The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 116: Secret meeting


Princess's Mansion.

The night was dark, and the lights were like beans. Su Li was sitting in front of the window, still not sleeping. Seeing her like this, Mo Xiang thought that she was still sad because of the rumors outside. She couldn't help but feel sad in her heart. She stepped forward to persuade her: "Miss, it's very late. Take a rest early

. "

Su Li said: "You go to sleep first, I'm not sleepy yet."

"No matter what others say, you still have to take care of your own body." Before she could finish her words, Mo Xiang's voice was choked with sobs.

Wan Xin took a cloak from the inner room, came over and put it on Su Li's shoulders. She frowned slightly and said, "You go to bed first. I'll stay with you, miss."

Seeing Wan Xin's face darken, Mo Xiang stopped talking, so she had no choice but to nod her head and go back to the house to sleep.

Wan Xin poured a cup of warm tea for Su Li and asked with concern: "Miss, are you still thinking about Prince Zhenning?"

Su Li took a sip of tea, frowned and said softly: "With his intelligence and calmness, if he wants to deal with the Queen, he will never do such an impulsive and unwise act as assassination."

Wan Xin nodded and said in a deep voice: "I also think that for such a serious crime as assassinating the queen, how could he be so careless as to send his own people to do it himself? Only one of the people in the group was his subordinate, and he obviously wanted to be involved in the matter. After his defeat, he deliberately left clues to prove that he was the mastermind behind it!”

A hint of worry appeared in Su Li's eyes, and he sighed softly: "If you want to find out about this matter, it's best to ask him in person, but right now he is in prison..." Before he could finish his words, Huanxin suddenly raised his head. He gestured with his hand, interrupting her words.

"Dong dong".

In the silence of the night, there were sudden bursts of dull knocking sounds in the inner room. Su Li and Wan Xin looked at each other, and they couldn't help but be surprised. The courtyard door had been closed for a long time. Apart from the three masters and servants, there was absolutely no fourth person in the big house. Where did the sound come from in the middle of the night

Wan Xin immediately stood up, carefully walked to the door of the inner room, and listened carefully. The source of the sound gradually became clearer, and it turned out to be coming from behind the screen in the house. The master and servant looked at each other, Wan Xin walked over cautiously, and were fully alert. He moved the screen away silently.

There was no light in the inner room. Taking advantage of the shallow moonlight outside the window, Su Li stared and saw an ashlar brick on the ground suddenly protruding from the ground. Then it was slowly pushed aside by a pair of hands, and the moist and fresh smell of earth filled the room. The bottom overflowed, and a man's head popped out from the edge of the hole!

Wan Xin's face changed drastically. Who was so bold as to dig a tunnel directly into the princess's room

! As soon as his body flashed, a sword hanging on the wall was unsheathed, and the bright sword light was wrapped with sharp evil energy and stabbed straight at the opponent!

The man had just jumped out of the hole, and when he noticed someone stabbing him with a sword, he was startled. He immediately jumped up and jumped over Huan Xin, shouting in a low voice: "Princess, it's me!"

This voice... Su Li couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then realized that this person was actually Sheng Qin! She quickly stopped and said, "Stop it!"

The tense evil spirit that filled the inner room suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The candle was lit, instantly illuminating everything in the room. Sheng Qin was dressed in black, bowing in awe, and his clothes were stained with a lot of mud.

When Sheng Qin saw Su Li, his face lit up with joy. He hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, and whispered, "Sheng Qin has met the princess!"

Su Li asked in surprise: "Why do you come here late at night?"

"This subordinate came to see the princess on the order of the prince."

Su Li's eyes flashed and he realized immediately, "Did the prince order this tunnel to be dug?"

Sheng Qin nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, we have been digging for half a month, and we just got through it. The prince said that in these extraordinary times, people are always watching, so you must be careful when doing things to avoid being caught by the other party. I had to think of this method as a last resort." As he said that, he carefully looked at Su Li's face and saw that she didn't seem unhappy at all, but instead had a hint of surprise.

Half a month? Su Li's heart trembled. Counting the time, it turned out that Dongfangze had already started this matter after being banned from the palace? Although the Princess's Mansion and Prince Zhenning's Mansion are adjacent to each other, it is definitely not easy to open a tunnel in such a short period of time without being noticed. At that time, he started to do it. Could it be... long ago Did you expect this day to happen

Since it had been foreseen long ago, why did he still let the other party frame him? Su Li frowned slightly, and there was a vague answer in her heart, but she couldn't control her heart pounding.

