The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 112: Dongfangze's thoughts


Yuan Xiang replied: "Princess Mingxi shot down nine flags for the small size, eighteen for the medium size, and thirty one for the large size. The final number of flags shot was..." Yuan Xiang suddenly paused and looked at the numbers in his hand. Stunned for a moment.

The emperor frowned slightly and asked impatiently: "How much?"

"One hundred and twelve!"

She is exactly the same as Princess Zhaohua! Everyone was stunned and surprised. They all looked at Su Li with shocked expressions, especially Zhan Wuji and Yang Xuan. Such a result was completely unexpected and seemed to be unbelievable. Even if he tries to save his heart, he can't hide his surprise.

Su Li smiled faintly, without any hint of joy or regret.

"Why are you unhappy?" Dongfang Ze's voice came to my ears. Transmitting sounds into secrets is indeed a good skill. You can speak casually without being heard by others.

Su Li glanced at him lightly, as if to say: "What is there to be happy about? Princess Zhaohua has real skills, I am just opportunistic with your help." If she had not been forced into battle, she would not have Fight with others. Ben also had a chance to win, but she gave up in the end. With her ability, it is not easy to win or lose with Yang Xuan. If she wins again, it will probably arouse suspicion and cause more troubles.

As if he could read her thoughts, Dongfang Ze said: "Use extraordinary means in extraordinary times, the results are the most important. In fact, I only reminded you twice. You can achieve such results all because of your own intelligence and wit."

Su Li lowered his eyes, maybe he was right, it didn't matter what method he used, what mattered was the result. Basically, what you are not good at is what you are good at against others. How to be invincible is what needs to be considered most.

The emperor put his palms together and smiled: "Okay! Mingxi did not disappoint me!" This result was obviously the best that the emperor had expected. The Sheng Kingdom has always had strong men and weak women. Today, a lady like Su Li competed in archery with Princess Zhaohua, the most famous princess of the Bian Kingdom, and managed to tie, which has already earned the Sheng Kingdom a huge amount of face.

The emperor was in a good mood, and looked at Su Li with an added layer of appreciation and regard.

The Queen smiled and said: "This time there is no winner again, what should we do?"

The shocked look on Yang Xuan's face quickly faded, and she actually pulled Su Li with great interest and shouted, "Shall we have another try?" Her excited expression seemed to be that it was rare to meet an evenly matched opponent and she didn't want to give up easily. Pass


Su Li raised her head and glanced at the emperor, only to see that the emperor who was energetic just now looked tired. She understood in her heart and smiled politely to Yang Xuan: "The princess's extraordinary archery skills opened Su Li's eyes. Today Su Li can Being tied with the princess depends entirely on luck. The princess is a guest from afar, and since Su Li is the host, he should not compete with the distinguished guest, so he is willing to give this credit to the princess! Your Majesty won't blame Su Li for making his own decisions, right? "

Dongfangze stood up and said with a smile: "It's a tie twice, maybe it's God's will. Su Su can have such a big heart and magnanimity, but I'm too late to be happy, so there's no reason to blame him! Just ask my father to do it!" After saying that, he bowed to the emperor. A gift.

After a lot of competition, by this time, it no longer matters who the jackpot belongs to. In the emperor's heart, Su Li seemed to have won the first prize!

Emperor Longyan was delighted and said with a loud smile: "Okay! This is the style that our Sheng Kingdom royal family should have! My son and daughter-in-law should have such magnanimity! Come and watch! Princess Zhaohua won the first prize, I give you this gold and silver jewelry as a reward."

The precious jewelry, held out by the gold plate, is dazzling under the sun. As expected, the reward was generous, and the eyes of everyone around him shone brightly.

The maid in green was even more excited, and Yang Xuan was also stunned for a moment. Bian country has many furs and few jewelry. This is the first time she has seen so many beautiful jewelry at once! I couldn't help but take a breath. If the Bian royal family could casually give out so much gold, silver and jewelry to others, would their people be able to live a comfortable and prosperous life

Yang Xuan's face darkened, but for a moment, she raised a bright smile, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Thank you His Majesty Emperor Sheng for the reward, but please forgive Zhaohua for being bold and wanting to exchange these gold and silver jewels for another reward! "

Everyone was surprised.

