The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 114: Grounded!


Su Li was furious, why didn't this person learn a lesson? ! Just as she was about to yell, he seemed to see her intention and quickly covered her mouth.

In the silent alleyway, there was another soft sound of footsteps coming from another direction. Su Li was slightly startled. If it weren't for his vigilant action and listening carefully, he wouldn't have noticed it at all. The footsteps of the imperial guards on night patrol gradually came closer, following the alleyway towards another courtyard.

Dongfangze whispered: "The opportunity has come. Let's go."

Su Li immediately held on to him, and in the dark night he held her in his arms and jumped down quickly without making any sound. Su Li was secretly shocked, this man's martial arts was truly unfathomable. He pulled her into a side room, which turned out to be a special room. Some clothes changed by the guards were scattered on the hangers. A voice came from outside: "Hurry up the shift change, don't miss the inspection."

Su Li listened carefully, and the voice was somewhat familiar. It seemed to be... Yuan Xiang, the left deputy commander of the Imperial Guard

At this moment, Dongfangze grabbed a guard uniform and put it on. Su Li looked back and saw that the clothes he was wearing seemed a little out of place. He tried his best to hold back his laughter, but also put on one, and said softly: "Your Majesty, do you really want this method?"

He hummed lightly, "This way we can see what we want to see. Don't call me Prince!"

Su Li raised her eyes to look at him and felt that the strange light in his eyes seemed to be on fire again. Her heart skipped a beat and she quickly turned to look outside the door, "They are changing shifts."

"Let's go." He pulled her and slipped out of the door.

Dongfang Ze took Su Li and slowly moved forward among the guards who were led by Yuan Xiang personally on night patrol. The two of them were dressed as guards and walked at the end of the team. Their cold helmets were placed heavily on their heads. Under the pale and cold moonlight, they walked slowly. Next, it was difficult to discern the true appearance for a while.

Arriving outside the Leng Palace gate, Dongfang Ze gradually slowed down, quickly pulled Su Li's slim waist, and slipped in silently. Su Li was about to speak when suddenly a dark shadow flashed, as if someone was coming! She and his hands reached for each other's hands in unison, held each other tightly, and hid in the flowers nearby.

The black figure was wearing a cloak, with his head lowered, as if he was afraid of being seen, and walked furtively toward the southeast of Leng Palace.


Su Li asked suspiciously: "It's so late, who would come to this cold palace?"

Dongfangze said coldly: "Follow us and we'll find out."

Dongfang Ze and Su Li followed the shadow from a distance. The man seemed to be unaware and went straight into a small courtyard in the southeast corner.

The cold palace is the most remote and desolate place in the palace.

The surrounding vegetation was messy and had obviously not been taken care of for a long time. The moonlight in late autumn and early winter was as cold as frost, making this dilapidated palace even more desolate. In front of the cold and silent courtyard, two guards stood impressively! Dongfang Ze and Su Li were stunned and quickly stepped aside.

When one of them saw the black shadow, he shouted: "Who is it?" Then he fell silent again. The man seemed to have taken out a token and waved it in front of him. The guard opened the closed courtyard door without asking any more questions. Step aside.

Looking from mid-air, the man looked like a ghost, walking quickly into the palace gate.

Dongfang Ze's eyes darkened, he held Su Li in his arms and jumped up to the roof, carefully removing a tile. From where they were, they had a clear view of the situation inside the palace.

It was almost the beginning of winter, and there wasn't even a brazier for heating in the house. The temperature inside was almost the same as outside. The cold wind flowed in through the broken windows, and the old wooden boards huddled together. A thin and delicate woman with disheveled hair, sallow complexion, and unclear appearance. She was wearing thin clothes and was wrapped in a tattered quilt with exposed cotton wool. She was sleeping deeply, and from time to time she would scream in a low voice: "Don't, don't hit me! "

The person came to the bed and said Shenchen: "Yun Qiluo, wake up quickly. Look, what good things have I brought you?" From the sound of the voice, it was a woman.

Su Li's heart moved. This voice was very familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere in the past few days. As she was thinking about it, she heard Dongfang Ze say coldly in a low voice: "He is hers." His voice was firm, as if he had already heard it. The person's identity was confirmed.

Sensing the doubt in her mind, he whispered: "Chunrong." Chunrong, Su Li suddenly remembered that this was the maid in charge of taking care of the courtyard in the Queen's Changchun Palace. Because she was not the one who served her personally, she was not very familiar with her. He had visited the palace many times and had only seen her once or twice. It was unexpected that an inconspicuous palace maid could be the most confidant of the queen.

I saw her taking a plate of things from the basket she carried with her and approaching Yun Qiluo. The big black cloak was swept aside, revealing a bright skirt. The colors were bright and the workmanship was exquisite. It was obvious that she was wearing a new coat.


People who have been in the cold palace for many years, with no food, no clothes, and no one to care about them, are no better than beggars on the street. The carefully cooked food in front of them exudes an alluring aroma. For people who are hungry, , undoubtedly has a fatal attraction.

Yun Qiluo's eyes were closed and her nose twitched, but she suddenly jumped up and sat on the bed, staring straight at the plate of rice. Her stunned expression looked indeed different from ordinary people.

The man chuckled in a low voice, "Want to eat?"

Yun Qiluo nodded repeatedly, swallowed, and reached out to get it, but she shrank back. There was a hint of suspicion in her frightened eyes. Even though her mind was a little confused, she knew that the person in front of her would not be happy. of giving her food.