"How is he... now?" After not contacting him for many days, Su Li hesitated, but still couldn't help but speak, her slightly held breath revealing a little of her inner nervousness.

From Dongfang Ze's confinement to imprisonment, this was the first time Sheng Qin heard someone sincerely asking about the prince's situation. This loyal bodyguard who had been following him for many years felt hot in his heart and his eyes suddenly turned red. He shook his head and said: "Dark prison." The security is tight, and the prisoners are all serious prisoners. As a rule, they are not allowed to visit the prison. The cell is cold and damp, and there is no sunlight all year round. It is the twelfth lunar month, and the prince has a noble status. He has never suffered like this. I am afraid he will have to endure it for a long time. Got it

. "

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down slightly. Compared with being accused of assassinating the queen, what does all this suffering mean? The crime has not yet been determined, and the emperor has thoroughly investigated the person who ordered him. He has not removed the identity of Prince Dongfang Ze first. I think the emperor has not completely given up on this son. If the others are in prison, they will probably not suffer any serious crimes. The most important thing now is to find out the assassination case.

"Is there any secret behind the assassination?" She asked with a frown as her thoughts changed.

When mentioning this matter, Sheng Qin clenched his fists tightly and his eyes almost burst into flames, "The princess is wise! That Tian Yong was secretly bribed and is a traitor!"

Sure enough.

"People's hearts are unpredictable," Su Li slowly sat down and stroked the outer edge of the tea cup with her fingers. Her eyes gradually became colder and she said calmly: "Even if you are a blood relative, there is no guarantee that one day you will not be betrayed, let alone an outsider. .What clues can we find about Tian Yong?"

"Tian Yong's parents are dead and he has no relatives at home. He has a clean background. Since joining the Black Cavalry, he has performed very well and has not found anything unusual. Therefore, it will take some effort to investigate."

The simpler a person's life experience is, the fewer clues can be found. Su Li's heart sank. He suppressed the worry that floated in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Whether the prince can escape guilt or not, this person is the key. He must be You must check carefully and don't miss any details. Now that the trial is coming, you must seize the time. If you wait a moment longer, the prince's situation will be more dangerous."

"Yes!" Sheng Qin said solemnly, looking at Su Li as if looking at his own prince, full of respect.

After pondering for a moment, Su Li quickly made a bold decision, staring at the entrance of the tunnel and thinking thoughtfully: "This tunnel is opened just right..."

Wan Xin's expression changed slightly, and he vaguely guessed her intention, and said in a deep voice: "Miss, are you going back to the house to see the master?"

Her bright eyes showed approval, and Su Li smiled slightly, "Not bad."

Dongfangze must have planned something when he took the risk to open this tunnel. Deep down in her heart, she also had some questions that she wanted to ask in person, so it was imperative to go to the dark prison to meet Dongfang Ze. And right now, the most suitable person who can successfully open her joints is Su Xiangru.

At night the next day, Su Li and Wan Xin dressed up in disguise and walked quietly from the tunnel to Prince Zhenning's mansion. They pretended to be servants and left the palace, then immediately changed their clothes and headed to the Prime Minister's Mansion.


It was late at night, and the lights were still on in Su Xiangru's study, and a shadowy shadow was reflected on the window. He was pacing back and forth in the room, seemingly troubled.

Su Li and Wan Xin were familiar with each other, and they quickly avoided the servants, came to the door of the study, and knocked on the door.

The wandering figure stopped immediately, and Su Xiangru's majestic and deep voice asked: "Who?"

The door opened slightly, and a man in a cloak ducked in with his head lowered. The broad brim of his hat was drooped, covering most of his face. He was obviously in a hurry.

Su Xiangru was suddenly startled and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

The brim of the hat was slowly pushed down, revealing Su Li's clear and beautiful face. She stepped forward and prostrated: "Su Su has met your father."

"Su Su?!" Su Xiangru was stunned for a moment. He seemed a little unbelievable. He was overjoyed and quickly stepped forward to help her up. He looked at her carefully. They hadn't seen her for a long time. Su Li hadn't changed much. She was still the same. A calm and calm look.

Seeing that she was safe and sound, Su Xiangru was immediately relieved, and suddenly asked worriedly: "Didn't the queen issue a ban, how did you get out?" A series of recent events have changed so much that even Su Xiangru was caught off guard. Dongfang Ze After being jailed, Su Li was banned. He never knew the reason. The situation he secretly inquired about was not clear. He could not be contacted for a while, and his brows were furrowed every day, and he had trouble sleeping and eating.