Su Li saw in Dongfang Ze's eyes the same doubts and caution as hers. They have not forgotten that for the second question at the husband selection banquet, one of the two things Yang Xiao chose was gold, which shows that Bian State is extremely short of these things. The moment Yang Xuan saw the jewelry, she was obviously moved, but chose to reject it. Could there be something more interesting to her here

The emperor's face darkened slightly, and he stared intently and asked, "What reward does the princess want in exchange for?"

"Back to Your Majesty Shenghuang, before Zhaohua came to Shengguo, he heard a lot about Princess Mingxi's deeds, especially the princess's choice of husband, which has become a talk in the world and makes Zhaohua envious.

! "

The implication is self-evident.

Perhaps he didn't expect her to be so direct. The emperor smiled and said, "Do you want me to hold a husband selection banquet for you?"

Yang Xuan waved her hand quickly, "Zhaohua dare not trouble Your Majesty. Zhaohua just heard that all the men in the world, who are handsome, outstanding, intelligent, powerful in martial arts, and extraordinary in riding and shooting, are all in the Kingdom of Sheng!" As he spoke, he glanced boldly. Towards the east.

Su Li's heart suddenly sank, and she glanced towards Dongfang Ze with cold eyes. It’s not a good thing if a man is too outstanding!

Dongfangze's eyebrows were slightly condensed, his face was deep, and he didn't say a word.

The queen's eyes moved, and she didn't know what she thought of, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The emperor frowned and glanced at Dongfang Zhuo, who had been silent next to the queen. The son who used to be full of energy, pride and confidence has now become taciturn. With his eyes lowered, Dongfang Zhuo seemed to have been aloof from the incident, only occasionally raising his eyes to look at Su Li.

Yang Xuan added: "Zhaohua came to your country this time, really hoping to find a husband here, but Zhaohua is not in a hurry, life-long events are not trivial! Zhaohua wants to stay in the princess's mansion first, I wonder if that’s possible?”

This question is so strange!

Su Li's eyes were sharp and he raised his head to look at her. I have to say that this princess' behavior and thoughts are really unexpected. She and the princess are neither old acquaintances nor new friends. No matter what, she can't live in her house!

The emperor was also very puzzled and asked: "Why do you want to live in the princess's mansion?"

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Because my father always thinks that I have no rules and says that Zhaohua is not like a girl. Zhaohua heard that the woman who can marry into the royal family of Sheng Kingdom, De Rong Shuyi, can be regarded as a model for women in the world." , Zhaohua has admired the princess for a long time, and would like to take this opportunity to ask the princess for advice, is it possible?"

Su Li's eyes turned cold. Her intuition was indeed right. This princess came prepared. After she said this, she seemed to be unable to refuse even if she wanted to.

Su Li frowned, looked up at the Queen, and was about to speak when Dongfangze already smiled and said: "If you want to talk about the model of women's appearance, in our Sheng Kingdom, it must be the Queen! If the princess wants to learn etiquette and live in the palace, it is even more important. suitable!"

Yang Xuan said: "There is no doubt that the Queen's virtues are the best in the world, but she has to manage the harem and she must be very busy and tired. How dare Zhaohua make her more tired

! "

Dongfangze's eyes darkened, and the queen raised her eyes and smiled: "Zhaohua is really considerate. Yes, I am old and don't have so much energy. Mingxi is the future royal daughter-in-law, with both morals and etiquette, so naturally Excellent. The princess and Mingxi are similar in age, so there is nothing wrong with them living together."

Dongfang Zhuo, who had been silent as if he didn't exist, suddenly raised his head and shouted coldly: "No!"

The queen frowned, and Yang Xuan asked doubtfully, "Why not?"