"If you want to eat, just obediently hand over the bag of tips. From now on, I will change my tricks every day to make you eat well." The man tried his best to seduce and encourage.

Tips? ! Dongfang Ze and Su Li couldn't help but look at each other, and there was indeed a secret hidden in Yun Qiluo!

"Give it to me, give it to me quickly, I want to eat it!" The smell of the food was too tempting. Yun Qiluo couldn't help it. She yelled and suddenly jumped out of bed and reached out to grab the plate of food. The man ducked away. Avoiding it, she didn't catch him and only grabbed the man's sleeve. Although Yun Qiluo was thin, her strength was astonishing, and she immediately pulled the man forward a few steps.

The man suddenly felt frightened and angry, and hurriedly pushed her. The plate in his hand became unstable, and the plate of food fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, splashing vegetable juice all over her.

When she saw that the food had been knocked over, Yun Qiluo suddenly burst into tears and sat on the ground crying non-stop. The cry was particularly loud in the silent night.

The man was startled. When he saw the guard at the entrance of the courtyard looking in, he couldn't help turning around and slapped her hard. He shouted in a low voice: "Damn bitch! Why are you crying! All day long, there is nothing to do but eat. Just cry! Bad luck! Bah!"

Yun Qiluo was knocked to the ground by her slap, but like an ignorant child, she covered her face with one hand, cried and pulled her dress, "I'm so hungry, you pay for my chicken legs, you pay for my chicken legs" !”

Su Li's eyes couldn't help but sink slightly. They were both people in the palace, but their treatment was very different. The concubines who were loved so much in the past could only be bullied and humiliated by a little palace maid once their status was abolished. .

"I'll pay you for it! You damn crazy bitch

! The clothes the Queen gave me just now were stained by you. Oops! This fabric is stained with oil stains and I don’t know if it can be cleaned! "She cursed angrily. Ever since she was assigned this job, she has come to question this crazy woman every few days. It's really annoying that she can't get the answer even after asking for so long! Resentment suddenly arose in her heart. She turned her eyes and glanced at The vegetables and rice were spilled on the ground, and a steamed chicken leg fell to the ground, already covered with dust.

"Here you the chicken legs!" She said, kicking the chicken legs in front of Yun Qiluo, with a vicious smile on her lips.

As soon as she reminded her, Yun Qiluo immediately stopped crying and stared blankly at the chicken drumstick. She rushed forward and stuffed it into her mouth, gnawing like crazy, completely ignoring how dirty the drumstick was.

"He is indeed a lunatic!" There was disgust in the man's eyes, and he was like this nine times out of ten times, with no result. Judging from the situation, I had to return without success again today. I lowered my head and glanced at the stained dress. I couldn't help frowning and said coldly: "Eat slowly. After you finish eating, think carefully about where you put the kit." , I’ll come back in a few days.”

Yun Qiluo didn't seem to hear it at all. Her attention seemed to be all on the chicken leg in her hand. She just stared straight at the figure gradually moving away, and her biting movements slowly slowed down. Her eyes, Suddenly the ground drooped.

Looking down from the roof, the light was dim. Only the broken windows shed a piece of silver frost into the room. Yun Qiluo lowered her head slightly, her hair was disheveled, and the expression on her face was not very real. , the thin figure looked particularly miserable and pitiful.

She sat there motionless for a long time. For some reason, Su Li suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart. Yun Qiluo seemed to have changed after that person left.

Dongfang Ze did not move, still quietly observing her actions.

After staying for a while, until there was no more movement outside, Yun Qiluo slowly got up. She frowned and stroked her chest. She seemed to be a little uncomfortable. She retched a few times and spit out all the chicken she had just swallowed. .

Staggering to the dilapidated table, she poured a cup of crude tea and rinsed her mouth. The rickety table legs swayed slightly as she placed the teacup, and were about to collapse.

The tea was already cold. She carefully cleaned the uneaten chicken legs, sat on the edge of the bed, and slowly chewed the cold shredded meat. There was strong unwillingness and resentment in her originally dull eyes.

The cold wind blew through the courtyard, and there were two soft "plop" sounds, which seemed to be the sound of pebbles falling to the ground. In the silent night, accompanied by the whimpering of the wind, it was almost inaudible.

. In the blink of an eye, the two guards on duty at the door suddenly stiffened, their eyelids closed slightly, and they fell into a deep sleep one after another.

A dark cloud slowly drifted by, blocking the only light in the dark night, and the light inside the cold palace suddenly became dim.

"In just one year, the once beautiful Concubine Yun has become like this. It's such a pity." A cold and deep male voice sighed in a low voice. The sudden sound was not loud, but it was very clear. As the words echoed in Yun Qiluo's ears, her movements suddenly froze, her lowered eyes were extremely vigilant, and she patrolled back and forth in the room unconsciously.

I only heard its sound but did not see its shape.

Yun Qiluo was immediately frightened, "There's a ghost!" She screamed in horror, but no one responded at all. She threw away the unfinished chicken legs in her hand, quickly retreated into the bed, wrapped herself tightly with the torn quilt, shivering, only revealing a pair of frightened eyes, still Looking around the room.

Outside the palace door, two black figures fell silently. Under the dim moonlight, they could not see their faces clearly. They could only feel that the darkness was in front of them, and they were approaching. Yun Qiluo looked frightened and couldn't help it. He was about to scream again, but suddenly found that he was too frightened to scream.

