The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 119: Never look back


Walking quickly through the long palace alley, she almost bumped into someone at the corner. Both of them were startled and involuntarily took a few steps back. Su Li took a closer look and saw that it was several father-in-laws from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were carrying a The body covered with white cloth walked out of the palace. Under this collision, the people carrying the body became unsteady and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The cold wind blew by, lifting half of the white cloth covering the corpse, and saw a woman dressed in palace clothes, her whole body covered with bright red blood, which was shocking to see. She clenched her hands so tightly in her sleeves that her joints bulged. It was blue and white, as if he was trying his best to protect the thing in his palm, and the delicate embroidered shoes on his feet were soaked in blood and turned into a dazzling dark red.

Su Li couldn't help but feel chills in her heart. However, in just a short time, another palace maid was killed by the Queen's stick. How many young women as delicate and beautiful as flowers had innocently ruined their youth in this deep palace.


When the leader saw that it was her, he quickly explained: "Damn this slave. I was in a hurry and almost bumped into Princess Mingxi. Please forgive me."

It is not uncommon for maids and eunuchs to be executed for making mistakes in the palace. According to the rules of the Sheng Kingdom Palace, corpses are not allowed to stay in the palace overnight. Only people from the Criminal Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can send the corpses to the palace. Mass graves outside the palace were buried on the spot.

Su Li nodded, "It's okay, you can go ahead."

The man quickly greeted a few more people and left quickly.

Su Li took a few steps, but found that Yu Rong had not followed. When she turned around, Yu Rong stood motionless, her face pale, and her teeth kept chattering.

She became suspicious and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Rong stared at her blankly, tears streaming down her face. After a while, she trembled and said, "No, it's nothing..."

Su Li suddenly became suspicious. The palace maid must have seen something to make her so scared! He asked calmly: "Then what are you shaking about? This is not the first time that the Queen has punished a palace servant who made a mistake!"

Yu Rong immediately lowered her head: "Yes... I just... I just think those shoes and the embroidery pattern are very special... I'm not afraid..." She spoke incoherently, looking completely panicked.

Su Li couldn't help but be stunned. Her heartbeat stopped unconsciously for a moment. Shoes, special? She recognized the dead palace maid!

Yu Rong came forward and said urgently: "Princess Princess, leave quickly, the Queen is still waiting."

Su Li looked thoughtfully at the eunuchs who were walking quickly towards the distance. The palace maid who died just now seemed to be holding something in her hands! This is really strange. Why was she still holding on to something unrelated when she was being tortured with a cane

My intuition tells me that there must be something weird in this! At this time, the few people carrying Juan'er's body turned around and the figure had disappeared into the long palace alley. Su Li's eyes flashed, his wrist flicked, and he was about to quietly send out a secret whistle to contact Shenmen, when he saw Wan Xing The figure flashed and walked in quickly from the gate of Changchun Palace.

"Miss!" I didn't expect to bump into Su Li here. Her anxious look relaxed slightly, and she stopped talking when she saw Yu Rong beside her.


Su Li said softly: "Yurong, wipe away your tears and send the tea to the Queen first."

Her tone was kind, Yu Rong calmed down a little, nodded in agreement, wiped away her tears and left in a hurry.

Before Wan Xin could say anything, Su Li asked in a deep voice, "Has the result of the trial been decided?"

"Miss, that's exactly what you expected! Tian Yong has confessed that it was King Zhenning who ordered him to pay for the murder. What should we do now? Does Juan'er have any clues here?"

Su Li's eyes turned cold: "I'm afraid the person has been silenced."

"Dead?!" Wan Xin was startled and immediately lowered his voice and said, "What should we do now?"

Su Li quickly interrupted her and said in a deep voice: "To save my heart, there is a red mole in the center of Juan'er's left eyebrow. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has just carried away a corpse. You should leave the palace immediately, follow the person who brought the corpse, and summon Xiang Get away from them, check whether the body is Juan'er, and if so, find a way to bring it back to the princess' mansion!"


"You must be careful, don't make any mistakes." Su Li said solemnly.

With a heart-warming look on his face, he understood that this matter was not a trivial matter, so he said no more and left in a hurry.

Su Li quickly returned to the main hall of Changchun Palace. The place was quiet as usual, as if nothing happened.

In the Changchun Palace, Su Li quickly glanced at the Queen. She looked pleased with herself at the moment, with a satisfied smile on her lips. She suddenly understood what she was thinking, and it confirmed what she was thinking. She must have gotten the news that Tian Yong had confessed before she killed Jun'er with a cane!

Su Li entered the palace to say hello. Dongfang Zhuo's face paused for a moment. Without waiting for the queen to speak, he quickly stood up and left, "Mother, it's getting late. I and Ming Xi will leave first." There was a hint of urgency in his tone, as if he was addressing the queen. What does it remind you

The queen looked at him, her expression darkening slightly. Although she felt unhappy, she finally nodded lightly and said, "Go ahead."