Dongfang Zhuo looked sharply and said: "The majestic Princess of Bian State condescends to live in the Princess's Mansion, do you want the world to say that our Sheng State treats envoys indifferently? The princess can live in the palace, or in the embassy, or even you can Ask your father to find another place for you to be your princess mansion. In short, the princess mansion is not suitable for you!"

"But Zhaohua just wants to live in the Princess's Mansion!" Yang Xuan seemed to be in conflict with him, and said firmly: "Zhaohua is not coming as an envoy this time. How can anyone say that your country does not treat envoys indifferently? King Jing'an Too much thought!”

Dongfang Zhuo stared at her with cold eyes. Everyone can see that this princess has impure intentions, and he will not allow such a person to stay by her side! too dangerous!

Dongfangze said in a deep voice: "This is not the Bian Kingdom. The princess should follow the local customs and follow the rules of our Sheng Kingdom. If you really want to learn the rules of grooming, you don't necessarily have to live in the princess's mansion!"

Yang Xuan looked at him and laughed, "I have heard for a long time that the two princes of Sheng Kingdom are infatuated with Princess Mingxi. When we met today, it was true. Are the two princes afraid that Zhaohua will eat the princess? Alas! I thought the men from Shengguo were so nice, but they turned out to be so petty!"

Dongfang Zhuo's eyes changed, and Su Li said with a smile: "The princess has misunderstood. The reason why the two princes disagree is not because they are worried that the princess will be disadvantageous to Su Li, but because they are afraid of wronging the princess!"

Yang Xuan immediately smiled again and said: "I'm not afraid of being wronged, but I'm afraid that Princess Mingxi will find Zhaohua troublesome and won't let Zhaohua live with you. Anyway, since you can't get the reward Zhaohua wants... Today's end "Gong, Zhaohua just pretends that he didn't get it." After saying that, he sighed in disappointment.

The emperor frowned and said: "How can I count myself as not having achieved the first achievement? If word spread, people will say that I don't keep my word! Mingxi, what's the inconvenience for Princess Zhaohua to live in your house?" The emperor's The meaning is already very obvious.

Su Li sighed in her heart. She had known the result would be like this. She could only lower her eyes and sigh: "Your Majesty, thanks to the princess, Mingxi will not have any inconvenience. Everything will be arranged by your Majesty."

. "

"Mingxi really understands the general situation. Well, the matter is settled!" The emperor waved and ordered the jewelry to be sent to the princess's palace as a reward for Su Li.

Su Li lowered her head. She was forced into such a situation. Is it okay for her not to know the general situation

When lunch time was approaching, the emperor got up and wanted to go back to the palace to eat. The queen immediately got up and followed. At this moment, a roar of wild beasts, accompanied by the frightened screams of the guards, came from the direction of the paddock.

Su Li turned around and saw a ferocious tiger breaking through the fence and charging towards this side menacingly.

Everyone screamed in horror.

"Protect Your Majesty!" Xiao Fang, the commander of the imperial guards, shouted loudly, drew his sword on the ground, and stood guard in front of the emperor. Su Rong shouted: "Stop it!"

The guards guarding the outside of the enclosure had no time to draw their swords before they were knocked to the ground, with blood splattering on the spot.

Miserable wails came one after another, and screams of terror resounded. Wherever the tiger passed, flesh and blood were trampled and fluttered. The smell of blood rose into the air for a moment, and the smell of death suddenly filled the air everywhere.

The palace maids and eunuchs who came with the emperor had never seen such a bloody scene, and they were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders split, and they ran away with their heads in their hands, or fainted on the spot.

The scene was unprecedentedly chaotic.

Most of the people present were military generals, especially those like Li Fengxian who had experienced battles for many years. They had never seen any kind of scene before, but they couldn't help but change their expressions at this moment.

All the bows and arrows have been put away, and no one can stop the tiger's momentum. Even Yang Xuan, who has been hunting all year round and has shot countless ferocious beasts, his first reaction was just to drag the frightened maid in blue and quickly retreat.

