfang Ze, but if... the person the princess wants to marry is him, what should she do

The hunting ground is to the east of Qishan Mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the hunting ground palace, it will take an hour to reach it if you ride a little faster. Dongfang Ze considered Su Li and didn't dare to walk too fast. In fact, he didn't know that Su Li had excellent riding skills, but he didn't dare to show it. Li Fengxian was once the commander-in-chief of the Sixth Army of the Sheng Kingdom. She was famous for her equestrian and archery skills. When she was a child, she often pestered her father to teach her how to ride and archery. Although she cannot say that she can truly teach her, she is definitely much better than ordinary people.

When Dongfang Ze and Su Li arrived at the palace, it was already three o'clock in the morning and three o'clock in the morning.

. Except for the guards, there was no one in the palace grounds. The hunting team had already set off. The queen was alone, sitting in the tent, talking to several female family members beside her. Su Li raised his eyes and suddenly saw Li Yao, who was recovering from a long illness. She was dressed in goose-yellow clothes, which made her face still a bit pale, and her thin body still made me feel pity for her.

Seeing Su Li and Dongfang Ze entering the account together, her pale face turned even paler, but she quickly lowered her head, her eyes dim.

Su Li and Dongfang Ze came forward to pay their respects. The queen's eyes fell slightly, and she scolded lightly: "Why are you here so late? Your Majesty and King Jing'an have already led everyone into the paddock. Your father was very unhappy when he saw that you were still late. !”

Dongfang Ze calmly replied: "What my mother has taught me is that it is all my fault! I will go to the hunting ground now, and I will definitely hunt well to redeem myself for being late!" He looked confident, as if he had won. In hand.

The gloom in the Queen's eyes flashed away, and she said with a loving smile: "Okay, Your Majesty said, those who perform the best today will be generously rewarded! Everyone is working hard for this reward and wants to compete for it. Gong. Although you came late, Ze'er, I believe that with Ze'er's ability, you will definitely gain something!"

Dongfang Ze lowered his eyes lightly, and said with a respectful smile: "Thank you, Queen Mother! This son must work even harder to not disappoint his father and mother! I will leave first." After saying that, he pulled Su Li out of the tent, and Dongfang Ze faced His smile immediately turned cold. Su Li knew what he was thinking, so she just sighed lightly and didn't say much.

"Su Su, let's see how I win this glorious head today!" He got on his horse, and when his indifferent eyes turned to her face, he immediately glowed with the brilliance of determination to win!

Su Li couldn't help but feel refreshed, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Su Li has no doubt about the prince's ability."

He laughed loudly and galloped with great pride. Su Li quickly followed him. Wan Xin and Sheng Qin followed closely behind.

The royal hunting ground has dense forests, complex terrain, hordes of tigers and leopards, and there are rustling sounds everywhere. The hoofbeats of black horses clang, and dust flies wherever they pass.

In the hidden part of the woods ahead, a black leopard with dark brown spots all over its body was hidden in the dense jungle and was almost invisible. Dongfangze smelled the scent of wild beasts from a distance.

The deep eyes flashed with the light that belonged to the hunter. Dongfang Ze held his bow and arrow and was about to aim at the leopard when he heard a whooshing sound. From the woods to the left, a sharp arrow whizzed towards him with the sound of fierce wind.

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