The two of them knelt down and left the palace. On the way back to the house, Dongfang Zhuo sat next to Su Li, his brows furrowed, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes. He looked at Su Li and hesitated several times, but never said anything.

Su Li lowered her eyes and said nothing, her hesitant and uneasy expression clearly visible from the corner of her eye.

. She knew he wanted to mention Dongfang Ze. How Dongfang Zhuo felt about her, her heart was as clear as a mirror, but she was still indifferent.

The excitement and anticipation before the wedding had long since turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace due to the sudden change. Now the only thing on her mind is how Dongfang Ze can successfully escape guilt.

They were silent like this. When they arrived at the Princess's Mansion, Su Li got out of the car and was about to step up the stone steps.

"Li'er..." Dongfang Zhuo stepped forward to open the curtain, hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered softly, "The weather has changed. You... pay more attention to your body."

Su Li did not look back. She understood the meaning of this sentence. Slightly tilting her head, the lantern hanging high in front of the house reflected a warm orange light, which shone on half of her beautiful face in a trance. It was blurred and dreamy, with an unreal beauty. Dongfang Zhuo was stunned for a moment. .

Su Li smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking the trouble." After saying that, she walked into the door step by step.

It has been thirty-three hours, and Huanxin has not come back yet. Mo Xiang served Su Li a meal. She had something on her mind and couldn't eat, so she ate some of it casually and asked Mo Xiang to leave. She sat back on the chair and thought. With the skills of the four people, it shouldn't be difficult to replace Jun'er's body from the mass grave. Why hasn't she returned yet? Time is getting tighter and tighter. If the clues cannot be found tonight and Tian Yong's lobbying is successful, then tomorrow the emperor will decree that Dongfang Ze will be guilty and things will only become more difficult.

Suddenly there was a slight muffled sound in the garden, as if something fell to the ground. Immediately, the door of the room was pushed open, and a person was tightly held under his arm and dragged into the room. The person was covered tightly from head to toe by a large cloak. The door is closed.

Wan Xin looked solemn and nodded to Su Li.

Su Li understood and ordered Mo Xiang in a deep voice: "Guard the gate of the courtyard. If anyone comes, tell me that I am not feeling well. I have already taken a rest and will not see any guests."

Mo Xiang responded quickly: "Yes, Miss."

Entering the inner room and opening the secret passage mechanism, Su Li and Wan Xin hurried in and summoned Sheng Qin according to the pre-agreed code.

In the dark tunnel, the body of the palace maid lay quietly on the ground, her eyes wide open, full of despair and resentment. Her pretty face was now blue and purple, but the red mole between her left eyebrows was still eye-catching. The blood-stained dress was stained with mud and looked even more messy. In her hand, she still held the small wooden doll tightly.


Su Li's heart moved and she knelt down to take a closer look.

"Things that seem ordinary often contain unexpected things." For some reason, the words Dongfang Ze once said to her at Wangyue Lake suddenly came to mind and strengthened her intuition.

Their fingers were intertwined and they were clenching tightly. The cold body made the knuckles even stiffer. It took a lot of effort for Su Li and Wan Xin to open Juan'er's fingers and take out the doll.

It was a very ordinary doll. It didn't look much different from the ones sold in the street market. It had a round body, a big grinning mouth, and a naive attitude. It was filled with a happy smile, but it was stained with dark red blood. Somewhat inexplicably terrifying.

She sighed and said: "I checked carefully and found that she is more than four months pregnant. This doll must be given to the unborn child."

I see! Su Li was also slightly shocked. She had doubts before. If Tian Yong only wanted to let Juan'er out of the palace to be with him, this reason was not enough for him to take such a big risk. Just because he committed a capital crime, even if he was given a lighter sentence. Even if you lose your temper, you can't escape jail.

But if Juan'er had his child, that would be a different story. If the palace maid is pregnant out of wedlock, she will be killed with a stick if found out, killing one body and two lives. No wonder he would ignore his own life and agree to the desperate risk of the queen. However, Tian Yong would never have imagined that Juan'er would be killed by the queen on the order of a stick just after he had just testified against Dongfang Ze. His beloved wife and unborn child, who he had longed for, would both be one step ahead of him and die!

Su Li looked at the doll in her hand thoughtfully, refusing to let go of anything. Suddenly, her eyes flashed and she focused on the bellyband of the doll's abdomen. The word "Fu" was engraved there, and the carvings were embossed. When she touched it carefully, it seemed to be more beautiful than other places. Loosely, like a small door.

Her heart moved, and she quickly touched the doll up and down carefully, but couldn't find the mechanical switch. Wan Xin also searched carefully, but found no clues.

At this moment, Sheng Qin arrived in a hurry and was shocked when he saw Juan'er's body.