Su Li had never seen such a ferocious beast before, so she was unavoidably surprised. She was pulled back quickly by Wan Xin, but the tiger seemed to have spotted her, and with a quick leap, it pounced towards her.

Wan Xin's expression changed drastically, he quickly protected her behind him, grabbed the sword from a guard with his backhand, and chopped off the tiger's head. Seeing the light of the sword, the tiger became more ferocious, its huge body dodged lightly and nimbly, bypassed Wan Xin and pounced towards Su Li.

The smelly saliva flowed down the bloody mouth and almost dripped onto Su Li's face.

. Su Li frowned and hurriedly dodged away. She quickly regained her composure. She wanted to grab the sword but it was too late. She could only pull out the hairpin that was not sharp and stabbed it into the tiger's neck.

The tiger was in pain and let out a shocking roar that almost shattered her eardrums. In the tiger's mouth, four sharp white teeth seemed to tear her apart and swallow her into the belly.

There was no time to panic or be afraid. Su Li ducked down based on instinct and rolled away, nimbly dodging the tiger's fatal blow.

The tiger missed the target, turned its head angrily, and followed with a more violent attack.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye. There were no screams of terror or urgent calls for help, because in the face of such a sudden change, those seemed superfluous and there was no time.

Su Li had nothing to use to fight back. She could almost see the tiger's sharp claws stepping on her body. At the critical moment, two tall figures seemed to fall from the sky, one with one kick, and they went with fierce force. With his strength, he kicked the tiger hard on the head.

With a loud "ouch", the huge beast was kicked to the ground. Dongfang Ze and Dongfang Zhuo made surprisingly consistent movements, quickly pulling up Su Li and protecting her behind them.

Both of them were still frightened.

Su Li's hands were held tightly by them. Dongfangze's face was tense and he asked urgently: "Are you okay?" His usually calm and powerful voice had a slight tremor at this moment. His unabashed nervousness and care miraculously soothed the lingering shock in her heart.

Su Li shook her head gently, and her eyes when she looked at him were not as cold as usual.

Dongfang Zhuo seemed to realize what he was doing. His eyes changed and he immediately let go of her hand. Staring at the tiger, his face was ashen.

The imperial guards came forward with their swords in hand. The tiger turned over and jumped up. Then it turned around and rushed towards the queen on the other side who had very few guards.

She had never seen such a ferocious beast before. The queen was already frightened, and now she was trembling all over. Seeing the tiger approaching in a blink of an eye, the guards rushed forward and were quickly trampled to death. The palace maid and eunuch were so frightened that no one dared to stop her, and they even dropped her. Fleeing in all directions, in the chaos, the queen was pushed to the ground and rolled down the stone steps.

Dongfang Zhuo screamed: "Mother!" He rushed over quickly, but before he could help the queen up, the tiger came again. Dongfang Zhuo didn't even think about it, he used 100% of his internal strength and struck at her with one palm.


There was a "boom", like thunder striking down, and the sky spinning and shaking.

Then, there was deathly silence.

No one could make a sound for a long time, and everyone stared blankly at Dongfang Zhuo, who was as cold as the god of hell. King Jing'an erupted, and his power was truly more terrifying than that of a tiger.

Su Li was also stunned for a moment, looking at Dongfang Zhuo's handsome face that was pale due to the queen's distress, and suddenly felt that he was not useless.

The tiger's skull was shattered and it died with a pair of fierce eyes staring at it.

"Mother, are you okay?" Dongfang Zhuo helped the queen up and asked worriedly.

The queen turned pale and looked at him speechless.

Dongfang Zhuo suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart. He knelt down and said, "It's my son's unfilial piety that frightened his mother!" Seeing that Su Li was in danger, he had no choice but to go to her side!

The queen sighed. At that moment, when she saw her favorite son, only that woman was in his eyes, completely forgetting her mother, she was very sad and disappointed. But now I see him feeling guilty and sad, and he can't bear it. She just pulled him up and said, "The queen is fine, it's just some superficial injuries."