Su Li moved out of the Prime Minister's Mansion that day. She had thought that she would never have the chance to step forward again in this life, but she never expected that she would come back to seek help from Su Xiangru for Dongfang Ze. However, Su Xiangru's wavering attitude when choosing a concubine made her still a little cautious.

Su Li's eyes moved slightly and sighed softly: "Now that the prince is behind bars and Su Su is grounded again, she doesn't know what to do for a while, so she has to risk leaving the house and come back to discuss with her father."

Su Xiangru immediately darkened his face and snorted coldly: "Anyone with a discerning eye can see this. Prince Zhenning is so talented and intelligent, so how could he use such despicable means to harm others? Also, what about the prince's side?" Something just happened, and they say you are suspected of plotting against a crazy concubine? The most ridiculous thing is that there is no conclusive evidence at all! I'm afraid the Queen's real purpose is to use this matter to ground you!"

"Father, your heart is indeed like a bright mirror..." Su Li looked slightly happy.

"Since the marriage between the Prime Minister's Palace and Zhenning Prince's Palace, the emperor has paid special attention to the prince. Prince Jing'an has fallen out of favor in front of his majesty because of the matter of Princess Mingyu, and Li Fengxian has been reduced from military power. How can she not be anxious? The most poisonous thing is a woman's heart. I didn't expect that she would Would he set up such a vicious plot to frame the prince

! "Su Xiangru became more and more hateful as he spoke, and there was cruelty in his eyes. His political career was originally bright and open, but unexpected changes were caused by the queen. How could he be willing to accept it

Seeing the deep resentment towards the queen in his words, Su Li suddenly felt a little sure in her heart. She immediately prostrated herself and said frankly: "My father is wise. Su Su came here today just to ask my father to help my daughter." A favor."

Su Xiangru was startled, and hurriedly helped her up, saying angrily: "You are my father's daughter, a family, why do you say such unreasonable words! If you have something to say, it's okay to say it." He looked like a loving father, and said His voice was sincere, but he didn't seem to be lying at all.

Su Li said sternly: "My daughter wants to ask her father to help open the secret prison joints and go see the prince."

Su Xiangru was stunned for a moment and said nothing. He looked embarrassed and sat down slowly on the chair. He brushed his long beard under his chin again and again, as if he was thinking about something. After a long while, he said: "The secret cell is where I face the torture chamber, and the guards are there." It's so tight that it's not that easy to get in. Why would Susu go to that prison? If discovered, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Father!" Su Li thought thoughtfully: "Now I am the appointed Princess Zhenning. Although we have not had a wedding ceremony, our Su family and Prince Zhenning have long been inseparable from each other. This time the prince is framed, if we can help him After getting out of trouble, my father's status will never be the same in the future. King Zhenning is good at planning, and my daughter feels that he must have a plan for this matter. If you can go in and see him, it will be of great help in overturning the case!"

Su Xiangru's expression changed, he thought for a while and said, "Su Su is thoughtful. In this case, it's up to me to find a solution as a father."

Su Li felt relieved and quickly said, "My daughter, thank you father."

Su Xiangru sighed: "As my father, I have worked with the prince for many years in the same dynasty. We have supported each other and have shared weal and woe. Now that someone else is in trouble, how can I just sit back and ignore it? After all, he is also the future husband of my good daughter."

Su Li smiled slightly, what she said was really nice. No matter whether he was true to her or fake, as long as he could let her enter the secret cell smoothly, that would be it.

Su Xiangru gave her a few more careful words, and Su Li said goodbye and left, returning to the house to wait for the news with peace of mind.

Su Xiangru's influence in the court should not be underestimated, and he was extremely efficient in doing things. As a first-class civil servant, he also had people in the secret cells within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Punishment. In just two days, everything had been destroyed. properly


This highest-level prison in the Sheng Kingdom is not very big, and has strict external checkpoints. Once it passes the first checkpoint, the cell at the core of the prison is not heavily guarded, because no one wants to come in at all.

Before entering, she had carefully examined the topographic map of the secret cell. The entire cell was in the shape of a zigzag, and the cells holding prisoners were located in the last row, with a total of five cells. Due to the extremely severe punishment laws of the Sheng Kingdom, the rooms on both sides of the secret cell were torture chambers. Each room was filled with different torture instruments. Each one was extremely cruel and harsh, and could torture a person until he was in pain. Basically, a secret prison is a place that combines all kinds of torture.

At this time, there was only one suspect in the secret cell, Zhenning Wang Dongfangze.