The black scarf that covered his face was pulled down, revealing Dongfangze's extremely handsome face. He stared at Yun Qiluo with sharp eyes. After a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Concubine Yun, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Yun Qiluo was stunned for a moment, as if she couldn't believe it. After a long while, she said in a trembling voice: "You... are... Liang Zhirou? No, that's not right! She is a woman, you are not a woman... Are you a human or a ghost? ?I, I don’t know you!”

Hearing her mention Concubine Liang's maiden name, Dongfangze's eyes dimmed slightly, and he walked slowly and calmly in front of her, looking at her condescendingly. Yun Qiluo's gaze back was a little blank and dull.

Dongfangze said quietly: "Everyone in the palace knows that Concubine Yun has a straightforward temperament and hates hypocritical people in her life. Unexpectedly, the situation forced her to pretend to be an idiot and confuse others."

His eyes were dazzled, and then he said in a deep voice, "I have seen clearly what happened between Concubine Yun and Chunrong just now. This bitch slave relied on someone to support her, and he actually did something to the concubine, so rude." , I am really tired of living. If you have any grievances in your heart, please tell me." He stared closely at the expression on Yun Qiluo's face, refusing to let go of the slightest change.

Su Li couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Regarding the truth about Concubine Liang's death, Dongfang Ze seemed to be a little anxious and didn't want to waste time exposing her pretending to be crazy.

. However, Yun Qiluo has endured the humiliation and pretended to be crazy and stupid for so long. She must be very cautious and would never open her mind so easily.

Just as he expected from the bottom of his heart, Yun Qiluo still looked confused and stared at the two of them, as if he couldn't understand what Dongfang Ze said. After a while, her eyes wandered and she hummed softly, as if her mind was no longer here.

"You can understand every word I say. There is no need to hide it in front of me. If you are not sure, why do I come here today?" Dongfangze frowned, leaned forward, and looked at her, He said word by word: "What is the kit that Chunrong mentioned just now?" His eyes were cold as usual, but he could not hide the pain overflowing from the depths of his eyes. The mystery of the sudden death of his mother and concubine was like a wound that had not healed for many years, making him unable to sleep or eat well.

Yun Qiluo pulled the quilt's fingers tightly, clenching them very tightly. Her fingertips trembled slightly when she heard the sound, and then tightened the quilt again and again, and continued to wander and hum.

Su Li stood aside without speaking, observing her expression carefully. Seeing her like this, I suddenly realized something in my heart. She quietly took Dongfang Ze's hand and signaled him not to be so hasty. He was slightly startled, then understood what she meant, and said after a while: "I understand that the empress has feelings for me because of her past relationship with my mother and concubine. Concern. It’s just one moment and the other. Now that we have the same goals, we should share the same hatred and hatred, and tell the truth in front of the father. Your Majesty is a smart person. In your current situation, there is absolutely no one except me who can help you get out of the predicament! "

"Hehe, hehe." Yun Qiluo stared blankly at the leaky roof and smiled indifferently.

Su Li's heart moved inexplicably. Something important seemed to be flashing through his mind in the flash of lightning. After thinking for a while, he slowly sat down beside Yun Qiluo's bed and sighed softly: "My queen must not know yet, but your former personal maid Ruifang... was beaten to death by her rod today."

Hearing Ruifang's name, Yun Qiluo's glazed eyes seemed to pause slightly. Su Li slowly told her what happened this morning, and finally said: "The reason why Ruifang was executed today is very clear to my heart. Although she is still wary of you at the moment, she is She hasn't got what she wants yet. Once she finds the evidence, or... As time goes by, she loses her patience, and it's hard to predict what she will do to the empress. These words are by no means a threat. The empress used to have friendship with her. In short, no matter what kind of person she is, the empress must have a clear mind. She is afraid that even one person who has anything to do with that matter... will not be left behind."

Su Li smiled and said, "My Majesty, I have endured all the hardships this year, just so that one day I can avenge my injustice, walk out of this cold palace with dignity, and see the light of day again. Now that the opportunity is right in front of me, why do I hesitate?"

"If I can knock her down in one fell swoop this time, I will definitely guarantee that my former respect for the empress will not be reduced even a bit.

. Dongfangze's eyes moved and he immediately followed. At this point, all that needs to be said is over.

Yun Qiluo's dull, unfocused eyes finally flashed with a trace of fluctuation. The eyes seemed to be clear for a moment, then suddenly darkened again, obviously he had not yet made up his mind.

"As long as the concubine has real evidence to testify against her, I will not only protect her life, but I will also be the king of Japan and wish to honor her as the queen mother!" In order to find out the truth about Concubine Liang's death, Dongfang Ze did not hesitate to seduce her with his supreme status. Obviously, Already determined to win at all costs. Su Li couldn't help but feel her heart sink.

Yun Qiluo's lips trembled, and her eyes brightened again, "Respected in the past? Glory and wealth? Concubine Liang's life is so good." She raised her head and stared at the silent night sky outside, seeming to be lost in memories.

Dongfang Ze and Su Li held their breaths involuntarily. Neither of them spoke, waiting quietly for the truth to come out of her mouth.

"That year, Dingguo only sent a brocade horse as a gift. Because the golden phoenix was embroidered, which meant good luck, the emperor gave it to the queen." After a long while, she spoke slowly, her seemingly stupid eyes suppressing the undercurrent of resentment. , burst out in an instant! The days in the cold palace had tortured her into a human shape, except for her eyes, which were so bright that they still had some of the charm of the past.