"Prince Regent! You have always been responsible for the safety of the paddock during hunting in the past years. You have always been prudent in doing things. Why did you fail in your duties to this extent today?" The emperor turned his head, his face was deep, his eyes were cold, and he stared at Li Fengxian, sternly reprimanding.

Li Fengxian's heart sank, and he quickly stepped forward to plead guilty: "Old minister, you deserve to die!" Everything that happened just now happened in the blink of an eye, leaving no one with time to react.

The emperor said in a deep voice: "Could it be that you are dissatisfied with me for handing over the Red Flame Army to Zhan Wuji to take over, and that's why you are so slack?"

Everyone was shocked. Li Fengxian's face changed drastically. He immediately frowned and knelt down and said, "I don't dare! The tiger hurt someone today, which frightened Your Majesty. The Queen was also injured. I have committed dereliction of duty and am willing to accept any punishment! However, I will only be dissatisfied with Your Majesty." Neglect of duty...Old minister, you must not dare!" He knelt down and knelt down, his voice sonorous.

The emperor stared at him with lowered eyes and remained silent for a while. People around him didn't dare to speak out. The atmosphere was terrifyingly silent.

Su Li almost couldn't help but stepped forward, but Dongfang Ze grabbed her wrist. Dongfangze shook his head gently at her, indicating that it was useless for her to go. Su Li understood in her heart, but...she couldn't bear to look at her father's low figure under the stone steps, desolate and thin.

. But he could only grit his teeth, clench his palms, and stand aside.

Li Fengxian raised his head and said: "I have followed your Majesty for many years and served in the army for decades. Your Majesty knows best what kind of person I am! I will never have any ill intentions or harm others because of your Majesty's transfer of military power! Please tell me clearly. !" There is a huge difference between the two crimes of dereliction of duty and deliberate intimidation of others. The latter can almost be called treason! Li Fengxian gritted his teeth, held back his grief and anger, and argued calmly.

The emperor's eyes moved slightly and he glanced at the empress. The empress lowered her eyes. I don't know if she was injured. Her face was sad and her expression was complicated. She held Dongfang Zhuo's hand tightly with both hands and said nothing.

Dongfang Zhuo raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Su Li's slightly pale face, seeing all the worry and sadness she had suppressed. He said to Li Fengxian in a deep and angry voice: "A dereliction of duty is a dereliction of duty. Why do you have so many excuses! The Regent! Revisiting those days, I just want my father to care about the old relationship and be lenient to you, but if my queen mother is injured due to fright, who should bear the responsibility?"

The words of "reminiscing about old feelings" made the emperor's complexion change slightly, and his eyes when he looked at Dongfang Zhuo suddenly became a little darker.

Everyone knows that the emperor and Li Fengxian went out to Beijing together when they were young, fought in the south and the north, shared the joys and sorrows, and once loved each other like brothers, regardless of each other. The emperor was seriously ill and injured at that time. If Li Fengxian had not sacrificed his life to save him, he would have been killed on the battlefield. That is why so many people later recommended Li Fengxian as the regent! This also caused a gap between the two.

Su Li was slightly startled and looked up at him. The obvious anger on Dongfang Zhuo's face surprisingly no longer disgusted her for the first time.

Li Fengxian ordered someone to summon the person responsible for the safety of the paddock this time, Shi Meng, the leader of the Fengqi Battalion.

"You deserve to die for your humble position!" Shi Meng, who had already heard the news and rushed over, knelt down in front of the emperor to plead guilty. He was sweating profusely and his face was completely drained of blood. The regent repeatedly asked that nothing go wrong during this hunting, so he was careful, deployed tightly, and patrolled everywhere. Unexpectedly, something would still happen!

Dongfang Zhuo angrily rebuked: "You deserve to die! You failed to protect the enclosure, and the tiger broke out of the enclosure and injured the queen. Your crime is unforgivable! Someone, take her down and chop her down."