Since the founding of the Sheng Dynasty, very few people have been thrown into secret prisons. There were only two cases in which the emperor issued an edict, one was Dongfangze, and the other was Yu Linglong, the regent's concubine who was willing to die to prove her ambition in order to resist being tortured.

Based on the detailed information provided by Su Xiangru, Xiang Li carefully observed the people who came in and out of the secret cell every day. He was proficient in the art of disguise and disguised himself and Su Li as servants who delivered meals to the cell every day. Successfully entered the secret prison door.

Wan Xin was worried about Su Li's safety, and originally wanted to go together. However, after discussing with everyone, Su Li decided to only take Xiang Li into the secret prison. Firstly, having too many people is a bad thing. Secondly, Xiang Li is good at dancing with long sleeves and is very good at disguise and Qinggong. If an accident happens, he can respond in time and take precautions.

When Su Li followed Xiang Li, went through many checkpoints to verify her identity, and stepped into the secret cell door with a food box, a burst of ice-like cold air flowed down her collar and into her clothes, and she couldn't help but cry. He had a cold war, seemingly hanging his head in silence, but a pair of bright eyes had already quickly scanned the situation here.

Entering the door is the guard room located at the core of the map. This room has four doors that can lead directly to the surroundings of the cell.

"Old Qin is here? What can we eat today?" A jailer asked loudly when he saw Xiang Li coming.

With a smile on his face, Xiang Li quickly opened the food box, showed the dishes and said: "Braised pork! How about it? I specially asked the kitchen to make a lot of it. It's freezing today, and it's cold in the prison. I can't drink wine. Brothers, just eat as much meat as you can to keep warm!"

The person he pretended to be, Lao Qin, was the manager responsible for the prison's kitchen. According to the rules of the prison cell, he had to bring a servant into the prison to deliver meals every day, so Lao Qin was quite familiar with all the jailers. Fortunately, Xiang Li is well versed in this. Regardless of the facial expressions, movements, or speech and behavior of the imitated Lao Qin, they are almost 90% similar, and no one can tell through it.


As soon as the food box was opened, the alluring aroma of meat immediately emitted. In the low temperature air, it made people salivate, and the gluttons in the belly were ready to eat.

Several jailers were delighted when they saw it. Their hands and feet were cold even under the brazier in this damn place. They couldn't wait to step forward and take out the meat. They all grabbed a piece and stuffed it into their mouths, shouting that it was delicious.

A hint of strangeness flashed across Xiang Li's lips, and he hurriedly ordered Su Li to put the food in the food box, and then asked with a smile: "You guys eat slowly, which brother is following me today?" Come on!"

At this moment, several jailers were focused on the meal. They pushed each other around for a long time. Finally, a man named Lao Hu was pushed out. He was very unhappy and took Su Li to deliver the meal to Dongfangze, cursing all the way.

As he walked deeper into the cell, Su Li realized deeply that the reason why the secret prison was called a secret prison was because of the word "secret". The cell, which has not been exposed to sunlight all year round, has a permeating coldness and gloominess from the inside to the outside. The candles lighting up the walls on both sides of the cell emit a little bit of warmth, which cannot offset the ice-like low temperature and quickly dissipates. In the cold air.

If a person does not have a firm willpower and stays here without seeing the light of day for a few days, he will go crazy even if he does not die.

Su Li had only been in for a while, and she already felt that the skin exposed outside her clothes was cold to the bone. The temperature here was really not inferior to the severe cold of Sanjiu. She couldn't help but feel an inexplicable pain in her heart. Even though Dongfang Ze had strong martial arts and deep internal strength, If you stay here for a long time, your body may be damaged! How could the emperor not know about the harsh environment in the secret prison? Once they fall out, they can be so callous and ruthless! In the eyes of the world, the two princes are loved by everyone, but behind the infinite scenery, how much unknown sadness is contained

In front of a dark iron door at the end of the corridor, the jailer stopped and took out the key. Su Li still bowed her head respectfully, but her heartbeat speeded up unconsciously. With a "clang", the door opened.

In the dark cell, there was a stone table and bed, and a brazier in the corner for heating. The charcoal fire inside was almost extinguished, and there was nothing else. The oil lamp on the stone table swayed a few times due to the cold wind caused by the sudden opening of the door, and almost went out.

The man in black robe and golden crown, with his back against the mottled and cold wall, was sitting quietly on the stone bed, seeming to be concentrating with his eyes closed. The dim light shone on him, and his once handsome and stunning face now looked even colder. Hearing the knock on the door, he didn't react at all and remained motionless, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

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