"A few years ago, because I was too straight-tempered, I spoke against Concubine Liang Guifei, and I was not happy with His Majesty. I was depressed for a time. One day, the Queen came to me and asked me to show my kindness to Concubine Liang and take the opportunity to get close to the Emperor. She then Reconcile it and help me regain the title of concubine! At that time, I was really moved, because there will always be more people in the palace who see the wind and add trouble to the situation than to send help when it is time."

"So, the empress obeyed the queen's words and gradually resumed her interactions with the imperial concubine." Su Li continued calmly.

Yun Qiluo's eyes dimmed, and she suddenly touched her face, showing a confused look, and said in a low voice: "Concubine Liang... she was quite generous to me. She didn't take the past events to heart. Soon, Your Majesty As expected, my position as concubine was restored. However, I never thought that this was the first step in the trap set by that poisonous woman!"

Su Li was shocked when she suddenly changed her title and called the queen a poisonous woman, with a look of hatred in her eyes.

Dongfangze's heart suddenly sank, "What happens next?"

"One day, Concubine Liang was ill. The poisonous woman sent someone to invite me to Changchun Palace. She said that Concubine Liang always didn't sleep well at night. She wanted to make a sachet to help her sleep. She knew that I was an extremely skilled concubine. Okay, so you asked me to help. At that time, the poisonous woman had a soothing spice on hand, which she also used daily.

. I didn't think much about it. I sewed up the sachet in half a day and sent it over. "Her voice gradually became more urgent, and it was obvious that her mood swings were getting louder.

Su Li sighed softly, "The spice that helps you sleep must be mixed with ice dew, and the imperial concubine wears it with you, so she... can't wake up because of it. This thing is mixed in the spices and cannot be found at all. Even if something comes out in the future, this fragrance The bag was made by Concubine Yun with her own hands, so the Queen can blame Concubine Yun on her. What a vicious heart!"

Yun Qiluo gritted her teeth and became even more resentful.

Su Li thought about it and had doubts in her heart, "Although ice dew has a soothing effect, the amount in this sachet shouldn't have its effect in such a short period of time."

Yun Qiluo snorted coldly and said hastily: "That poisonous woman is cruel and cruel! After the sachet was delivered, the imperial concubine slept peacefully, but she slept longer and longer, and within half a month, she began to sleep all day long. I slept all night and rarely woke up! His Majesty summoned eighteen imperial doctors, but they could not diagnose the cause. I felt very uneasy, so I went to find the poisonous woman, but overheard the secret between her and the palace servants. After talking, I found out that this sachet also hides other secrets!"

"What?" Su Li and Dongfang Ze looked at each other in surprise.

Yun Qiluo pursed her lips, and then said slowly: "The poisonous woman has already placed people beside Concubine Liang, and put poison mixed with several ingredients into the fragrant soup that she bathes in every day. The amount is very small, and it accumulates over time. , causing her to feel unwell. The sachet sent, combined with this poison, will induce the effect of ice dew in the shortest possible time."

The queen's methods are indeed vicious! Su Li gasped and glanced at Dongfang Ze unconsciously. His handsome face was expressionless, and he just listened quietly to Yun Qiluo's story.

"When I heard the news, I was horrified. I knew that I was unknowingly implicated by her! So I quietly put the sachet away and was thinking about how to explain it to the emperor. Concubine Liang actually..." She Suddenly he covered his mouth and looked around uneasily with a pair of frightened eyes.

Su Li quickly stepped forward and patted her hand gently: "Don't be afraid, it's okay... What happened next?"

Yun Qiluo gasped and lowered her voice: "Later, many people in the imperial concubine's palace died in different accidents. How can such a coincidence happen in the world? She must be killing people to silence them! The sachet was gone, and she called me to ask, how dare I say anything, of course I pretended to be stupid! I knew that she would not let me go, would not let me go... This vicious woman! Bitch! She found the wrong place to kill me. Lock me up here! I want to get out, I want to get out! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!” She suddenly became angry, and by the end of her words, she could not hide her miserable hatred. When I stood up, I wanted to rush out.


Su Li was startled, and quickly pulled her back, pushed her down on her chest, and kept whispering comfort. She struggled angrily, but in the end she was not as strong as Su Li, who had martial arts skills, and her voice gradually weakened.

Dongfangze's eyes were extremely cold, his fists were clenched tightly, and there was a clicking sound between his fingers. The hatred surging in his chest seemed to turn into a red-hot iron, burning the blood all over his body! Yes, he has never hated someone so much! The moment Yun Qiluo's answer confirmed his suspicion, he almost used up all his strength to suppress the anger that was about to explode.

An exquisite, beautiful and unique piece of Ruyi Brocade turned out to be a weapon that could take the life of his dearest person! So much so that when the mother-in-law was dying, she couldn't even say a word to him!

Thinking of his deceased mother and concubine, his eyes couldn't help but turn slightly red.

Su Li's heart sank suddenly. She heard the cruel truth about the murder of her dearest person, and she had to suppress her emotions. At this moment, Dongfang Ze was so calm and frightening that she was shocked! There was no expression on his handsome face, but one could clearly feel the hatred and sadness overflowing from his heart.