The faces of the soldiers in the Fengqi Battalion changed, and the deputy general knelt down excitedly: "King Jing'an, calm down! Your Majesty, spare your life. General Shi worked tirelessly and carefully to set up the defense this time. There were traps set up at all important places around the paddock. It is impossible for ordinary ferocious beasts to attack." When we came out of the paddock, the tiger came out of nowhere. Your Majesty and the Regent, please take a closer look..."

"Shut up!" Before the man could finish speaking, Shi Meng's expression changed and he suddenly stopped in a deep voice.


Those words were interrupted, and different questions arose in everyone's mind.

Li Fengxian quickly raised his eyes to look at the emperor. The emperor's face was deep, and his eyes when he looked at the deputy general were indescribably cold and sharp. Li Fengxian's heart sank, and he suddenly clenched his fists, but there was no look of surprise on his face. There is no way to avoid what is coming.

He glanced at Shi Meng and sighed: "Your Majesty..."

"The last general failed in his duties, and the last general is willing to die." Shi Meng suddenly said loudly, his voice sonorous, which deeply drowned Li Fengxian's sigh. He bowed to the emperor with a firm look on his face, showing no excuses and unwilling to shirk responsibility. If something like this happens, someone has to take responsibility!

Li Fengxian's eyes trembled slightly, and he wanted to say something, but Shi Meng looked up at him and said, "Regent, take care!" After saying that, he came to take his guards away. Shi Meng, the little-known general of the Fengqi Camp, Just like every time he went to the battlefield before, his back was straight, but this time he died calmly.

Li Fengxian couldn't help but close his eyes, and Su Li seemed to feel that her father couldn't suppress the sourness and desolation in his heart at this moment.

Even those who have made great achievements since ancient times have never met a good end, let alone once served as regent and took charge of the country on behalf of the emperor! The reason why the tiger came out today was because it happened when everyone was least prepared. Li Fengxian's heart was as bright as a mirror. He took out the tiger talisman from his arms, raised it high above his head, kowtowed and sighed: "I failed to teach you well, and I have failed the emperor's favor. I feel deeply ashamed in my heart, and I dare not ask for your majesty's forgiveness! I implore your majesty to take back the flaming army tiger talisman."

Liang Shichu was obviously stunned. The regent had been on the battlefield for many years and had led millions of troops. However, since the frontier was stabilized and the emperor recovered and returned to power, he decided to rest and recuperate, leaving most of the troops behind for border defense. Li Fengxian only had 100,000 Red Flame Army and 150,000 Raging Flame Army left in his hands. A few days ago, the Red Flame Army was handed over to Zhan Wuji due to lax military management. Today, he took the initiative to hand over the Tiger Talisman of the Raging Flame Army. From then on, this The once powerful regent Le Feng Xian had no military power. He really only had an empty name left! Even though he was a political enemy, Liang Shichu couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Zhan Wuji raised his eyebrows, and the emperor's face moved slightly, signaling Eunuch Gao to take the tiger talisman. He walked down the steps, helped Li Fengxian stand up, patted his shoulder lightly, and sighed softly: "Fengxian, you have been with me for many years. , your hard work has paid off, I know it well. In the past six months, you have lost your wife and daughter, and you have been grieving and sad. I should have understood your heart of being a husband and a father! In this case, you should go back home to cultivate yourself first, and what will happen in the future? To make a calculation."

A few words, said with sincerity and sincerity, can easily turn the deliberate reduction of power into the emperor's sympathy.

Everyone was silent. Thanks to his hard work, Li Fengxian couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, bowed his head respectfully and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

! "

The emperor shouted to one side: "Zhan Wuji."

"I'm here." With a deep and powerful response, Zhan Wuji's young and tall figure stood next to Li Fengxian. Compared with the regent who has lost his spirit, the loyal and brave hussar general has vigorous upward momentum like a sharp sword in the hand of the emperor. He can do whatever he wants and is invincible.

The emperor took the tiger talisman and handed it to him, saying: "After today, you will take over the Flame Army. Don't disappoint me."