Su Li immediately said in a deep voice: "Juan'er has been silenced by the Queen. She will definitely not let Tian Yong go."

"Don't worry, Princess. Our people are keeping an eye on Tian Yong. Nothing will happen."

"Well, without further ado, you immediately take Juan'er's body to find Tian Yong. I'm afraid only he can open the secrets of this doll.

! "

Success or failure depends on this. Tomorrow, there will be a more difficult battle!

That night, Su Li was restless and had an extremely uneasy sleep. In the second half of the night, a northwest wind suddenly blew, howling like it was going to swallow up everything in the world. The sound of the wind disturbed the dream, and for a moment, the situation seemed to be back to the night before Li Su reversed his case. Although she and Dongfangze had already deployed a very detailed plan for what was about to happen, only they themselves knew the dangers. A slight mistake could lead to death.

Even so, she and him have already tied their lives together, and they cannot look back or look back.

In the early morning, the wind died down. Opening the window, the dry and cold air rushed towards her face. Su Li took a deep breath, calmed down, and ordered her servants to prepare a carriage and go straight to the palace.

In Changchun Palace, the queen was having breakfast. When she saw Su Li, she was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect that she would come to the palace so soon to reply.

"Princess Mingxi, can you please have dinner?" the queen asked calmly.

"No." Su Li said softly: "Ming Xi has not fallen asleep, and I thought carefully about what the queen said, and I was deeply touched. Therefore, I came to the palace to pay homage to the queen at dawn."

The queen lowered her eyes and continued to eat, unable to hide the contemptuous smile on her lips. The situation is clear now, and everyone can guess what Dongfangze will end up with today. In the face of the cruel reality, a noble and conceited woman like Su Li had no choice but to surrender to herself after considering the situation! At this moment, she could hardly help but lead Su Li to stand in front of Dongfang Ze and loudly announce this fact to him! That scene will definitely be very interesting!

Huh, isn't he conceited that he can control everything? After a change of thought, the queen frowned slightly, this woman is too smart! If Zhuoer hadn't been obsessed with her, he wouldn't have been able to keep her! In the days to come, I’m afraid I’ll have to train him carefully.

The queen raised her hand slightly, indicating that she would be given a seat. Su Li sat quietly, answering all questions with a respectful attitude. The queen's pride that she showed from time to time was not concealed at all.

Su Li sneered secretly in her heart, Gu Yuantong, the more proud you are, the more you will let down your guard. Suddenly, a father-in-law came outside the door to deliver the emperor's oral instructions, announcing that the queen would go to the palace.

The queen was slightly startled, with a hint of ominous omen in her heart, and she couldn't help but glance at Su Li.

Su Li immediately said: "The Emperor's Empress, then... Ming Xi will leave first."

"No need

. The queen narrowed her eyes slightly, stood up decisively, and sneered: "You go with me." Take a good look at what will happen to Dongfangze! "

Su Li lowered her eyes and said nothing, as if unaware, she followed the queen without saying a word and hurried towards the Golden Palace.

Faced with the emperor's sudden summons, the queen quickly calmed down. She raised her head slightly, looked calm, and walked calmly. Under the emperor's sharp gaze, she slowly stepped into the palace without any trace of panic.

Before Su Li stepped into the palace gate, she had already seen Dongfang Ze's tall figure standing in the hall, as majestic as a mountain. He was still wearing black robes. Beside him, kneeling upright was a man in prison uniform with shackled feet. He must be Na Tian Yong.

For a moment, apart from the gentle footsteps in the hall, there was almost no sound of breathing.

The emperor had no expression on his face and his eyes were dark as he looked coldly at the queen who walked under the throne.

Su Li stood still and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Dongfang Ze. His eyes were firm and steady, with a strong self-confidence that would never be defeated. The two of them stared at each other quietly for a moment, Dongfang Ze's lips curled up slightly, and there was a hint of warmth in his originally cold and emotionless eyes.

There was a soft movement in her heart, and she suddenly felt very lucky. Between him and her, many times there was no need for words to express their inner emotions. It only took one glance to understand what the other person was thinking.

"I wonder why your Majesty summoned your concubine here?" the queen said calmly.

Hearing her voice, there was a sudden sound of rattling iron chains. Su Li turned around and saw that it was Tian Yong. His eyes were as red as blood, emitting a frightening light, and he glared at the queen angrily. He wanted to cut her into pieces.

The emperor said coldly: "War general."

General Zhan Wuji, one of the three presiding judges, stepped forward and said seriously: "Empress, Tian Yong, the mastermind of the assassination case, suddenly changed his confession last night, saying that the mastermind behind the scenes was not King Zhenning, but Someone else."

"Oh? Is there someone else? Who is so bold as to assassinate me?" the queen immediately asked loudly.

Zhan Wuji was silent for a moment, "Tian Yong identified the person behind the scenes as... your Majesty."

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