But she knew very well that people who usually hide their thoughts deeply will only explode more intensely once they are touched and hurt! It just wasn't time yet.

"Gu, Yuan, Tong."

He raised his eyebrows lightly, and as he slowly uttered the queen's maiden name, his slender fingers slowly stretched out, but in an instant they clenched together into a fist, as if he wanted to grasp something!

There was an icy cold air of rage all over him, condensing the already extremely low temperature in the room again.

In the imperial study room, the atmosphere was depressing and everyone held their breath.

"What you said is true?!" The emperor sat at the desk with a cold and gloomy face. As Dongfang Ze narrated, the whole study seemed to be filled with the aura of stormy rage because of his gloomy mood. .

"If I hadn't heard what Yun said with my own ears, I would never have believed it! Now if I want to find out the truth, I'm afraid I have to ask the Queen to confront her face to face!" Dongfang Ze tried his best to slow down his tone and said in a deep voice replied.

The emperor leaned back slowly and said coldly: "Pass."

"Yes!" Eunuch Gao respectfully accepted the order and left. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. With this oracle, a huge turmoil in the harem is bound to arise!

The waiting process was not long. No one in the imperial study spoke anymore. Everyone was quietly waiting for the upcoming confrontation. The extremely silent atmosphere was like a heavy stone, weighing on Su Li's heart.


The queen's figure hurried in, followed by Dongfang Zhuo. When the mother and son saw the emperor's gloomy and cold expression, they were both shocked and hurriedly came forward to pay their respects.

Dongfang Zhuo looked at Su Li involuntarily. Her expression was solemn, as if filled with endless worry, which made his heart tremble, and he felt that the atmosphere was strange and unspeakable. Dongfang Ze's eyes beside her were cold and cold, like sharp knives. Ever since the queen stepped into the door, he had been staring at her profile without blinking, as if looking at an enemy.

The emperor sat motionless, staring at the queen's face for a long time without saying a word. The air seemed stagnant.

Seeing him, the queen felt chilled in her heart. She forced a smile and said anxiously, "Your Majesty is so anxious to summon your concubine here. Why?"

The emperor suddenly smiled deeply and said casually: "I heard something today that is related to you. So I summoned you to ask for details." What he said seemed to be the same as before, but his tone was different. But there was clearly a cold and oppressive evil aura.

The Queen's heart suddenly thumped, her expression changed, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Eunuch Gao walking in with a woman. Her hair was disheveled, covering most of her features. Her complexion was vaguely sallow, and her clothes were shabby and shabby. She was really miserable. When she saw the queen, her eyes seemed to burst into flames. She gritted her teeth and wished she could immediately How about cutting her into pieces!

The queen was startled and looked at her uncertainly. For a moment, she couldn't identify who this person was.

"Go back to Your Majesty, we have been brought here."

The emperor waved his hand, and Eunuch Gao quickly exited the imperial study.

When the woman saw the emperor sitting behind the desk, she was immediately excited. She knelt down on the ground with a thump and said sadly: "My concubine, Yunshi, come to see your majesty!"

Concubine Yun, who used to be charming and charming, and who once dominated the harem for a while, has turned into this haggard appearance! Not to mention that the Queen didn't recognize her, except for Dongfang Ze and Su Li, who had seen her before, no one here dared to recognize her! However, there were rumors in the palace that Yun Qiluo had gone crazy and couldn't recognize people well. At the moment, she seemed to be normal and nothing unusual.

A trace of complicated emotions flashed through the emperor's deep and unpredictable eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Get up.

. Long time no see, I almost don’t recognize you. "

These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Yun Qiluo's heart hard. The people around her who used to sleep with her no longer recognized her. It can be seen that the inhuman life in the cold palace for more than a year has tortured her to the point of To what extent!

Yun Qiluo raised her head suddenly, with tears in her eyes, unable to restrain the anger in her heart, "Your Majesty! If I hadn't been harmed by an adulterer, how could I have turned into the person I am today, unlike a ghost or a ghost! Your Majesty, please make the decision for me!"

"Oh? Who is so bold to do this?" The emperor's eyes flashed sharply.

"That's her!" Yun Qiluo's voice was stern, pointing her arm directly at the queen, accusing her sharply.

The queen's expression changed when she heard this, and then returned to normal. She asked in surprise: "Sister Yun, I think I treated you well in the past, why did you say this?!"

Yun Qiluo finally had a way to vent her long-simmered resentment. Her eyes were full of resentment and resentment. She stood up and approached the queen step by step: "Yes, you treated me very well, so much so that you used me to secretly treat Concubine Liang. He poisoned her and took her life invisibly, and then killed her to silence her, forcing me to pretend to be crazy and act like a fool. I endured the humiliation and hid in the cold palace for four hundred and nineteen days! Queen, you treat me so well!" The sharp and fierce words brought with it Strong resentment resounded throughout the imperial study.

He secretly carried out the murder and silenced the people. If he is serious, he should be punished!

The queen exclaimed, as if she couldn't believe why Yun Qiluo said these words. She swayed and almost lost her balance. Dongfang Zhuo stepped forward quickly, supported the queen, and glared at Yun Qiluo: " You madman is talking nonsense! Concubine Liang obviously passed away due to illness, and eighteen imperial doctors in the palace have already made a diagnosis! Could this also be false? "

"Facts have proved that the diagnoses of the eighteen imperial doctors cannot be guaranteed to be error-free!" Dongfang Ze said coldly, "It seems that Princess Mingyu's incident has not been long ago. Second Emperor Brother, your memory is too bad! "

"You!" Hearing him mention Li Su, Dongfang Zhuo felt a sharp pain in his heart. He glanced at Su Li unconsciously. She still stood quietly with her head bowed, showing no emotion.