Zhan Wuji looked solemn, knelt down to receive the tiger talisman, and kowtowed to receive the order. An imperceptible coldness flashed through his lowered, cold and proud eyes.

The hunting meeting, which had been delayed repeatedly because of the princess's choice of husband, ended in a hurry. No one knows whether the sudden change was really sudden or premeditated. The emperor ordered the matter to end here. No one dared to investigate further, and even if they did, no results could be found.

Su Li did not follow the huge team of Shengjia back to the city, but rode the white horse on which he came, and walked back slowly with Dongfang Ze.

Along the way, my mind was heavy, and my father's frustrated face kept appearing in my mind.

"Did I do something wrong?" He whispered in an almost inaudible voice. If she hadn't tried every means to investigate the Li Su case, there would not have been a gap between the father and Dongfang Zhuo, and the Regent's Palace would not have declined so quickly. For the first time, Su Li had doubts about her decision. Her mother and concubine are no longer here, and her father is her dearest person in the world!

Dongfangze glanced at her in surprise, strangely understanding her words, and with a twitch of his eyebrows, he said calmly: "Su Su is worrying too much! Even if Princess Mingyu hadn't been murdered, it would be a matter of time before the regent lost power. Su Su Why should Su take all the responsibility on himself? After all, you are not Princess Mingyu, and even if you are, Princess Mingyu will never let yourself be harmed without the truth coming to light!"

Su Li lowered her head, knowing that what he said was absolutely correct, but she still couldn't help but feel sad. Today's Prince Regent's Palace is in a state of turmoil and cannot withstand any further blows.

She thought for a while, then suddenly reined in the reins, turned to look at him and said, "Last time, the prince accompanied Su Li to the Regent's Palace. During the conversation, he seemed to have a lot of admiration for the Regent?"

Dongfangze raised his head and said: "Yes, I have said that I admire the regent's talent and strategy. Unfortunately, he is pedantic and conservative. He believes that only the eldest son of the direct line can inherit the throne, which is conducive to the stability of the country, but he doesn't care at all whether that person has Ability can make our Dasheng Dynasty become the best dynasty in the world!" At this point, his eyes suddenly turned cold.


Su Li was slightly shocked, her father was indeed a bit pedantic on this point. Su Li smiled softly and said: "People's thoughts will change with time and circumstances. Now that the regent has been reduced from military power, the relationship with King Jing'an is no longer what it used to be. If the prince can take more care of him at this time, , the regent’s view of the prince will definitely change.”

Dongfang Ze frowned slightly, stopped beside her, and said with a condensing smile: "Su Su wants me to win over the regent? At this time?"

Su Li said: "Now may not be the best time, but with the prince's ability, as long as he takes care of the regent's palace at the right time, how can he not understand with the regent's intelligence?"

Dongfangze looked at her, his eyes as deep as a pool, and said nothing.

Su Li felt unsure and a little uneasy. Suddenly I remembered what he said when he first went to her new residence, "If you want to have no war, you must unify the world." Su Li's heart was moved, and she looked at him and said: "Although the regent has lost his military power and his power is not as good as before, his prestige in the army is absolutely unmatched! If the prince can get the support of the regent, he will definitely benefit. It’s harmless, even if the prince doesn’t need him now, such good generals will be indispensable to unify the world in the future!”

Dongfang Ze's handsome face moved, his dark eyes were gradually lit up by a strange brilliance, and he suddenly laughed. That smile was like the waves of the deep sea reflected in the sun, dazzling and radiant, but also profound and unpredictable. Su Li couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He didn't know whether he thought she was right or wrong

Frowning slightly, his hand was suddenly grabbed by him. Dongfangze stopped laughing, looked at her, and said seriously: "Susu is the only person in the world who understands my thoughts!"

Su Li felt relieved and laughed softly. Looking at his eyes that suddenly became brighter, she felt that the sunshine today was particularly bright. And the palm he held hers was unusually warm.


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