Realizing that Dongfang Ze had come prepared this time, the queen quickly calmed down and raised her hand to signal Dongfang Zhuo to stop talking. She directly faced Yun Qiluo and said in a deep voice: "Yun Qiluo, how can you say such nonsense! Liang Liang! The imperial concubine and I are like sisters and have always gotten along harmoniously, so why would I want to assassinate her?"

Yun Qiluo jumped up, pointed at the Queen angrily and shouted: "You bitch looks kind on the surface, but in reality you are like a snake. Concubine Liang and Prince Zhenning's mother and son are deeply favored by His Majesty, but you are jealous, secretly poisoning, and even You dragged me into the water. If you didn't have some evil intentions in your heart, why did you look for me everywhere and try every possible means to throw me into the cold palace? Everyone is dead.

! All dead! If I hadn't held your hand, you would have killed me long ago! "Her words were so excited that she was incoherent. Thinking of the sins she had suffered over the past year, she could not control the hatred in her heart.

The queen hurriedly defended: "It is indeed my decree that you were demoted to the cold palace, but you did violate the palace rules! As the Lord of the Sixth Palace, I naturally have to follow the routine, otherwise how can I convince the public? Commanding the harem? As for what you said about Concubine Liang, I have never done it at all!" She rolled her eyes and seemed to suddenly realize, "Yun Qiluo, you, you didn't frame me in front of His Majesty just to take revenge on me, right? "

"You're talking nonsense!" Qu Qiluo screamed angrily and rushed to catch her, but was pushed to the ground by Dongfang Zhuo. She immediately burst into tears.

Seeing that the emperor's eyes were cold and he didn't say a word, the queen hurriedly knelt in front of him and complained sadly: "Your Majesty! Ever since I took care of the harem, I have fulfilled my duty and never slacked off in the slightest. I didn't expect that today This has caused a big disaster! What a serious crime it is to murder the imperial concubine. Please ask Your Majesty to make the decision for my concubine!" At the end of her speech, her voice was earnest and full of grievances. It seemed that every word of her words was explaining that Yun Qiluo was In order to retaliate for what happened in the cold palace that day, the crime of murder was put on her head.

Seeing that she was evading the important point and taking it lightly, Yun Qiluo suddenly became angry and screamed: "You bitch, you have killed so many people and you are pretending to be innocent! You are still talking nonsense!" She was so angry that she went crazy. He stood up and was about to rush forward to catch the queen, but saw Dongfang Zhuo's face darken, and said angrily: "Someone, capture this crazy woman!"

Yun Qiluo was so frightened that she immediately shrank into a ball and shouted urgently: "Don't arrest me, don't arrest me, I was wronged, wronged!" The guards came up to take her, but she cried and screamed, struggling and refusing to submit. His hair was disheveled, and he looked like he was crazy.

Su Li's heart sank and she frowned secretly. There seemed to be something wrong with Yun Qiluo's mood. She was easily provoked by the queen's words, which made people think that she was the one who caused trouble out of nothing.

"I think you are the one talking nonsense!" Seeing Yun Qiluo speak rudely, causing the queen to feel unjustly aggrieved and about to cry, Dongfang Zhuo felt angry in his heart. He couldn't help it anymore and scolded loudly: "You crazy bitch, You are unconscious and talking like crazy here. I think you are tired of staying in the cold palace and want to have a taste of the secret prison!"

"Second Emperor Brother," Dongfang Ze's eyes were as cold as snow blades, "Whether this is true or not, if you show us the evidence, your father will naturally make a decision in his heart. Your rush to defend yourself makes people feel... trying to cover up the truth."

Dongfang Zhuo glanced sharply and faced Dongfang Ze without any sign of weakness, "I have always been upright and upright, and I will never resort to such shady means as you do.

! "His eyes always deliberately avoided Su Li, as if just one more look would make him heartbroken, especially when they were in opposing positions. He then turned his head and categorically refuted: "This dynasty's law, If you want to convict in a case involving human life, you must have all the witnesses and material evidence, and it is indispensable. It is ridiculous for this crazy woman to try to prove the crime by saying that she has no evidence! "

Dongfangze smiled coldly, "You want evidence? What's the problem!"

When Yun Qiluo heard this, she immediately became energetic and shouted: "Yes, yes, evidence, I have evidence!" She quickly ran to the emperor, took out something from her arms, her eyes were straight, and her hands were on Trembling constantly, he looked cautiously as if he was holding a treasure that was more important than his own life.

Everyone's eyes were immediately fixed on Yun Qiluo's hand.

For some reason, Su Li suddenly felt uneasy. An indescribable strange feeling arose in her heart. She unconsciously turned her eyes to look at Dongfang Ze beside her, and couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He was the only one who didn't look at the evidence in Yun Qiluo's hands, but stared at the queen intently.

The emperor frowned and said in a deep voice: "What do you think happened to this sachet?"

As if she didn't understand the emperor's words, Yun Qiluo was stunned for a moment, blinked, and asked in confusion: "Have you forgotten, Your Majesty? This is the Ruyi brocade sent by Dingguo! You gave it to that person Bitch, she put poison in it! And she gave it to Concubine Liang. This is irrefutable proof!"

Hearing her call her a bitch in public, the queen's face immediately turned livid, and she immediately shouted: "The Ruyi brocade is unique. I never leave my body when I wear it, so how could it be in your hands!" As she said that, she took off one from her waist. sachet.

Two sachets, at a glance, you can tell the good and bad. The one in the Queen's hand is bright and bright in color and extremely exquisite in workmanship. You can tell at a glance that it is anything but ordinary. As for the lavender brocade in Yun Qiluo's hand, the texture is ordinary and the embroidery work is ordinary. Not to mention the unique Ruyi brocade in the world, even the sachet of any concubine in the palace is a hundred times more exquisite than this!

The emperor's face turned extremely ugly in an instant. After a while, he softly said to Yun Qiluo: "Do you think I'm an old fool?"

These words were spoken softly and gently, but they were like an extremely loud thunder that split the tense nerves between Su Li and Dongfang Ze!

Su Li took a closer look and was shocked. The sachet was definitely not the Ruyi Jin that Yun Qiluo claimed!


! "Yun Qiluo's eyes widened and she looked straight at the emperor, as if she only saw the emperor and nothing else. She screamed repeatedly: "Your Majesty, look at this, this is the Ruyi Brocade Sachet, my lord. I made it for Concubine Liang with my own hands! You also praised my concubine for her exquisite workmanship, which is unparalleled. Please take a closer look! "Holding the old sachet in his hand, he suddenly leaned forward and leaned on the table, almost poking the emperor in the face!

The emperor leaned back, his anger burst out in an instant, and he slapped Yun Qiluo's hand hard! The sachet flew out instantly, drew a lavender arc in the air, and landed right at Dongfang Ze's feet.

Su Li and Dongfang Ze couldn't help but look at each other, seeing the surprise and confusion in each other's eyes. Why is this happening? Yun Qiluo endured the humiliation and took great pains to protect, but it turned out to be just false evidence

According to Yun Qiluo, this sachet should have the smell of ice dew, but right now, except for the light fragrance of some petals, she couldn't detect the smell of ice dew at all! And her state was clearly completely different from when she was awake before!

The physical evidence is undoubtedly false, and the witness's mood is obviously crazy. Who can believe the testimony? This sudden change caused what was originally a sure thing to be reversed in an instant.

Su Li's face turned slightly pale and she thought quickly. What happened in the past few days flashed through her mind like lightning. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Ever since Ruifang was killed with a stick in Changchun Palace yesterday, they had already entered. The game set by the queen! Every step she takes is carefully planned by her!

Although the Queen had anticipated the marriage between the Prime Minister's Palace and Prince Zhenning's Palace, she would definitely not give up. However, in such a short period of time, she was able to use Dongfang Ze's feelings for Concubine Liang to quickly create a puzzle. Her counterattack was indeed cruel and heavy. !

Dongfangze stared at the queen kneeling on the ground with a very ugly face. He must have guessed the clue!

Yun Qiluo was still crying.

"Come here," the emperor shouted sternly, "take this lunatic back to the cold palace and never let me see her again!"

As soon as she heard the word "Leng Gong", Yun Qiluo suddenly screamed, "No! I won't go back!" She looked ferocious, her emotions suddenly lost control, she pounced on the queen, clamped her neck with both hands, and kept Laughing wildly: "You made me live in the cold palace! I'm going to kill you! You bitch! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

The queen was unprepared for a moment and was thrown to the ground by her. After struggling a few times, she couldn't even scream.

Dongfang Zhuo's face suddenly changed, and he immediately flew over and tried to pull her away with the two guards who responded, but failed. The strength of a madman in his mad state is really amazing.


Seeing that the queen's face turned purple and her eyes turned white due to her pinching, the emperor shouted angrily: "Trash! Get her away quickly!"

Dongfang Zhuo suddenly became furious. He grabbed Yun Qiluo's arm and exerted force on his hand. There was a crisp sound, and Yun Qiluo's wrist bones were crushed by him! She immediately let out a shrill wail, and Dongfang Zhuo immediately kicked her over. The queen immediately softened and fell into his arms.

The two guards quickly dragged Yun Qiluo down, who was almost fainting from the pain.

"Mother! What do you think?" Dongfang Zhuo called urgently, stroking her back repeatedly, "Come here, send the imperial doctor!"

It took the queen a long while to regain her breath and weakly replied: "It's okay."

With anger flowing in his heart, Dongfang Zhuo suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily: "Dongfang Ze, is this your evidence?!"

Dongfang Ze had no expression on his face. Things changed instantly, seemingly beyond his expectation. Yun Qiluo's last trouble pushed him into a more dangerous situation. It was meant to reveal the truth, but it turned out to be a false accusation. No matter what he said for a while, it was wrong.

At this time, the emperor suddenly said coldly: "King Zhenning, it seems you should give the queen an explanation!"

Dongfangze was silent for a long time, "My son, I was not aware for a moment..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Dongfang Zhuo.

"What a careless statement, do you think you can get away with it completely?"

Dongfang Zhuo helped the queen sit down carefully on the chair and shouted angrily: "Are you going to say that you have been wronged? This king is really puzzled. The sixth emperor's brother has always been thoughtful and intelligent, but he can be so easily betrayed. Are you plotting against others?" His eyes were slightly cold, and he said slowly: "I think you have ulterior motives!"

The eyes of the two brothers, one as angry as fire and the other as cold as ice, met silently in mid-air.

The Queen took a few deep breaths, and seemed to have recovered from the shock. She said sadly: "Ze'er, I treat you and Zhuo'er equally, and I don't show any partiality. What you did today really made my mother very sad. It turns out that you are so suspicious of your mother..." Before she could finish her words, her voice was choked with sobs, and she looked particularly aggrieved.

Dongfangze said nothing and his eyes were cold. This woman clearly understood her feelings for her mother and concubine, so she made such a poisonous plan. In order to lure him into the game, she really used her thoughts and tricks to the extreme.


Su Li was extremely anxious. The words of the empress and Dongfang Zhuo all signaled to the emperor that what happened today was Dongfang Ze's ulterior motive to use Concubine Yun to frame the empress.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that the emperor's face became more and more gloomy and he was on the verge of bursting into anger, Su Li stepped forward in a hurry and defended himself: "The prince indeed has an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. But he also wanted to find out the imperial concubine as soon as possible. The truth behind his death from illness was that he mistakenly believed Concubine Yun's words out of desperation. Your Majesty, please bear in mind the filial piety of the prince and deal with it leniently." At this point, it is impossible to escape unscathed. The only way to touch the emperor with love is , in order to minimize the guilt.

Hearing her mention Concubine Liang, Dongfangze's heart ached, and his vision suddenly dimmed a bit. If his father had protected his mother and concubine well, how could she have been poisoned? Now he accidentally stepped into the queen's trap, and everything he said was in vain. He knew the emperor's temperament very well, so he remained silent at the moment.

The emperor did not speak, but looked steadily at his most proud son, with an obvious expression of disappointment on his face, which made people feel heartbroken.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, as if he was exhausted. He rubbed his forehead and said slowly: "You are unforgivable for what happened today. Fortunately... you haven't made a big mistake yet. It depends on your sincerity." For the sake of being a mother, I will punish you to meditate on your faults in the house for one month."

As soon as the emperor's decree came out, Prince Zhenning Dongfangze, who was so famous yesterday and saw that the position of prince was within easy reach, was banned!

Without any extra explanation, Dongfang Ze lowered his head, with a slight sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth, which disappeared in an instant. He kowtowed his thanks with a calm look, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

Dongfang Zhuo couldn't believe it. He felt that the emperor's punishment was equivalent to nothing! She was so angry that she couldn't calm down. She stood up suddenly and was about to rush forward to say something. However, she was held down by the queen. A cold and cold feeling flashed through her narrow eyes, as if she was peeping at prey deep in the forest, waiting for an opportunity to move. The hunter silently stared at Dongfangze's profile.

The emperor waved his hand and motioned for everyone to leave.

Su Li and Dongfang Ze walked out of the palace gate together. He walked very fast, as if there was something about this place that disgusted him from the bottom of his heart. He didn't say a word along the way. Su Li finally couldn't help shouting: "Your Majesty!"

Dongfangze paused for a moment and did not look back.


Su Li hurriedly took a few steps to catch up with him, looking at his expressionless handsome face with great worry, not knowing how to comfort him. Although this matter was the queen's design, the emperor should have understood in his heart that with Dongfang Ze's personality, how could he be so stupid as to join forces with Concubine Yun to use false evidence to wrongly accuse the queen. This was clearly someone taking advantage of his feelings for Concubine Liang to set a trap. !

"Prince, you...don't be too sad about this matter..."

"This incident is a lesson. I wanted to find the murderer for my mother-in-law too early, but ended up falling into her trap." Dongfang Ze responded calmly, his eyes so calm that it was impossible to guess his true inner expression. He raised his eyes to look at her and saw that her eyes were full of worry. He couldn't help but soften a little, and in turn comforted: "Su Su, don't worry about me. This result is already the best. I don't feel at all happy about it." It’s not sad, I was born into an emperor’s family and I have already seen through many things.”

Even so, Su Li couldn't help but feel astringent in her heart. As a prince, in the eyes of others, he has a noble status, is smart and wise, has unlimited glory, and seems to be omnipotent. But in fact, he is not as good as an ordinary person. At least ordinary people can choose the path they want to take, and he has never Destined at birth, no choice at all.

"What are your plans for the next step?" He once asked her this question, and now it was she who asked him. The prince's confinement can be big or small, and there is no way to pry into the future.

"This incident is just the beginning, just wait and see!" He squeezed her arm hard and looked up in the direction of the palace. There was no trace of self-pity or confusion in his eyes, but only incomparable determination and determination. Confident, he smiled coldly: "Now that it has begun, it will not end so easily. Susu, be more careful." After he finished speaking, he stopped talking, got on his horse, and looked at her deeply again. With one glance, he rode away.

Su Li stood there, looking at his resolute back that was gradually disappearing, and couldn't tell whether she was happy or sad. Perhaps this is Dongfang Ze, who never gets carried away when the scenery is endless, and doesn’t blame others when he is frustrated occasionally. He clearly knows his identity, position, and situation. He knows what he should and shouldn't do. If the queen succeeds this time, she must have a backup plan. I hope nothing will happen to him.

"Dongfang Ze, what can I do for you?" The cold wind of early winter blew in her face, quietly blowing her murmuring sighs into the cold air.


I originally prepared it for three days, but I really can’t divide this chapter, so I’ll just update it all at once. I’ll ask for leave tomorrow. love you~

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